Family reunion t shirt slogans. Owls t shirt. Family Reunion T Shirt Slogans
Family reunion Family reunion It was a special day at the Dolphin Academy today when after 9 months babies Tikal and Pasku with their mothers DeeDee and Tela were reunited with their dolphin family. Up till now the mommies and babies had been in a separate nursing lagoon in order to make sure that they got all the rest and time to become strong little boys. The adult male is separated from the newborns as he can show aggression towards them in an effort to stimulate the female to mate again. When the babies are strong enough and the mommies feel comfortable enough the groups are joined again. And that was the case today. After months of seeing each other through the partition father Copan was quick to meet up with his little boys and their mommies. Tikal already has shown a special liking in his daddy as is shown here in a picture of the little family of Copan with his first born son Tikal and his mommy DeeDee. Family Reunion Sept 21 1991 Family Reunion 1991. The reunion was held at a park in Saginaw, and was a great day, with brothers and sisters from everywhere together for the first time in a few years. All of us all together, sorted by order of birth. L to R: Diane, Wayne, Steve, Pam, Gaelyne You would never know it by this picture, but at this point in the day, I had been stung by bees over 30 times in my right hand. I'm amazed I was smiling, and upright! Similar posts: funny college sports t shirts powder puff t shirt designs popular t shirt design design t shirt company old school conservative weathered t shirt bella t shirt sizes peace bomber t shirt funky t shirts for men white t shirts pictures |
t-shirt dress A day off is best spent at the beach. And Lindsay plans to spend her whole day there. This whimsical cover-up is suitable enough to stop at the beachside ice cream shop on her way out. Made from a 3XL t-shirt with screenprint design by Whitney Amelia Frederick. T-shirts 3XL differents coloris Il reste : - 1 orange 3XL extra long - 1 blanc 3XL extra long Similar posts: funny custom t shirts color purple t shirt big and tall mens t shirts t shirt manche longue femme im a big brother t shirt eagles concert t shirts sleeve v neck t shirts plain gray t shirt very offensive t shirts buy twilight t shirt |
Cat stevens t shirts : High school musical 3 t shirt. Cat Stevens T Shirts
you can't see me While I was sitting for my portrait, JuneBug the cat was sitting across the room from me staring at me like the creepy black cat that she is (I call her the Steven King Cat, because she has a little wheeze, she sits and stares and wheezes). I asked her to come sit and take a picture with me. She perked up and came right over and hopped up in my lap. Good Kitty. When I dyed my hair last I layered the colors - neon pink as the base and cherry bomb on top of that. This time, I mixed the two together in equal portions, and added some conditioner as a medium to make it spread out on my hair better. And what I got was this crazy red. In the daylight it's got a slightly iridescent magenta pop. It's very cool, and almost unexpected. Saint Louis! Sad Lisa Cat Stevens She hangs her head and cries on my shirt. She must be hurt very badly. Tell me what's making you sad, Li? Open your door - don't hide in the dark. You're lost in the dark - you can trust me. 'Cause you know that's how it must be. Lisa - Lisa, sad Lisa - Lisa.... Ouca tambem: d 1) Elton John: Bennie and the Jets 2) Simon e Garfunkel: The Sound of Silence 3) Nina Simone: My baby just cares for Me Leia: Maranhao Um Litoral de Historias e Encantos de Felipe Goifman. _Visitar Sao Luis e ver com os proprios olhos a mistura incrivel de influencias etnica, cultural e mistica!!!! Similar posts: buy quest crew t shirts slash t shirts cool motorcycle t shirts long t shirt dresses made in japan t shirt t shirts comics michael scott fun run t shirt overcast kids t shirt classic movie t shirts automatic t shirt printer |
College Logo T Shirt : Vintage Hot Rod T Shirts College Logo T Shirt
