28.11.2011., ponedjeljak



Boys Before Flowers Actress

boys before flowers actress

  • Be in or reach an optimum stage of development; develop fully and richly

  • (of a plant) Produce flowers; bloom

  • Induce (a plant) to produce flowers

  • (flower) a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms

  • (flower) reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts

  • (flower) bloom: produce or yield flowers; "The cherry tree bloomed"

  • A female actor

  • a female actor

  • An actor or actress (see terminology) is a person who acts in a dramatic production and who works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity.

  • The Actress is an 1953 american drama film based on Ruth Gordon's autobiographical play Years Ago. Gordon herself wrote the screenplay. The film was directed by George Cukor and stars Jean Simmons, Spencer Tracy, Teresa Wright, and Anthony Perkins in his film debut.

  • A male child or young man who does a specified job

  • (boy) male child: a youthful male person; "the baby was a boy"; "she made the boy brush his teeth every night"; "most soldiers are only boys in uniform"

  • (boy) a friendly informal reference to a grown man; "he likes to play golf with the boys"

  • A male child or young man

  • A son

  • (boy) son: a male human offspring; "their son became a famous judge"; "his boy is taller than he is"

Pocket full of daisies

Pocket full of daisies

1. My favorite flowers are sunflowers. Most people won't get these because they're too big, hard to find, and roses are easier to buy. One of my ex boyfriends once showed up at the door with a single gigantic sunflower. It was sexier than all the roses in the world. I’m a simplistic person at heart- the type of person who if I was ever engaged would ask for a small pearl.

2. The gerbera daisy is second in line. This picture is of neither. But a pocket full of daisies will make me smile. This was taken on the back entrance stairs that lead to our old kitchen. I used to pick daisies here and pull their petals off thinking about boys at school. I learned from television that you were supposed to say, "he loves me, he loves me not."

3. I wanted to be an actress. I wanted to be a storyteller. When I was a junior in high school I made it to the final round for the Governor's School--a summer program held at TCNJ where they taught artists how to really work their craft. I was going for acting/musical theatre. When I didn't get in I decided to be the story teller I knew I was. Creative writing didn't sound like it would make much money so I started looking for journalism schools. I still consider myself a storyteller (both visually and textually). Turns out journalists don't make much money either.

4. I wasn’t boy crazy when I was a little kid. I only “had crushes” because I thought that was the thing you were supposed to do. Yay social-conditioning. I mostly picked the petals to throw on our old dog Korky and danced around the yard barefoot. I also collected four leaf clovers here that grew in the cracks of the stairs and sidewalk. My mom has this awesome picture of me grinning with a bunch clutched between my two little hands; Korky is by my side.

5. Korky was put to sleep when I was in kindergarten. I grew up next-door to my Abuela, Abuelo and Tia who always had dogs, but I didn't have one of my own until I was in the fourth grade. My parents kept Boston as a surprise. My aunt, father and brother went to go get him from the breeder and that day they brought him home I was making a wreath of fake daisies and ribbons for my head. I wanted to be Kirsten Larson—a character from the American Girl series. My crafty mother never missed a beat. She and her trusty glue-gun helped me construct the wreath. I had just finished it when my father walked in. I was so excited to show him my costume I didn’t notice the little puppy in his arms. I actually noticed when my aunt took over to carrying him.

6. Boston Kreme (my mom and I thought we were being funny when we named him) lived until I was a freshman in university. I got the news a day later; it was a week before his birthday and thanksgiving. He had a heart condition that the vet had mistreated and due to stress of a stray my Abuela took in –he bullied Boston—he finally collapsed on our kitchen floor. It was the same spot where my aunt stood carrying him the day they brought him home. My mom had just brought Boston back from the vet; she left him alone to get his medicine. He took that moment to pass on. It reminds me of my grandmother. She waited until everyone left her bedside; when my aunt’s head was down in prayer she passed away. Some people need their space.

7. Getting the two new puppies now is great timing. It’s hard to stay in a bad mood with Pixel and JPEG. The puppies bring me happiness; they have such unfailing love for each other, me and my family. They also do cute things that make me laugh. Instead of my four-year-old-self pulling at the petals, JPEG took to chomping on these daisies moments after I took the photo…

Season2: Eps 23 - Sin in the City 6 (photo story)

Season2: Eps 23 - Sin in the City 6 (photo story)

Candy: *raises eyebrow* "You play hardball, Em. Anyone ever tell you that?"

Emma: "No, but I have heard I play a mean game of extreme Frisbee."

Candy: "Oh, man, do you ever! I didn't think we'd ever get Luke's nose to stop bleeding."

Emma (nonchalantly): "Juice givin' Z somethin' tae think aboot in case he e'er decides tae piss me off."

Candy: *laughs* "So, do you think the bloodbath scared Erin off? She looked a little taken aback by the savagery."

Emma: "Unlikely. She's mates with Kumi, so she's probably used tae the sight o' blood."

Candy: "True. Hey, have you watched any more of her web cam episodes since the last time we got together?"

Emma: "No, I've been waitin' for you. I donna want tae watch them alone in case I pass out from laughter and need resuscitation."

Candy: "When do you have to leave for class?"

Emma: "In aboot 15-minutes."

Candy : "Wanna check out a couple of eps before you go? This place has Wi-Fi."

Emma: "Definitely! We left off with the one titled 'My New Bad Boy'."

Candy: "Erin's an amazing actress. I can't believe she's fooled the world into thinking she's this dumb."

Fashion Credits

Jeans: Jennifer Sue
Top: Dress from Cangaway (Etsy)
Jacket: Jakks Pacific - Hannah Montana - Wal-Mart Exclusive
Boots: Fashion Royalty - Model Behavior - Urban Outfitting Nadja
Camo Messenger Bag: Keychain - Charms added by me.
Nature Girl Necklace: Me

Jeans: Mattel - Best Models - South Beach - I removed the front pockets.
Flowered Top: Mattel - Anna Sui Barbie
Black Tank: Jakks Pacific - Hannah Montanta
Cowboy Boots: Jennifer Sue
Marie Antoinette Necklace: Me

boys before flowers actress

See also:

flower baskets

flower pot card template

waverly floral bedding

send flowers to montreal

how to paint gum paste flowers

calla lily and rose wedding bouquets

flowers deliver

flower arrangements for delivery

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