01.12.2011., èetvrtak


Square leather coffee table. Wall mount dining table.

Square Leather Coffee Table

square leather coffee table

    coffee table
  • A low table, typically placed in front of a sofa

  • low table where magazines can be placed and coffee or cocktails are served

  • (Coffee Tables) While any small and low table can be, and is, called a coffee table, the term is applied particularly to the sets of three or four tables made from about 1790; of which the latter were called 'quartetto tables'.

  • A coffee table, also called a cocktail table, is a style of long, low table which is designed to be placed in front of a sofa, to support beverages (hence the name), magazines, feet, books (especially coffee table books), and other small items to be used while sitting, such as coasters.

  • an animal skin made smooth and flexible by removing the hair and then tanning

  • A piece of leather as a polishing cloth

  • Leather is a durable and flexible material created via the tanning of putrescible animal rawhide and skin, primarily cattlehide. It can be produced through different manufacturing processes, ranging from cottage industry to heavy industry.

  • A material made from the skin of an animal by tanning or a similar process

  • A thing made of leather, in particular

  • whip with a leather strap

  • squarely: in a straight direct way; "looked him squarely in the eye"; "ran square into me"

  • having four equal sides and four right angles or forming a right angle; "a square peg in a round hole"; "a square corner"

  • Having the shape or approximate shape of a cube

  • make square; "Square the circle"; "square the wood with a file"

  • Having the shape or approximate shape of a square

  • Having or in the form of two right angles

Today was an excellent day.

Today was an excellent day.

I went into the city with Katie, Julia, and Amari.
First, I woke up at 11:15 and my train was at 11:31. So I was like, “Oh, fuck”. But then Julia called and said that it was running 5-10 minutes late, but still, I was running a little more than 5-10 minutes late. So I pretty much ran the whole way to the train station and got there JUST as the train was arriving. It was sooo lucky the train was late!

Then we took the subway down to Union Square and got lunch at Chipotle and ate it at these tables outside in this park thing. While we were eating, these guys came up to us and asked us what we wanted to do before we die. We had to sign these forms and pretend to be 18 and the they video taped us answering the questions. It wasn’t like a legit thing though, just a school project. My answer: meet JK Rowling. Then we walked to this vintage store called Rags A GoGo and it was awesome. They had all these cowboy boots and flannel shirts and leather jackets and just generally old, awesome clothes. But none of us bought anything.

Then we went to Urban Outfitters and I bought a fisheye camera!!!!! I’m so excited about it. I also tried on a bunch of dresses and skirts and shoes but none of them were that great. Then we walked down to St. Mark’s and I bought a pair of Harry Potter glasses at a street vendor. It’s really sad that I’ve spent the last 10 years without them. Then we went to Trash and Vaudeville. I had no intention of buying anything but then Julia found this incredible pink fluffy tutu/skirt. And I bought it with my emergency tutu credit card. The last time I used the credit card in a store was the last time I ran out of cash and needed to buy a tutu. Is it sad that it’s happened more than once? Both times I wasn’t sure if I had enough money on the card and both times it worked and I got really excited.

Anyway, then we went to this Tibetan store because Amari likes Tibetan things. Then I wanted to go into some record stores but we wanted to go get cupcakes cause we weren’t sure what time they closed. We were planning on going back to St. Mark’s after but we never did. :(

But then we walked down to Rivington Street. I don’t even know what that part of the city is called… The East Village perhaps? Or the Lower East Side? Whatever. It’s low and east. It was a kind of long walk through a kind of sketchy area, and we felt a little bit insecure because Julia was wearing my tutu and I had a large camera around my neck and was carrying a map. We were prime mugging candidates. But we eventually found our way to Sugar Sweet Sunshine, a delightful little cupcake shop in a neighborhood that doesn’t look like it would have a cupcake shop. I had two cupcakes and a cup of coffee in the store and then brought home four cupcakes for my family, so I had one just now as well. NOM NOM NOM. Then we got a cab back to Grand Central because the subway was far and we didn’t know exactly where it was.

So basically, today was awesome.

square leather coffee table

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