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Magplu Airsoft Gun 3 This is my airsoft gun. G&P Magpul Metal Body, Skeleton Sopmod stock, Magpul PTS MIAD grip, Madbull JP Rifle kit with extra rails, Magpul Ladder and XTM rail covers, 3x9x40 Thompson Center Arms illuminated crosshair scope, and 75 rnd Magpul Pmags MP5 RAS FuLL MetaL Airsoft Gun myNext Airsoft Gun, MP5 RAS FuLL MetaL Body Related topics: airsoft snipers with scope airsoft fps jg mp5 sd6 airsoft rifle aeg gun mp44 airsoft aeg hardball airsoft shotgun cheap airsoft 50 cal g36c airsoftgun m16 carbine airsoft gun cheap sniper airsoft gun |
Auto M14 Airsoft : Airsoft Gilly : P99 Co2 Airsoft. Auto M14 Airsoft
RB Auto Graflex Camera - Delta Reflex Camera - Eastman House The camera on the left is the RB Auto Graflex (owned by Alfred Stieglitz) Folmer & Schwing, Division of Eastman Kodak Co, Rochester, NY --ca. 1907, a gift of Georgia OKeeffe. American photographer Alfred Stieglitz used this camera, and although the Folmer & Schwing Auto Graflex 4 x 5-inch camera may not have been a joy to behold, he found its versatility quite useful. There was no polished wood, shiny brass, or luxurious Russia leather on this single-lens reflex field piece but Stieglitz said, he needed a work horse not a showhorse. The Auto Graflex with the Goerz Celor 8 1/2-inch f/5 lens and reliable focal-plane shutter had enough flexability to grab images of fast action or capture the splendor of the Manhattan skyine as well as enduring the rigors of hard travel which was exactly what Stieglitz needed in a camera. On the right is the Delta Reflex (owned by Alvin Langdon Coburn)-- J. F. Shew & C., London, England--ca. 1910, Bequest of Alvin Langdon Coburn. In the 1900s the single-lens reflex hand camera became popular with serious photographers and remained so in the decades to come. Most were similar to the Delta Reflex 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 inch revolving back model made by J. F. Shew of London in 1909. A tall leather viewing hood unfolded for sighting the image from the lens, reflected by an angled mirror onto a ground glass screen. This permitted the photographer to adjust the rack-and-pinion focus for the sharpest possible image. Howerver, pictorialists like Alvin Langdon Coburn whose camera is displayed here wanted a somewhat diffused image for the entire depth and used "soft-focus" lenses like those made by Pinkham & Smith of Boston. Coburn used P & S Semi-Achromatic lenses to make his artistic portraits and landscape scenes. Both of these cameras are part of the Technology Collection in the International Museum of Photography & Fim at the George Eastman House and Gardens, 900 East Ave in Rochester, NY. Auto stock Auto stock Related topics: airsoft guns p90 g3a3 airsoft gun airsoft shop airsoft glock for sale minigun airsoft gun desert eagle 44 magnum airsoft gun armor for airsoft electric machine airsoft guns custom m14 airsoft airsoft barato |
Airsoft M4 Assault : Winchester Airsoft Guns : K98 Airsoft Gun. Airsoft M4 Assault
M4 night ops setup My Airsoft setup for Urban Assault tomorrow night Damp Urban Assault Me before last weeks Urban Assault. Related topics: hfc p99 silver spring pistol airsoft gun airsoft jg steyr aug how to make a airsoft grenades airsoft smoke bombs mine airsoft airsoft 50 cal barret 500 fps airsoft snipers palco firepower thunder airsoft airsoft team logo well xm8 aeg airsoft electric gun |
MG42 MG42 "machine gun" mounted in SdKfz 251D halftrack. Note oxygen and acetylene hoses attached for bang-making. 100_3572 MG42 MG42 proto. Related topics: amphibian airsoft tank spring airsoft handguns where to buy airsoft green gas 50 cal sniper airsoft guns electric machine airsoft guns utg type 96 black airsoft sniper rifle with scope m134 airsoft minigun |
De m56c tri shot cqb s airsoft shotgun - Echo 1 ak 47 cpw aeg airsoft rifle - Shadow ops airsoft De M56c Tri Shot Cqb S Airsoft Shotgun
