ponedjeljak, 28.11.2011.


Bicycle Helmets For Children - Bike To Work Day 2011 - Womens Road Bicycles

Bicycle Helmets For Children

bicycle helmets for children

    bicycle helmets
  • A bicycle helmet is a helmet intended to be worn while riding a bicycle. They are designed to attenuate impacts to the skull of a cyclist in falls while minimizing side effects such as interference with peripheral vision.

    for children
  • For Children (Hungarian: A Gyermekeknek) is a cycle of short piano pieces composed by Bela Bartok. The collection was originally written in 1908-11, and comprised 85 pieces which were issued in four volumes.

192 Operation Outreach: Family Services Fair

192 Operation Outreach: Family Services Fair

Start Time: Friday, June 25, 2010 at 10:00am
End Time: Friday, June 25, 2010 at 2:00pm
Location: The Rock Church
Street: 5515 West Highway 192
City/Town: Kissimmee, FL

Join Family Services and a host of other organizations to help families find the resources they need. There will be information you need to access resources you need to get a head start, including:

-Rent and Utility Assistance
-Affordable Rental Complexes
-Medical Services
-Food Stamps
-Health and Immunizations
-Child Care Referrals
-Child Health Insurance
-Food and Nutrition Programs
-Food Assistance
-Recreational Activities for Children
-Bicycle Helmets
-Employment Referrals

For quicker assessment of programs and services, please bring birth certificates, social security information, financial records or any other pertinent records.

These resources are brought to you by
Human Services
Community Vision
Second Harvest
Help Now
Healthy Start
Department of Health
Council on Aging
Extension Services
Goodwill Industries
Give Kids Safe Shelter
Community of Faith UMC
The Transition House
Osceola Fire Rescue
Osceola Sheriff's Office
Osceola County Library
Center for Drug Free Living
Children's Advocacy Center
Access Food Stamp Program
Workforce Central Florida
Center for Hope, Help and Healing
Healthcare for the Homeless

Helmets Stressed

Helmets Stressed

But not the details of how to wear them.

Covenant Child Care and Milwaukee Bicycle Collective teamed-up and scraped some cash together for the kids at St. Jude Children's Hospital.


bicycle helmets for children

See also:

schwinn bicycle grips

adventurer six speed folding bike

used recumbent bikes for sale

high wheel safety bicycle

gt aggressor mountain bike

bicycle accident insurance

boreem pocket bike

- 09:55 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


4 wheeler dirt bike. Custom bicycle handlebars.

4 Wheeler Dirt Bike

4 wheeler dirt bike

    4 wheeler
  • An all-terrain vehicle (ATV), also known as a quad, quad bike, three wheeler, or four wheeler, is defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as a vehicle that travels on low pressure tires, with a seat that is straddled by the operator, along with handlebars for steering control

    dirt bike
  • A motorcycle designed for use on rough terrain, such as unsurfaced roads or tracks, and used esp. in scrambling

  • trail bike: a lightweight motorcycle equipped with rugged tires and suspension; an off-road motorcycle designed for riding cross country or over unpaved ground

  • There are many systems for classifying types of motorcycles, describing how the motorcycles are put to use, or the designer's intent, or some combination of the two. Six main categories are widely recognized: cruiser, sport, touring, standard, dual-purpose, and dirt bike.

  • n. an off-road motorcycle. Usually louder than MTBs.

159 - Leaving Feels Strange

159 - Leaving Feels Strange

It's been a long time since I actually felt exhausted at the end of the day. I awoke at 9:30am before the alarm. I went to school and saw the people I missed in the back of my mind. As I rode home, I wondered if I should spend the rest of the day recuperating, or if I should spend it with people I care about. I decided to spend it by myself. Just when I forgot what it was to be interactive, I got a text message and then it was friends and 4-wheelers and pizza and drawing on my bedroom floor. These boys have a good sized room in the apartment that is my heart.

4 Wheeler Off Roader

4 Wheeler Off Roader

This bike is ready for some serious action. I didn't get to meet its rider, but I would imagine it's somebody really extreme.

On a different topic, I would like to hear y'all's opinions on groups. Are they worth it? How much work are they? How can you tell a good group from a bad group? What makes a group bad or good?

4 wheeler dirt bike

See also:

dirt bike toys

new harley bikes

dirt bike vin number search

folding bicycle baskets

bike wheels and rims

gt womens mountain bike

bmx bicycle frames

cruiser bikes for girls

- 09:55 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Best Balance Bikes. Road Bike Trainer.

