utorak, 08.11.2011.


Fares flight : Airline flight attendant school

Fares Flight

fares flight

  • an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"

  • Shoot (wildfowl) in flight

  • shoot a bird in flight

  • (in soccer, cricket, etc.) Deliver (a ball) with well-judged trajectory and pace

  • a formation of aircraft in flight

  • The money a passenger on public transportation has to pay

  • (fare) eat well

  • (fare) do: proceed or get along; "How is she doing in her new job?"; "How are you making out in graduate school?"; "He's come a long way"

  • (fare) menu: an agenda of things to do; "they worked rapidly down the menu of reports"

  • A range of food, esp. of a particular type

  • A passenger paying to travel in a vehicle, esp. a taxicab

Flight Show

Flight Show

I was actually looking for a ballon launch at Erie however I was late and it was moved to the next day. With disappointment, I was going to head home and before I got off the area I found this flight fair so I decided to have a look and it turns out to be quite good.

Getting ready for the flight show

Getting ready for the flight show

This man is preparing his plane for a flight show at Erie flight fair. There were not many shows anyway mostly flying around but they were quite impressive.

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- 15:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


New Flight Restrictions - Cheapest Airline Tickets Possible - Cheap Flights Tickets To Mexico

New Flight Restrictions

new flight restrictions

  • The limitation or control of someone or something, or the state of being limited or restricted

  • (restrict) place restrictions on; "curtail drinking in school"

  • (restrict) qualify: make more specific; "qualify these remarks"

  • A limiting condition or measure, esp. a legal one

  • (restrict) place limits on (extent or access); "restrict the use of this parking lot"; "limit the time you can spend with your friends"

  • Shoot (wildfowl) in flight

  • (in soccer, cricket, etc.) Deliver (a ball) with well-judged trajectory and pace

  • shoot a bird in flight

  • an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"

  • a formation of aircraft in flight

Kereru (New Zealand Pigeon, Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) feeding on spring blossoms of Montpellier broom (Teline monspessulana)

Kereru (New Zealand Pigeon, Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) feeding on spring blossoms of Montpellier broom (Teline monspessulana)

Photographed at Zealandia, Karori Sanctuary.
New Zealand Pigeon (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) is a bird endemic to New Zealand. Maori call it Kereru in most of the country but kukupa and kuku in some parts of the North Island, particularly in Northland. New Zealand pigeons are commonly called wood pigeons but are not the same as the Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus) which is a member of a different genus.
The kereru belongs to the family Columbidae, and the subfamily Treroninae, which is found throughout Southeast Asia, Malaya, Africa and New Zealand. The members of this subfamily feed largely on fruits, mainly drupes. New Zealand Pigeons are members of the pigeon genus Hemiphaga (Bonaparte, 1854), which is endemic to the New Zealand archipelago and Norfolk Island. However recently a Hemiphaga bone was found on Raoul Island. The Parea or Chatham Island Pigeon (Hemiphaga chathamensis) is traditionally considered a subspecies of the Kereru, but is here treated as a separate species.
The New Zealand Pigeon is a large (550 to 850 g) arboreal fruit-pigeon found in forests from Northland to Stewart Island/Rakiura, ranging in habitats from coastal to montane. The general morphology is that of a typical pigeon, in that it has a relatively small head, a straight soft-based bill and loosely attached feathers. It also displays typical pigeon behaviour, which includes drinking by suction, a wing-threat display, hitting with the wing when threatened, a diving display flight, a ‘bowing’ display, ritualised preening and ‘billing’ during courtship. New Zealand Pigeons build flimsy, shallow, twiggy nests and feed crop milk to hatchlings.
The New Zealand Pigeon grows to some 51 cm (20 inches) in length and 650 g in weight. The head, throat and wings are generally a shiny green-purple colour, but with a bronze tinge to the feathers. The breast is typically white and the bill red with an orange-ish tip. The feet and eyes are red. Juveniles have a similar colouration but are generally paler with dull colours for the beak, eyes and feet and a shorter tail.
The New Zealand Pigeons make occasional soft coo sounds (hence the onomatopoeic names), and their wings make a very distinctive "whooshing" sound as they fly. The bird's flight is also very distinctive. Birds will often ascend slowly before making impressively steep parabolic dives; it is thought that this behaviour is often associated with nesting, or nest failure
The New Zealand Pigeons are commonly regarded as frugivorous, primarily eating fruits from native trees. They play an important ecological role, as they are the only birds capable of eating the largest native fruits and drupes (those with smallest diameter greater than 1 cm), such as those of the taraire, and thus spreading the seeds intact. While fruit comprises the major part of their diets, the New Zealand Pigeon also browses on leaves and buds, especially nitrogen rich foliage during breeding. One of their favorite leaves to eat is from an introduced plant, the common plum tree. The diet changes seasonally as the availability of fruit changes, and leaves can comprise the major part of the diet at certain times of the year, such as when there is little fruit around.
Breeding generally depends on the occurrence of ripe fruit, which varies seasonally, annually (good years and bad years), and by location. New Zealand Pigeons, like other frugivorous pigeons, feed on many species with tropical affinities, including the Lauraceae and Arecaceae but live in the temperate forest of New Zealand and also feed on podocarp species, thought to be elements of Gondwana, such as miro (Prumnopitys ferruginea) and Kahikatea (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides).[10][11][13][12] The more tropical tree species are restricted to the warmer northern half of the North Island, and in these regions pigeons can nest all year round, except when moulting between March and May, provided enough fruit is available. Further south many tropical tree species are missing and in these areas breeding usually occurs between October (early spring) and April (late summer/early autumn), again depending on fruit availability.
New Zealand Pigeons nest in trees, laying a single egg, in a flimsy nest constructed of a few twigs thrown together. The egg is incubated for 28 days. The young bird then takes another 36 days to fledge. In seasons of plentiful fruit the pigeons can successfully nest up to four times.
The population of the New Zealand Pigeon declined considerably after the arrival of humans in New Zealand, and this trend continues, especially in the North Island, but is still relatively common in the west of the South Island and in coastal Otago. They are commonly found in native forests (lowlands in particular), scrub, rural and city gardens and parks.
The introduced Australian common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and introduced species of rats — mainly the ship or black rat (Rattus rattus) but also the kiore or Polynesian rat (Rattus exulans)

Kereru - New Zealand pigeon - Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae

Kereru - New Zealand pigeon - Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae

Kereru feeding on tree lucern, Zealandia, Wellington, New Zealand.
Kereru are a bird endemic to New Zealand. Maori call it Kereru in most of the country but kukupa and kuku in some parts of the North Island, particularly in Northland. New Zealand pigeons are commonly called wood pigeons but are not the same as the Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus) which is a member of a different genus.
The kereru belongs to the family Columbidae, and the subfamily Treroninae, which is found throughout Southeast Asia, Malaya, Africa and New Zealand. The members of this subfamily feed largely on fruits, mainly drupes. New Zealand Pigeons are members of the pigeon genus Hemiphaga (Bonaparte, 1854), which is endemic to the New Zealand archipelago and Norfolk Island. However recently a Hemiphaga bone was found on Raoul Island. The Parea or Chatham Island Pigeon (Hemiphaga chathamensis) is traditionally considered a subspecies of the Kereru, but is here treated as a separate species.
The New Zealand Pigeon is a large (550 to 850 g) arboreal fruit-pigeon found in forests from Northland to Stewart Island/Rakiura, ranging in habitats from coastal to montane. The general morphology is that of a typical pigeon, in that it has a relatively small head, a straight soft-based bill and loosely attached feathers. It also displays typical pigeon behaviour, which includes drinking by suction, a wing-threat display, hitting with the wing when threatened, a diving display flight, a ‘bowing’ display, ritualised preening and ‘billing’ during courtship. New Zealand Pigeons build flimsy, shallow, twiggy nests and feed crop milk to hatchlings.
The New Zealand Pigeon grows to some 51 cm (20 inches) in length and 650 g in weight. The head, throat and wings are generally a shiny green-purple colour, but with a bronze tinge to the feathers. The breast is typically white and the bill red with an orange-ish tip. The feet and eyes are red. Juveniles have a similar colouration but are generally paler with dull colours for the beak, eyes and feet and a shorter tail.
The New Zealand Pigeons make occasional soft coo sounds (hence the onomatopoeic names), and their wings make a very distinctive "whooshing" sound as they fly. The bird's flight is also very distinctive. Birds will often ascend slowly before making impressively steep parabolic dives; it is thought that this behaviour is often associated with nesting, or nest failure
The New Zealand Pigeons are commonly regarded as frugivorous, primarily eating fruits from native trees. They play an important ecological role, as they are the only birds capable of eating the largest native fruits and drupes (those with smallest diameter greater than 1 cm), such as those of the taraire, and thus spreading the seeds intact. While fruit comprises the major part of their diets, the New Zealand Pigeon also browses on leaves and buds, especially nitrogen rich foliage during breeding. One of their favorite leaves to eat is from an introduced plant, the common plum tree. The diet changes seasonally as the availability of fruit changes, and leaves can comprise the major part of the diet at certain times of the year, such as when there is little fruit around.
Breeding generally depends on the occurrence of ripe fruit, which varies seasonally, annually (good years and bad years), and by location. New Zealand Pigeons, like other frugivorous pigeons, feed on many species with tropical affinities, including the Lauraceae and Arecaceae but live in the temperate forest of New Zealand and also feed on podocarp species, thought to be elements of Gondwana, such as miro (Prumnopitys ferruginea) and Kahikatea (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides).[10][11][13][12] The more tropical tree species are restricted to the warmer northern half of the North Island, and in these regions pigeons can nest all year round, except when moulting between March and May, provided enough fruit is available. Further south many tropical tree species are missing and in these areas breeding usually occurs between October (early spring) and April (late summer/early autumn), again depending on fruit availability.
New Zealand Pigeons nest in trees, laying a single egg, in a flimsy nest constructed of a few twigs thrown together. The egg is incubated for 28 days. The young bird then takes another 36 days to fledge. In seasons of plentiful fruit the pigeons can successfully nest up to four times.
The population of the New Zealand Pigeon declined considerably after the arrival of humans in New Zealand, and this trend continues, especially in the North Island, but is still relatively common in the west of the South Island and in coastal Otago. They are commonly found in native forests (lowlands in particular), scrub, rural and city gardens and parks.
The introduced Australian common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and introduced species of rats — mainly the ship or black rat (Rattus rattus) but also the kiore or Polynesian rat (Rattus exulans) and brown rat (Ra

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- 15:36 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3 Patch

microsoft combat flight simulator 3 patch

    flight simulator
  • simulator consisting of a machine on the ground that simulates the conditions of flying a plane

  • (Flight Simulators) are extensively used in the aviation industry to train pilots, but made their mark early in computer game history and continue to be a very popular genre that provides accurate and interactive simulation of flying crafts (Jet - Sublogic Corporation/1985, Microsoft Flight

  • Flight simulation is an artificial re-creation of aircraft flight and various aspects of the flight environment.

