02.02.2012., četvrtak


Full Auto Co2 Airsoft : M4 Spring Airsoft

Full Auto Co2 Airsoft

full auto co2 airsoft

    full auto
  • "A mode of fire in which a paintgun fires repeatedly while its trigger is being held back."

  • An automatic firearm is a firearm that fires continuously when the trigger is pulled, rather than firing a single shot per trigger pull.

  • Full Auto is a video game for the Xbox 360 console published by Sega. Originally Developed by Pseudo Interactive for the PC, it is a vehicular combat racing game.

  • Airsoft is primarily a recreational activity with replica firearms that shoot plastic BBs that are often used for personal collection, gaming (similar to paintball), or professional training purposes (military simulations, a.k.a. MilSim, and police training exercises).

  • A modern combat sport in which participants eliminate their opponents by hitting them with spherical non-metallic pellets launched from a compressed-air gun

  • Airsoft refers to a class of replica air powered guns that originated from Japan (although the origins go back to the US in the 70s). The power levels are way below those of traditional airguns, but the guns are 1:1 scale copies of original pistols, rather than original designs.

  • carbon dioxide: a heavy odorless colorless gas formed during respiration and by the decomposition of organic substances; absorbed from the air by plants in photosynthesis

  • Carbon dioxide (chemical formula CO2) is a chemical compound composed of two oxygen atoms covalently bonded to a single carbon atom. It is a gas at standard temperature and pressure and exists in Earth's atmosphere in this state. CO2 is a trace gas comprising 0.039% of the atmosphere.

  • Carbon dioxide. See Appendix B: "Basic Measurement Equipment" and Appendix E: "Typical Indoor Air Pollutants," for more information.

full auto co2 airsoft - Full-Auto Conversion

Full-Auto Conversion Of The SKS Rifle

Full-Auto Conversion Of The SKS Rifle

Learn how to modify the rifle's trigger assembly with simple hand tools, safely test the weapon for proper function and enjoy recreational full-auto fire. All BATF rules apply. This book is for academic study only! 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, softcover, photos, illus., 80 pp.

Learn how to modify the rifle's trigger assembly with simple hand tools, safely test the weapon for proper function and enjoy recreational full-auto fire. All BATF rules apply. This book is for academic study only! 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, softcover, photos, illus., 80 pp.

89% (12)

RW7 ''Skarabt'' Full Auto

RW7 ''Skarabt'' Full Auto

The fully automatic version of Skarabt. Can use its 20 or 30 round magazines. Has a compensator.
Price: 970 American Dollars

MP5 Full Auto Machinegun w/ YHM Suppressor

MP5 Full Auto Machinegun w/ YHM Suppressor

MP5 Full Auto Machinegun w/ YHM Suppressor

full auto co2 airsoft

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