Best Balance Bikes

best balance bikes

    balance bikes
  • (Balance bike) A balance bicycle, or run bike is a training bicycle that helps children learn balance and steering. It has no pedals, no crankset and chain, and no training wheels.

w12p1 Best

w12p1 Best

Main Street Tennis
1) I happened to drive by the tennis court down by Victory Drive the previous night and thought that would be a nice photo for the "Urban Lights", but unfortunately no one was there and when I came back later the lights were off. So when I happened upon this one at the top of Main Street the following night and there were actually players there yet I took advantage of the situation and took a couple of photos. I chose to focus primarily on just one player instead of both due to fencing that seemed to cause a distraction and blurriness to the player in the far court. I wanted to compose this shot horizontally due to the distraction that the bright overhead lights could have caused. I also wanted to showcase the strength of the fencing lines and the tonal variations due to the light reflecting off them.

2) The tonal variation created by the light's reflection off the fencing and light post gives separation from the background and depth to the picture, along with the lights behind the distant fencing. The dimension of height is added to the photo with the light post. Additional depth is created by the dark bike rack and post in the foreground along with the white from the nets.

3) The only light is what was created from the overhead lights on the tennis court. This light casts soft bluish tones on the fencing structure and give the overall shot a cool feeling about it.

4) I didn't really have any technical challenges in getting this photo, The amount of illumination from these lights made it relatively easy to get the depth of field, along with an exposure of 1 sec. I had my white balance set to tungsten and this helped create a crisp, clear focused picture.

5) I don't know if I have developed a style of shooting other than from the hips so to speak. I try to keep an open mind most of the time and don't have any preconcieved idea about what I want. I do like nature, landscapes, old abandoned farms so I do look for those kinds of things. I was always amazed at how much those lights illuminated up such a small area, making it seemingly daylight there, so when I came across this opportunitity I took it. I wanted to try and capture that brightness and at the same time the coolness of it. Even on a hot summer night the color projected by the lights seem to make it feel cool.

italian bike

italian bike

There's this young Italian guy who bikes to the coffee shop quite often, with flowers and a cigar tied on his handle bars. I don't personally know him but I see him all the time drinking his cup of coffee and reading some book. I didn't know he owned this interesting bike until he caught me taking a picture of it one day, and he just said in his most charming voice and Italian accent - "Go on, take as many pictures as you want" and smiled.

There is a certain swagger about Italian men that strikes the right balance between arrogant and insecure, manly and boyish, and the best of all -- sexy and silly. Maybe that's why women can't seem to get enough of them.

best balance bikes

See also:

electric battery bike

vintage trek bikes

dirk bike game

sunlite bicycle child carrier

joe blow bike pump instructions

compare bicycle brands

suzuki 125 dirt bikes

- 09:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Buy Bike Lock

buy bike lock

    bike lock
  • A bicycle lock is a physical security device used on a bicycle to prevent theft. It is generally used to fasten the bicycle to a bicycle stand or other immovable object.

  • Procure the loyalty and support of (someone) by bribery

  • Obtain in exchange for payment

  • bargain: an advantageous purchase; "she got a bargain at the auction"; "the stock was a real buy at that price"

  • Pay someone to give up an ownership, interest, or share

  • obtain by purchase; acquire by means of a financial transaction; "The family purchased a new car"; "The conglomerate acquired a new company"; "She buys for the big department store"

  • bribe: make illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence; "This judge can be bought"

Bike Club lock® Made in China

Bike Club lock® Made in China

Bah, telling it like it is. Bought this lock from eBay, because I thought the lock was Made in the USA (=good). Turns out the lock is Made in China (=bad). I was hoping for a quality lock. I managed to insert the key and open the lock halfway. I accidently pulled the key out. Then the lock was stuck and closed forever. Buying el cheapo stuff that's Made in China is hopeless. You will at least make someone happy when you throw the money you wanted to spend on Chinese products on the street immediately. Worthless and useless. So I am looking for a new high quality lock. Is quality still made in the world?
I am through with inferior quality and products "Made in China" and have vowed to never buy cheap crap - mostly from China - again.

