...Cut my life into pieces,this is my Last Resort...

četvrtak , 06.07.2006.

Prvi stih pjesme od Papa Roach-a više odgovara za moj raniji post….al….I don´t give a fuck….Turobno i depresivno raspoloženje se nastavlja…woohoo…namcor
I dok pišem ovaj post uz zvukove Disturbed,KoRn i Papa Roach-a,misli me vuku na Trg….točnije ispod Konja….rolleyes
Danas ću biti tamo…sa svojim freakušama…*sighz*
Izgleda da me moja sposobnost pisanja ostavila…ili je depresija tolika da me onemogućava da osjećaje pretočim u riječi…stoga umjesto mog napornog naklapanja,evo vam jedna moja pjesma...
Budite pozdravljeni smokin

...Watashi no kyuketsuki....

Lurking from the shadows,
Engulfed in darkness.
The smell of death and the echoing screams
Followed your every step.

A spark of blackened spite
Flickered near my heart and then I knew,
Just knew where I belong.
In the arms of a killer,
Whose hands are stained with innocent blood.

Joined by shadows,
I welcomed the change.
And entered willingly the tainted sheets of death itself.
But faith´s demanding hands always get what they want.
And I was left alone,like a broken doll(like a broken doll)

Sorrow,grief,anger and hate
Consumed my now obscure soul.
The loving promise,now just a fleeting whisper
Caressed the coldness of my tearstained cheeks.

But I did not wither,I did not fail.
The ones responsable saw death with their own eyes.
And took their carved and rotten flesh to the other world.

Joined by shadows,
I welcomed the change.
And entered willingly the tainted sheets of death itself.
But faith´s demanding hands always get what they want.
And I was left alone,like a broken doll(like a broken doll)

As the moon set,so did my life.
And I found my darkness again.
Forever bound,forever together,
Our souls joined the hell.

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