SzT-88 Tactical Shotgun Reworked the shotgun's front to better suit my tastes. Also added rails and sights. The point I'm trying to get across for Imperial weaponry is that it's modular in nature, allowing soldiers to personally customise their weapons based on their own preferences or as the situation demands. Adaptability is the key strength of the Imperial forces. Shotgun Cartridges, Ammunition, Clever Primetake Shotgun Cartridges, Signal Pistol Bird Scaring Cartridges, 12 Gauge ammunition, Clever Primetake, Edinburgh Photographer photographs by John Gilchrist Photography Scotland a photographers view Related topics: semi automatic airsoft shotgun biodegradable airsoft bullets airsoft grenade launchers for sale airsoft sniper rifl m9 aep airsoft type 96 airsoft rifle shadow ops airsoft gun pump action shotgun airsoft rc airsoft tank ak 47 airsoft grenade launcher ak svd ak47 airsoft sniper rifle aeg |
Dpms a 15 airsoft. Cheap g36c airsoft guns. Airsoft unlimited. Dpms A 15 Airsoft
Top 15 Fui convidada a mostrar os meus 15 esmaltes preferidos pela fofíssima Romas2. Foi difícil selecionar, mas consegui, aqui vai: 1- Metro Chic - Sephora by OPI: esse esmalte é muito especial. Dos cinzas que tenho, é o mais lindo. É uma mistura de roxo, cinza e marrom. Em cada luz fica diferente. Esse eu acho que fica bonito na maioria dos tons de pele. 2- Recycle - China Glaze: Cinza médio puríssimo. Lindo, perfeito para quem quer um cinza verdadeiro. 3- Turquoise - Barry M: Eu sou louca por esse esmalte, já repeti várias vezes. A cor é forte, vibrante, lindo! 4- 204 - Hits Speciallitŕ: Mais cinza! Esse é bem clarinho, translúcido, mas fica totalmente opaco com 3 camadas. É suave e diferente ao mesmo tempo. 5 - Prince Charming - Orly: Eu amo esses marrons acinzentados. Já tinha usado o You Don´t Know Jacques! Mas năo tinha gostado muito na minha pele, ficava parecendo cor de sujeira. Esse năo, foi perfeito, ele tem mais marrom, mas tbm é acinzentado na medida certa. 6- Framboesa - Colorama: Vermelho escuro jelly. Fica super brilhante, tom que combina super bem com a minha pele. É aquele vermelho vinho clássico. Um dos meus esmaltes mais usados, principalmente nos pés. AMO! 7 - Mint Green - Barry M: Meu mentinha. Bem suave, muito fofo. E o que é melhor: barato! 8- Tennis Anyone?- Orly : Acho que todo mundo precisa de um branquinho. Eu uso muitos nos pés e nas unhas da măo quando quero dar um tempo nas cores. Esse é ótimo porque năo mancha nada. E o vidrăo é ótimo para uma cor que vai ser tăo usada. 9 - Maçă do Amor - Risquč: Outro vermelho lindo! Ele é cintilante, mas năo é brega. Fica lindo sozinho, por cima de outras cores (vinho, preto, marrom), ou por baixo de vermelhos transparentes (Rebu, etc). 10 - Rehab - Lippmann: Tenho fixaçăo nesse esmalte. É azul navy, jelly, mega ralinho. Pois é, isso é estranho. Mas conforme vocę vai adicionando as camadas ( pode chegar até umas 5), a cor vai ficando profunda. É como olhar num mar num dia de tempestade. Muito especial. Já tentei fazer misturinha, mas como năo sou boa nisso, ficou um horror, acabei comprando... 11- Morango Silvestre - Colorama: Esse vermelho mora no meu coraçăo. Ele é perfeito. Esse é o vermelho mais único de toda a coleçăo da Colorama. Já tenho 3 backups, caso a Colorama descontinue. 12- Vacation Time - Sinfulcolors: Nude belíssimo, aplicaçăo maravilhosa e super baratinho. 13 - Pharaoh´s Purple - Nubar: Amo os tons de lilás acinzentados como o Parlez-vous OPI? e o Audrey. Esse foi o que achei e que năo me dá alergia. 14 - Orange Fizz - Chanel: Minha obsessăo por Coral me deixa maluca, continuo comprando eles aos montes. Mas esse é o que eu mais gosto. É a mistura ideal de rosa e laranja. 