The Bikes

The Bikes

From a window in his apartment my friend Jim noticed two young guys disappearing around a corner with what looked like Jim's bike. He ran out after them but they were already gone. This happened last weekend, and since then I have had an eye open for his bike. Haven't found it yet. It was locked to a bike rack so the thieves were prepared. I guess he will have to buy a new bike. These two bikes were parked and locked outside the cultural centre in Handen.

buy bike lock

See also:

apollo orion dirt bike

29 inch bike

elektro bike

mongoose menace bmx bike

18 next bike

bike front suspension

look bike reviews

dh mountain bike

best home spinning bike

27 x 1 1 4 bike tires

- 09:37 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Brand new dirt bike. Used 90cc dirt bikes

Brand New Dirt Bike

brand new dirt bike

    brand new
  • conspicuously new; "shiny brand-new shoes"; "a spick-and-span novelty"

  • (brand-newness) the property of being very new

  • Completely new

  • Brand New is an American rock band from Long Island, New York. Formed in 2000, the band currently consists of lead vocalist/guitarist/lyricist Jesse Lacey, guitarist/lyricist Vincent Accardi, bassist Garrett Tierney, drummer Brian Lane, and guitarist/keyboardist Derrick Sherman.

    dirt bike
  • A motorcycle designed for use on rough terrain, such as unsurfaced roads or tracks, and used esp. in scrambling

  • trail bike: a lightweight motorcycle equipped with rugged tires and suspension; an off-road motorcycle designed for riding cross country or over unpaved ground

  • There are many systems for classifying types of motorcycles, describing how the motorcycles are put to use, or the designer's intent, or some combination of the two. Six main categories are widely recognized: cruiser, sport, touring, standard, dual-purpose, and dirt bike.

  • n. an off-road motorcycle. Usually louder than MTBs.



October 10, 2011
Ashley SMASH!!
Today had lots of fail and some win.

Woken up by a call from a guy interested in my CR250 dirt bike who says he is on his way and will be at the house in an hour. Oh crap. Ian hadn't gotten around to getting the front sprocket bolt in because the bike was missing the sprocket washer and the blown rear shock hadn't been changed out for the fresh one because Ian has been so busy with work lately. I technically wasn't supposed to be working on stuff like with my back surgery because of the extended time of bending over. Ian stole a washer off an older CR125 we have and torqued the sprocket on, no time to swap rear shocks so when the guy arrived we told the him why the bike came with an extra shock. Well, turns out the first guy wasted our time because he was more interested in a 2006 he was driving to Dallas for, but wanted to check out our 2001 anyway. Thanks a-hole, wasted an hour of our time for nothing.

Then after lunch we went to look at 3 more houses since the one we were going to buy fell though. One was newer and nice, the other was way too old and big, and the last one was nasty and old. Decided to make an offer on the first house, but turns out it already has TWO contracts on it. Yeah. Good luck with that. So three more hours of our time wasted.

After we got home from the houses two different people needed vinyl jobs quoted. Big jobs, time for some win. That took a lot of time to quote and proof since one business was a brand new customer wanting a bulk rush job. Why does everyone need something immediately?? Around the same time another person contacted me to come look at the CR250 around 5pm. Ian had to get back to work at his day job so looked like back or not I was swapping the rear shock out on the bike.

Took the back half of the bike apart and swapped shocks and as I was putting it together the guy calls and says he will be over in about 40 minutes. Spent about 20 minutes buttoning up the shock swap, then went to start the bike to make sure all was good. Well, it wasn't. The damn thing ran out of gas and I had no premium mixed gas anywhere. Grabbed the gas can and headed down to the local gas station for some premium, brought it back and mixed the 2 stroke oil, then filled 'er up and got it started. The people showed up about 10 minutes later. Fortunately they loved the bike and left a wad of 100's with us and took 'er home. One more thing out of my life and will help with a house down payment.

As far as the shot:
Canon 30D
Kit lens
1600 ISO maxed
Ambient light since that's all I have
...yeah, so I have a badass 5D Mk II and no lens smaller than the 100-400mm to put on it. My lens selection is severely lacking with the big monster and a $30 kit lens that has so many scratches it isn't funny.

doesnt play well with others

doesnt play well with others

abby's helmet.
abby brow beat me til i bought a dirt bike so we could go riding together. this is our first excursion, right after i picked my brand new 1997 cr 125 up. they eat plugs like i each chips...lol.

brand new dirt bike

See also:

electric commuter bicycle

used road bike sales

49 cc pocket bikes

trail bikes for kids

bike endurance training

fast dirt bikes for kids

coloured mountain bike tyres

military folding bicycle

- 09:37 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Colored Bike Pedals : Kids Bicycle Shorts.

