03 veljača 2012


Airsoft Aeg Batteries

airsoft aeg batteries

  • An artillery subunit of guns, men, and vehicles

  • A fortified emplacement for heavy guns

  • (battery) group of guns or missile launchers operated together at one place

  • (battery) a device that produces electricity; may have several primary or secondary cells arranged in parallel or series

  • A container consisting of one or more cells, in which chemical energy is converted into electricity and used as a source of power

  • (a battery) the battery used to heat the filaments of a vacuum tube

  • A modern combat sport in which participants eliminate their opponents by hitting them with spherical non-metallic pellets launched from a compressed-air gun

  • Airsoft is primarily a recreational activity with replica firearms that shoot plastic BBs that are often used for personal collection, gaming (similar to paintball), or professional training purposes (military simulations, a.k.a. MilSim, and police training exercises).

  • Airsoft refers to a class of replica air powered guns that originated from Japan (although the origins go back to the US in the 70s). The power levels are way below those of traditional airguns, but the guns are 1:1 scale copies of original pistols, rather than original designs.

  • Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft (AEG) (literally General Electricity Company) is a German producer of electrical equipment founded in 1883 by Emil Rathenau.

  • (AEGs) Airsoft guns are replica firearms that propel plastic pellets by way of compressed gas or a spring-driven piston.

  • (AEGS) Adult Educational Guidance Service

LiFePo4 12V 1100mAh Twins AEG Power Battery Pack

LiFePo4 12V 1100mAh Twins AEG Power Battery Pack

LiFePo4 12V 1100mAh Twins Airsoft Gun Power Battery Pack

Stock, extended

Stock, extended

Reminds me of a FN FNC a bit

airsoft aeg batteries

See also:

double barreled airsoft shotgun

tokyo marui sopmod m4 airsoft

cheap airsoft spring sniper

utg ak 47 spring airsoft rifle

cheap airsoft electric pistols

metal airsoft 1911

cheap sniper airsoft gun

airsoft aug parts

mauser k98 airsoft



Echo 1 Minigun Airsoft

echo 1 minigun airsoft

  • electronically controlled, extremely rapidly firing machine gun. Most often mounted on aircraft to be used against targets on the ground.

  • The Minigun is a 7.62 mm, multi-barrel machine gun with a high rate of fire (2,000 to 6,000 rounds per minute), employing Gatling-style rotating barrels with an external power source.

  • (Miniguns) are seldom used by military infantry forces due to their propensity to devour ammunition, as it can easily go through more ammunition than an entire squad can carry in a few minutes or less.

  • A modern combat sport in which participants eliminate their opponents by hitting them with spherical non-metallic pellets launched from a compressed-air gun

  • Airsoft is primarily a recreational activity with replica firearms that shoot plastic BBs that are often used for personal collection, gaming (similar to paintball), or professional training purposes (military simulations, a.k.a. MilSim, and police training exercises).

  • Airsoft refers to a class of replica air powered guns that originated from Japan (although the origins go back to the US in the 70s). The power levels are way below those of traditional airguns, but the guns are 1:1 scale copies of original pistols, rather than original designs.

    echo 1
  • Project Echo was NASA's first passive communications satellite experiment. Each spacecraft was designed as a metalized balloon satellite acting as a passive reflector of microwave signals. Communication signals were bounced off of them from one point on Earth to another.

Alien Minigun V2

Alien Minigun V2

an update to my old Alien minigun i think this is a great update



Minigun #2

echo 1 minigun airsoft

See also:

airsoft gear set

dpms panther carbine m4 rifle airsoft

scar airsoft gun

m4 3181 aeg electric airsoft rifle m203 spring grenade

airsoft brands

jt sports desert eagle 50 heavy airsoft

camo airsoft sniper rifles

airsoft m4 shorty

r5 4 mp5a5 electric airsoft rifle

full metal airsoft m14



Utg Airsoft Upgrades

utg airsoft upgrades

  • Raise (something) to a higher standard, in particular improve (equipment or machinery) by adding or replacing components

  • Raise (an employee) to a higher grade or rank

  • (upgrade) software that provides better performance than an earlier version did

  • (upgrade) ascent: an upward slope or grade (as in a road); "the car couldn't make it up the rise"

  • (upgrade) rate higher; raise in value or esteem

  • Airsoft is primarily a recreational activity with replica firearms that shoot plastic BBs that are often used for personal collection, gaming (similar to paintball), or professional training purposes (military simulations, a.k.a. MilSim, and police training exercises).

  • Airsoft refers to a class of replica air powered guns that originated from Japan (although the origins go back to the US in the 70s). The power levels are way below those of traditional airguns, but the guns are 1:1 scale copies of original pistols, rather than original designs.

  • A modern combat sport in which participants eliminate their opponents by hitting them with spherical non-metallic pellets launched from a compressed-air gun

  • Under-The-Gun, the first player to act before the flop.

  • unstructured triangular grid.

  • UTG or Under the Gun is an airsoft brand that is owned by Leapers. Under the name UTG, the company began making airsoft accessories, including gun cases, vests and scopes as well as rebranding lower end Chinese-made guns from WELL, CYMA, AGM, and Double Eagle and packaging them with accessories.

Upgrading Laptop

Upgrading Laptop

Upgrade the laptop to the latest and (some would disagree) greatest Ubuntu.