Return of the Nerds My first ever tee print is going on sale in less than 10 hours! Starting Midnight CST on Sunday Dec. 19th, and for ONLY 24 hours, you can find it over at the front page of ! Tees are only $10! They will also be selling hoodies, kids sizes, and onesies (but those all have a higher price tag.) If you dig it, please pick one up! Since it's only available for 24 hours, it would also be a huge help to me if you could help spread the word! Thanks a lot! KALX ROUGH KALX Berkeley 90.7 FM is having a competition for a new logo / t-shirt design, this is my idea.. it's pretty rough, but I'm pleased with the concept. what do you think? 2009 Similar posts: v neck color t shirts cheap boys t shirts junk food t shirts bat wear t shirts vulgar t shirts science geek t shirts crazy design t shirts |
Custom airbrush t shirt : Christian logos for t shirts : T shirt besticken. Custom Airbrush T Shirt
Airbrushed Chopper Bike Freehand Airbrushed Custom Chopper Bike on T-Shirt $115.00. Phone order (513)282-9491 or e-mail order: proud papa this gentleman owns an amazing car and he loves it so much he had a custom airbrushed t-shirt made to honor it ! Similar posts: t shirts prints blank t shirt clip art hanes men's tagless v neck t shirts pack of white t shirts jesus and mary chain t shirts alternative burnout t shirts christian youth group t shirts |
Humpty Dance T Shirt : Long Sleeve T Shirt Hoodie Humpty Dance T Shirt
Humpty People say "Yo, Humpty, you're really funny lookin" that's all right 'cause I get things cookin' Ya stare, ya glare, ya constantly try to compare me but ya can't get near me I give 'em more, see, and on the floor, B, all the girls they adore me -The Humpty Dance Day 111 Ok, on three act like a fool, except you on the right, you can just keep doing whatever you are doing Tri-colored herons acting like fools. That is all I can say about that! The one in the middle was doing the Humpty Dance - and the first person who posts what that is gets a free lunch & beer Similar posts: sock monkey t shirt i love crystal meth t shirt diary of a wimpy kid t shirt bulk t shirt suppliers rave t shirts graphic vintage t shirts obama funny t shirt funny custom t shirts |
Get Your Dead T Shirt Here. If you're going to buy a Greatful Dead T Shirt then you really should get one from the shop at Ground Zero of the 60s counterculture. The stuck clock is of interest. More of that later. Haight T-shirt shop Prime position in Haight district of San Francisco. Similar posts: dark horse t shirts stain on my white t shirt lyrics t shirt express texas music t shirts print black t shirt tall rock t shirts t shirt screen printing machine iron and wine t shirts |
I Love Boston T Shirt. Buy Me A Beer T Shirt I Love Boston T Shirt
Color Wheel I love colors. 2009. Favorite memory in this shirt: drunk eating a kebab from the street in NYC at 3am waiting for the LIR to take me & Liz back to her place. I obviously spilled kebab all over myself and then had to take the Chinatown bus back to Boston in a kebab-splattered shirt. Dino the Bat, I mean Boston Terrier!! Trissa says, "Dino is petitioning to have a Black Bat Boston T-shirt made. He thinks it would by Mighty Tasty!" I promise we have them all ready to go, but our silk-screener moved so we have to wait a little longer! xoxo Jen & Erica Similar posts: how to design my own t shirt basketball slogans for t shirts lost t shirts dharma more fun t shirt patterns for t shirt quilts belt printing t shirts 80s movies t shirts |
T shirt size inches - Maternity t shirt sayings - Punisher warzone t shirt. T Shirt Size Inches
Peach Birds T-Shirt - Outside Light coral 100% cotton t-shirt, ribbon trimmed and hand embellished with lace, embroidery, and applique birds. Size: (approx) T-shirt is a UK 10/US 6/EU 36 Bust is 82cm (32 inches) Length is 54cm (21 inches) Yellow Bunnies T-Shirt - Outside Peach 100% cotton t-shirt, ribbon trimmed and hand embellished with lace, embroidery, and applique bunnies. Size: (approx) T-shirt is a UK 12/US 8/EU 38 Bust is 88cm (36 inches) Length is 56cm (22 inches) Similar posts: joy division t shirt unknown obey mens t shirts black sleeveless t shirt white t shirt xxl children's birthday t shirts senior class t shirt slogans line dance t shirts |
Keyboard cat t shirt - Logo for t shirt - Green cotton t shirt. Keyboard Cat T Shirt