Colored Bike Pedals

colored bike pedals

  • colored person: a United States term for Blacks that is now considered offensive

  • Imbued with an emotive or exaggerated quality

  • Wholly or partly of nonwhite descent (now usually offensive in the US)

  • having color or a certain color; sometimes used in combination; "colored crepe paper"; "the film was in color"; "amber-colored heads of grain"

  • Having or having been given a color or colors, esp. as opposed to being black, white, or neutral

  • having skin rich in melanin pigments; "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People"; "dark-skinned peoples"

  • (pedal) of or relating to the feet; "the word for a pedal extremity is `foot'"

  • Each of a pair of cranks used for powering a bicycle or other vehicle propelled by leg power

  • A foot-operated throttle, brake, or clutch control in a motor vehicle

  • pedal point: a sustained bass note

  • A foot-operated lever or control for a vehicle, musical instrument, or other mechanism, in particular

  • (pedal) bicycle: ride a bicycle

  • A bicycle or motorcycle

  • bicycle: ride a bicycle

  • motorcycle: a motor vehicle with two wheels and a strong frame

  • bicycle: a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals

The Bike Series - Gold

The Bike Series - Gold

There are a series of colored bikes occurring on campus. Each is fully painted in a single color including all parts (chains, reflectors, even the lens of lights) except the tread of the tires and the seat. Colored bikes noted so far: Gold, Black, White - University of Oregon

The Bikes - (National BMX Championships)

The Bikes - (National BMX Championships)

Had a hot but enjoyable day capturing these incredibly skilled riders giving it their all to win their respective divisions at 'The Australian National BMX Championships' in Cairns. Lots of colour, action and awesome jumping as well as free entry - can't beat that!

colored bike pedals

See also:

chicago bike registration

3 wheel sports bike

mountain bike with disk brakes

bicycle chain tools

ramps for bmx bikes

mini bicycle pump

brightest bicycle lights

led bike tail light

- 09:30 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Cheap Bike Frames

cheap bike frames

    bike frames
  • (Bike frame) A bicycle frame is the main component of a bicycle, on to which wheels and other components are fitted. The modern and most common frame design for an upright bicycle is based on the safety bicycle, and consists of two triangles, a main triangle and a paired rear triangle.

  • (of an item for sale) Low in price; worth more than its cost

  • Charging low prices

  • brassy: tastelessly showy; "a flash car"; "a flashy ring"; "garish colors"; "a gaudy costume"; "loud sport shirts"; "a meretricious yet stylish book"; "tawdry ornaments"

  • bum: of very poor quality; flimsy

  • (of prices or other charges) Low

  • relatively low in price or charging low prices; "it would have been cheap at twice the price"; "inexpensive family restaurants"

new bike!

new bike!

It's a Trek, I got it cheap at Missing Link in Berkeley. The frame feels a bit too big for me sometimes but I'm still fiddling with handlebar and seat adjustments. The pannier is okay, I didn't find any I liked better and I needed to get something, but it's imperfect. Recommendations are welcome.

My bike

My bike

Orlowski frame hand built in Poland via Track Bike Shop here in Copenhagen.
Phil Wood hubs laced to H+Son and Rigida DP18 rims. Nitto Jaguar stem. San Marco Regal saddle. All white Andel crank. Since this picture I've gotten Toshi double straps - never cheap out on your straps!

cheap bike frames

See also:

road bike tube

schwinn world sport bike

fork mount bike carrier

e road bike

western flyer bike

training for a 100 mile bike ride

flea bike light

- 09:30 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Dirt Cheap Bikes

dirt cheap bikes

    dirt cheap
  • Extremely cheap

  • very cheap; "a dirt cheap property"

  • (bike) bicycle: ride a bicycle

  • (bike) motorcycle: a motor vehicle with two wheels and a strong frame

  • (bike) bicycle: a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals

  • A bicycle or motorcycle

1974 Motobecane Grand Jubile Right Side

1974 Motobecane Grand Jubile Right Side

I bought this frame dirt cheap from a local seller. He found it at a dump. It had been through a compactor in a garbage truck and the paint showed it.

I had a local frame builder check the alignment. He straightened the forks and spread the rear dropouts to 126mm.

I did some touch-up on the frame and built it up as a wet weather beater bike with period correct components.

After the first ride, I changed my mind about it being just a "beater". It's a really great riding and handling bike!

halco ascot flattracker kit based on xs 650 1978 custom

halco ascot flattracker kit based on xs 650 1978 custom

wicked bike,pokey engine and dreadful handlin on dirt cheap tyres

dirt cheap bikes

See also:

cervelo bike prices

3 speed beach cruiser bike

fixed bike for sale

mountain bike competitions

bicycle brake lever

fuji roubaix road bike

mountain bike suspension design

- 09:29 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


How to build a pit bike track. Bicycle baggy shorts. Street bike rim.

How To Build A Pit Bike Track

how to build a pit bike track

    pit bike
  • A pit bike is a small off-road motorcycle originally used for riding around the pits or staging area of a motocross race. Since the early 2000s pit bike racing, a sport similar to motocross, has become popular in the United States, especially in Southern California.

    how to
  • (How To’s) Multi-Speed Animations

  • Providing detailed and practical advice

  • A how-to or a how to is an informal, often short, description of how to accomplish some specific task. A how-to is usually meant to help non-experts, may leave out details that are only important to experts, and may also be greatly simplified from an overall discussion of the topic.