  • A machine designed to resemble the cockpit of an aircraft, with computer-generated images that mimic the pilot's view, typically with mechanisms that move the entire structure in imitation of an aircraft's motion, used for training pilots

  • (Microsoftian) Of or relating to Microsoft Inc., or its products

  • Microsoft Corporation is a public multinational corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA that develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of products and services predominantly related to computing through its various product divisions.

  • (microsofts) circuits hardwired with info, programs, whatever. You plug them into your brain, you know stuff. Tech. Not Bill Gates.

  • an engagement fought between two military forces

  • fight: the act of fighting; any contest or struggle; "a fight broke out at the hockey game"; "there was fighting in the streets"; "the unhappy couple got into a terrible scrap"

  • Take action to reduce, destroy, or prevent (something undesirable)

  • battle: battle or contend against in or as if in a battle; "The Kurds are combating Iraqi troops in Northern Iraq"; "We must combat the prejudices against other races"; "they battled over the budget"

  • Engage in a fight with; oppose in battle

  • to join or unite the pieces of; "patch the skirt"

  • provide with a patch; also used metaphorically; "The field was patched with snow"

  • Mend or strengthen (fabric or an item of clothing) by putting a piece of material over a hole or weak point in it

  • Correct, enhance, or modify (a routine or program) by inserting a patch

  • spot: a small contrasting part of something; "a bald spot"; "a leopard's spots"; "a patch of clouds"; "patches of thin ice"; "a fleck of red"

  • Place a patch over (a good eye) in order to encourage a lazy eye to work

  • three: being one more than two

  • A performance appraisal, employee appraisal, performance review, or (career) development discussion is a method by which the job performance of an employee is evaluated (generally in terms of quality, quantity, cost, and time) typically by the corresponding manager or supervisor .

  • three: the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one

Combat Soldier

Combat Soldier

#7501 Combat Field Jacket Set (1964) with #7502 Combat Field Pack Set (1964) and #7507 Combat Helmet Set (1964) from the Collection of Scott McCullar - This is a vintage Hasbro Combat Soldier from the Action Soldier combat series. The figure is all vintage with no repro parts. Not pictured is a helmet net and foilage that go along with the helmet set.



This ballet is "Combat". Choreography by Willim Dollar, music by Raffaello de Banfield, performed by Nora Esteves and Aldo Lotufo at Municipal Theatre of Rio de Janeiro. The picture shows the moment that the warrior kills a enemy soldier that is her great love. Original pic in B&W film.

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- 15:36 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Mexico Flight Deal. Low Cost Flight.

Mexico Flight Deal

mexico flight deal

  • A country in southwestern North America, with extensive coastlines on the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean, bordered by the US on the north; pop. 104,959,00; capital, Mexico City; language, Spanish (official)

  • A state in central Mexico, west of Mexico City; capital, Toluca de Lerdo

  • a republic in southern North America; became independent from Spain in 1810

  • (mexican) of or relating to Mexico or its inhabitants; "Mexican food is hot"

  • Mexico, (pronounced ; Mexico ), officially known as the United Mexican States , is a federal constitutional republic in North America.

  • a formation of aircraft in flight

  • shoot a bird in flight

  • Shoot (wildfowl) in flight

  • (in soccer, cricket, etc.) Deliver (a ball) with well-judged trajectory and pace

  • an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"

  • a particular instance of buying or selling; "it was a package deal"; "I had no further trade with him"; "he's a master of the business deal"

  • cover: act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression; "This book deals with incest"; "The course covered all of Western Civilization"; "The new book treats the history of China"

  • bargain: an agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion) fixing obligations of each; "he made a bargain with the devil"; "he rose to prominence through a series of shady deals"

  • Include a new player in a card game by giving them cards

  • Distribute or mete out (something) to a person or group

  • Distribute (cards) in an orderly rotation to the players for a game or round

Plaza Monumental in Tijuana

Plaza Monumental in Tijuana

Bullfight at Plaza Monumantal in Tijuana, Mexico.

I used a kite to fly the camera.

The U.S. / Mexico border is just off the bottom-edge of the picture.

Plaza Monumental is the second biggest bullring in all Mexico, and the third largest bullring on earth.

This bullfight was celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of Tijuana's Bullring by the Sea: Plaza Monumental. I knew it was a big deal when I heard Charo on the radio Friday telling people not to attend. Apparently, she doesn't care for the bullfights.

I was flying my kite from the American side, maybe twenty metres from the actual border. The wind was blowing from the southwest.

The kite had 500' of line out when this shot was taken. The camera was 100' from the kite.

This flight was my first KAP using the FLED! ( in black bat motif ), even though I've had it for at least six months. I would have liked to have tested it somewhere else first, but the winds where I live just don't work for the FLED. The FLED was thus relegated to the Accelerated Testing Program.

Today, however, is exactly why I bought the FLED. The FLED flew and lifted beautifully in the smooth, light winds coming off the Pacific Ocean, just like I figured it would. I would have been skunked today without it, so it's already paid for itself.

It came down with what looks like a small-calibre bullet-hole in it, right dead center! In September - the first time I KAPed this spot - the Border Patrol advised me someone in Mexico may shoot at my kite if they can tell I'm taking pictures. Maybe he was right!

I was flying from Border Field State Park, in the extreme southwest corner of the U.S. Even though I could hear the music and smell the food from the party going on across the border, I was all by myself on the U.S. side in the State Park. I had the whole place to myself ( except for the Border Patrol ) and for at least a couple miles north. When was the last time you walked a mile on a Southern California beach without seeing another person - on a summer weekend no less ?

Even though it turned out to be an overcast, foggy day, bright sunshine was forecast. I feel sorry for the folks at the bullring who paid extra to sit in "el sombre" today ( the seats on the shaded side of the bullring go for a premium ).

Bisti Badlands

Bisti Badlands

This is the Bisti badlands of New Mexico. I would like to take this time to say thanks to everybody who has Taken the time to give me some tips on places to shoot in the badlands. I wanted to spend a great deal more time in the bad lands shooting but from the video you can see below, It didn't turn out to be the nice day they forecasted, But I did manage to get a few really nice shots in. I guess that means I will just have to come back and shoot the Badlands again.

We are heading back to White sands For the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon, then it is back to albuquerque to catch our flight in the morning. I wanted to get to white sands for sunrise today but they decided they wanted to shoot a missile this morning so we have to wait till 9:15am....Oh well, I got some good shots lastnight anyway.

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- 15:36 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Search For Cheap Airfares : Flights From Paris To Berlin.

Search For Cheap Airfares

search for cheap airfares

    cheap airfares
  • (Cheap airfare) A low-cost carrier or low-cost airline (also known as a no-frills, discount or budget carrier or airline) is an airline that generally has lower fares.

    search for
  • Taken from Dublin Core Fields:

  • (v) izl5rg5, tabarga

  • job vacancies in arts, design and crafts

The search for truth, leads where? 9455

The search for truth, leads where? 9455

Like I, may you find inspiration on your daily journeys from this in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27:

“While all the runners in the stadium take part in the race, the award goes to one man. In that case, run so as to win! Athletes deny themselves all sorts of things. They do this to win a crown of leaves that withers, but we a crown that is imperishable. I do not run like a man who loses sight of the finish line. I do not fight as if I were shadow-boxing. What I do is discipline my own body and master it, for fear that after having preached to others I myself should be rejected.”

EXPLORE # 495 on Monday, February 11, 2008

Searching for Spring

Searching for Spring

Female Bluebird on the deck rail.

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- 15:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


When to book cheap flights. Flight computer instructions. New york to amsterdam flights.

When To Book Cheap Flights

when to book cheap flights

    cheap flights
  • A low-cost carrier or low-cost airline (also known as a no-frills, discount or budget carrier or airline) is an airline that generally has lower fares.

    to book
  • Most any situation that would call for a “reservation” in the US would call for a “booking” in the UK. For instance, you’ll need to book a hotel room for your stay in the UK and you might also want to get a booking for a nice restaurant.

Ray Bradbury's Tales of Terror and The Illustrated Man

Ray Bradbury's Tales of Terror and The Illustrated Man

Suspended Animation Classic #278
Originally published April 24, 1994 (#17)
(Dates are approximate)

Ray Bradbury’s Tales of Terror and The Illustrated Man
By Michael Vance

Ray Bradbury is one of the finest writers in comic books. Hopefully, he’ll write one someday.

Bradbury writes short stories and novels. When his stylistic integrity is honored, comic book adaptations of his rhyme and reason are magic.

