X-Thug a.k.a MC Pepeljara a.k.a True Lee

27.09.2007., četvrtak

Sage Francis

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Darkness and light, anger and serenity, tragedy and comedy - these extremes are contained in Sage Francis, and they provide the foundation for Human the Death Dance, his best album to date. From the moment its curtains open to their drawing closed, Sage's fourth solo album (and his second for Epitaph) evokes the arc of its maker's lifespan - literally spanning the decades from his first recordings as an eight year-old rapper (captured on opener "Growing Pains") to the stark contemplation of his darkest days (on the subtly affecting closer, "Going Back to Rehab"). Between those two poles, Sage proves he's not just a rapper, nor just a spoken-word artist - he's the best lyricist of his generation.

Providence, Rhode Island's Sage Francis first captured the underground consciousness with a furious tape-only release, Homegrown Demo (1996), and then achieved renown as the country's best freestyle rapper by winning 1999's Superbowl Battle and 2000's Scribble Jam title. Sage won the second of those crowns wearing a Metallica T-shirt, hinting at his utter refusal to abide by hip-hop's orthodoxies, underground or otherwise. In fact, if there's an overriding theme to his career, it is this: where conformity ends, Sage Francis begins.

After retiring from the battle scene, Sage drove his distinctiveness home on his first official release, 2002's Personal Journals, a pioneering manifesto for the poetically introspective style that has come to dominate underground rap. Where that record showcased his facility with epic storytelling, 2003's Hope was its polar opposite, a joyous affirmation of Sage's love for the Golden Era (late '80s-early '90s) rhyme schemes and bite-size boasts and barbs. Released under the name Non-Prophets, Hope offered not just a revival of the old-school idiom, but a virtual channeling of the energies that gave birth to hip-hop itself.

If Personal Journals was his diary-as-manifesto, and Hope his ode to rap's golden era, then 2005's A Healthy Distrust (Epitaph) was his album-long screed against the state of the world, a stinging denunciation of corporate greed, Bush II's war-mongering ways, and, most importantly, America's collective complacency. On that album, Sage was an activist in the purest sense of the term - a person whose words and deeds inspire others to effect positive change at every level: personally, locally, and globally. That's the guiding ethos behind the web-based community he co-helms at www.knowmore.org, which chronicles corporate attacks against democracy, human rights, and the environment.

On A Healthy Distrust, Sage was every bit the angry young man, his voice hurtling through the sound mix like a runaway train. What's initially shocking about Human the Death Dance, then, is just how relaxed the rapper often sounds - never complacent, but possessed of an understated confidence that reminds us we are in the hands of a master. That poise is all the more surprising when fused with this album's finely-wrought poetics, which document two of the toughest years of Sage Francis' life.

Over that span, the rapper's spent 14-plus touring the world (from North American to Europe all the way to Asia and Australia), been victimized by burglars while on holiday in Amsterdam, robbed twice in the same week while touring the UK, and lived through the painful break-up of a relationship he once figured would last a lifetime. If A Healthy Distrust presented the battle of Sage-against-the-world, Human the Death Dance is a document of Sage battling himself - airing out the trials, the misdeeds, and the hopes of the only person he can really trust: himself.

HTDD is an album in two halves, harking back to the two-sided LP classics of yore. The first section is loose and playful, the work of a microphone controller at the top of his form. On tracks like "Civil Obedience" and "Midgets and Giants", we witness Sage in full flight, calling out corporate whores and industry fakers with the kind of virtuoso flows few other rappers can match. The centerpiece is "Got Up This Morning", a smoky back-room blues number featuring the smouldering vocals of Jolie Holland and a relaxed honkytonk beat from Sage's old friend Buck 65. "Clickety Clack" also stands out as a first-half highlight; written in the hours after he was robbed in Amsterdam, this is Sage's revenge fantasy, a darkly baroque account of vigilante justice, and a stinging parody of the mindless thug-rap clogging our airwaves.

The song suite which makes up HTDD's second half is simply devastating, a mini break-up record rooted in Sage's darkest days but suffused with the kind of clear-headed lyrical wisdom that comes around only once a generation. The four best songs of Sage's career are found here, starting with "Keep Moving", which is as mature and respectful a break-up song as you will ever hear. Then there's "Waterline", which evokes the spectre of Hurricane Katrina and its terrible aftermath; "Waterline" is also notable as one of two pieces on the album (the other is "Good Fashion") drawn from the forthcoming soundtrack of director Gavin O'Connor's Pride

song: Sea Lion
written by: Sage Francis
album: A Healthy Distrust
label: Epitaph Records

ma. ma--look what i did, ma. look what i did to my hands. i broke 'em.
you gave me the stone, gave me the chisel, didn't say how to hold 'em.
didn't say to give away every piece of the puzzle 'til i was left with nothin'
but i took it upon myself to crush it up and distribute the dust.
get in the bus. hop in the van.
jump in the water. crawl to the land.
build another castle out of the sand.
break it down and then get into the saddle again.
i'm going city to city--i'm already lost. tell the boss who is new in town.
i'mma ride this horse 'til it bucks me off and i'm forced to shoot it down.
i'mma take him out for some gasoline.
i'mma trade this cow for some magic beans.
i'mma make mom proud of the deals that i made 'cause i'm just a modern day johnny
but i'm glad that i never passed the genes and i never put down the axe.
piano man got a checkered dance floor to grace and a painful look on his face.
'cause the crowd is packed and the louder they clap
the less he is able to make the connection
between what he sees when he heres certain notes and the hurt that is shown in his facial expression.
i don't need your go ahead to go ahead.
no, i know no one said it was gonna be easy,
but sweet jesus, who wants to sleep with me?
way too many moves to learn. but not enough people to put 'em on.
look it, mom! no hands. i built this suit of armor with wooden arms.
- 20:36 - Tell Me What The F**k U Want (8) - Spit It Motherfucker - Klikni Ovo