  • Practical advice on a particular subject; that gives advice or instruction on a particular topic

  • construct: make by combining materials and parts; "this little pig made his house out of straw"; "Some eccentric constructed an electric brassiere warmer"

  • build up: form or accumulate steadily; "Resistance to the manager's plan built up quickly"; "Pressure is building up at the Indian-Pakistani border"

  • Commission, finance, and oversee the building of (something)

  • Construct (something, typically something large) by putting parts or material together over a period of time

  • Incorporate (something) and make it a permanent part of a structure, system, or situation

  • physique: constitution of the human body

  • A prepared course or circuit for athletes, horses, motor vehicles, bicycles, or dogs to race on

  • carry on the feet and deposit; "track mud into the house"

  • The sport of running on such a track

  • path: a line or route along which something travels or moves; "the hurricane demolished houses in its path"; "the track of an animal"; "the course of the river"

  • A rough path or minor road, typically one beaten by use rather than constructed

  • observe or plot the moving path of something; "track a missile"



emotional subway map:

110/116 on the 1/9:
the first place I "lived" in 1997 (and my second stint in '98)
between a Columbia frat house and a man I met through a kid there
this was always where I was going to or coming from during my first visit
which was two weeks that turned into "four months" (as I always tell it... but it was more like three...)

74th street/Roosevelt Ave on the 7:
the second "home" I had
in Queens, Jackson Heights
living with Eli in 2000
was it a month or two?
---to see manhattan from the elevated tracks is still a joy... the nostalgia has faded

18th Ave on the F:
where Y lived in 2003
a pit of despair; dread

Prospect Park on the Q:
where N lives... it was my home, emotionally, when I was here in 2003&4
the park... the popeye's... the gas station... walking across those broad streets...
and later in 2005... when I felt like I was moving through a miasma of sadness and guilt every time I got off there: the horrible impossibility of love and friendship dying on the vine

Delancey/Essex on the F:
my Home in 2005. the mosaic fish. the escalator I would ride up to Essex...
the stairs I would walk down off Delancey (the Williamsburg bridge spewing it's cars at me violently)
GEM, the Bank...
coming home late at night
occasionally eating at Ray's
always disappointed I couldn't like The Johnson's or Schiller's
or feel comfort and peace in this area

190 on the A:
the beautiful sloping tunnel, the mineral deposits wishing to be stalagmites, the crumbling walls
the gorgeous rock cliff we walk into,
the delicious raspberries and mulberries on the walk there
the Rocks! the Vines! the icicles in winter
the Russians in the park (in winter)
the young jewish kids studying there on Bennett
such a joy to look up and see the rocks& the park right there
my first preference when I moved up to washington heights: it's Express!
but so often the A was under construction I began to side with the 1
I used to love walking home at night, turning on 192 to see all of the windows lit up on Fort George Hill: my building one of them: how exciting. that view is obscured now by a new tacky apartment building they've just thrown up this year... but even before that I found I preferred walking one block further along the park to 190, crossing Broadway where the 1 opens up, and walking up Fairview...

191 on the 1:
when I first moved here the tunnel was a bit terrifying:
achingly long, moldy, dirty-white, covered in graffiti
and stories I'd been told of gang initiations in there shooting random people to prove you'd do what you're told
initially I always took the elevator up to St Nicholas Ave
standing close to the Dominicans: their beautifully plucked eyebrows and stylish clothes
they'd shout "caveman" or "Jesus" in Spanish at me...
but the first winter winds changed my mind about walking home on a hill
(though I love the view walking down Fairview... Wadsworth Terrace's sharp building making me grateful I lived in such a strange area... and the Raccoons living in the trees outside my window I'd see playing in the neighbors' trash)
very quickly after I moved up here the success of the musical about the neighborhood caused money to be funneled into making the tunnel not look so treacherous: one side green leaves; the other blue stars. within a few months graffiti had made its way into the mix and some girl had taken over the walls near the street and made it an art gallery: I began to love walking through the tunnel and up Fairview... noticing even more the bizarre view of Wadswoth Terrace's buildings held up on iron stilts...
the only danger in the tunnel now are the kids who ride their bike down the hill, zip through the tunnel, take the elevator up and zoom down again.
I now ride the A & the 1 equally... depending on destination and maintenance schedules...


how to build a pit bike track

See also:

stationary spinning bike

how bike brakes work

pocket bikes and dirt bikes

city bike depot

3 speed womens bike

kawasaki motocross bike

gas powered bicycle

disk brakes for mountain bikes

beach bikes net

kawasaki dirt bikes pictures

- 09:29 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Custom Built Bmx Bikes. Wooden Bikes. Reviews Of Hybrid Bicycles.