“Ray Bradbury’s Tales of Terror” ($2.50, 30 pages), however, is sleight-of-hand … and talent.

“Skeleton”, the story of a man at war with his own calcium, is disjointed. “Uncle Einer”, a fantasy in flight, is wooden. Both are mundane. Virtually nothing of Bradbury remains in these poorly written, artistically mismatched mutilations.

That’s no virtue at all.

“Home to Stay”, the final piece in this anthology, is magic. Adapted (and plagiarized) by Al Fieldstein and drawn by Wally Wood, it originally appeared in the EC comic book “Weird Fantasy” (1952). It is the whispered horror of falling stars and fallen men, and was the first comic book adaptation of Bradbury’s work.

Up the other magic sleeve is “Ray Bradbury’s Illustrated Man” ($2.95, 28 pages), the point well illustrated.

A leper colony on Mars. The man that brings New York City to this planet of Death (weakened by art below P. Craig Russel’s usual high standards). The invasion of Earth by … children.

A man tattooed with pictures that move and foretell by an artist from the future.

The virtue of this Bradbury anthology is that his work isn’t reduced to titles and plots. His mixture of familiar and unfamiliar, of human responses to fantastic situations, is everywhere. This is no better illustrated than in the chance meeting of the tattooed man and a Wisconsin youngster that frames each short story.

Bradbury writes: “The colors burned in three dimensions. They were windows looking in upon fiery reality … this wasn’t the work of a cheap carnival tattoo man with three colors and whiskey on his breath. This was the accomplishment of a living genius … vibrant, clear and beautiful”.

Amen and implied for this adaptation as well.

Both titles are published by Topps Comics and are available in comics shops or by mail order.

Books, books, and more books...

Books, books, and more books...

(3/30 Gratitude)

I admit it - I’m a book addict. I keep buying new books even though I haven’t finished reading the last books I bought. I just love going into book stores, roaming the aisles, looking at all different kinds of books and flipping through pages of a book that catches my attention. If I like the first few pages, I buy the book. It's very difficult for me to walk out of Barnes & Noble with just one book. I have oodles and oodles of books to read. The books ought to keep me busy and keep me out of trouble :)
All I need now is time.

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- 15:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Air Plane Tickets Cheap. Flight From San Francisco To New York. International Flight Check In Time

Air Plane Tickets Cheap

air plane tickets cheap

    plane tickets
  • (plane ticket) a ticket good for a trip on an airplane

  • An airline ticket is a document, created by an airline or a travel agency, to confirm that an individual has purchased a seat on a flight on an aircraft. This document is then used to obtain a boarding pass, at the airport.

  • brassy: tastelessly showy; "a flash car"; "a flashy ring"; "garish colors"; "a gaudy costume"; "loud sport shirts"; "a meretricious yet stylish book"; "tawdry ornaments"

  • bum: of very poor quality; flimsy

  • (of prices or other charges) Low

  • relatively low in price or charging low prices; "it would have been cheap at twice the price"; "inexpensive family restaurants"

  • (of an item for sale) Low in price; worth more than its cost

  • Charging low prices

  • The invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of oxygen and nitrogen

  • This substance regarded as necessary for breathing

  • The free or unconfined space above the surface of the earth

  • air out: expose to fresh air; "aerate your old sneakers"

  • a mixture of gases (especially oxygen) required for breathing; the stuff that the wind consists of; "air pollution"; "a smell of chemicals in the air"; "open a window and let in some air"; "I need some fresh air"

  • be broadcast; "This show will air Saturdays at 2 P.M."

Dirtboxes, January, 2009

Dirtboxes, January, 2009

From the bottom, L-R:

Z Vex SHO, Danelectro French Toast Octave Distortion, Z Vex Fuzz Factory.

Dwarfcraft Devices' The Great Destroyer, ProCo RAT, Dwarfcraft Devices' SHIVA.

Barge Concepts' BP-1 "Harmonic Percolator," Keeley Java Boost, Dwarfcraft Devices' Plane Ticket Booster.

Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi (NYC Re-issue)

[Malay] Normal Airbus

[Malay] Normal Airbus

The low cost intercontinental airbus are the same like every airbus....
On the low cost there aren't only the lcd-video-display, music, meals/drinks. But if you pay a little extra there is everything ;) Stupid human race that think because one air-plane ticket is 1000 is better than the low cost at 200....

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- 15:23 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Flight Travel Bags

flight travel bags

    travel bags
  • (Travel bag) A suitcase is a general term for a distinguishable form of luggage. It is often a somewhat flat, rectangular-shaped bag with rounded/square corners, either metal, hard plastic or made of cloth, vinyl or leather that more or less keeps its shape.

  • a formation of aircraft in flight

  • an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"

  • Shoot (wildfowl) in flight

  • shoot a bird in flight

  • (in soccer, cricket, etc.) Deliver (a ball) with well-judged trajectory and pace

[03.20**].travelling acessories.????.

[03.20**].travelling acessories.????.

*natura classica + natura 1600*

my travelling accessories with me on my travels in taiwan back in march hehe. took this photo while i was queuing to check in flight 3K522 back to singapore, at the taoyuan CKS airport.


Bag geek (Timbuk2)

Bag geek (Timbuk2)

Yes, I'm a bag geek.

Looking forward to using the new @timbuk2 suitcase. Fitting that first
flight of the year is to the home of the company.

Yep, all my bags are now @timbuk2. Big fan!

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- 15:22 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Charter Flights To Maldives

charter flights to maldives

    charter flights
  • A flight by an aircraft chartered for a specific trip, not part of an airline's regular schedule

  • (Charter flight) flights organized directly from the departure location to the destination without any intermediate  stops, usually these flights don't operate on a previously fixed schedule and have less room inside for passengers

  • A charter airline, also sometimes referred to as an air taxi, operates aircraft on a charter basis, that is flights that take place outside normal schedules, by a hiring arrangement with a particular customer.

  • a group of about 1,200 small coral islands (about 220 inhabited) in the Indian ocean

  • (maldivian) a native or inhabitant of Maldives

  • A country that consists of a chain of coral islands in the Indian Ocean, southwest of Sri Lanka; pop. 339,000; capital, Male; official language, Maldivian

  • a republic on the Maldive Islands; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1965

Gan International Airport

Gan International Airport

Non stop charter flights to start tomorrow ,scheduled flight to begin toching down in airports on the Gan island on sunday for the first time since 1976.

Maldives May 2011 064

Maldives May 2011 064

Maldives Taj Exotica May 2011

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Airfare To Paris France

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    paris france
  • Paris ( in French, in English) is the capital and largest city of France. It is situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Ile-de-France region (or Paris Region, ).

  • Paris, France is a Canadian drama film. Released in 1993, the film was directed by Jerry Ciccoritti and written by Tom Walmsley.

  • Paris France is a novella written by Gertrude Stein and published in 1940 on the day that Paris fell to Germany during World War II . The book blends Stein's childhood memories with a commentary on French people and culture.

  • A fare is the fee paid by a passenger allowing him or her to make use of a public transport system: rail, bus, taxi, etc. In the case of air transport, the term airfare is often used.

  • The price of a passenger ticket for travel by aircraft

  • the fare charged for traveling by airplane

  • (Airfares) An airliner is a large fixed-wing aircraft for transporting passengers and cargo. Such planes are owned by airlines.

Paris France 1870s

Paris France 1870s

Hello my friends, I hold my glass of morning orange juice high to all, Todays painting is from a old black and white postcard a friend showed me that knew I love Paris France, and I fell in love with it and said I have to paint that,sometimes I feel like I was born 140 years too late, I love the whole art scene of Paris during that time period, A time and place where poets wrote from the heart and painters painted things that touched them deeply and tenderly, Enjoy this painting and wont you join me to the Paris France of old ? the Paris that stole this romantic poets heart.steve

Paris, France

Paris, France

Basilique de Sacre-Coeur, Paris, France.

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Air Travel Airline Tickets At Discount Rates. Low Cheap Airfares. Cheap Airline Tickets To Israel.

Air Travel Airline Tickets At Discount Rates

air travel airline tickets at discount rates

    airline tickets
  • An airline ticket is a document, created by an airline or a travel agency, to confirm that an individual has purchased a seat on a flight on an aircraft. This document is then used to obtain a boarding pass, at the airport.

    discount rates
  • The minimum interest rate set by the Federal Reserve for lending to other banks

  • (discount rate) the rate of interest set by the Federal Reserve that member banks are charged when they borrow money through the Federal Reserve System

  • (discount rate) interest on an annual basis deducted in advance on a loan

  • (Discount Rate) The fee a merchant pays its acquiring bank/merchant bank for the privilege to deposit the value of each day's credit purchases. The fee is usually a small percentage of the purchase value.

  • A rate used for discounting bills of exchange

    air travel
  • unless the proposed performance venue is within a one hundred and fifty mile radius of Jessica's home: one round-trip Coach ticket on a major airline, finalized only with her approval, with the fewest connecting flights and stopovers possible

  • travel via aircraft; "air travel involves too much waiting in airports"; "if you've time to spare go by air"

  • Air travel is a form of travel using a vehicle like an airplane, helicopter, hot air balloon or anything else that can sustain flight.

Air India Airbus A321 (VT-PPK) DSC9606

Air India Airbus A321 (VT-PPK) DSC9606

Air India Airbus A321-211 (VT-PPK). Changi International Airport, Singapore.

Flight AI446 from Chennai, arriving on Changi's runway 02L.

Air France Boeing 777-300ER (F-GSQI) DSC1177

Air France Boeing 777-300ER (F-GSQI) DSC1177

Air France Boeing 777-328/ER (F-GSQI). Changi International Airport, Singapore.

Approaching runway 02L in Air France's new colours.

