Village Florists. First Colony Florist. Flower Basket Stand
Village Florists
- (florist) someone who grows and deals in flowers; "the florist made up an attractive bouquet"
- Floristry is the general term used to describe the professional floral trade. It encompasses flower care and handling, floral design or flower arranging, merchandising, and display and flower delivery. Wholesale florists sell bulk flowers and related supplies to professionals in the trade.
- A person who sells and arranges plants and cut flowers
- (florist) a shop where flowers and ornamental plants are sold
- A group of houses and associated buildings, larger than a hamlet and smaller than a town, situated in a rural area
- (in the US) A small municipality with limited corporate powers
- A village is a clustered human settlement or community, larger than a hamlet with the population ranging from a few hundred to a few thousands (sometimes tens of thousands), Though often located in rural areas, the term urban village is also applied to certain urban neighbourhoods, such as the
- A self-contained district or community within a town or city, regarded as having features characteristic of village life
- a community of people smaller than a town
- Greenwich Village: a mainly residential district of Manhattan; `the Village' became a home for many writers and artists in the 20th century
Yateley, Reading Rd 'The Village Florist'
8th March 1999 : The Village Florist shop
Ref : YAT0328 © LMC 2010
Scanned from the original 35mm negative.
The Village Florist and Tim Girvan
Another advertising image from the first edition. I have left out the article for obvious reasons
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