Custom Built Bmx Bikes

custom built bmx bikes

    custom built
  • built for a particular individual

  • custom-made: an item made to the customer's specifications

  • Custom Built is an album released on July 6, 2010, from Poison lead singer and reality television star Bret Michaels. It is Michaels' first studio album since 2005's Freedom of Sound, which produced his only charted single to date.

    bmx bikes
  • Bicycle motocross or BMX refers to the sport in which the main goal is extreme racing on bicycles in motocross style on tracks with inline start and expressive obstacles, and it is also the term that refers to the bicycle itself that is designed for dirt and motocross cycling.

Custom BMX build by Iguana Cycles Duncan, BC 1

Custom BMX build by Iguana Cycles Duncan, BC 1

Iguana Cycles is a shop in Duncan, BC that specializes in high-end BMX building and parts sales.

Custom Bike Build

Custom Bike Build

Custom Proper TTL Complete Bike at Helensvale BMX

custom built bmx bikes

See also:

schwinn midmoor hybrid bike

tri bikes reviews

compare motor bike insurance

what's the best mountain bike

schwinn sting ray bicycle

dirt rocket bike

bike with rims

bike bags and racks

trek women's hybrid bike

italian motor bike

- 09:29 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Motocross Bike Stores : Dirt Bikes For Kids For Sale : Ergo Bicycle Grips

Motocross Bike Stores

motocross bike stores

    motocross bike
  • (Motocross bikes) Motorcycles designed for racing over closed circuits, often with jumps, over varied terrain of gravel/mud/sand.

  • KTM.  -  Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Husky, Gas Gas, TM all come in a close second.

  • A retail establishment selling items to the public

  • A quantity or supply of something kept for use as needed

  • (store) a supply of something available for future use; "he brought back a large store of Cuban cigars"

  • Store-bought

  • (store) keep or lay aside for future use; "store grain for the winter"; "The bear stores fat for the period of hibernation when he doesn't eat"

  • (store) shop: a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services; "he bought it at a shop on Cape Cod"

honda baja store

honda baja store

bikes parked up for lunch on day 3 of our tour.

motocross bike stores

See also:

diamondback downhill bike

girls comfort bike

garmin bike gps

tandem cruiser bikes

best mongoose bike

reese hitch bike rack

mountain bikes shop

pet trailers for bikes

- 09:28 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Mongoose Bikes Wiki

mongoose bikes wiki

    mongoose bikes
  • Mongoose is a brand name of performance bicycles originally designed, manufactured, and sold by BMX Products, Inc. Mongoose merged in 2001 with Pacific Cycle, a subsidiary of Dorel Industries.

  • A website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users

  • WIKI (95.3 FM) is a radio station broadcasting a Country format. Licensed to Carrollton, Kentucky, USA. The station is currently owned by Wagon Wheel Broadcasting, LLC.

  • Wiki software (also known as a wiki engine or wiki application) is software that runs a wiki, or a website that allows users to collaboratively create and edit web pages using a web browser. A wiki system is usually a web application that runs on one or more web servers.

  • A wiki ( ) is a website that allows the easy creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser using a simplified markup language or a WYSIWYG text editor.

Sukuma wiki in Japan!

Sukuma wiki in Japan!

Cabbage grown for its leaves -- in Kenya, this is the national vegetable and is called sukuma wiki (stretching out the week), as it is cheap, easy to grow and almost always available.

mongoose bikes wiki

See also:

touring bike review

atmos bike helmet

maxxis mountain bike tires

woman on bike

car roof bike racks

bike gear shifting

single speed bike shop

black bike saddle

wall mounted bike racks

light full suspension mountain bike

- 09:28 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Street bike lights - Cannondale f800 mountain bike.

Street Bike Lights

street bike lights

    street bike
  • A motorcycle which is permitted to be ridden on public roads and must be licensed. In contrast with an off-road bike.

  • (light) lightly: with few burdens; "experienced travellers travel light"

  • (light) make lighter or brighter; "This lamp lightens the room a bit"

  • The lungs of sheep or pigs used as food, esp. for pets

  • (light) (physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation; "the light was filtered through a soft glass window"

Long street

Long street

In early May a small red typical Swedish cottage was placed upon the Globe. WSP Construction Design in Stockholm is the structural engineer and this project is the first step within a larger art project to put a similar red house on the moon in 2012

Bike, Light

Bike, Light

Ricoh GR Digital III

I like the different shades of light on his body.