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    cheap flights
  • A low-cost carrier or low-cost airline (also known as a no-frills, discount or budget carrier or airline) is an airline that generally has lower fares.

    to atlanta
  • “To Atlanta” (That's Atlanta) is a single by Edyta Gorniak for the Olympic Games 1996.

  • the largest city in New Jersey; located in northeastern New Jersey

  • Newark, part of the global Premier Farnell Group, is a Chicago-based multi-channel, high-service electronics distributor selling to engineers and purchasing professionals across North America.

  • Newark and Sherwood is a local government district of eastern Nottinghamshire, England. The district is predominantly rural, with some large forestry plantations, and the towns of Newark-on-Trent, Southwell and Ollerton.

  • An industrial city in New Jersey; pop. 273,546

  • An industrial and commercial city in central Ohio; pop. 44,389

  • A city in northwestern Delaware, home to the University of Delaware; pop. 28,547

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Easy Hikes Close to Home: Atlanta

Easy Hikes Close to Home: Atlanta

Day hiking in Atlanta and the surrounding areas has never been better — or easier. This guide, compiled by avid hikers Randy and Pam Golden, introduces residents and visitors to the area’s best easy day treks. Carefully researched on foot, and filled with detailed trail notes, the book helps novice hikers discover their options with concise at-a-glance information highlighting factors such as location, access, directions, distance, and scenery. Included are both newly established trails and older trails ripe for rediscovery.

81% (15)

Bankhead Avenue Bridge- Atlanta, Georgia

Bankhead Avenue Bridge- Atlanta, Georgia

Built in 1912, this fine abandoned bridge sits near downtown Atlanta. It now serves as a homeless encampment. I actually hopped the fence, and got on it...i was actually very scared. It crosses the Southern Railway .The main span is 100 feet.

This is my bridge #149

To Live & Die in Atlanta

To Live & Die in Atlanta

Dead pigeon spotted close to the Marriott Marquis hotel at 265 Peachtree Center Avenue Northeast in Atlanta, Georgia, USA on July 26, 2006.

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Cheap Flights From Atlanta To Washington Dc

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    cheap flights
  • A low-cost carrier or low-cost airline (also known as a no-frills, discount or budget carrier or airline) is an airline that generally has lower fares.

    washington dc
  • Washington, D.C. (, ), formally the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as Washington, the District, or simply D.C., is the capital of the United States, founded on July 16, 1790.

  • Union Station is the grand ceremonial train station designed to be the entrance to Washington, D.C., when it opened in 1908.

  • Washington, D. C. by Gore Vidal is the sixth in his Narratives of Empire series of historical novels (although the first one published, in 1967). It begins in 1937 and continues into the Cold War, tracing the families of Senator James Burden Day and Blaise Sanford.

  • Atlanta (, ) is the capital and most populous city in the State of Georgia, USA. Atlanta had an estimated population of about 540,900 people. Its metropolitan area is the ninth largest in the country, inhabited by more than 5.4 million people.

  • a siege in which Federal troops under Sherman cut off the railroads supplying the city and then burned it; 1864

  • state capital and largest city of Georgia; chief commercial center of the southeastern United States; was plundered and burned by Sherman's army during the American Civil War

  • The capital of the state of Georgia in the US, in northwest central Georgia; pop. 416,474. It was burned by Union forces under Gen. William T. Sherman in 1864 during the Civil War



Here's to you! At the Highlander in Atlanta.

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- 15:03 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Charter Flights To New York

charter flights to new york

    charter flights
  • A flight by an aircraft chartered for a specific trip, not part of an airline's regular schedule

  • (Charter flight) flights organized directly from the departure location to the destination without any intermediate  stops, usually these flights don't operate on a previously fixed schedule and have less room inside for passengers

  • A charter airline, also sometimes referred to as an air taxi, operates aircraft on a charter basis, that is flights that take place outside normal schedules, by a hiring arrangement with a particular customer.

    new york
  • a Mid-Atlantic state; one of the original 13 colonies

  • A state in the northeastern US, on the Canadian border and Lake Ontario in the northwest, as well as on the Atlantic coast in the southeast; pop. 18,976,457; capital, Albany; statehood, July 26, 1788 (11). Originally settled by the Dutch, it was surrendered to the British in 1664. New York was one of the original thirteen states

  • one of the British colonies that formed the United States

  • A major city and port in southeastern New York, situated on the Atlantic coast at the mouth of the Hudson River; pop. 7,322,564. It is situated mainly on islands, linked by bridges, and consists of five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island. Manhattan is the economic and cultural heart of the city, containing the stock exchange on Wall Street and the headquarters of the United Nations

  • the largest city in New York State and in the United States; located in southeastern New York at the mouth of the Hudson river; a major financial and cultural center

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Upper East Side, , Manhattan, New York City, New York, United States

The Metropolitan Museum, the most important art institution in the Western Hemisphere, is contained in one of the most notable monumental structures remaining in New York City. The first of the fifteen units comprising the colossal building, was begun in 1874 and the expansion program is still continuing.

Although these component parts were designed by eminent architects and reflect diverse architectural styles, they are well related in scale to each other. Some consider the dramatic central element of the long limestone facade facing Fifth Avenue to be the most significant architecturally. Completed in 1902, it represents Richard Morris Hunt's masterpiece in the Roman style.

This imposing entrance with its wide, central flight of stairs is comprised of three monumental arches set between four pairs of free standing Corinthian columns on high pedestals each with its own entablature. They support massive blocks of stone which were intended to become sculptural groups set in front of a high attic story. Crowning this attic story is an ornately decorated cornice with female heads connected by swags.

The richness of this design of Hunt's is in marked contrast to the initial Victorian Gothic unit designed by Calvert Vaux in 1880. Two subsequent additions to the north and south were built in 1888 and 1894. Facing the park and set well back from the Avenue, these buildings are of red brick with stone base, trim, and cornice and high pitched slate roofs. Hunt's creation blocked out the view of this original group, and his design succeeded in determining the future architectural character of the entire Fifth Avenue facade.

Two contiguous units to the north completed in 1911 and 1913 and two to the south completed in 1916 and 1926 were designed by McKim, Mead & White. These extremely handsome additions, though simpler, are in complete harmony with Hunt's classic central portion.

Another unit, unusually significant architecturally but seen only from the Park and from a courtyard at the northwest corner of the Museum complex, is the facade of the Old Assay Office Building which was located on Wall Street from 1824 to 1912. Saved from destruction by I. N. Phelps Stokes, this facade was dismantled in 1915 and stored on the Museum grounds until it was re-erected in 1924 at its present location as a part of the American Wing. Of marble and in the Federal style, it was designed by Martin E. Thompson and is one of the most beautiful examples of the refined architecture characteristic of that period.
History of the Museum

The idea for a great museum in New York City was born on July 4 1866 when John Jay, speaking at an assembly in Paris, called upon a group of his friends for "the foundation of a national institution and gallery of art." The Museum was actually founded in 1870, although neither funds, building, nor one single work of art belonged to the corporation at that time.

Two temporary downtown houses served the Museum until Vaux's initial structure was completed in 1880. The objectives listed in the Museum's charter of "encouraging and developing the study of fine arts, and the application of arts to manufacture and practical life, of advancing the general knowledge of kindred subjects, and to that end, of furnishing popular instruction" were put into effect at this time.

Following these guiding principles, the Metropolitan's activities have prospered to the extent that it is today as much a giant educational institution as it is a depository for great art.

What started as a single building in 1880 has grown into a complex of fifteen separate but connected units, that cover the equivalent of four city blocks and seventeen and a half acres of floor space. With a collection of over 265,000 individual works of art and visited by some six million persons annually, the Museum has indeed become a great and cultural institution. Today, it is acknowledged as one of the renowned museums.

- From the 1967 NYCLPC Landmark Designation Report

Low Memorial Library

Low Memorial Library

Columbia University, Morningside Heights, Manhattan, New York City, New York, United States

Low Memorial Library is a majestic building of truly monumental proportions. It is situated on a slight rise overlooking the south campus of Columbia University. This Roman stone building, designed in the form of a Greek cross, displays great classic grandeur. One of its chief features is an imposing Ionic portico (porch), consisting of ten superb fluted columns, supporting a simple cornice and high attic story, inscribed with references to the original King's College charter, An octagonal shaped drum, containing large semi-circular (lunette) windows, rises above the central portion of the building. Crowning the whole is a round low dome. Modelled on the Pantheon in Rome, the library building exhibits but little ornamental decoration and relies for its beauty on the strength of its pure classic form.

This remarkable building occupies an important site on the campus and in this setting plays a major role in the academic life of the University. Centrally located on the long axis of the campus, north of College Walk (116th Street), the building is separated from the street, by several flights of steps, two landings and a wide esplanade which terminates in landscaped areas. Located midway up the steps is the world renowned statue of Alma Mater, by Daniel Chester French, her outstretched arms welcoming all who come on campus. At the annual commencement ceremonies, weather permitting, the impressive graduation ceremony is held here in this dramatic setting with the library in the background.

Columbia University, chartered by George II in 1754 as Kings College, is the oldest college in New York State. Columbia came to Morningside Heights in 1897 and Low Library was the first major building erected on the present university site. The gift of Columbia president Seth Low, it was dedicated to the memory of his father Abiel A. Low. Once the main library of the University, it now serves as the administrative center where major academic gatherings and convocations are held. The interior rotunda, surrounded with magnificent Ionic columns, is especially well adapted to receptions. Among the noted guests that the University has received under the domed rotunda, have been King George VI of England and his wife, Queen Elizabeth, Sir Winston Churchill, President Auriol of France and Nehru of India.