Upgraded Ac8 Collection

Upgraded Ac8 Collection

Upgraded Ac8 Collection.

utg airsoft upgrades

See also:

airsoft m14 rifle

sniper airsoft gun

utg shadow ops sniper spring airsoft gun

airsoft smoke granades

utg mp5 airsoft gun

the best automatic airsoft gun

crosman airsoft stinger s34p



Airsoft Granad

airsoft granad

  • Airsoft is primarily a recreational activity with replica firearms that shoot plastic BBs that are often used for personal collection, gaming (similar to paintball), or professional training purposes (military simulations, a.k.a. MilSim, and police training exercises).

  • A modern combat sport in which participants eliminate their opponents by hitting them with spherical non-metallic pellets launched from a compressed-air gun

  • Airsoft refers to a class of replica air powered guns that originated from Japan (although the origins go back to the US in the 70s). The power levels are way below those of traditional airguns, but the guns are 1:1 scale copies of original pistols, rather than original designs.

  • rider of unknown bronze dragon, Weyrleader of High Reaches Weyr [MHoP].

IMG 0016

IMG 0016

Grand daughter. Eleven going on twenty five

Granada - Spain

Granada - Spain

The pink dude chilling in the heat

airsoft granad

See also:

dpms panther carbine m4 rifle airsoft

airsoft gun grenades

desert eagle electric airsoft

airsoft guns on sale

golden desert eagle airsoft gun

airsoft ak47 for sale

steel desert eagle bb airsoft guns 50ae

airsoft companies



Airsoft frag grenades : G36k airsoft : Airsoft metal gun

Airsoft Frag Grenades

airsoft frag grenades

    frag grenades
  • (Frag grenade) A hand grenade is an anti-personnel weapon that explodes a short time after release.

  • Airsoft is primarily a recreational activity with replica firearms that shoot plastic BBs that are often used for personal collection, gaming (similar to paintball), or professional training purposes (military simulations, a.k.a. MilSim, and police training exercises).

  • A modern combat sport in which participants eliminate their opponents by hitting them with spherical non-metallic pellets launched from a compressed-air gun

  • Airsoft refers to a class of replica air powered guns that originated from Japan (although the origins go back to the US in the 70s). The power levels are way below those of traditional airguns, but the guns are 1:1 scale copies of original pistols, rather than original designs.




MAR-CIRAS (Phantom)
3x5,56 pouch (Phantom)
MBITR pouch (Flyye)
M60 pouch (G&P)
Frag grenade pouch (Flyye)
9mm pouch (Flyye)
Admin pouch (Flyye)

SABER + VIP + MK124 + TEA ptt (replica)

Small Guns (and Frag Grenades)

Small Guns (and Frag Grenades)

From Fallout 3. Almost everything here is a modified Brickarms weapon. Assault rifle, 10mm pistol and Combat Shotgun inspired by Mclovin.

airsoft frag grenades

See also:

m4 grenade airsoft aeg rifle

aftermath kirenex assault aeg airsoft rifle

airsoft gun with laser

airsoft systema ptw

airsoft aug magazine

glock airsoft blowback

aug a1 airsoft gun


Airsoft Guns Safety Issues. Well Mb05 Awm Aps2 Airsoft Sniper Rifle.

Airsoft Guns Safety Issues

airsoft guns safety issues

    airsoft guns
  • Airsoft guns are replica firearms that propel plastic pellets by way of compressed gas or a spring-driven piston.

  • A condom

  • a safe place; "He ran to safety"

  • Denoting something designed to prevent injury or damage

  • The condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury

  • guard: a device designed to prevent injury or accidents

  • the state of being certain that adverse effects will not be caused by some agent under defined conditions; "insure the safety of the children"; "the reciprocal of safety is risk"

  • (issue) publish: prepare and issue for public distribution or sale; "publish a magazine or newspaper"

  • (issue) circulate or distribute or equip with; "issue a new uniform to the children"; "supply blankets for the beds"

  • Personal problems or difficulties

  • (issue) an important question that is in dispute and must be settled; "the issue could be settled by requiring public education for everyone"; "politicians never discuss the real issues"

  • An important topic or problem for debate or discussion

  • The action of supplying or distributing an item for use, sale, or official purposes

Safety Speed Cut Saw

Safety Speed Cut Saw

Safety Speed Cut Saw
Model # 7400
Serial # 50850
Year: N/A
Electrical: N/A
Size: N/A
Condition: Good Condition
Location: Orange, CA

safety pins

safety pins

safety pins

airsoft guns safety issues

See also:

jg g36c electric airsoft gun

gb g36c electric airsoft

utg mil dot airsoft master sniper rifle scope

homemade airsoft target

airsoft go kart

barrett sniper rifle airsoft gun

airsoft protection vest

bolt action sniper rifles airsoft

airsoft m4 shorty



Airsoft Socom Mk23

airsoft socom mk23

  • Airsoft is primarily a recreational activity with replica firearms that shoot plastic BBs that are often used for personal collection, gaming (similar to paintball), or professional training purposes (military simulations, a.k.a. MilSim, and police training exercises).

  • A modern combat sport in which participants eliminate their opponents by hitting them with spherical non-metallic pellets launched from a compressed-air gun

  • Airsoft refers to a class of replica air powered guns that originated from Japan (although the origins go back to the US in the 70s). The power levels are way below those of traditional airguns, but the guns are 1:1 scale copies of original pistols, rather than original designs.

  • SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs is a series of third-person tactical shooter/Real-time Tactics video games for the PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, and one for the Cell Phone created by Zipper Interactive, with the PlayStation 3 game being created by Slant 6.

  • Special Operations Command

  • The Heckler & Koch MK23 Mod 0 is a handgun consisting of a match grade semi-automatic pistol, a laser aiming module (LAM), and suppressor. It was adopted by the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) for special operations units in the 1990s.



my fav. for a fast handgun game , silent ,strong and works even in winter !

made by Ť0 ň



made by Ť0 ň

airsoft socom mk23

See also:

best battery for airsoft

m60 airsoftgun

walther ppk airsoft

ch3181high capacity magazine 300 rnd airsoft accessory

airsoft lille

best airsoft blowback

airsoft paintball bullets

jing gong g36c airsoft aeg jg g608

bar 10 airsoft


Armament Gr16 Carbine Full Metal Aeg Airsoft Rifle. Palco Firepower Intimidator Airsoft Shotgun. Airsoft Laser.

Armament Gr16 Carbine Full Metal Aeg Airsoft Rifle

armament gr16 carbine full metal aeg airsoft rifle

  • arming: the act of equiping with weapons in preparation for war

  • Military weapons and equipment

  • The process of equipping military forces for war

  • A military force equipped for war

  • weaponry used by military or naval force

  • A body of forces equipped for war; All the cannon and small arms collectively, with their equipments, belonging to a ship or a fortification; Any equipment for resistance

  • A carbine (or) (from Greek ş±Á±ĽŔą˝± "carbine") is a firearm similar to a rifle or musket. Many carbines, especially modern designs, were developed from rifles, being essentially shortened versions of full rifles firing the same ammunition, although often at a lower velocity.

  • A short rifle or musket used by cavalry

  • light automatic rifle

  • A light automatic rifle

  • Carbine (1885-1914), was an outstanding New Zealand Thoroughbred racehorse, who competed in New Zealand and later Australia.

  • Airsoft is primarily a recreational activity with replica firearms that shoot plastic BBs that are often used for personal collection, gaming (similar to paintball), or professional training purposes (military simulations, a.k.a. MilSim, and police training exercises).

  • Airsoft refers to a class of replica air powered guns that originated from Japan (although the origins go back to the US in the 70s). The power levels are way below those of traditional airguns, but the guns are 1:1 scale copies of original pistols, rather than original designs.

  • A modern combat sport in which participants eliminate their opponents by hitting them with spherical non-metallic pellets launched from a compressed-air gun

  • Broken stone for use in making roads

  • metallic: containing or made of or resembling or characteristic of a metal; "a metallic compound"; "metallic luster"; "the strange metallic note of the meadow lark, suggesting the clash of vibrant blades"- Ambrose Bierce

  • A solid material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile, with good electrical and thermal conductivity (e.g., iron, gold, silver, copper, and aluminum, and alloys such as brass and steel)

  • cover with metal

  • metallic element: any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.

  • Gold and silver (as tinctures in blazoning)

  • A gun, esp. one fired from shoulder level, having a long spirally grooved barrel intended to make a bullet spin and thereby have greater accuracy over a long distance

  • plunder: steal goods; take as spoils; "During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners"

  • go through in search of something; search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way; "Who rifled through my desk drawers?"

  • Troops armed with rifles

  • a shoulder firearm with a long barrel and a rifled bore; "he lifted the rifle to his shoulder and fired"

  • Having eaten or drunk to one's limits or satisfaction

  • Containing or holding much or many; having a large number of

  • full moon: the time when the Moon is fully illuminated; "the moon is at the full"

  • Containing or holding as much or as many as possible; having no empty space

  • beat for the purpose of cleaning and thickening; "full the cloth"

  • containing as much or as many as is possible or normal; "a full glass"; "a sky full of stars"; "a full life"; "the auditorium was full to overflowing"

  • (AEGS) Adult Educational Guidance Service

  • Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft (AEG) (literally General Electricity Company) is a German producer of electrical equipment founded in 1883 by Emil Rathenau.

  • (AEGs) Airsoft guns are replica firearms that propel plastic pellets by way of compressed gas or a spring-driven piston.

USAF Armament Museum, Lockheed F-80 cockpit detail

USAF Armament Museum, Lockheed F-80 cockpit detail

Wow, talk about BASIC fligt instruments. This one taken at the USAF Armament Museum near Eglin AFB, Florida.

Shooting Stars first saw combat service in the Korean War, employing both the F-80C variant and RF-80 photo-recon variants. The F-80 flew both air to air and air to ground sorties, claiming several aerial victories against North Korean Yak-9s and Il-10s. The first jet-versus-jet aerial victory in history was scored on 8 November 1950 when Lieutenant Russell J. Brown, flying an F-80, shot down a MiG-15.[6] [N 3]. Despite the initial claim of success, the speed of the straight-wing F-80s were inferior in performance to the 668 mph MiGs which incorporated German research on swept wings which delayed the onset of compressibility problems that enabled speeds much closer to the speed of sound. The F-80s were soon replaced in the air superiority role by the North American F-86 Sabre which had been delayed to also incorporate swept wings into an improved straight-winged naval FJ-1 Fury. However F-80 pilots still destroyed a total of 6 Mig-15s in aerial combat. When sufficient Sabres were in operation, the Shooting Star flew exclusively ground attack missions, and advanced flight training duties and air defense in Japan. By the end of hostilities, the only F-80s still flying in Korea were photo-reconnaissance variants.