15 - Bon Bon - Orly: Lavanda acinzentado clarinho, chique demais. É o meu esmalte com melhor aplicaçăo. Bem clarinho, vc pode adicionar quantas camadas quiser que năo fica grosso, e năo mancha nada. Meninas, como vocęs podem ver tem muito cinza nos meus preferidos..hehehe, amo essa cor! Adorei ter feito essa seleçăo e quero muito saber os 15 preferidos de todas. Indico as meninas ao lado e TODAS aquelas que desejarem fazer a brincadeira. beijocas! Meme "Top 15" Fui indicada por: Tahyta Stanley, Dine e Cah, obrigada meninas =) Demorei mas fiz. A louca dos azuis que consegue segurar 15 esmaltes com uma măo, ahuahua =X Năo vou por na ordem de "preferencia" ok? Já foi dificil escolher 15 =X Săo eles: 1- Turquesa - Big Universo 2- Celestial - Big Universo 3- Azul céu - Ludurana 4- Azulejo Portuguęs - Risque 5- Azul Royal - Big Universo 6- Azul Cobalto - Impala 7- Marina - Impala 8- Marinho - Colorama 9- Verde - Priscila 10- Verde Bandeira - Jubby 11- Obsessăo - Risque 12- Glamour - Ludurana 13- Audrey - Impala 14- Noite quente - Colorama 15- Maravilha - Guga Vou indicar algumas meninas, mas acho que todo mundo já fez né? =X =*** Related topics: airsoft wars in california marui famas airsoft tokyo marui ak 47 airsoft f2000 airsoft jg m14a1 with 3x scope airsoft electric rifle metal spring airsoft rifles extreme airsoft wars |
Free Airsoft Gear - Recon Airsoft Team Free Airsoft Gear
"A Free People Ought to be Armed." Decided to use some spare time to work on some single point lighting, the most interesting "prop" I have is my ol' G&G GR16 (Airsoft Model of M4A1). There is some lettering in this photo, on top and bottom, which is supposed to read "A free people ought to be armed"(Some words are purposely cut off), a quote form George Washington. Everyday I find this great country slowly sinking little by little, which is a huge embarrassment. We need to do what we can to make this country what it once was before this economic crisis and before they slowly started snatching our rights as a people. I also added the dead/dying leaves to represent our country sort of "dying" I guess you could say. Once we are back on top, I promise I'll take a photo representing our country's rehabilitation. Please press "L" to view on black =) Gear: Canon EOS 60D Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 L Strobist: Canon 430EXII; Shot through Umbrella ("Behind" subject) gear my gear !!! :-) Not shown: Slik pro 700dx tripod sony point and shoot velbon carbon fibre monopod soon to be added : tokina 11-16 F/2.8 nikon 35mm F/1.8 nikon SB-600 speed light and another yum cha speed light sigma 70-200 F/2.8 sigma 17-70 F/2.8-4.5 Related topics: aug airsoft rifle best blowback airsoft pistol co2 powered airsoft pistols airsoft echo 1 ak 47 hfc airsoft handgun aiming laser sight glock 23 airsoft gun airsoft brands |
teaching how to use the G3 Tokyo Marui SG-1 G3, with bipod, 4x32 sniper scope, M1000 motor w/397 fps, M120 spring airsoft guns TM 2-desert eagle, 44 magnum, MP5-Kurz, SG-1 G3, M4 RIS, MP5-PDW, AUG Steyr Related topics: thompson airsoft guns for sale airsoft full metal pistol airsoft vehicles 8mm airsoft sniper rifles dualtone steel desert eagle bb airsoft guns 50ae rc airsoft tank marushin m1 garand airsoft airsoft m14 ris tactical sniper rifle gun mini airsoft sniper |
Good Aeg Airsoft Guns. Automatic M16 Airsoft. Good Aeg Airsoft Guns
J.Joker's custom weapons - AK-211 Flickr PMG group and Thibaut tribute this is my tribute to the whole flickr PMG group and to one of my best friends: Thibaut, it's not anything special but i think it's okay, there should have been more weapons really, but unfortunately PMG stopped working properly (your SG550s will still have to wait, Joost D': right now i'm trying to do anything possible to make PMG work). P.S. i actually had a dream about this gun, in the dream this gun belonged to a friend of mine, it was an AEG (airsoft electric gun), there also was an AKs-74u with the same magazine, grip, handguard, sights, flash hider and barrel. this and the AKs-74u were on a gun rack full of other AEGs, and this one was the most particular weapon i saw on the gun rack, it has been fun to build. i feel so good here in this group :') credits: worlock for the trigger comment, fave and all dat stuff! :D Custom CAR-15 Colt Commando Airsoft AEG Was originally a WELL MB-R6.Bought it partially broken with a woodland camo point job for $40, had it repainted, gave it a shorter barrel, a better battery (ROF has doubled), replaced the stock, and added a fore-grip. Selling it for $65 (already have a buyer). Related topics: mine airsoft cheap airsoft spring sniper hk mp5n airsoft airsoft war gear airsoft gun dealers bar 10 airsoft airsoft gun depot scar airsoft gun |