greetings from texas! I'm posting this to my blog via flickr from my Treo 650...which is now stylishly clad in a very cute pink leather case. :) I am such a gadget girl! I got into Houston last night at about 12:30 a.m. Central time. Wendy picked me up at the airport and we went to a Vietnamese restaurant where I had some yummy pho. Now we're on our way to Austin...yay! I took this photo of her cat Snickers this morning. He is very cute, and so is his companion Mini-Me (so named because he looks like a smaller version of Snickers). Too bad I'm incredibly allergic to cats. So we're going to hit some outlet malls today and hang out in Austin tonight. Then we have spa day at the heavenly Lake Austin Spa & Resort tomorrow. Bring on the Tibetan singing bowls! fingers are starting to cramp from typing all this on my Treo's functional but tiny keyboard. Have a great weekend, everyone! Oh, I almost forgot...I went from 40-degree weather in Atlanta to 80s in Texas. I'm in a short-sleeved t-shirt and flip flops. It's so cool...if I use my imagination, it almost feels like I'm on vacation in some sunny, tropical locale. :) Day 56 Ok so everyone has that item of clothing they LOVE Could be a pair of shoes, a special bag maybe a certain jacket Mine is the fantastic three cat t-shirt your seeing now! Nothing in my wardrobe starts more conversations that this shirt. Some love it some really hate it. heres my best imitation of the cat in the lower right hand side of the shirt. Have u ever seen a animal look more happy 10 points for those who can correctly reference the two internet sensations this shirt is referring to??????? Similar posts: t shirt size guide juniors graphic t shirts and long sleeve t shirts t shirt design printing for white t shirts van t shirts new kids on the block t shirt |
Make Your Own T Shirt Iron - Retro Skateboard T Shirts - Hanes T Shirt Wholesale. Make Your Own T Shirt Iron
New shirt I took a class at the convention on making your own t-shirts. The class was awful - the instructor wasn't prepared and we just talked the entire time - but there was a kit that had this cute little shirt so I made my own iron on. And of course I had to order 10 more t-shirts so I could make a bunch more. If I were more motivated I'd actually make the t-shirts and then sell them. Nah, too much work. LOL Spring Belle Mix & Match iron-ons Dolly size iron-ons. Can be used in clothes from SD size (the girl's head) to Blythe / Lati yellow (the smaller ones). You can use just one design per t-shirt (or dress...), or you can mix them and make your own matches. Hope you like these ^_^. Thank you for looking! Similar posts: t shirt shops in chicago print designs on t shirts make your own t shirt no minimum cheap video game t shirts free baby t shirt sport fishing t shirt t shirt mens xl |
Real women wear orange t shirts : T shirt futurama. Real Women Wear Orange T Shirts
Real Live Woman Love this song!!! Sorry- no video to link to but here are the lyrics: REAL LIVE WOMAN (Trisha Yearwood) I don't buy the lines in magazines That tell me what I've gotta be I don't base my life on a movie screen I don't fit the mold society has planned I don't need to be nineteen years old Or starve myself for some weight I'm told Will turn men's heads--been down that road And I thank God I finally know just who I am I ain't a movie star May never see the view from where they are And this old town might be as far as I'm goin' But what he'll hold tonight in his hands He swears is so much better than Anything that this ol' world can show him (Chorus:) I'm a real live woman In love with this man I see lying here next to me Lost in the way that he's holdin' This real live woman In the arms of a man where I'll fall asleep knowing There's nothing on Earth he loves more than This real live woman I work nine to five, and I can't relate To millionaires who, somehow, fate Has smiled upon and fortune made Their common lives a better place to be And I no longer justify Reasons for the way that I behave I offer no apologies For the things that I believe and say And I like it that way (Repeat chorus) How do I look in Blue + Orange? 365 Days: #117. 