F-80Cs equipped 10 USAF squadrons in Korea:
* 8th Fighter-Bomber Wing (35th, 36th, and 80th Fighter-Bomber Squadrons), based at Suwon, was the longest-serving F-80 unit in Korea. It began missions from Japan in June 1950 and continued to fly the Shooting Star until May 1953, when it converted to F-86 Sabres.
* 49th Fighter-Bomber Group (7th, 8th and 9th FBS) deployed to Taegu, Korea, from Japan in September 1950 and continued fighter-bomber missions in the F-80C until June 1951, when it converted to the F-84 Thunderjet.
* 51st Fighter-Interceptor Wing (16th and 25th FIS) operated F-80Cs from Kimpo and Japan from September 1950 to November 1951 when it transitioned to F-86s.
* 35th Fighter-Interceptor Group and two squadrons, the 39th and 40th FIS, went to Pohang, Korea in July 1950, but converted to the P-51 Mustang before the end of the year.

One RF-80A unit operated in Korea:
8th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron', later redesignated 15th TRS, served from 27 June 1950 at Itazuke, Japan, Taegu (K-2) and Kimpo (K-14), Korea, until after the armistice. The squadron also utilized a few converted RF-80Cs and RF-86s.

Allied Armament's PPSH-41, First 20 rounds

Allied Armament's PPSH-41, First 20 rounds

Allied Armament's PPSH-41
Semi-Automatic Receiver
7.62x25, S&B FMJ

armament gr16 carbine full metal aeg airsoft rifle

See also:

rc airsoft tank

airsoft dragunov sniper rifle

airsoft store in california

hfc p99 silver spring pistol airsoft gun

jg m14a1 with 3x scope airsoft electric rifle

airsoft grenade launcer

hk mp5n airsoft

airsoft glock for sale

glock 26 airsoft

echo 1 p90 airsoft gun



Cheap Airsoft Stuff

cheap airsoft stuff

  • Airsoft is primarily a recreational activity with replica firearms that shoot plastic BBs that are often used for personal collection, gaming (similar to paintball), or professional training purposes (military simulations, a.k.a. MilSim, and police training exercises).

  • Airsoft refers to a class of replica air powered guns that originated from Japan (although the origins go back to the US in the 70s). The power levels are way below those of traditional airguns, but the guns are 1:1 scale copies of original pistols, rather than original designs.

  • A modern combat sport in which participants eliminate their opponents by hitting them with spherical non-metallic pellets launched from a compressed-air gun

  • bum: of very poor quality; flimsy

  • (of an item for sale) Low in price; worth more than its cost

  • brassy: tastelessly showy; "a flash car"; "a flashy ring"; "garish colors"; "a gaudy costume"; "loud sport shirts"; "a meretricious yet stylish book"; "tawdry ornaments"

  • Charging low prices

  • (of prices or other charges) Low

  • relatively low in price or charging low prices; "it would have been cheap at twice the price"; "inexpensive family restaurants"

  • Worthless or foolish ideas, speech, or writing; rubbish

  • material: the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object; "coal is a hard black material"; "wheat is the stuff they use to make bread"

  • cram into a cavity; "The child stuffed candy into his pockets"

  • Matter, material, articles, or activities of a specified or indeterminate kind that are being referred to, indicated, or implied

  • A person's belongings, equipment, or baggage

  • miscellaneous unspecified objects; "the trunk was full of stuff"

Stuffed Grape Leaves

Stuffed Grape Leaves

I have become quite a forager this spring thanks to my inspiring friends over in the A Slow Year flickr group. I've found all kinds of beautiful and edible things growing semi-wild in my suburban neighborhood and love putting them to good use in my garden. Just last week I discovered that it was grape leaf season so I harvested some from a vine growing out of the community garden and set to work stuffing them.

Most of the recipes I came across called for filling the blanched grape leaves with a mixture of cooked meat and uncooked rice and then simmer/steaming them in a thin layer until the rice was cooked. I wasn't sure about that whole system so I made up my own recipe. These were good. So good I had to pack these four up for lunch the next day before I inhaled them along with the other dozen I had made.

Totally Not Authentic Stuffed Grape Leaves

1/3 lb ground beef
1 tbs goose fat or other cooking fat if necessary
1/2 white onion, diced fine
1/2 tsp dried spearmint
1/4 tsp dried dill
salt and pepper
2/3 cup rice
1/3 cup canned tomatoes, diced with their liquid
1cup chicken stock or water
12 young grape leaves the size of your hand

Trim the stems from the grape leaves with scissors or a sharp knife. Pile six leaves together and dunk them in boiling water, holding them with your tongs, until they change color to a darker, almost olivey green. Take them out and rinse them under cold water. Repeat with the second batch. You want to hold onto them because you want them to stay whole and not tear. Handle them carefully before and after blanching.

Cook up the ground beef along with the onion, salt, pepper, mint and dill. Add more fat to the pan if it's looking dry and add the rice to the pan. Stir and cook until the rice is coated in oil and starting to look a little translucent around the edges. Add the tomatoes, chicken stock and/or water and stir to combine. I added another pinch of mint at this time.