P99 electric airsoft gun. Well m16 airsoft gun. Echo 1 saw airsoft gun. P99 Electric Airsoft Gun
Electric Competions theme: Electric Second place for this photo. Electric pole and power lines Electric pole and power lines Related topics: scar airsoft gun full metal airsoft revolvers airsoft guns rifle utg ak 47 spring airsoft rifle tokyo marui airsoft gun airsoft red dot laser metal g3 airsoft gun |
My baby. <3 Echo 1 Licensed Stag Arms Stag-15 Full Metal Airsoft AEG Rifle For over a decade, the M4A1 has been the default rifle for many factions of the United States special forces. An updated version of the venerable M16 service rifle, the M4 is based off its predecessor's proven design. The M4A1 is employed by several U.S. military units, including the U.S. Delta Force, U.S. Navy Seals, and the U.S. Marine Corps. The M4A1 Carbine is especially favored by the counter-terrorist and special forces units for close quarter battle because of the carbine's retractable butt stock that has intermediate stops allowing versatility without compromising shooting capabilities. Thanks to its popularity, the range of options available for the M4 series airsoft guns are endless. Echo 1 introduces a line of full metal officially licensed Stag Arms replica M4 series airsoft rifles. The Stag-15 is a versatile multipurpose carbine and is ideal for those who compete in a variety of different environments. The Stag Arms Stag-15 performs well in urban, woodland, desert and jungle terrain. To further enhance the durability of this airsoft rifle Echo 1 USA has included a full metal body, outer barrel, stock buffer tube and sights. Specifications : Gearbox Type : Tokyo Marui Compatible Version 2 Gearbox Magazine Capacity : 300 rounds (6mm BBs). Use all M4 Series Compatible AEG Mag. Inner Barrel Length : 300mm Motor Type : Long Type Motor Hop Up : Adjustable Fire Mode : Semi / Full Auto / Safety Muzzle Velocity : 350 - 420 fps Effective Range : 100-150 feet Battery Pack Size : Small Type Package Includes : Manual, Hi-cap Magazine, Battery, Charger, Cleaning Rod Features : - Metal Carbine Type Outer Barrel - Stag Arms Licensed Metal Body. - Working Charging Handle - Metal Hi-Cap M4 Magazine - Enhanced Hop Up Unit - 6 Position Retractable LE Stock. - Flip up Metal Front and Rear Sights Sells for 255$ i got mine brand new on ebay for 123$!!!!!! :DDDDDD Related topics: vfc m82a1 airsoft dpms panther carbine airsoft gun colt airsoft m4 world war 2 replica airsoft airsoft replica rifles custom m4 airsoft airsoft sniper rifle upgrade |
Make Your Own Airsoft Vest. Paintball Airsoft Gun. Make Your Own Airsoft Vest
How to Become a Hardcore Airsofter Ive noticed recently that many people have been getting into airsoft which is great! So ive decided to help all you new comers learn how to become a hardcore airsofter, lets begin! 1. Airsoft is an expensive sport so you must have a disposable income or a decent amount of money. 2. Make sure what you are buying and from where. This means read the entire description and what materials it is made from. NEVER buy from an intrusted website. I suggest and because they are a trusted retailer of many brands. 3. Do your reasearch on what you want. You never know a gun may be $400 on one site and on sale for $250 on anotger. 