srijeda, 19.10.2011.


Boat Trailer Wheel Bearing Kits - Yokohama Advan Wheels.

Boat Trailer Wheel Bearing Kits

boat trailer wheel bearing kits

Dead Bear Beers

Dead Bear Beers

buddy bear (fair and balanced consumption/perspective)

**************************** *********************************

Posing with Dead Bears

No sane person would seek out a dead bear to pose with. No sane person would kill a bear to pose with it - but many do.

They pose with the poor beast after killing it, proudly brandishing their weapon of choice.

To kill the bears they bait the area for years, allowing the bears to be accustomed to the source of easy food, creating paths to and from their tragic bounty.

The Hunters return when the bears are hungry after their winter's hibernation, or before the hibernation, as they try to bulk up for the long sleep.

The Hunter's sit high up in the trees, armed as though they are overtaking a small country.

The Hunter waits, and eats and drinks in comfort until the hapless beast wanders by for his daily munchies - AND THEN BLAM!

...the bear is dead.

Now the hunter's celebrate their machismo, pose with the murder victim, discuss how they plan on stuffing and posing the bear, and what illegal body parts they plan on harvesting.

...and the bear is skinned.

...and the carcass is dragged out into the woods to rot. Meat and all.

...and for weeks all I hear is how big and strong they are.

...and around camp all I hear is "fag" this and "n*g*r " that.

...and I stand up to their offensive behaviours, only to be shouted down by an army of armed and bigoted killers.
(You can't just walk home out here)

...and I am restricted from taking photos after they realize that I'm not taking Bear Murder Glorification photos like they wanted.

...and I am forced to hide my film while they sharpen their knives outside my tents door.

...and I am forced to sneak photos while they are off killing.

...and I tried to think of ways to capture the hypocrisy of these freaks and their "sport" - and one of my ideas is to memorialize the dead bears in other ways than murdered, and skinned.

...and I posed them.

...and I was flown out of camp by helicopter, earlier than agreed. Kicked out of camp, not because of the posed photos (they never knew) - because of the skinned photos.

It was a horrible time - but the opportunity had presented itself to me.

When would hunter's allow you to photograph stuff like this? Where do you find photos of this?

I felt it needed to be done.

Go Bears !!!

Go Bears !!!

I thought I'd do one for the Chicago Bears, so out to the lakefront I went tonight. And boy was it cold! It was freezing, snot's dripping down my nose. Actually you can see the ice on the frozen lake. Stayed about 20 minutes and by the time I'm done, there was nobody else there. Some people would run out of the car take a snapshot or two but that was it. I couldn't get rid of the noise but I don't think it's that bad. By the time I got back in the car, my fingers were numb I could barely feel the steering wheel. One thing's for sure. The beers gonna be cold tomorrow.


boat trailer wheel bearing kits

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19.10.2011. u 10:48 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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