Morbid fascination....

subota , 10.03.2007.

Blood....blood everywhere...
Dripping from my claws....staining my robes.....smeared across my cheek....
I move a stray strand of hair out of my face...a drop of the everpresent substance falls on my lips...
Licking it off,I savour its metalic...tangy taste...

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I can still hear the agonizing screams of brutal torture ringing in my ears...A small chuckle rises to my throat murdering the eerie silence that crawled inside the room...A sadistic smirk find its way to my lips as I bring my eyes up to relish in the gruesome sight...

She lay in the corner,half-nailed to the wall behind her,her limbs severely broken and twisted in the wrong angles...Her empty eye-sockets glared at me whilst at the same time still pouring rivers of the
crimson sweetness..."Like tears of regret...." , I muse to myself...
Her mouth hanged open,half in shock,half due to the crushed jaw hand twitches in memory..

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Her nails were plucked out...chunks of meat scattered around her forsaken corpse...
The large gash across her stomach spilled her guts smirk grows larger...
Numerous cuts and burnt marks addorned every inch of her exposed flesh....I take another smoke of my cigarette,frowning slightly...."Maybe its just not enough....", I think brokenly...

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Her butchered corpse was silent,staring at me accusingly....willing me to feel grief.....sadness....remorse....fear...
My smirk returns again....
Nothing can compare with this thrill,pure joy and peace coursing through my veins...
...morbid fascination of her death....
Wrinkling my nose in disdain,the mixture of the mouldy scent of her decay and the poured benzine assault my nose...

I turn around,heading into the fresh night...flickering my cigarette at the headless unmarked...
Her body erupts in flames as I ignore a loud scream piercing the stillness of the night...
My eyes glinting,turning complitely away from the charcoal-turned flesh....

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In search for my new kill...preying upon the reason to live....

..Because who knows what The Devil might bring..?

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