5. Have a surpluse of equipment like mags, bbs, batteries exc. You dont want to be pinned down in a field with no ammo or bbs! 6. Wear appropriate attire. Actual army suits like ACUs and woodland uniforms go great with vest. Not only do you blend into the terrain but you can hold more equipment and they protect against the stings of BBs. Jeans, tshirts and sweatpants are a NO. 7. Have a good mask. None of those wire mesh masks, they can be easily penitrated by a gun over 400 fps. I suggest military grade goggles, mouth cover and a replica kevlar helmet. 8. Work as a team. This isnt like cod where you can do your own thing, you must work as a team with your friends and NEVER draw attention to yourself! 9. ALWAYS have a sidearm. This is important. I will list good sidearms next. But always have a backup gun if your surrounded and reload. I onced witnessed a guy run over a barricade and shoot two guys loke in the opwning credits to Section 8. It was boss. 9. Whatever guns your good with make them your primary class. If your good with running really quietly and have good stealth use a sniper. If your good at running fast and can carry heavy gear than use an assault rifle. Pistols are always good for people with assault rifles. I suggest KWA. Snipers may need a bit of fire power so get a tokyo marui. Thwy have many automatic pistols made for snipers. 10. CARRY WATER. I cant emphisise this enough. All that running can tire a man out so keep hydrated. And no you dont need a fancy hydration pack, squirt bottles work great! 11. Dont go and buy one of those crazy expensive barrets, m60s or miniguns. They are useless, eat all your money and have terrible fps. 12. Have fun and be SAFE! Dont be stupid and run around your neighbor hood with them. People have been arrested in my area for that. 13. Find a good place to play. Many areas now have airsoft arenas or fields to play at. So dont play in a public park. Its illegal in most states. Tactical vest fully adjustable So here's Fox tactical vest. The full vest is removable because it's e-tape, and instead of glueing ammo pouches on it, I use small parts of blue tac. What do you think ? Related topics: crossman airsoft pistol online airsoft retailer semi automatic airsoft shotgun how to make an airsoft smoke grenade classic army m4 airsoft gun worlds most powerful airsoft airsoft utg type 96 black sniper with scope well airsoft p90 m4 a1 airsoft gun |
Ppsh airsoft guns - M82 airsoft sniper - Crosman stinger r34 tactical airsoft rifle clear Ppsh Airsoft Guns
BA Collection as of 8/29/11 U JELLY OF MAH BRICKARMS BEEOYTCH?!!? Fortunately, No BA got cut out! UPDATES: 8/30/11: Green Cricket Bat, Spy carbine, and 1 brown Xeno gone due to trade. 9/4/11: Metallic Flourescent APOC and Camo AC8 gone 9/11/11 Chrome AC8, Purple HCSR, OD Tac Sword, Trans green Energy pistol, Trans green M-23, and 1 silver M4 Gone 9/11/11: Cobalt APOC, Silver combat Shotgun, GM BAR, GM PDW, GM Scalpel Trans DK blue frag, Gray MP-40, and Silver syringe obtained from armytoad 9/12/11 Green HCSR gone 9/14/11 Broken rifle mod gone, and Xmas Camo PSR POSSIBLY gone All I Want For Christmas All I Want is an Ares PPsh, My Dream Airsoft Gun. Related topics: ww2 style airsoft guns 3081a m16 style airsoft rifle airsoft gun stores in ct strong spring airsoft guns airsoft guns hit best airsoft battery m134 airsoft minigun airsoft vs paintball gloves for airsoft airsoft echo 1 ak 47 |
Top rated airsoft guns : Gb ak47 jg ak tactical airsoft rifle aeg : Jls s m8 xm8 spring airsoft rifle review. Top Rated Airsoft Guns
autoturret3rdPlaceCloseup This gun had looked ok on the practice runs, and had a great rate of fire, but had a series of mechanical failures during the actual contest. It also had the most mobie mass of any of the guns, which I think contributed to the somewhat sloppy aim. i think I saw the operator highlighting each target with a handheld red laser pointer during the practice/setup rounds. That was a good idea. The hopper on top was filled with a coiled plastic tube that contained airsoft pellets. I think he had a iSight mounted on the base board, immobile. ... rate mal. Für die Gruppe -rate mal- jeder kann raten was das ist. Related topics: spring airsoft handgun hfc m9 elite comp dual spring airsoft echo 1 p90 airsoft gun echo 1 airsoft shotgun airsoft guns p90 fusil airsoft most expensive airsoft gun |