Bring rice mixture to a boil, turn the heat down to a simmer and cover. Cook approximately 20 minutes until the rice is cooked, but the contents are still a little wet. Turn out onto a plate or shallow bowl so it can cool a little.

Lay one grape leaf down on your work surface shiny side down. Add about 2-3 tbs of filling on the "palm" of your grape leaf in a little rectangle or log shape. Fold the bottom of the grape leaf over the filling, then the two sides in. Then roll the filling into the leaf as tightly as you can without ripping the leaf or spilling the filling.

Lay the filled leaf, seam side down, in a bamboo steamer basket and continue to fill the rest of the leaves. When they are all filled and in the steamer place over boiling water and steam for just a few minutes to heat through.

Serve warm or room temperature, as is or with a yogurt sauce. Nuts and dried fruit could easily be added to the filling for an authentic variation.



My everyday stuff from my bag.

cheap airsoft stuff

See also:

m4 a1 airsoft electric rifle

type 96 airsoft rifle shadow ops

aftermath kraken ak 47 airsoft rifle

swiss arms airsoft rifle

mini airsoft sniper

spring mauser sniper rifle fps 442 airsoft gun

camo airsoft sniper rifles

desert eagle electric airsoft


Jg g36 0938 ris airsoft aeg gun rifle : Metal airsoft spring.

Jg G36 0938 Ris Airsoft Aeg Gun Rifle

jg g36 0938 ris airsoft aeg gun rifle

  • Airsoft is primarily a recreational activity with replica firearms that shoot plastic BBs that are often used for personal collection, gaming (similar to paintball), or professional training purposes (military simulations, a.k.a. MilSim, and police training exercises).

  • A modern combat sport in which participants eliminate their opponents by hitting them with spherical non-metallic pellets launched from a compressed-air gun

  • Airsoft refers to a class of replica air powered guns that originated from Japan (although the origins go back to the US in the 70s). The power levels are way below those of traditional airguns, but the guns are 1:1 scale copies of original pistols, rather than original designs.

  • A gun, esp. one fired from shoulder level, having a long spirally grooved barrel intended to make a bullet spin and thereby have greater accuracy over a long distance

  • Troops armed with rifles

  • a shoulder firearm with a long barrel and a rifled bore; "he lifted the rifle to his shoulder and fired"

  • plunder: steal goods; take as spoils; "During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners"

  • go through in search of something; search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way; "Who rifled through my desk drawers?"

  • G36 may refer to: * Heckler & Koch G36, a German 5.56mm assault rifle designed in the early 1990s * Grumman G-36, a F4F Wildcat aircraft variant * a 2009 model of the Beechcraft Bonanza aircraft

  • RIS is a standardized tag format developed by Research Information Systems, Incorporated (the format name refers to the company) to enable citation programs to exchange data. It is supported by a number of reference managers.

  • Ris is a commune in the Puy-de-Dôme department in Auvergne in central France.

  • Ris is a station on Holmenkollbanen of the Oslo T-bane between Gaustad and Slemdal, located in the Vestre Aker borough. The station is located at an altitude of 121.3 metres and had 366 daily passengers in 2004.

  • Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft (AEG) (literally General Electricity Company) is a German producer of electrical equipment founded in 1883 by Emil Rathenau.

  • (AEGs) Airsoft guns are replica firearms that propel plastic pellets by way of compressed gas or a spring-driven piston.

  • (AEGS) Adult Educational Guidance Service

  • A device for discharging something (e.g., insecticide, grease, or electrons) in a required direction

  • artillery: large but transportable armament

  • A gunman

  • A weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullets, shells, or other missiles are propelled by explosive force, typically making a characteristic loud, sharp noise

  • shoot with a gun

  • a weapon that discharges a missile at high velocity (especially from a metal tube or barrel)

  • Junior grade

  • (JGS) the Vietnamese Joint General Staff, being comparable to JCS.

  • abbreviation of Jahrgang (German: year of publication/volume)

  • (Jgs) The Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business is one of the academic units of Rice University in Houston, Texas.

Brickarms WW2 Rifle Family

Brickarms WW2 Rifle Family

This is most of the WW2-era rifles that Brickarms produces, for comparison. Second from the top is a Mosin-Nagant with the scope removed; it isn't molded that way.

Sorry about the Kar98 being so different from the others--I don't have any unpainted brown K98's; they're all with my German troops.

Mixed Rifle Bolts

Mixed Rifle Bolts

1947 Venezuelan Short Rifle - FN model 1930 Mauser, in 7x57mm (top)
2010 Savage MKII BTVSS, in 22 LR (middle)
1990 Zastava LK22H - "mini Mauser action", in 22 Hornet (bottom)

jg g36 0938 ris airsoft aeg gun rifle

See also:

m4a1 aeg airsoft rifle

desert eagle co2 airsoft

airsoft aep

walther p38 airsoft gun

airsoft m4a1 rifle

glock airsoft pistol

airsoft aug parts

winchester airsoft gun

airsoft guns rifle

buy airsoft bb


Full metal airsoft sniper rifles - Be steyr swat airsoft lpeg

Full Metal Airsoft Sniper Rifles

full metal airsoft sniper rifles

    sniper rifles
  • (sniper rifle) an extremely powerful rifle developed for the military; capable of destroying light armored vehicles and aircraft more than a mile away

  • In military and law enforcement terminology, a sniper rifle is a rifle used to ensure more accurate placement of bullets at longer ranges than other small arms.

