x...Desing By: Andrijana...x Is everybody going crazy? - You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be... - Blog.hr
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dijana- super cura, ovo joj je novi blog- posjetite ju i ostavite puuuno koma =)

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love of my life...

At this moment,
there are 6 billion,
4 hundred,
71 million, 8 hundred,
18 thousand, 6 hundred,
71 people in the world.
Some are running scared..
some are coming home. Some
tell lies to make it
through the day.. others
are just now facing the
truth. Some are evil men
at war with good, and
some are good.. struggling
with evil. 6 billion people
in the world, 6 billion souls -- and sometimes.. all you need is 1...

moj msn: blink-182-girl@hotmail.com

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I miss you

Hello there the angel from my nightmare
The shadow in backround of the morgue
The unsespecting victim of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me
And we'll have Halloween on Christmas
And in the night we'll wish this never ends
We'll wish this never end

Where are you and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
This sick strange darkness comes creeping on so haunting everytime
And as I stared I counted the webs from all the spiders
catching things and eating their insides
Like indecision to call you
And hear your voice of treason
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight
stop this pain tonight

Don't waste your time on me your already the voice inside my head...

Baby come on

She's a pretty girl
She's always falling down
And I think I just fell in love with her
But she won't ever remember, remember

And I can always find her
At the bottom of a plastic cup
Drowning in drunk sincerity
A sad and lonely girl

Quit crying your eyes out
Quit crying your eyes out, and baby come on
Isn't there something familiar about me?
The past is only the future with the lights on
Quit crying your eyes out, baby

And she said, "I think we're running out of alcohol
Tonight I hate this fucking town
And all my best friends will be the death of me
But they won't ever remember, remember

So please take me far away
Before I melt into the ground
And all my words get used against me"
You sad and lonely girl

Quit crying your eyes out
Quit crying your eyes out, and baby come on
Isn't there something familiar about me?
The past is only the future with the lights on
Quit crying your eyes out, baby

Little Death

Please sleep, my darling, sleep
Your cry for inspiration
Never reaches ears on distant stars
And every night our lonely planet
Slides across the universe
And I won't pretend I understand

Please sleep, my darling, sleep
Your death by information
Won't disturb the peace on distant stars
And even when you lock the doors
And slide behind the unlit shades
None of us are strangers anymore

Fall asleep with the windows open
Come to me with the worst you've said and done
You'll close your eyes and see me
A little death makes life more meaningful
I stand no chance at all

Please, sleep my darling, sleep
Your car crash in slow motion
Won't upset the pace on distant stars
And one by one the years of our lives
Stumble as the moments pass
So please hold on, so please hold on

So fall asleep with the windows open
Come to me with the worst you've said and done
You'll close your eyes and see me
A little death makes life more meaningful
I stand no chance at all

Pieces - sum 41

I tried to be perfect,
But nothing was worth it,
I don’t believe it makes me real.
I thought it’d be easy,
But no one believes me,
I meant all the things I said.

If you believe it’s in my soul,
I’d say all the words that I know,
Just to see if you were a show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I’m better off on my own.

This place is so empty,
My thoughts are so tempting,
I don’t know how it got so bad.
Sometimes it’s so crazy,
that nothing can save me,
But it’s the only thing that I have.

If you believe it's in my soul,
I’d say all the words that I know,
Just to see if they would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I'm better off on my own.

Goo Goo Dolls- Iris

And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight

And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything seems like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know your alive


And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am

You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be...

x...12.05.2007., subota...x

Is everybody going crazy?