- From the 1966 NYCLPC Landmark Designation Report

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Discount Flight To India

discount flight to india

  • A deduction from the usual cost of something, typically given for prompt or advance payment or to a special category of buyers

  • the act of reducing the selling price of merchandise

  • dismiss: bar from attention or consideration; "She dismissed his advances"

  • give a reduction in price on; "I never discount these books-they sell like hot cakes"

  • A percentage deducted from the face value of a bill of exchange or promissory note when it changes hands before the due date

  • an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"

  • Shoot (wildfowl) in flight

  • shoot a bird in flight

  • (in soccer, cricket, etc.) Deliver (a ball) with well-judged trajectory and pace

  • a formation of aircraft in flight

  • A country in southern Asia that occupies the greater part of the Indian subcontinent; pop. 1,065,000,000; capital, New Delhi; official languages, Hindi and English (14 other languages are recognized as official in certain regions; of these, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu have the most first-language speakers)

  • (indian) a member of the race of people living in America when Europeans arrived

  • (indian) of or relating to or characteristic of India or the East Indies or their peoples or languages or cultures; "the Indian subcontinent"; "Indian saris"

  • A code word representing the letter I, used in radio communication

  • a republic in the Asian subcontinent in southern Asia; second most populous country in the world; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1947

Taylor Hawkins, Drummer of the Foo Fighters

Taylor Hawkins, Drummer of the Foo Fighters

Here's Taylor drumming for the
Foo Fighters during an afternoon
rehearsal outside of the
Staples Center on the day
of the Grammy Awards -
February 10, 2008.

He both played and sang
on "The Pretender," which was
backed by a full orchestra
conducted by John Paul Jones.

He joined the Foo Fighters
after William Goldsmith left,
and Dave Grohl called him
to see if he had any ideas.
Though he was playing with
Alanis Morrisette at the time,
he said he wanted to join.
He's both written songs
and sang on the albums
as well as play drums. He sings
lead on "Cold Day In The Sun."

His real first name is Oliver,
which is also the name of his

On the demo of
Alanis Morrisette's
song "Unsent," she
sings a verse to him,
which seems to suggest their
relationship was more than

"Dear Taylor
I missed you a lot
there was a period of time
when I was too mad to even bring up your name
and it killed me to hear you
discount the time we spent
I knew all along
that we had different tastes
in moderations
and we couldn't hang out
and while it lasted
it was hilarious."

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- 15:02 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Flight yoke for sale - Mexico flight prices - Low cost europe flights.

Flight Yoke For Sale

flight yoke for sale

    flight yoke
  • A yoke, alternatively known as control column, is a device used for piloting in most fixed-wing aircraft.Crane, Dale: Dictionary of Aeronautical Terms, third edition, page 563. Aviation Supplies & Academics, 1997. ISBN 1-56027-287-2

    for sale
  • purchasable: available for purchase; "purchasable goods"; "many houses in the area are for sale"

  • For Sale is the fifth album by German pop band Fool's Garden, released in 2000.

  • For Sale is a tour EP by Say Anything. It contains 3 songs from …Is a Real Boy and 2 additional b-sides that were left off the album.

St. Francis of Assisi, as photographed by me and described by Dante

St. Francis of Assisi, as photographed by me and described by Dante

(English translation follows the original Italian:)

O insensata cura de’ mortali,
quanto son difettivi silogismi
quei che ti fanno in basso batter l’ali!

Chi dietro a iura e chi ad amforismi
sen giva, e chi seguendo sacerdozio,
e chi regnar per forza o per sofismi,

e chi rubare e chi civil negozio,
chi nel diletto de la carne involto
s’affaticava e chi si dava a l’ozio,

quando, da tutte queste cose sciolto,
con Beatrice m’era suso in cielo
cotanto gloriosamente accolto.

Poi che ciascuno fu tornato ne lo
punto del cerchio in che avanti s’era,
fermossi, come a candellier candelo.

E io senti’ dentro a quella lumera
che pria m’avea parlato, sorridendo
incominciar, faccendosi piu mera:

«Cosi com’ io del suo raggio resplendo,
si, riguardando ne la luce etterna,
li tuoi pensieri onde cagioni apprendo.

Tu dubbi, e hai voler che si ricerna
in si aperta e ’n si distesa lingua
lo dicer mio, ch’al tuo sentir si sterna,

ove dinanzi dissi: "U’ ben s’impingua",
e la u’ dissi: "Non nacque il secondo";
e qui e uopo che ben si distingua.

La provedenza, che governa il mondo
con quel consiglio nel quale ogne aspetto
creato e vinto pria che vada al fondo,

pero che andasse ver’ lo suo diletto
la sposa di colui ch’ad alte grida
disposo lei col sangue benedetto,

in se sicura e anche a lui piu fida,
due principi ordino in suo favore,
che quinci e quindi le fosser per guida.

L’un fu tutto serafico in ardore;
l’altro per sapienza in terra fue
di cherubica luce uno splendore.

De l’un diro, pero che d’amendue
si dice l’un pregiando, qual ch’om prende,
perch’ ad un fine fur l’opere sue.

Intra Tupino e l’acqua che discende
del colle eletto dal beato Ubaldo,
fertile costa d’alto monte pende,

onde Perugia sente freddo e caldo
da Porta Sole; e di rietro le piange
per grave giogo Nocera con Gualdo.

Di questa costa, la dov’ ella frange
piu sua rattezza, nacque al mondo un sole,
come fa questo talvolta di Gange.

Pero chi d’esso loco fa parole,
non dica Ascesi, che direbbe corto,
ma Oriente, se proprio dir vuole.

Non era ancor molto lontan da l’orto,
ch’el comincio a far sentir la terra
de la sua gran virtute alcun conforto;

che per tal donna, giovinetto, in guerra
del padre corse, a cui, come a la morte,
la porta del piacer nessun diserra;

e dinanzi a la sua spirital corte
et coram patre le si fece unito;
poscia di di in di l’amo piu forte.

Questa, privata del primo marito,
millecent’ anni e piu dispetta e scura
fino a costui si stette sanza invito;

ne valse udir che la trovo sicura
con Amiclate, al suon de la sua voce,
colui ch’a tutto ’l mondo fe paura;

ne valse esser costante ne feroce,
si che, dove Maria rimase giuso,
ella con Cristo pianse in su la croce.

Ma perch’ io non proceda troppo chiuso,
Francesco e Poverta per questi amanti
prendi oramai nel mio parlar diffuso.

La lor concordia e i lor lieti sembianti,
amore e maraviglia e dolce sguardo
facieno esser cagion di pensier santi;

tanto che ’l venerabile Bernardo
si scalzo prima, e dietro a tanta pace
corse e, correndo, li parve esser tardo.

Oh ignota ricchezza! oh ben ferace!
Scalzasi Egidio, scalzasi Silvestro
dietro a lo sposo, si la sposa piace.

Indi sen va quel padre e quel maestro
con la sua donna e con quella famiglia
che gia legava l’umile capestro.

Ne li gravo vilta di cuor le ciglia
per esser fi’ di Pietro Bernardone,
ne per parer dispetto a maraviglia;

ma regalmente sua dura intenzione
ad Innocenzio aperse, e da lui ebbe
primo sigillo a sua religione.

Poi che la gente poverella crebbe
dietro a costui, la cui mirabil vita
meglio in gloria del ciel si canterebbe,

di seconda corona redimita
fu per Onorio da l’Etterno Spiro
la santa voglia d’esto archimandrita.

E poi che, per la sete del martiro,
ne la presenza del Soldan superba
predico Cristo e li altri che ’l seguiro,

e per trovare a conversione acerba
troppo la gente e per non stare indarno,
redissi al frutto de l’italica erba,

nel crudo sasso intra Tevero e Arno
da Cristo prese l’ultimo sigillo,
che le sue membra due anni portarno.

Quando a colui ch’a tanto ben sortillo
piacque di trarlo suso a la mercede
ch’el merito nel suo farsi pusillo,

a’ frati suoi, si com’ a giuste rede,
raccomando la donna sua piu cara,
e comando che l’amassero a fede;

e del suo grembo l’anima preclara
mover si volle, tornando al suo regno,
e al suo corpo non volle altra bara.

Pensa oramai qual fu colui che degno
collega fu a mantener la barca
di Pietro in alto mar per dritto segno;

e questo fu il nostro patriarca;
per che qual segue lui, com’ el comanda,
discerner puoi che buone merce carca.

Ma ’l suo pecuglio di nova vivanda
e fatto ghiotto, si ch’esser non puote
che per diversi salti non si spanda;

e quanto le sue pecore remote
e vagabunde piu da esso vanno,
piu tornano a l’ovil di latte vote.

Ben son di quelle che temono ’l danno
e stringonsi al pastor; ma son si poche,
che le cappe fornisce poco panno.

