19.10.2011., srijeda



Wheel Works Oakland Ca

wheel works oakland ca

    oakland ca
  • Oakland is the eighth-largest city in the U.S. state of California and a major West Coast port city, located on San Francisco Bay about eight miles (13 km) east of the city of San Francisco.

  • A circular object that revolves on an axle and is fixed below a vehicle or other object to enable it to move easily over the ground

  • change directions as if revolving on a pivot; "They wheeled their horses around and left"

  • steering wheel: a handwheel that is used for steering

  • A circular object that revolves on an axle and forms part of a machine

  • Used in reference to the cycle of a specified condition or set of events

  • a simple machine consisting of a circular frame with spokes (or a solid disc) that can rotate on a shaft or axle (as in vehicles or other machines)

  • A place or premises for industrial activity, typically manufacturing

  • Activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result

  • performance of moral or religious acts; "salvation by deeds"; "the reward for good works"

  • plant: buildings for carrying on industrial labor; "they built a large plant to manufacture automobiles"

  • Such activity as a means of earning income; employment

  • whole shebang: everything available; usually preceded by `the'; "we saw the whole shebang"; "a hotdog with the works"; "we took on the whole caboodle"; "for $10 you get the full treatment"

wheel works oakland ca - The Pullman

The Pullman Porters and West Oakland (CA) (Images of America)

The Pullman Porters and West Oakland (CA) (Images of America)

A hub of transportation and industry since the mid-19th century, West Oakland is today a vital commercial conduit and an inimitably distinct and diverse community within the Greater Oakland metropolitan area. The catalyst that transformed this neighborhood from a transcontinental rail terminal into a true settlement was the arrival of the railroad porters, employed by the Pullman Palace Car Company as early as 1867. After years of struggling in labor battles and negotiations, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters Union became the first African American union to sign a contract with a large American company. The union's West Coast headquarters were established at Fifth and Wood Streets in West Oakland. Soon families, benevolent societies, and churches followed, and a true community came into being.

87% (5)

Ferris Wheel Lights

Ferris Wheel Lights

OK, this was a looo-oo-ong weekend. Luckily, I hunkered down on Friday and got most of my new Raw workflow established. I was planning to spend yesterday and today happily working on actual photos, but yesterday Dan discovered that our storage space (in a different buidling) had sprung a roof leak. So, we spent many hours in a dank, foul-smelling room, sorting and discarding a *lot* of stuff. Luckily, a good portion of our stuff was unharmed, and we chose to take this as a sign to get serious about simplifying our lives and getting rid of extraneous junk.

Of course, it's pretty easy to decide to pitch something when it is soaked, stinky and moldy!

Anyhow, I thought the fun and colorfulness of this photo would be a good counterpoint to the last two days.

2009 Big Wheel Races

2009 Big Wheel Races

The nervous look on my face is due to the fact my big wheel with a propane tank strapped below the body had self destructed 1000 feet into the first race. The little pink wheels melted off from all of the heat and I had to coast to the curb with oncoming traffic and cars behind me.

I am sitting on the fastest big wheel, which was described by the guy who just rode it as stupid fast. I just realized that I have never even driven the road, ridden the big wheel before, it's a steep downhill, I've never done this before, I don't know if the breaks work, I don't know where the finish line is, the vehicle will go 40+ and with oncoming traffic, this might not end well.

wheel works oakland ca

wheel works oakland ca

Oakland's  Chinatown   (CA)  (Images of America)

Oakland's Chinatown has a history every bit as compelling as its more famous neighbor across San Francisco Bay. Chinese have been a presence in Oakland since the 1850s, bringing with them a rich and complex tradition that survived legalized discrimination that lingered until the 1950s. Once confined to a small area of downtown where restaurants stir-fried, laundries steamed, and vegetable stands crowded the sidewalks, Chinese gradually moved out into every area of Oakland, and the stands evolved into corner groceries that cemented entire neighborhoods. Chinese helped Oakland grow into a modern business and cultural center and have gained prominence in every aspect of the city's commerce, politics, and arts.

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