06/14/07 This was a gift from Dave. I have been afraid to wear it, to get to attached to it, and not be there. You see, with my company, if it is employee initiated transfer request, those are usually bottom of the pile as far as for job openings, usually only above outside candidates. Some people I work with have had their transfers in 2+ years. I figured it would take me 6-12 months so the fact it took about 30 days from my transfer request is AMAZING. But everything happens for a reason, and this has restored my faith that if you live your life being kind and generous and good, it will come back to you. Anyway, now that I know I will be moving in like 2.5 weeks (omfgohshit) I will certainly be wearing this a lot. I think it is going to be one of my new favorite lounge shirts, for sure. And it is soft and it makes me feel happy when I wear it. Oh and it matches the 3rd tattoo that you guys don't get to see (it is not a football tattoo, but it is blue and orange in color) ;-) I think this is the start of a VERY good chapter of my life. Similar posts: t shirts with paint pink flamingos t shirt the secret life of the american teenager t shirts t shirt by bulk printing t shirt transfers surf t shirt sale tough enough to wear pink t shirts black t shirts for kids on white t shirts |
Poison ivy t shirts - Cut t shirt designs - I need more cowbell t shirt. Poison Ivy T Shirts
Bullfrog Love Song FlowerAlice and HannahLA noted that the sprouting plant in an earlier photo was poison ivy. I suspected, but it was too young for me to be sure. I don't always watch for poison ivy. I do walk a lot in the wilds, but am never bothered by it. Many of my community will be taking to the wild for a massive music event known as the Wakarusa Festival. Many will be scratching or worse for weeks afterwards. Let me offer a bit of advice... Forget fashion and sundresses... assume that every plant is poisonous and that every insect will bite. Bring folding chairs or sit on rocks... never sit on the ground even on a blanket. Think about boots, tucking your jeans into your boots, and tucking your shirt into your jeans. Wear a hat. Get good insect repellent and use it. Never lay or roll on the ground. Walk around and not through tall brush and trees. Never forget you travel in a land whose ruler is the mighty tick. If you photograph, be sure to always wear tight fitting rawhide gloves. Rawhide gloves allow you to work your camera equipment with ease while allowing you protection from thorns and barbed wire. The barbed wire which I refer to isn't the fences which protect private property which you shouldn't enter anyway - it's the 75-150 year old variety that's often found on state parks and other places and it's usually buried along old fencelines, but will rise a foot off the ground in an area when you least expect it when walking. Get your tetanus booster and then enjoy the music! I Got A Present! As I was out doing some "Fall" photography this little guy jumped in front of me and then froze. Even though I hadn't been planning on getting down on the ground during this photo outing I thought if (s)he'd stay in place I'd see what I could do about getting in close for a photo. (S)he did not disappoint ... there was no motion, no breathing, not even a blink of the eye ... totally frozen. I managed to get really close and took several shots. When I got up my wife said, "Oh, you were laying in a patch of poison ivy!". Since I had on a long sleeved t-shirt and jeans I said "I'll be OK". I'm now treating a large patch of poison ivy on the right side of my waist :-) But I DO like the photo :-) Similar posts: t shirt websites barack on t shirt funny t shirts in spanish girls in wet white t shirts sex pistols god save the queen t shirt t shirt shops in chicago custom t shirt vendors blue jeans and a white t shirt screen print t shirts in |
2008 Spring Drive kid shirt ad They let dwellephant make a couple of new t-shirt designs for the Spring Drive. This octo-kid was for the kids' shirt-- printed on light blue organic cotton tees. If your kid is, well, a kid, and shirtless, you should think about buying one. Tricia Donaldson of Trekking For Kids Meets Dan Lockwood of Dragonfly Community Foundation (P10302480 Dragonfly Community Foundation trains communities to make inexpensive, sustainable mud houses. They connected with Trekking For Kids to sponsor a new Children's Home at Warm Heart Similar posts: army t shirts for women green obama t shirt monkey island t shirt poly cotton t shirts t shirt bag rack t shirt quilt prices spray paint t shirt flyin hawaiian t shirt bags made from t shirts |
T-Shirts on a line in Split, Croatia I was walking passed a house in the palace grounds and saw this, I like the different colours of the t shirts and the line that's nearly broken! T-shirt (119/229) My new Tori tour t-shirt. This is the back. On the front it says 'Flavor of Sin'. I don't think I'll be wearing it outside the house. Similar posts: billabong long sleeve t shirt personalization t shirts rocky mountain t shirts retro rock t shirts union made t shirts funny mr men t shirts dead obama t shirt |