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Copyright© 2004.-2007.MC Pepeljara a.k.a X-Thug

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Nine Elevens
9 11`s

What? MC i`m the NUMBER ONE
U want C him dead, consider it done

ako me ko oće kontaktirat
MSN: mc_pepeljara@hotmail.com

b aware of this dOGg

`bout me

known as:X-Thug
crew:Nine Elevens,NewChaos Crew,EBB
album(s):Nelagodne Misli,Hits From Da Joint(oba su u izradi) + 1 stare ristva demo...jako u izradi i pri kraju
eye color:plavo-zelene-sive
hair color:neman kose
style:ol` s`cool,undrgrnd,gangsta,BATTLE
music:ol` s`cool,undergrnd,west,south

betlz/songz/lyriczs/short tXtZzz

ko pička svaki betler sa ove teme pobježe
zašto?jer moja rima sve izreže
jer su oštre poput oštrice mača
zovete se opakim MCijima a sranje van smrdi iz gača

viknem kujo//ti si još ponosna
ma svaka rima//ti je jako rosna
nema šta//najbolja,si battle MC
kad triba pisat//nekoga dissat//tu ti nisi

jebeš majk kad moja usta te koknu
gledam kako početnici pokušavaju dobru da rimu roknu
mašta i um su mi jedno,niko od vas nije mi do kolina,bjedno,nazivate se
rapperima nekim iskusnim i opakim,al ja vas smatram plijenom lakim

i da ti je zanimanje moreplovac, falila bi flow
curo ja san mirotvorac,moj ritam je slow
kad ja počnem dissat,molit ćeš da stanem
sprdnje sam počeo pisat,al gotovo je kad planem

koristiš te neke komplicirane riči da ljudi misle kako si obrazovan
jebeš sve potplačene rappere ja još i dan danas dilan
potplačen,potlačen nosiš željezni lančić pozlačen
jaki betl MC kad zine potiraju ga sa bine jer mu iz usta smrdi

šta koristiš,kopi paste,nećiji txt
jer bez txta si osta,neš ti tvog posta
par bjednih rima,nula puncheva,samo u mozak sheva
ja te otpuhujem lima,poput dima,moj punch moja shema

drkaš na moje rime jer nisi čua bolje
puši mi ga brate,još uvik si dolje
DROLJOOOO!!ja san iz ZD-skog undrgrnda
smeće jedno,okreni se svako te u tvon gradu sprda

možda se nedružiš sa njima ali si u srodstvu
očeš mi se pridružit,ne...nemožeš sudjelovat u verbalnom ubojstvu
ubijam te ričima,ubijam u pojam,1-8-7
uzimaš mic u ruke a ja te slušam i smijem ti se dok te gledam

ovo je diss u 4 retka,nisan puca jer nisi vrijedan metka
stojiš tu jer ja još to oću,iz sažaljenja
al zbog ovih redaka ne spavaš noću,nema ti spasenja
noćne more izazivan,dečko jebu te u mozak jer si naivan

kad bi ti bia noćna ptica ti bi bia čuk
kad zineš odjednom nastane muk
jer svi dobiju želičane tegobe od tvoje muzike
dečko uči se još se uči i čitaj ove lirike

još jedanput reci nismo možda čuli
sad se pokupi odavde i svima reci da te dobia TRUE LEE
dečko kopiraš sam sebe,pa tako se nedobivaju multiji
možda posli ovog postaneš kreativniji

el ti pišeš memoare ili betlaš
najbolje bi bilo da sidiš sastrane i samo gledaš,neznaš
neznaš betlat,a punch ti je idemo brati cvice
bila bi to sve ljubavna pisma samo da spomenes svice

kraj 2007...
u mraćnoj sam sobi sada palin sviću
njezin plamičak se igra sjenama po zidu
sjedim pokraj drvenog stolića u običnoj sofi
promatram čudne sjene što kreču se po sobi
izgrizenu olovku sad iz djepa vadim
pa pišem o potoku i kako travu sadim
o slapu sta nikako ne prestaje teči
pa pljucam vaš flow koji se utapa ko mačak u vreči
a pančeve vam razbijam ko šta se kapi raspršuju o kamen
žarim i palim pa me još ekipa zove i opaki plamen...
(nesvidja mi se kraj...al to nije ni dovrseno)

za debelim drvenim stolom od bukovine
ja i frend metalac smo rokali mine
teroristi novog doba,naoruzani majkom
bocom domačeg vina i lozovače
ko se ne pokori nama robovat će
jer krenuli smo protiv cajki u đihad
auto cesta,bosna,prva postaja bihač
(tako tako al i ovo mi se bas ne svidja previse)

Copyright© 2004.-2007.MC Pepeljara a.k.a X-Thug

Creative Commons License

Ovo djelo je ustupljeno pod Creative Commons licencom Imenovanje 2.5.

sve je ovo samo zajebancija stoga ne serite poono