hola ljudi..prvo da vam zahvalim na komentarima.. pa hvala vam puno volim vas! uspjeli ste i više od 150 komentara... odužit ću se svima obečajem samo kad budem imala vremena jel mi je sad fakat frka i u školi moram učit dosta... a i sutra idem na ručak imam krizmu..zapravo danas sam je imala al sutra idem u restoran... o tome ću vam poslje ispričat... i drugo da vam se ispričaam što sam malo zakasnila s postom.. pa sorry razlog je naveden gore...
e sad na krizmu... jutros sam se krizmala u crkvi dakle i bilo je lijepo stvarno... obukla sam onu haljinu koju sam si kupila u immportaneu smeđu sa točkicama i par je cura imalo istu tu samo druge boje tak daa nisam bila skroz unique al ok.... ujutro sam se digla u 7 onda sam išla kod frizerke i rekla joj da mi napravi valovitu kosu al onak blago pa mi ju je skroz sfrčkala i nisam baš bila oduševljena al poslje mi se i svidjela... ok.... i vidla sam svoju simpatiju (bivšeg simpatiju mislim) kojeg nisam vidla godinu dana... da.. sladak je...lol....
ajme par cura je izgledalo ko babe jedna je došla u narodnoj nošnji... no comment..
al ok s tim djelom sam zadovoljna...
e sutra mi je rođendan pa u restoran idem slavit i krizmu i b-day... bit će nas oko 30-ak... danas mi je kuma dala poklon-mp4 i deda mi je kupio neku slatku ogrlicu od bijelog zlata s privjeskom malim srčekom.. to mi se sviđa.. sutra ćemo vidjet...
ajme sad moram ić učit zemljopis ubit ću se... i da recite mi šta mislite o mom novom dizajnu? lol meni se sviđa...
još jednom tnx na kommima sorryte komat ću vas čim stignem... big kisskiss

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-msn: blink-182-girl@hotmail.com
-rodila sam se 13.05. (bičina po horoskopu) '93. godine
-živim u zagrebu
-upisala sedmu gimnaziju u zagrebu
-i sad mi nedostaje osnovna a prije par mjeseci sam je tolko proklinjala =(
-nebi mogla živit bez: hrane (posebno pizze)njami ,vode (i cole i fante)party, zraka, obitelji, prijatelja, iPoda, dečkinaughty, svog ormara (obljepljen slikicama,baš je kul), mobitela, internetasmijeh
-hobi: švrljanje po gradu, odlazak u šoping...
- obožavam toma,marka i travisadead i najgori trenutak u cjelom životu mi je bio kad su se raspali (iako ih tad nisam slušala,al mi je sad najtužniji)no
-obožavam pjesmu feeling thissmijeh
-mrzim ljude koli se preseravaju,koji su umišljeni i ljubomornilud
-mrzim narodnjake(al nemam niš protiv ljudi koji ih slušaju-ko voli nek izvoli)
-najveće želje su mi:-da se blinkovci ponovno skupe ko bend i da ih upoznam
-ukrotit starce
-da mi u srednjoj bude jeebeno =)
-životni cilj: -naći savršenog dečka (visok,taman,u faci ko torres a tjelo ko..isto,ima jamice na obrazima kad se smije,tamnu kosu i oči,oblači se sportski kul,sluša blink 182,voli me,mazi i pazi...itd. PA AKO GA VIDITE JAVITE MI!!!!!) ludcerek

Volim Blink 182, Good Charlotte,Simple Plan,Guns N' Roses,Plus 44,Sum 41,Bullet for my valentine,Angels&Airwaves,The Veronicas,Avril Lavigne,Panic!At The Disco,Fall Out Boy,Iron Maiden,Green Day,šilterice na dečkima,mamu,tatu,dobro nekad i brata,frendice,slatke i zgodne dečke,dobro i pametne(ali nije najvažniji uvjet lol-šalim se),Travisa Barkera,Marka Hoppusa,Toma Delongea,Fernanda Torresa,C.Ronalda,Kaku,Chada M. Murraya,Ashtona Kutchera, Tree Hill,O.C.,Dawson's Creek,engleski jezik,more,pizzu,čokoladu,lizalice,žvake,zabavne ljude,zalazak sunca,nebo,ljetni pljusak,plažu,ljeto,sk8ere, svoju osnovnu (sad bivšu) školu, i još puno toga...

Mrzimburninmadbangludnamcorheadbangmadnono narodnjake, kemiju i fiziku,grah,umišljene ljude,kič,dečke koji se poigravaju s curama,roditeljske prodike,pametovanja,zimu,pauke,snijeg,jednog dečka,jednu curu (zapravo ih je više),bahate,licemjerne,dvolične,umišljene ljude koji se uvlače drugima u guzicu,kad me neko požuruje,kad se neko pravi da je nešto što nije,odgovarati pred pločom,pisat testove,kad trebam zabrijat s slatkim dečkom a onda me stara nazove i dere se na mene,kad me prekinu u nečem što radim,kad je neko sarkastičan,kad nemogu nać nešto što mi treba,nasilje,zle ljude,ratove,siromaštvo i nepravdu i još svašta...

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DesingBy: Andrij@n@
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