utorak, 31.01.2012.



Gulf Valve Company

gulf valve company

    valve company
  • Valve Corporation is an American video game development and digital distribution company based in Bellevue, Washington, U.S. that was founded in 1996, and made famous by its first product, Half-Life, which was released in November 1998, and by its distribution software, Steam.

  • an arm of a sea or ocean partly enclosed by land; larger than a bay

  • an unbridgeable disparity (as from a failure of understanding); "he felt a gulf between himself and his former friends"; "there is a vast disconnect between public opinion and federal policy"

  • a deep wide chasm

  • A large difference or division between two people or groups, or between viewpoints, concepts, or situations

  • A deep ravine, chasm, or abyss

  • A deep inlet of the sea almost surrounded by land, with a narrow mouth

I Found The Shut-off Valve

I Found The Shut-off Valve

I would have shot this regardless of current political and economic conditions.However, at present it seems to have a bit more substance as a forbidding omen.

I don't mind at all pointing the finger. BP and all the other companies need to have plans and equipment in place for this kind of a disaster. Keep in mind this is not the first time this has happened. The fisheries may not recover for 100 years if not longer.

Sure we love our SUV's and saving 10 cents at Walmart, but we as Americans need to make a decision as a country not to continue to waste natural resources in the manner we have done in the past 200 years.

Think of this. Over the past 30 years the auto industry has converted the majority of sales into 24 or 36 month leases. That means every 2 to 3 years every car on the road is replaced. Where are all those cars going? It's a world wide epidemic which is tearing our cities apart. Not just here in the U.S. but across the planet. More and more cities are designed around the automobile and not designed for people. That for me is a problem. A big problem.

By all means lets keep the heat on BP. In spite of everyone bashing them and Monday morning quarterbacking, it seems they are trying to take this thing down and fix it. I saw an estimate last night that they have 24 billion dollars in stock losses over the past XX days. Anyone who thinks they are dragging their feet with those kind of losses is a nut job.

Also, I think someone other than John Stewart needs to bash the media. They have been playing this story like Charlie Daniels plays the fiddle. For the last 5 weeks they have been screaming that the oil will be on Florida's shores in the "next several days". For fuck sake, we have lost millions of tourist dollars in that time from canceled vacation and all they have seen so far is a couple of tar balls!

Anyhow, I have ranted enough. We are all responsible for what happened in the Gulf. Think about it the next time you hop in your car to drive to the Quicky-Mart for an ice cold Squishy.

HORA DO PLANETA, "um sinal positivo" por Obama...***...HOUR OF THE PLANET, "a positive sign" by Obama


Engenheiros da companhia petroleira britânica BP interromperam, nesta quinta-feira, o vazamento de petróleo no Golfo do México pela primeira vez desde abril, ao fecharem todas as válvulas de um novo dispositivo posicionado sobre o duto danificado, um procedimento que o presidente americano, Barack Obama, chamou de 'um sinal positivo'.
Engineers from British oil company BP shut down, this Thursday, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico for the first time since April, to close all valves of a new device positioned over the damaged pipe, a procedure that the American president, Barack Obama has called "a positive sign."
Photo: Ho / AFP
July 15, 2010

gulf valve company

See also:

replacing solenoid on sprinkler valve

exhaust valve

irish pumps and valves

water heater temperature pressure relief valve

butterfly valve vanessa

check stop valve

what is a double check valve

31.01.2012. u 22:16 • 0 KomentaraPrint#^

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