  • (Sniper Rifle) The sniper rifle is used for picking off targets from long distances. The rifle also includes a scope to zoom in on targets.

  • A modern combat sport in which participants eliminate their opponents by hitting them with spherical non-metallic pellets launched from a compressed-air gun

  • Airsoft is primarily a recreational activity with replica firearms that shoot plastic BBs that are often used for personal collection, gaming (similar to paintball), or professional training purposes (military simulations, a.k.a. MilSim, and police training exercises).

  • Airsoft refers to a class of replica air powered guns that originated from Japan (although the origins go back to the US in the 70s). The power levels are way below those of traditional airguns, but the guns are 1:1 scale copies of original pistols, rather than original designs.

  • metallic element: any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.

  • metallic: containing or made of or resembling or characteristic of a metal; "a metallic compound"; "metallic luster"; "the strange metallic note of the meadow lark, suggesting the clash of vibrant blades"- Ambrose Bierce

  • cover with metal

  • Gold and silver (as tinctures in blazoning)

  • Broken stone for use in making roads

  • A solid material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile, with good electrical and thermal conductivity (e.g., iron, gold, silver, copper, and aluminum, and alloys such as brass and steel)

  • Containing or holding as much or as many as possible; having no empty space

  • Containing or holding much or many; having a large number of

  • beat for the purpose of cleaning and thickening; "full the cloth"

  • containing as much or as many as is possible or normal; "a full glass"; "a sky full of stars"; "a full life"; "the auditorium was full to overflowing"

  • full moon: the time when the Moon is fully illuminated; "the moon is at the full"

  • Having eaten or drunk to one's limits or satisfaction

Tier 1 Military Simulations Urban Airsoft Training Day 14

Tier 1 Military Simulations Urban Airsoft Training Day 14

One of the T1 instructors

Tier 1 Military Simulations Urban Airsoft Training Day 11

Tier 1 Military Simulations Urban Airsoft Training Day 11

Basho leads the charge

full metal airsoft sniper rifles

See also:

airsoft pistol grip cqb shotgun

airsoft barrel upgrades

beretta 92fs airsoft review

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50 cal airsoft sniper rifles

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Full Metal M14 Airsoft - Xm8 Spring Airsoft Gun.

Full Metal M14 Airsoft

full metal m14 airsoft

  • Airsoft refers to a class of replica air powered guns that originated from Japan (although the origins go back to the US in the 70s). The power levels are way below those of traditional airguns, but the guns are 1:1 scale copies of original pistols, rather than original designs.

  • Airsoft is primarily a recreational activity with replica firearms that shoot plastic BBs that are often used for personal collection, gaming (similar to paintball), or professional training purposes (military simulations, a.k.a. MilSim, and police training exercises).

  • A modern combat sport in which participants eliminate their opponents by hitting them with spherical non-metallic pellets launched from a compressed-air gun

  • metallic: containing or made of or resembling or characteristic of a metal; "a metallic compound"; "metallic luster"; "the strange metallic note of the meadow lark, suggesting the clash of vibrant blades"- Ambrose Bierce

  • A solid material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile, with good electrical and thermal conductivity (e.g., iron, gold, silver, copper, and aluminum, and alloys such as brass and steel)

  • cover with metal

  • Gold and silver (as tinctures in blazoning)

  • Broken stone for use in making roads

  • metallic element: any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.

  • full moon: the time when the Moon is fully illuminated; "the moon is at the full"

  • beat for the purpose of cleaning and thickening; "full the cloth"

  • Containing or holding much or many; having a large number of

  • Containing or holding as much or as many as possible; having no empty space

  • Having eaten or drunk to one's limits or satisfaction

  • containing as much or as many as is possible or normal; "a full glass"; "a sky full of stars"; "a full life"; "the auditorium was full to overflowing"

  • Messier 14 (also known as M14 or NGC 6402) is a globular cluster in the constellation Ophiuchus. It was discovered by Charles Messier in 1764.

  • The Second Avenue Line is a public transit line in Manhattan, New York City, United States, running mostly along Second Avenue (and northbound on First Avenue since 1951) from Lower Manhattan to East Harlem.

  • M14, M-14, or M.14 may refer to: * M-14 highway (Michigan), a road connecting Ann Arbor and Detroit * M14 (New York City bus) * M14 mine, a United States anti-personnel landmine * AN/M14 incendiary grenade, a United States incendiary grenade
    * M14 rifle, a United States military rifle
    * Chery

Metal Gear Solid 4

Metal Gear Solid 4

Metal gear Solid 4 otro most have de Play station 3 con una historia y un acopalmiento cinematografico incrible.

Metal Clay Charm Pendants

Metal Clay Charm Pendants

Metal clay charms, waxed linen cord, cotton fiber embellishments, sterling silver clasps.

full metal m14 airsoft

See also:

crosman airsoft stinger s34p

swiss arms airsoft rifle

smith and wesson sigma 40f co2 blowback airsoft gun

revolver airsoft pistols

airsoft movie replica

panther a15 evo airsoft gun

airsoft snipe rifle


Jg t3 k3 g3a3 airsoft electric gun aeg : Jg airsoft ak.