Or, se le mie parole non son fioche,
se la tua audienza e stata attenta,
se c

A Rare and Exceptional Greek Silver Nomos of Terina (Bruttium, Magna Graecia), Probably the Finest Known of this Issue

A Rare and Exceptional Greek Silver Nomos of Terina (Bruttium, Magna Graecia), Probably the Finest Known of this Issue

Bruttium, Terina

Nomos 400-360, AR 7.88 g. ????????? ??Head of nymph Terina r., wearing sphendone decorated with star and necklace. Rev. TEP – INA Nymph Terina seated l. on cippus, holding patera in r. hand and resting l. on seat; in field r., Nike flying upwards to crown her. Regling 77. Jameson 491 (these dies). Holloway-Jenkins 83. Historia Numorum Italy 2628 (these dies).
Very rare and probably the finest specimen known. A very appealing issue in
fine late Classical style, old cabinet tone and extremely fine

Ex Vinchon 14 April 1984, de Behague, 22 and M&M 89, 2000, Suter, 24 sales. From the Star collection. Originally a colony of Croton, Terina was founded late in the 6th Century B.C. on a site that has not certainly been identified, but which likely is beneath the modern city of Sant’Eufemia Vetere on the south-western coast of the Italian peninsula. It seems to have remained under the influence of its mother city until 365 B.C., when it came under the dominion of the Lucanians, who nine years later were replaced by the Bruttians. Except for a brief intervention by Alexander the Molossian in about 330/325 B.C., Terina remained under the Bruttian yoke until 203 B.C., when it was razed by the army of Hannibal. If coinage may be taken as a yardstick for civic pride, the spirit of this city remained intact despite its history of continual subjugation to stronger peoples. Its ‘independent’ silver coinage spans more than 150 years, and with few exceptions its silver coins feature on the obverse a female head, and on the reverse a female figure (usually winged) standing, seated or taking flight. The engravers at Terina demonstrated their creativity by creating a significant variety of styles and sub-types within this comparatively narrow range of subject matter. This coin was struck from one of the most accomplished sets of dies from Terina. The portrait clearly is meant to represent a divinity (most probably the fountain nymph Terina) but in this case the figure on the reverse is not the usual winged figure (Victory or a syncretic figure), but a wingless female. A wingless figure occurs only one other time on the silver coinage of Terina – on the very first issue, on which the figure holds a branch, is contained within a wreath, and is identified by the inscription as Nike; Poole and Head specifically identified her as Nike Apteros. There is less certainty about the figure on this coin, which ultimately Holloway and Jenkins consider a personification of the city itself, being crowned by a small Victory which flies toward her from behind. Since the coinage of Terina has strong agonistic content, we might consider this remarkable composition to celebrate an athletic victory.

NAC48, 23

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Mexico Flight Deal. Low Cost Flight.

Mexico Flight Deal

mexico flight deal

  • A country in southwestern North America, with extensive coastlines on the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean, bordered by the US on the north; pop. 104,959,00; capital, Mexico City; language, Spanish (official)

  • A state in central Mexico, west of Mexico City; capital, Toluca de Lerdo

  • a republic in southern North America; became independent from Spain in 1810

  • (mexican) of or relating to Mexico or its inhabitants; "Mexican food is hot"

  • Mexico, (pronounced ; Mexico ), officially known as the United Mexican States , is a federal constitutional republic in North America.

  • a formation of aircraft in flight

  • shoot a bird in flight

  • Shoot (wildfowl) in flight

  • (in soccer, cricket, etc.) Deliver (a ball) with well-judged trajectory and pace

  • an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"

  • a particular instance of buying or selling; "it was a package deal"; "I had no further trade with him"; "he's a master of the business deal"

  • cover: act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression; "This book deals with incest"; "The course covered all of Western Civilization"; "The new book treats the history of China"

  • bargain: an agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion) fixing obligations of each; "he made a bargain with the devil"; "he rose to prominence through a series of shady deals"

  • Include a new player in a card game by giving them cards

  • Distribute or mete out (something) to a person or group

  • Distribute (cards) in an orderly rotation to the players for a game or round

Plaza Monumental in Tijuana

Plaza Monumental in Tijuana

Bullfight at Plaza Monumantal in Tijuana, Mexico.

I used a kite to fly the camera.

The U.S. / Mexico border is just off the bottom-edge of the picture.

Plaza Monumental is the second biggest bullring in all Mexico, and the third largest bullring on earth.

This bullfight was celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of Tijuana's Bullring by the Sea: Plaza Monumental. I knew it was a big deal when I heard Charo on the radio Friday telling people not to attend. Apparently, she doesn't care for the bullfights.

I was flying my kite from the American side, maybe twenty metres from the actual border. The wind was blowing from the southwest.

The kite had 500' of line out when this shot was taken. The camera was 100' from the kite.

This flight was my first KAP using the FLED! ( in black bat motif ), even though I've had it for at least six months. I would have liked to have tested it somewhere else first, but the winds where I live just don't work for the FLED. The FLED was thus relegated to the Accelerated Testing Program.

Today, however, is exactly why I bought the FLED. The FLED flew and lifted beautifully in the smooth, light winds coming off the Pacific Ocean, just like I figured it would. I would have been skunked today without it, so it's already paid for itself.

It came down with what looks like a small-calibre bullet-hole in it, right dead center! In September - the first time I KAPed this spot - the Border Patrol advised me someone in Mexico may shoot at my kite if they can tell I'm taking pictures. Maybe he was right!

I was flying from Border Field State Park, in the extreme southwest corner of the U.S. Even though I could hear the music and smell the food from the party going on across the border, I was all by myself on the U.S. side in the State Park. I had the whole place to myself ( except for the Border Patrol ) and for at least a couple miles north. When was the last time you walked a mile on a Southern California beach without seeing another person - on a summer weekend no less ?

Even though it turned out to be an overcast, foggy day, bright sunshine was forecast. I feel sorry for the folks at the bullring who paid extra to sit in "el sombre" today ( the seats on the shaded side of the bullring go for a premium ).

Bisti Badlands

Bisti Badlands

This is the Bisti badlands of New Mexico. I would like to take this time to say thanks to everybody who has Taken the time to give me some tips on places to shoot in the badlands. I wanted to spend a great deal more time in the bad lands shooting but from the video you can see below, It didn't turn out to be the nice day they forecasted, But I did manage to get a few really nice shots in. I guess that means I will just have to come back and shoot the Badlands again.

We are heading back to White sands For the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon, then it is back to albuquerque to catch our flight in the morning. I wanted to get to white sands for sunrise today but they decided they wanted to shoot a missile this morning so we have to wait till 9:15am....Oh well, I got some good shots lastnight anyway.

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Latin America Travel Airline Tickets

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    airline tickets
  • An airline ticket is a document, created by an airline or a travel agency, to confirm that an individual has purchased a seat on a flight on an aircraft. This document is then used to obtain a boarding pass, at the airport.

    latin america
  • The parts of the American continent where Spanish or Portuguese is the main national language (i.e., Mexico and, in effect, the whole of Central and South America including many of the Caribbean islands)

  • the parts of North America and South America to the south of the United States where Romance languages are spoken

  • (latin-american) of or relating to the countries of Latin America or their people; "Latin-American countries"; "Latin-American music"

  • Those parts of the Americas which speak Spanish or Portuguese, Latin-derived languages: South America, Central America, Mexico, and most islands of the Carribean

  • The action of traveling, typically abroad

  • change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news

  • (of a device) Designed so as to be sufficiently compact for use on a journey

  • the act of going from one place to another; "he enjoyed selling but he hated the travel"

  • Journeys, esp. long or exotic ones

  • change of location: a movement through space that changes the location of something

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Free Flight Booking : Chicago To Tampa Cheap Flights : Flights From Venice To Rome.

Free Flight Booking

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    free flight
  • Free Flight was an American jazz ensemble led by Jim Walker.

  • The flight of a spacecraft, rocket, or missile when the engine is not producing thrust

  • Free fall is any motion of a body where gravity is the only or dominant force acting upon it, at least initially. Since this definition does not specify velocity, it also applies to objects initially moving upward.

  • Free flight is a developing air traffic control method that uses no centralized control (e.g. air traffic controllers). Instead, parts of airspace are reserved dynamically and automatically in a distributed way using computer communication to ensure the required separation between aircraft.

  • An engagement for a performance by an entertainer

  • (booked) reserved in advance

  • engagement: employment for performers or performing groups that lasts for a limited period of time; "the play had bookings throughout the summer"

  • An act of reserving accommodations, travel, etc., or of buying a ticket in advance

  • the act of reserving (a place or passage) or engaging the services of (a person or group); "wondered who had made the booking"

Yes, it was a joy to be in Washington DC for the first time, 1960

Yes, it was a joy to be in Washington DC for the first time, 1960

Ike was President and all seemed peaceful. Instead of going home, I took advantage of the free MATS flights and finally saw some of the sights I had wanted to see throughout my youth. The big Connie landed at what was then USNAS Anacostia. What I remember most was the sight behind me.

The old streetcars took me to where I wanted to go, sights I wanted to see. I was alone, but I had a lot of fun.

I spent about three weeks hopping MATS planes and flying from one area to another. One of the planes I enjoyed most was not a MATS aircraft, but the guys in Operations were friendly and booked me on a NEPTUNE P2V to NAS Norfolk.

Norfolk was quite a sight, the ships and naval station, a mass array of U.S. Navy on display.

When we landed, a couple of guys on the flight crew invited me to have a few beers at the EM Club. It was called the AERODROME and it was huge. There were floor shows, all types of music, friendly "servers" and the old pinball machines. It was quite an evening.

Free Comic Book Day

Free Comic Book Day

The two in the bottom right corner I bought because I wanted to not seem like such a moocher.
The two I bought are "Fathom" and "Red Sonja". I also got a "Betty and Veronica" comic but I gave that to my mom.

