02.02.2012., četvrtak


All Metal Airsoft Gun : Tokyo Marui Spas 12 Airsoft : Electric Airsoft Gun Review.

All Metal Airsoft Gun

all metal airsoft gun

    airsoft gun
  • Airsoft guns are replica firearms that propel plastic pellets by way of compressed gas or a spring-driven piston.

    all metal
  • consisting completely of metal; "all-metal airplanes"

  • Heavy metal (often referred to simply as metal) is a genre of rock music that developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s, largely in the United Kingdom and the United States.

  • a non-discriminate control setting that accepts detection of all metal objects, including ferrous (i.e. iron-containing) ground minerals.

Juggernaut Suit

Juggernaut Suit

Alright, so here is what's going down, I am creating a Juggernaut suit (MW2 & MW3) for Airsoft and Cosplay reasons. As far as I know, I can make most of the items, only problem is that I need ideas on how to make them. If anyone could think of something that could possibly help, I would appreciate it. And if you could donate to the cause, I would appreciate it even more.

Parts needed (currently)
-T = tan
-A= any color
-Combat vest -T
-MOLLE back plate -T
-Combat boots (black)
-Gloves (knuckle plated) -T
-Fiberglass resin & epoxy -A
-MCH Combat helmet -A
-Mouth guard -A
-Balaclava -Black
-Shoulder and elbow pads -A
-Airsoft goggles
-Hook& eye fasteners
-assorted pieces of tan fabric
-Sheet metal
Thats about all I can think of off the top of my head. This things gonna be heavy as shit lol

Current idea on how to make the collar, if anyone else can think of a better way, let me know :)

1. Acquire foam sheets, heat gun, and liquid fiberglass.
2. Use heat gun to mold and cut the foam into the shape of the outer collar.
3. Layer the foam over the Collar for a second layer.
4. Epoxy the edges of the collar and allow to dry overnight.
5. Sand down the collar
6. create mixture of liquid fiberglass
7. Coat collar in fiberglass resin
8. Allow to dry, re-coat 2-3 times.

Again if anyone can contribute or help me along the way, I would appreciate it so much. Thanks for your time, Updates will be regular.

Gold Colt 1911.

Gold Colt 1911.

Normally I wouldn't do this, but today while me and my olddest brother were shooting eachother in the front yard, like total idiots, and while I was pumping my shot gun for yet another unholy burst, part of the barrel fell out.
We took a look at the weapon to see if it would still function, and sure enough it did. Therefore we took it apart, removed the part of the barrel that was broke. We took the parts and painted them gold leaving us with spy like gun.
Quite a fun little devil.
Before you all ask what the rest of my guns are.
-Pump action shot gun.
-M9 pistol.
-Micro Aug.
And soon to have a:
-Full metal and real wood Ak-47 blowback.

Feel free to add your self if you own a airsoft gun.

all metal airsoft gun

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