Jg T3 K3 G3a3 Airsoft Electric Gun Aeg

jg t3 k3 g3a3 airsoft electric gun aeg

    electric gun
  • an electroshock gun; a taser; a stun gun; a gun with electrically powered components, such as the reloader, or barrel rotator; a gun that uses electricity to vaporize water as the propulsive force on the ballistic projectile; a gun that uses electromagnetic, electric or magnetic force to propel

  • (Electric Guns) Electric guns are semi-automatic/selective fire. They run on computer power while carrying the whole PC on your back.

  • Airsoft refers to a class of replica air powered guns that originated from Japan (although the origins go back to the US in the 70s). The power levels are way below those of traditional airguns, but the guns are 1:1 scale copies of original pistols, rather than original designs.

  • Airsoft is primarily a recreational activity with replica firearms that shoot plastic BBs that are often used for personal collection, gaming (similar to paintball), or professional training purposes (military simulations, a.k.a. MilSim, and police training exercises).

  • A modern combat sport in which participants eliminate their opponents by hitting them with spherical non-metallic pellets launched from a compressed-air gun

  • The G3 is a 7.62mm battle rifle developed in the 1950s by the German armament manufacturer Heckler & Koch GmbH (H&K) in collaboration with the Spanish state-owned design and development agency CETME (Centro de Estudios Técnicos de Materiales Especiales).

  • (AEGs) Airsoft guns are replica firearms that propel plastic pellets by way of compressed gas or a spring-driven piston.

  • (AEGS) Adult Educational Guidance Service

  • Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft (AEG) (literally General Electricity Company) is a German producer of electrical equipment founded in 1883 by Emil Rathenau.

  • abbreviation of Jahrgang (German: year of publication/volume)

  • (Jgs) The Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business is one of the academic units of Rice University in Houston, Texas.

  • (JGS) the Vietnamese Joint General Staff, being comparable to JCS.

  • Junior grade

  • T3 or T-3 may refer to: * Digital Signal 3 or T3 line, a type of telecommunications service * T3 magazine, a monthly magazine published by Future Publishing focusing on new and hi-tech gadgets * T3 (The Think Tank), an independent advertising agency and the largest woman owned advertising agency

  • In telecommunications, T-carrier, sometimes abbreviated as T-CXR, is the designator for any of several digitally multiplexed telecommunications carrier systems originally developed by Bell Labs and used in North America, Japan, and South Korea.

  • T3 is an independent integrated marketing and advertising firm with headquarters in Austin, Texas and offices in New York City and San Francisco. The agency was founded in 1989 by CEO Gay Gaddis.

  • In mathematics, a K3 surface is a complex or algebraic smooth minimal complete surface that is regular and has trivial canonical bundle.

  • K3 is a Flemish/Dutch girl band with a Flemish repertoire, mainly aimed at pre-adolescent children. The name of the group is derived from the names of the three original members: Karen Damen, Kristel Verbeke and Kathleen Aerts.

  • K3 was a public television channel operated by Televisió de Catalunya available in analogue and DTT in Catalonia, Balearic Islands, Valencia, Andorra, Northern Catalonia and partly in Aragón.

back away or i will stun you

back away or i will stun you

nothing better to do on mothers day than to have your mom show you her stun gun



1/2" drive electric impact gun.

jg t3 k3 g3a3 airsoft electric gun aeg

See also:

dpms airsoft review

airsoft gearbox spring

airsoft vests

tsd sd700 airsoft sniper

ww2 airsoft guns

9mm beretta airsoft

amphibian airsoft tank

barrett 50 cal airsoft rifle

airsoft companies



Long Range Airsoft Sniper Rifle

long range airsoft sniper rifle

    sniper rifle
  • In military and law enforcement terminology, a sniper rifle is a rifle used to ensure more accurate placement of bullets at longer ranges than other small arms.

  • A weapon that can be used to instantly kill a player with a shot to the head (headshot).

  • an extremely powerful rifle developed for the military; capable of destroying light armored vehicles and aircraft more than a mile away

    long range
  • Long Range is an English techno band formed in September 2005 featuring Phil Hartnoll and Nick Smith.

  • involving an extended span of time; "long-range goals"

  • suitable for or reaching long distances; "long-range nuclear capability"

  • Airsoft is primarily a recreational activity with replica firearms that shoot plastic BBs that are often used for personal collection, gaming (similar to paintball), or professional training purposes (military simulations, a.k.a. MilSim, and police training exercises).

  • A modern combat sport in which participants eliminate their opponents by hitting them with spherical non-metallic pellets launched from a compressed-air gun

  • Airsoft refers to a class of replica air powered guns that originated from Japan (although the origins go back to the US in the 70s). The power levels are way below those of traditional airguns, but the guns are 1:1 scale copies of original pistols, rather than original designs.

Long range G36

Long range G36

As you can see, I just am crazy about the G36 rifle. I have an airsoft version, and I thought it would look cool as a long range sniper, unlike my other one, which is more of a tactical sniper. Hope you enjoy!