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See also:

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sirrus bike review

- 09:27 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Kids Bicycle Tires

kids bicycle tires

    bicycle tires
  • (Bicycle tire) A bicycle tire is a tire that fits on the wheel of a bicycle, unicycle, tricycle, quadracycle, bicycle trailer, or trailer bike. They may also be used on wheelchairs and handcycles, especially for racing.

  • Deceive or fool (someone)

  • (kid) child: a young person of either sex; "she writes books for children"; "they're just kids"; "`tiddler' is a British term for youngster"

  • (kid) pull the leg of: tell false information to for fun; "Are you pulling my leg?"

  • (kid) be silly or tease one another; "After we relaxed, we just kidded around"

  • Deceive (someone) in a playful or teasing way

You're kidding, right?

You're kidding, right?

This is just the first part of a set of stairs that climbs the Niagara Escarpment in Hamilton, Ontario. The top of the stairs aren't visible, and they're about 200 feet up from here. The thing that makes these unique is that groove on the left side - that's for bicycle tires. What I find people using it for though is to ski down the stairs.

This is along the Chedoke Trail, part of the Trans Canada Trail system and it intersects with the Bruce Trail here as well.

Not Sure Why THEY'RE Tired . . .

Not Sure Why THEY'RE Tired . . .

After all, I'm the one who did all the work!

The kids after a 7+ mile bike ride.

I'm never quite sure when they fall asleep, but after a few times of their not responding, I clue in. It's one of the few situations when Keaton will nap these days.

kids bicycle tires

See also:

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- 09:14 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Mountain bike travel insurance : Big wheels bike shop.

Mountain Bike Travel Insurance

mountain bike travel insurance

    travel insurance
  • With potential medical, liability, cancellation risks involved in holidays, travel insurance is important, as deposits and rental payments are not refundable after a reservation has been confirmed.

  • The Operator strongly recommends that guests have their own travel insurance to cover valuable items, eg. Cameras, and to protect against unforseen cancellations or medical conditions that may occur during carriage, and the associated extra costs of accessing medical care around the islands.

  • Travel Insurance is insurance that is intended to cover medical expenses and financial (such as money invested in nonrefundable pre-payments) and other losses incurred while traveling, either within one's own country, or internationally.

    mountain bike
  • a bicycle with a sturdy frame and fat tires; originally designed for riding in mountainous country

  • (Mountain biking) Mountain biking is a sport which consists of riding bicycles off-road, often over rough terrain, using specially adapted mountain bikes. Mountain bikes share similarities with other bikes, but incorporate features designed to enhance durability and performance in rough terrain.

  • A bicycle with a light sturdy frame, broad deep-treaded tires, and multiple gears, originally designed for riding on mountainous terrain

  • (Mountain Biking) A designated, rugged, natural surfaced, single track trail that offers a range of riding opportunities.

Toyah Chong from Journeys Travel Insurance

Toyah Chong from Journeys Travel Insurance

Toyah Chong works at Journeys Travel Insurance

Where did you get your outfit? Ben de Lisi.
How long did it take you to get ready? About 40 minutes
Do you feel comfortable in your outfit? I feel really comfortable and I am looking forward to a good evening

another John

another John

Saw him again randomly in Fortuna, after he had broken both his arms in a mountain biking accident. Ouch -- he had travel insurance though, and so he stayed in Costa Rica for two additional weeks while his arms healed, before traveling to Panama.

mountain bike travel insurance

See also:

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- 09:13 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Motorized Bike Exhaust. Giant Mountain Bike Frame.

Motorized Bike Exhaust

motorized bike exhaust

    motorized bike
  • A motorized bicycle is a bicycle with an attached motor used to power the vehicle, or to assist with pedaling. Sometimes classified as a motor vehicle, or a class of hybrid vehicle, motorized bicycles may be powered by different types of engines.

  • Use up (resources or reserves) completely

  • wear out completely; "This kind of work exhausts me"; "I'm beat"; "He was all washed up after the exam"

  • system consisting of the parts of an engine through which burned gases or steam are discharged

  • Drain (someone) of their physical or mental resources; tire out

  • gases ejected from an engine as waste products

  • Expound on, write about, or explore (a subject or options) so fully that there is nothing further to be said or discovered

Shanghai Tricycle Taxi

Shanghai Tricycle Taxi

"You'd asked about transportation. It's a major issue with so many people. Most major roads have "bike" lanes between the sidewalk and the main road, with some sort of barrier between it and the main road. I say "bike" b/c you get anything there that's smaller than a car -- scooters, motorcycles, and full-sized tricycles (motorized or manual) with carts in the back or with a two-seat bench to carry passengers (a kind of taxi).