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- 14:58 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


New Flight Restrictions - Cheapest Airline Tickets Possible - Cheap Flights Tickets To Mexico

New Flight Restrictions

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  • The limitation or control of someone or something, or the state of being limited or restricted

  • (restrict) place restrictions on; "curtail drinking in school"

  • (restrict) qualify: make more specific; "qualify these remarks"

  • A limiting condition or measure, esp. a legal one

  • (restrict) place limits on (extent or access); "restrict the use of this parking lot"; "limit the time you can spend with your friends"

  • Shoot (wildfowl) in flight

  • (in soccer, cricket, etc.) Deliver (a ball) with well-judged trajectory and pace

  • shoot a bird in flight

  • an instance of traveling by air; "flying was still an exciting adventure for him"

  • a formation of aircraft in flight

Kereru (New Zealand Pigeon, Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) feeding on spring blossoms of Montpellier broom (Teline monspessulana)

Kereru (New Zealand Pigeon, Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) feeding on spring blossoms of Montpellier broom (Teline monspessulana)

Photographed at Zealandia, Karori Sanctuary.
New Zealand Pigeon (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) is a bird endemic to New Zealand. Maori call it Kereru in most of the country but kukupa and kuku in some parts of the North Island, particularly in Northland. New Zealand pigeons are commonly called wood pigeons but are not the same as the Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus) which is a member of a different genus.
The kereru belongs to the family Columbidae, and the subfamily Treroninae, which is found throughout Southeast Asia, Malaya, Africa and New Zealand. The members of this subfamily feed largely on fruits, mainly drupes. New Zealand Pigeons are members of the pigeon genus Hemiphaga (Bonaparte, 1854), which is endemic to the New Zealand archipelago and Norfolk Island. However recently a Hemiphaga bone was found on Raoul Island. The Parea or Chatham Island Pigeon (Hemiphaga chathamensis) is traditionally considered a subspecies of the Kereru, but is here treated as a separate species.
The New Zealand Pigeon is a large (550 to 850 g) arboreal fruit-pigeon found in forests from Northland to Stewart Island/Rakiura, ranging in habitats from coastal to montane. The general morphology is that of a typical pigeon, in that it has a relatively small head, a straight soft-based bill and loosely attached feathers. It also displays typical pigeon behaviour, which includes drinking by suction, a wing-threat display, hitting with the wing when threatened, a diving display flight, a ‘bowing’ display, ritualised preening and ‘billing’ during courtship. New Zealand Pigeons build flimsy, shallow, twiggy nests and feed crop milk to hatchlings.
The New Zealand Pigeon grows to some 51 cm (20 inches) in length and 650 g in weight. The head, throat and wings are generally a shiny green-purple colour, but with a bronze tinge to the feathers. The breast is typically white and the bill red with an orange-ish tip. The feet and eyes are red. Juveniles have a similar colouration but are generally paler with dull colours for the beak, eyes and feet and a shorter tail.
The New Zealand Pigeons make occasional soft coo sounds (hence the onomatopoeic names), and their wings make a very distinctive "whooshing" sound as they fly. The bird's flight is also very distinctive. Birds will often ascend slowly before making impressively steep parabolic dives; it is thought that this behaviour is often associated with nesting, or nest failure
The New Zealand Pigeons are commonly regarded as frugivorous, primarily eating fruits from native trees. They play an important ecological role, as they are the only birds capable of eating the largest native fruits and drupes (those with smallest diameter greater than 1 cm), such as those of the taraire, and thus spreading the seeds intact. While fruit comprises the major part of their diets, the New Zealand Pigeon also browses on leaves and buds, especially nitrogen rich foliage during breeding. One of their favorite leaves to eat is from an introduced plant, the common plum tree. The diet changes seasonally as the availability of fruit changes, and leaves can comprise the major part of the diet at certain times of the year, such as when there is little fruit around.
Breeding generally depends on the occurrence of ripe fruit, which varies seasonally, annually (good years and bad years), and by location. New Zealand Pigeons, like other frugivorous pigeons, feed on many species with tropical affinities, including the Lauraceae and Arecaceae but live in the temperate forest of New Zealand and also feed on podocarp species, thought to be elements of Gondwana, such as miro (Prumnopitys ferruginea) and Kahikatea (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides).[10][11][13][12] The more tropical tree species are restricted to the warmer northern half of the North Island, and in these regions pigeons can nest all year round, except when moulting between March and May, provided enough fruit is available. Further south many tropical tree species are missing and in these areas breeding usually occurs between October (early spring) and April (late summer/early autumn), again depending on fruit availability.
New Zealand Pigeons nest in trees, laying a single egg, in a flimsy nest constructed of a few twigs thrown together. The egg is incubated for 28 days. The young bird then takes another 36 days to fledge. In seasons of plentiful fruit the pigeons can successfully nest up to four times.
The population of the New Zealand Pigeon declined considerably after the arrival of humans in New Zealand, and this trend continues, especially in the North Island, but is still relatively common in the west of the South Island and in coastal Otago. They are commonly found in native forests (lowlands in particular), scrub, rural and city gardens and parks.
The introduced Australian common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and introduced species of rats — mainly the ship or black rat (Rattus rattus) but also the kiore or Polynesian rat (Rattus exulans)

Kereru - New Zealand pigeon - Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae

Kereru - New Zealand pigeon - Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae

Kereru feeding on tree lucern, Zealandia, Wellington, New Zealand.
Kereru are a bird endemic to New Zealand. Maori call it Kereru in most of the country but kukupa and kuku in some parts of the North Island, particularly in Northland. New Zealand pigeons are commonly called wood pigeons but are not the same as the Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus) which is a member of a different genus.
The kereru belongs to the family Columbidae, and the subfamily Treroninae, which is found throughout Southeast Asia, Malaya, Africa and New Zealand. The members of this subfamily feed largely on fruits, mainly drupes. New Zealand Pigeons are members of the pigeon genus Hemiphaga (Bonaparte, 1854), which is endemic to the New Zealand archipelago and Norfolk Island. However recently a Hemiphaga bone was found on Raoul Island. The Parea or Chatham Island Pigeon (Hemiphaga chathamensis) is traditionally considered a subspecies of the Kereru, but is here treated as a separate species.
The New Zealand Pigeon is a large (550 to 850 g) arboreal fruit-pigeon found in forests from Northland to Stewart Island/Rakiura, ranging in habitats from coastal to montane. The general morphology is that of a typical pigeon, in that it has a relatively small head, a straight soft-based bill and loosely attached feathers. It also displays typical pigeon behaviour, which includes drinking by suction, a wing-threat display, hitting with the wing when threatened, a diving display flight, a ‘bowing’ display, ritualised preening and ‘billing’ during courtship. New Zealand Pigeons build flimsy, shallow, twiggy nests and feed crop milk to hatchlings.
The New Zealand Pigeon grows to some 51 cm (20 inches) in length and 650 g in weight. The head, throat and wings are generally a shiny green-purple colour, but with a bronze tinge to the feathers. The breast is typically white and the bill red with an orange-ish tip. The feet and eyes are red. Juveniles have a similar colouration but are generally paler with dull colours for the beak, eyes and feet and a shorter tail.
The New Zealand Pigeons make occasional soft coo sounds (hence the onomatopoeic names), and their wings make a very distinctive "whooshing" sound as they fly. The bird's flight is also very distinctive. Birds will often ascend slowly before making impressively steep parabolic dives; it is thought that this behaviour is often associated with nesting, or nest failure
The New Zealand Pigeons are commonly regarded as frugivorous, primarily eating fruits from native trees. They play an important ecological role, as they are the only birds capable of eating the largest native fruits and drupes (those with smallest diameter greater than 1 cm), such as those of the taraire, and thus spreading the seeds intact. While fruit comprises the major part of their diets, the New Zealand Pigeon also browses on leaves and buds, especially nitrogen rich foliage during breeding. One of their favorite leaves to eat is from an introduced plant, the common plum tree. The diet changes seasonally as the availability of fruit changes, and leaves can comprise the major part of the diet at certain times of the year, such as when there is little fruit around.
Breeding generally depends on the occurrence of ripe fruit, which varies seasonally, annually (good years and bad years), and by location. New Zealand Pigeons, like other frugivorous pigeons, feed on many species with tropical affinities, including the Lauraceae and Arecaceae but live in the temperate forest of New Zealand and also feed on podocarp species, thought to be elements of Gondwana, such as miro (Prumnopitys ferruginea) and Kahikatea (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides).[10][11][13][12] The more tropical tree species are restricted to the warmer northern half of the North Island, and in these regions pigeons can nest all year round, except when moulting between March and May, provided enough fruit is available. Further south many tropical tree species are missing and in these areas breeding usually occurs between October (early spring) and April (late summer/early autumn), again depending on fruit availability.
New Zealand Pigeons nest in trees, laying a single egg, in a flimsy nest constructed of a few twigs thrown together. The egg is incubated for 28 days. The young bird then takes another 36 days to fledge. In seasons of plentiful fruit the pigeons can successfully nest up to four times.
The population of the New Zealand Pigeon declined considerably after the arrival of humans in New Zealand, and this trend continues, especially in the North Island, but is still relatively common in the west of the South Island and in coastal Otago. They are commonly found in native forests (lowlands in particular), scrub, rural and city gardens and parks.
The introduced Australian common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and introduced species of rats — mainly the ship or black rat (Rattus rattus) but also the kiore or Polynesian rat (Rattus exulans) and brown rat (Ra

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Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3 Patch

microsoft combat flight simulator 3 patch

    flight simulator
  • simulator consisting of a machine on the ground that simulates the conditions of flying a plane

  • (Flight Simulators) are extensively used in the aviation industry to train pilots, but made their mark early in computer game history and continue to be a very popular genre that provides accurate and interactive simulation of flying crafts (Jet - Sublogic Corporation/1985, Microsoft Flight

  • Flight simulation is an artificial re-creation of aircraft flight and various aspects of the flight environment.

  • A machine designed to resemble the cockpit of an aircraft, with computer-generated images that mimic the pilot's view, typically with mechanisms that move the entire structure in imitation of an aircraft's motion, used for training pilots

  • (Microsoftian) Of or relating to Microsoft Inc., or its products

  • Microsoft Corporation is a public multinational corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA that develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of products and services predominantly related to computing through its various product divisions.

  • (microsofts) circuits hardwired with info, programs, whatever. You plug them into your brain, you know stuff. Tech. Not Bill Gates.