Long Range Surveillance Unit

Long Range Surveillance Unit

Eaves dropping, it's a hobby for some.

long range airsoft sniper rifle

See also:

ca sports m15a4 carbine airsoft

jg airsoft metal ak 47

g3 sg1 airsoft gun

heavy m4 m16 replica airsoft gun

walter airsoft

jg mp5 sd6 airsoft rifle aeg gun

used airsoft parts

uhc colt python spring airsoft pistol

boyi d boys spr ris airsoft rifle

airsoft movie replica



L96 Airsoft Magazine

l96 airsoft magazine

  • A regular television or radio program comprising a variety of topical news or entertainment items

  • A periodical publication containing articles and illustrations, typically covering a particular subject or area of interest

  • A chamber for holding a supply of cartridges to be fed automatically to the breech of a gun

  • a periodic publication containing pictures and stories and articles of interest to those who purchase it or subscribe to it; "it takes several years before a magazine starts to break even or make money"

  • product consisting of a paperback periodic publication as a physical object; "tripped over a pile of magazines"

  • a business firm that publishes magazines; "he works for a magazine"

  • Airsoft is primarily a recreational activity with replica firearms that shoot plastic BBs that are often used for personal collection, gaming (similar to paintball), or professional training purposes (military simulations, a.k.a. MilSim, and police training exercises).

  • A modern combat sport in which participants eliminate their opponents by hitting them with spherical non-metallic pellets launched from a compressed-air gun

  • Airsoft refers to a class of replica air powered guns that originated from Japan (although the origins go back to the US in the 70s). The power levels are way below those of traditional airguns, but the guns are 1:1 scale copies of original pistols, rather than original designs.

  • The Accuracy International Arctic Warfare rifle is a family of bolt-action sniper rifles designed and manufactured by the British company Accuracy International. It has proved popular as a civilian, police and military rifle since its introduction in the 1980s.

Magazines to read

Magazines to read

Travel brochures to design magazines. Those design magazines have a lot of ads, but they are very good ads.



@ one magazine stand in front of Star Ferry Pier, Central

l96 airsoft magazine

See also:

warrior l96 airsoft rifle

mini airsoft tank

m4 airsoft ris

tanaka airsoft sniper

m16 airsoft grenade launcher

jg airsoft metal ak47 ris

most expensive airsoft gun


Tf7 Airsoft Machine Gun - Airsoft Gatlin Gun For Sale - How To Use An Airsoft Grenade.

Tf7 Airsoft Machine Gun

tf7 airsoft machine gun

    machine gun
  • An automatic gun that fires bullets in rapid succession for as long as the trigger is pressed

  • a rapidly firing automatic gun (often mounted)

  • A machine gun is a fully automatic mounted or portable firearm, usually designed to fire rounds in quick succession from an ammunition belt or large-capacity magazine, typically at a rate of several hundred rounds per minute.

  • shoot with a machine gun

  • Airsoft is primarily a recreational activity with replica firearms that shoot plastic BBs that are often used for personal collection, gaming (similar to paintball), or professional training purposes (military simulations, a.k.a. MilSim, and police training exercises).

  • Airsoft refers to a class of replica air powered guns that originated from Japan (although the origins go back to the US in the 70s). The power levels are way below those of traditional airguns, but the guns are 1:1 scale copies of original pistols, rather than original designs.

  • A modern combat sport in which participants eliminate their opponents by hitting them with spherical non-metallic pellets launched from a compressed-air gun

WW2 German machine gun team

WW2 German machine gun team

( a bit more of my old works, mended and photoed )

1/35 scale Tamiya models assesories set - MG 42 machine gun and team, hand-painted and detailed.

machine guns

machine guns

Machine guns on a WW2 Hawker Hurricane fighter plane. Duxford Air Museum.

tf7 airsoft machine gun

See also:

co2 blowback airsoft pistols

barrett 50 cal airsoft sniper rifle

kwc 1911 gas airsoft

airsoft bb grenade

airsoft gun dealers

airsoft mp5 tactical

airsoft team name ideas

airsoft vests for cheap

p99 electric airsoft gun


Walter Ppk Airsoft. Kwa G18c Airsoft.

Walter Ppk Airsoft

walter ppk airsoft

    walter ppk
  • The Walther PP series pistols are blowback-operated semi-automatic pistols.

  • Airsoft refers to a class of replica air powered guns that originated from Japan (although the origins go back to the US in the 70s). The power levels are way below those of traditional airguns, but the guns are 1:1 scale copies of original pistols, rather than original designs.

  • Airsoft is primarily a recreational activity with replica firearms that shoot plastic BBs that are often used for personal collection, gaming (similar to paintball), or professional training purposes (military simulations, a.k.a. MilSim, and police training exercises).

  • A modern combat sport in which participants eliminate their opponents by hitting them with spherical non-metallic pellets launched from a compressed-air gun

Quanto Sol Hace 1

Quanto Sol Hace 1

El último James Bond, Daniel Craig, posa para los medios en la presentación de la última entrega de la serie de 007, "Quantum of Solace".

Quanto Sol Hace 6

Quanto Sol Hace 6

La actriz ucraniana Olga Kurylenko, posa para los medios en la presentación de la última entrega de la serie de 007, "Quantum of Solace".

walter ppk airsoft

See also:

cheap spring airsoft sniper rifles

airsoft g3 magazines

m16 style airsoft rifle

full metal airsoft shotgun

difference between airsoft and bb guns

minigun airsoft gun

glock 26 airsoft

double barrel shotgun airsoft gun

tippmann co2 airsoft

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