We learned on the first day that just b/c the walk light is green doesn't mean pedestrians are safe to walk. Cars/trucks/buses only usually obey lights, and those turning are not at all interested in yielding to pedestrians. Anything in the bike lane usually won't obey lights.

Taxis seem plentiful, but when you want one, it's hard to find one that's available. The night in Hangzhou we couldn't find a taxi and Vivian was exhausted, so we took one of the motorized tricycle taxis. It was insane! Russell sat on Charles' lap, Vivian was in the ergo on me. Such vehicles drive in the bike lane (or on the sidewalk), but they turn left like cars, across all the lanes of traffic. And smaller streets don't have bike lanes, or sometimes even two full lanes for cars. Vehicles are always weaving and pushing and swerving within inches of each other, but I only saw one accident the whole time (an out-of-towner hit the barrier between the bike lane and road).

This traffic free-for-all is all much more vivid when you're in a little tricycle open to the outside! At one point in a narrow alley, the car in front of us decided to start backing up to get into a parking space, with no concession to the fact that we were right behind him. Our driver gunned the motor and swerved hard, and the car missed Charles' leg by an inch or two!"

Bangkok, Thailand - Tuk Tuk

Bangkok, Thailand - Tuk Tuk

Bangkok is well known for traffic jams. And taking a taxi can sometimes be a frustrating wait (albeit in air conditioned comfort). For a more adventuresome ride, you can try a tuk tuk, a three-wheeled motorized bike that can weave its way through any traffic jam (albeit among exhaust fumes).

If you look closely in the rear-view mirrors (view large), you can see me sitting back taking the photo w/ fill-in flash.

motorized bike exhaust

See also:

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- 09:13 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Pit Bike Motorcycle : Race Bike Helmets.

Pit Bike Motorcycle

pit bike motorcycle

  • MotorCycle is the title of a 1993 album by rock band Daniel Amos, released on BAI Records. The album was dedicated to the memory of songwriter Mark Heard.

  • motorbike: ride a motorcycle

  • A two-wheeled vehicle that is powered by a motor and has no pedals

  • a motor vehicle with two wheels and a strong frame

    pit bike
  • A pit bike is a small off-road motorcycle originally used for riding around the pits or staging area of a motocross race. Since the early 2000s pit bike racing, a sport similar to motocross, has become popular in the United States, especially in Southern California.

NCR Ducati

NCR Ducati

A Ducati NCR factory racer with its rider Jim Scaysbrook in 'the paddock' at the closed road curcuit McArthur Park. Canberra. 1978. This bike was one of only 2 in the world at the time. Stu Avant is standing alongside

Pit Lane

Pit Lane

The new garages at the newly developed Pit and Paddock area on the 'International Pits Straight'

pit bike motorcycle

See also:

x1 pocket bike performance

baby carrier for bike

how to start a 4 stroke dirt bike

bike pump ratings

super pocket bike frame

fastest pocket bike ever

vintage fixed gear bikes

protec bicycle helmet

mountain bike engines

- 09:12 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Used ladies bicycles : Used road bicycle.

Used Ladies Bicycles

used ladies bicycles

    ladies bicycles
  • (Ladies bicycle) A step-through frame (aka low-step frame) is a type of bicycle frame, often used for utility bicycles, with a low or absent top tube or cross-bar.

Beryl Burton Racing in Scotland, 1969.

Beryl Burton Racing in Scotland, 1969.

Bery is seen here awaiting the timekeeper's signal in a Heatherbell Ladies Cycling Club '25' in Scotland, 1969, where, of course, she broke the record. Along with husband Charlie (who also rode the event) she'd been guest of honour at the Heatherbell's dinner-dance the night before. Beryl describes the race in her book 'Personal Best.' Jock Ritchie, who won the event, was a member of the Chryston Wheelers at one time. Also nice to see Bobby Armour and the late Jim Bryce of the Chryston Wheelers getting well placed in the Central Scotland Wheelers hill climb over the very hard Sherriffmuir hill at Bridge of Allan. The article is by Ann Horn, who we used to see at events all over the place in all sorts of weather as she reported on Scottish bike racing. A great girl. Go to large view to read the article.

Ladies delivery

Ladies delivery

An elegant ladies bicycle of the past , made new with white rubber tyres set up with a wooden crate for use as a carrying basket ... flowers may be ?
Notting Hill . London .

used ladies bicycles

See also:

green cruiser bike

road bike suspension

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schwinn mens midtown bike

uvex bike helmets

schwinn frontier mountain bike

steel frame mountain bike

scott moutain bike

- 09:11 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #
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