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19.05.2008., ponedjeljak

How the search and the ranking system works?

As important as it is to gain a listing in Yahoo, you won't profit much from it if you're listed in a way that makes it impossible to find your site. In order to be able to make your site more visible, you'll have to know a thing or two about how Yahoo works.

There are two ways a person can use to find your site at Yahoo. The first is to browse the categories and find the one your site is placed in. The other, often faster way, is to use the search feature located at the top of Yahoo's front page. In this chapter, we'll first examine how the order of sites in the categories is determined. After that, we'll move on to the search feature.

Yahoo arranges the sites in each of the categories with the same, relatively simple method. If you go and take a look, you'll notice that the sites are listed alphabetically by title. Even though the order is in most cases based on this rule, there are a few exceptions that you should be aware of.

Most popular
In many categories, there are a handful of sites listed under a heading called "Most popular". Being located among them has two advantages. One, in addition to that listing, you'll also get to keep your regular listing under the "Alphabetical" heading.

Two, sites under the "Most popular" heading are above all other sites, excluding possible sponsored ones. This makes it easier for people to find you, especially if the title of your site does not begin with an A, B or C.

So, what decides which site gets a "Most popular" status and which does not? Unfortunately, I've been unable to find a truly accurate answer to that question. However, click popularity has been said to play a large part in the process. Also, it has been noticed that the sites under "Most popular" tend to have a few things in common. They're usually well-known, large sites that have high link popularity and a high Google PageRank.

At the moment, there seems to be no "magic potion" for giving your site "Most popular" status. Fortunately, if you spend time creating a title that begins with a number or a letter that is close to the beginning of the alphabet, you'll be listed near the top anyhow.

If new information surfaces, I'll update this article. For now, I suggest working on your click popularity and link popularity / PageRank if you want to become one of the most popular.

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