  • an engagement fought between two military forces

  • fight: the act of fighting; any contest or struggle; "a fight broke out at the hockey game"; "there was fighting in the streets"; "the unhappy couple got into a terrible scrap"

  • Take action to reduce, destroy, or prevent (something undesirable)

  • battle: battle or contend against in or as if in a battle; "The Kurds are combating Iraqi troops in Northern Iraq"; "We must combat the prejudices against other races"; "they battled over the budget"

  • Engage in a fight with; oppose in battle

  • to join or unite the pieces of; "patch the skirt"

  • provide with a patch; also used metaphorically; "The field was patched with snow"

  • Mend or strengthen (fabric or an item of clothing) by putting a piece of material over a hole or weak point in it

  • Correct, enhance, or modify (a routine or program) by inserting a patch

  • spot: a small contrasting part of something; "a bald spot"; "a leopard's spots"; "a patch of clouds"; "patches of thin ice"; "a fleck of red"

  • Place a patch over (a good eye) in order to encourage a lazy eye to work

  • three: being one more than two

  • A performance appraisal, employee appraisal, performance review, or (career) development discussion is a method by which the job performance of an employee is evaluated (generally in terms of quality, quantity, cost, and time) typically by the corresponding manager or supervisor .

  • three: the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one

Combat Soldier

Combat Soldier

#7501 Combat Field Jacket Set (1964) with #7502 Combat Field Pack Set (1964) and #7507 Combat Helmet Set (1964) from the Collection of Scott McCullar - This is a vintage Hasbro Combat Soldier from the Action Soldier combat series. The figure is all vintage with no repro parts. Not pictured is a helmet net and foilage that go along with the helmet set.



This ballet is "Combat". Choreography by Willim Dollar, music by Raffaello de Banfield, performed by Nora Esteves and Aldo Lotufo at Municipal Theatre of Rio de Janeiro. The picture shows the moment that the warrior kills a enemy soldier that is her great love. Original pic in B&W film.

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Search For Cheap Airfares : Flights From Paris To Berlin.

Search For Cheap Airfares

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  • (Cheap airfare) A low-cost carrier or low-cost airline (also known as a no-frills, discount or budget carrier or airline) is an airline that generally has lower fares.

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  • Taken from Dublin Core Fields:

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The search for truth, leads where? 9455

The search for truth, leads where? 9455

Like I, may you find inspiration on your daily journeys from this in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27:

“While all the runners in the stadium take part in the race, the award goes to one man. In that case, run so as to win! Athletes deny themselves all sorts of things. They do this to win a crown of leaves that withers, but we a crown that is imperishable. I do not run like a man who loses sight of the finish line. I do not fight as if I were shadow-boxing. What I do is discipline my own body and master it, for fear that after having preached to others I myself should be rejected.”

EXPLORE # 495 on Monday, February 11, 2008

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Searching for Spring

Female Bluebird on the deck rail.

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When to book cheap flights. Flight computer instructions. New york to amsterdam flights.

When To Book Cheap Flights

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  • A low-cost carrier or low-cost airline (also known as a no-frills, discount or budget carrier or airline) is an airline that generally has lower fares.

    to book
  • Most any situation that would call for a “reservation” in the US would call for a “booking” in the UK. For instance, you’ll need to book a hotel room for your stay in the UK and you might also want to get a booking for a nice restaurant.

Ray Bradbury's Tales of Terror and The Illustrated Man

Ray Bradbury's Tales of Terror and The Illustrated Man

Suspended Animation Classic #278
Originally published April 24, 1994 (#17)
(Dates are approximate)

Ray Bradbury’s Tales of Terror and The Illustrated Man
By Michael Vance

Ray Bradbury is one of the finest writers in comic books. Hopefully, he’ll write one someday.

Bradbury writes short stories and novels. When his stylistic integrity is honored, comic book adaptations of his rhyme and reason are magic.

“Ray Bradbury’s Tales of Terror” ($2.50, 30 pages), however, is sleight-of-hand … and talent.

“Skeleton”, the story of a man at war with his own calcium, is disjointed. “Uncle Einer”, a fantasy in flight, is wooden. Both are mundane. Virtually nothing of Bradbury remains in these poorly written, artistically mismatched mutilations.

That’s no virtue at all.

“Home to Stay”, the final piece in this anthology, is magic. Adapted (and plagiarized) by Al Fieldstein and drawn by Wally Wood, it originally appeared in the EC comic book “Weird Fantasy” (1952). It is the whispered horror of falling stars and fallen men, and was the first comic book adaptation of Bradbury’s work.

Up the other magic sleeve is “Ray Bradbury’s Illustrated Man” ($2.95, 28 pages), the point well illustrated.

A leper colony on Mars. The man that brings New York City to this planet of Death (weakened by art below P. Craig Russel’s usual high standards). The invasion of Earth by … children.

A man tattooed with pictures that move and foretell by an artist from the future.

The virtue of this Bradbury anthology is that his work isn’t reduced to titles and plots. His mixture of familiar and unfamiliar, of human responses to fantastic situations, is everywhere. This is no better illustrated than in the chance meeting of the tattooed man and a Wisconsin youngster that frames each short story.

Bradbury writes: “The colors burned in three dimensions. They were windows looking in upon fiery reality … this wasn’t the work of a cheap carnival tattoo man with three colors and whiskey on his breath. This was the accomplishment of a living genius … vibrant, clear and beautiful”.

Amen and implied for this adaptation as well.

Both titles are published by Topps Comics and are available in comics shops or by mail order.

Books, books, and more books...

Books, books, and more books...

(3/30 Gratitude)

I admit it - I’m a book addict. I keep buying new books even though I haven’t finished reading the last books I bought. I just love going into book stores, roaming the aisles, looking at all different kinds of books and flipping through pages of a book that catches my attention. If I like the first few pages, I buy the book. It's very difficult for me to walk out of Barnes & Noble with just one book. I have oodles and oodles of books to read. The books ought to keep me busy and keep me out of trouble :)
All I need now is time.

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- 14:56 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Search For Cheap Airfares : Flights From Paris To Berlin.

Search For Cheap Airfares

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  • (Cheap airfare) A low-cost carrier or low-cost airline (also known as a no-frills, discount or budget carrier or airline) is an airline that generally has lower fares.

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The search for truth, leads where? 9455

The search for truth, leads where? 9455

Like I, may you find inspiration on your daily journeys from this in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27:

“While all the runners in the stadium take part in the race, the award goes to one man. In that case, run so as to win! Athletes deny themselves all sorts of things. They do this to win a crown of leaves that withers, but we a crown that is imperishable. I do not run like a man who loses sight of the finish line. I do not fight as if I were shadow-boxing. What I do is discipline my own body and master it, for fear that after having preached to others I myself should be rejected.”

EXPLORE # 495 on Monday, February 11, 2008

Searching for Spring

Searching for Spring

Female Bluebird on the deck rail.

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- 14:48 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


When to book cheap flights. Flight computer instructions. New york to amsterdam flights.

When To Book Cheap Flights

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  • A low-cost carrier or low-cost airline (also known as a no-frills, discount or budget carrier or airline) is an airline that generally has lower fares.

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  • Most any situation that would call for a “reservation” in the US would call for a “booking” in the UK. For instance, you’ll need to book a hotel room for your stay in the UK and you might also want to get a booking for a nice restaurant.

Ray Bradbury's Tales of Terror and The Illustrated Man

Ray Bradbury's Tales of Terror and The Illustrated Man

Suspended Animation Classic #278
Originally published April 24, 1994 (#17)
(Dates are approximate)

Ray Bradbury’s Tales of Terror and The Illustrated Man
By Michael Vance

Ray Bradbury is one of the finest writers in comic books. Hopefully, he’ll write one someday.

Bradbury writes short stories and novels. When his stylistic integrity is honored, comic book adaptations of his rhyme and reason are magic.

“Ray Bradbury’s Tales of Terror” ($2.50, 30 pages), however, is sleight-of-hand … and talent.

“Skeleton”, the story of a man at war with his own calcium, is disjointed. “Uncle Einer”, a fantasy in flight, is wooden. Both are mundane. Virtually nothing of Bradbury remains in these poorly written, artistically mismatched mutilations.

That’s no virtue at all.

“Home to Stay”, the final piece in this anthology, is magic. Adapted (and plagiarized) by Al Fieldstein and drawn by Wally Wood, it originally appeared in the EC comic book “Weird Fantasy” (1952). It is the whispered horror of falling stars and fallen men, and was the first comic book adaptation of Bradbury’s work.

Up the other magic sleeve is “Ray Bradbury’s Illustrated Man” ($2.95, 28 pages), the point well illustrated.

A leper colony on Mars. The man that brings New York City to this planet of Death (weakened by art below P. Craig Russel’s usual high standards). The invasion of Earth by … children.

A man tattooed with pictures that move and foretell by an artist from the future.

The virtue of this Bradbury anthology is that his work isn’t reduced to titles and plots. His mixture of familiar and unfamiliar, of human responses to fantastic situations, is everywhere. This is no better illustrated than in the chance meeting of the tattooed man and a Wisconsin youngster that frames each short story.

Bradbury writes: “The colors burned in three dimensions. They were windows looking in upon fiery reality … this wasn’t the work of a cheap carnival tattoo man with three colors and whiskey on his breath. This was the accomplishment of a living genius … vibrant, clear and beautiful”.

Amen and implied for this adaptation as well.

Both titles are published by Topps Comics and are available in comics shops or by mail order.

Books, books, and more books...

Books, books, and more books...

(3/30 Gratitude)

I admit it - I’m a book addict. I keep buying new books even though I haven’t finished reading the last books I bought. I just love going into book stores, roaming the aisles, looking at all different kinds of books and flipping through pages of a book that catches my attention. If I like the first few pages, I buy the book. It's very difficult for me to walk out of Barnes & Noble with just one book. I have oodles and oodles of books to read. The books ought to keep me busy and keep me out of trouble :)
All I need now is time.

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