Walter the Trashcan Dog There are some beautiful leaves in an alley behind our house, so I figured I would get a picture of Walter with them in the background. However, given that Walter is about 6 inches tall, the angles didn't quite work out. So I put him on a trash can, and got the angle I needed. I figured he wouldn't mind, given his infatuation with trash. Thanks for everyone's comments and faves! This is the very first picture of Walter E. Dogsney to make it to Explore - #46 on November 1st, 2008. Walter is very excited! Walter Mondale - 1984 We went to see Walter Mondale at the Grand Avenue Mall...I didn't get a very good view. Related topics: cheap sniper airsoft gun airsoft apparell electric m4 airsoft airsoft wars in california my airsoftgun airsoft barato 3081a m16 style airsoft rifle |
Tsd M14 Airsoft Rifle. Laser For Airsoft Gun Tsd M14 Airsoft Rifle
Arctic Wolf 51mm HP Sniper Rifle The Arctic Wolf 51mm High Powered Sniper Rifle. The Arctic Wolf is cocked by the mechanism on the barrel. The mechanism is cocked by a button on the other side of the gun. It is fed by 12 51mm box magazines. The Arctic Wolf is equipped with a high power scope. The gun can shoot up to 500 to 800 yards. Linear Acceleration Assisted Rifle (LAAR) This rifle uses alot of propellant and a Linear Acceleration device inside the handguard to propel the small projectile up to Mach 8. This is the standard version, with wooden furniture, a ten round magazine, and iron sights. This is also for Arch's Challenge. #19. Related topics: bb gun and airsoft gun big 5 airsoft guns airsoft wars in california hfc m9 elite comp dual spring airsoft airsoft gas blowback rifle m9 electric airsoft pistol make airsoft target airsoft guns and grenades airsoft guns in stores airsoft gun stores in ct |
Utg mil dot airsoft master sniper rifle scope : P90 airsoft tokyo : D boy airsoft guns. Utg Mil Dot Airsoft Master Sniper Rifle Scope
Reach Out and Touch Someone Guns Used predominantly for accurate shooting at the maximum ranges allowed by an airsoft gun, these are the guns I like to use to reach out and touch someone, if you get my drift. The top one, a UTG M324 Master Sniper Rifle with Leapers Mil-Dot Scope, is about forty-one inches long, and quite fun to shoot. More fun to shoot is the other gun in the picture, an Echo 1 M16 DMR. Whereas the top gun is bolt-action, the lower one is both semi and fully automatic; on full-auto, it can spit out more than 800 rounds per minute. Measuring just under forty inches, and with a twenty inch inner barrel, this beast is a good friend of mine. By the way, what you see in the picture is an airsoft gun; a toy if you will. They are in no way real firearms, and when used safely are entirely safe, even when used in a sport like paintball. In fact, that is usually how they are used; they're designed specifically to be able to shoot other human beings yet in no way harm them permanently. In responsible hands, an airsoft gun is no more dangerous than a golf club in yours. Sniper Rifle New photo--first time posting this online. Designed and folded by me about two years ago, April 2007. 9 inches long, folded from a square of green splatter unryu paper (with a healthy addition of methyl-cellulose of course). I don't remember the starting size, but I'm guessing it was 10 inches on a side. Related topics: dpms panther arms airsoft gun real sword airsoft guns mauser pro tactical airsoft sniper best airsoft spring sniper rifle airsoft replica rifles airsoft bb guns for sale youth airsoft teams best airsoft sites |