Solid Long Sleeve T Shirts : Customized T Shirt Printing : T Shirt Printing Equipment For Sale. Solid Long Sleeve T Shirts
Day 256/365 - All we need is a horse! Today, out of nowhere Joyce and I decided to head to Yosemite National Park after visiting my Brother Cory. We will not be staying nearly long enough to see anything but figure 24 solid hours with 6 of them sleeping should give me a sneak preview of what I could see with a solid week. So with the sudden addition to our packing list we were left with even less time to snap tonights picture. I figured I wouldn't go too far tonight and use what we had within 100 yards of the house. The old wood fence out front served as the perfect backdrop. I quickly setup two lights while Joyce in cow girl attire sat on the fence. It really was that easy. Now most of you will see a beautiful sunset while I see a beautiful composition. The sun was just setting when I went out but wasn't in the right position to get the fence and the sky so I opted to just sandwich the two together in post. Ok, so it may look a bit "fake" but hell… I've seen worse on Major Magazine covers! I did manage to get bit by my 2nd and 3rd mosquito today. Which is amazing considering I was in a short sleeve shirt and shorts at night in the grass! I will now pack, prepare, eat a PayDay and some Reeses mini peanut butter cups, watch Anchorman and get some sleep! I'm excited for the next few days. I've not seen my brother in nearly a year and I've also wanted to see Yosemite for years now. My loaner Vagabond arrived today and I'm now 30lbs heavier with battery power. I will only be bringing two Vagabonds with me as I'm not sure the Compact car were renting could handle 3 tons of batteries! Next time I write will be from the Mojave Desert! Lighting: AB800 Med Softbox 3:00 from model, 1/4 power AB800 7inch Reflector. 9:00. 1/2 power. Triggered Via Cyber Syncs. urban hiker gear it's unseasonably warm! short sleeve pendleton shirt braces from the army surplus on market st. in SF long sleeve ibex woolie zip-t shirt woolywarm short sleeve shirt (blue, barely visible) bicycle fixation hemp city knickers smartwool improved "skiing" knee socks new balance country walker shoes the shoes are not the most fashionable chaussures in the boudoir, but they have a certain homey geology-teacher appeal. they're great shitkickers and they are comfy and solid on the bike. I love 'em. Similar posts: patagonia t shirt sale afro american t shirts led zeppelin swan song t shirt t shirt coloring t shirt printing houston texas lost t shirts printed on t shirt |
T shirt to wear. Vintage obama t shirt. How to make designs for t shirts. T Shirt To Wear
postpartum skirt. rylah is now 6 weeks old and we all love her madly. i've been wondering what to wear and thought a skirt might be fun. so, needless to say, my body is ever changing at this moment and stretch is essential. i grabbed a stash of old t-shirts from the attic, did a bit of cut and stitch, and voila, 2 new super comfy skirts. Wrong t-shirt I wonder what I was thinking: I actually wore a Genesis t-shirt to a Rolling Stones show at De Kuip in Rotterdam, 1981. Similar posts: t shirt in chicago vintage wash t shirts cheap volleyball t shirts sew t shirt quilt two tickets to the gun show t shirt say hello to my little friend t shirt gnome beams t shirt factory rocky mountain t shirt christian firefighter t shirts black women's t shirts |
Yoga T Shirts For Men - Tufts University T Shirt. Yoga T Shirts For Men
07 after we went out that one time, i didn't see him again for weeks. of course i knew he was living with someone! jarvis told me. i'd be lying if that wasn't one of the reasons why i agreed to go out with him. nothing serious: all we did was run around an empty mall for a while and kissed a couple of times. i liked him from when he started coming into the shop. he's good looking in the way you think clive owen is good looking. meaning, rugged and weathered a bit, and still sexy as hell. and, gotta tell you, a good looking guy who likes comics, seems to be such my thing, you know. anyway, he'd come in and always just buy one book and it wasn't ever a single issue. it was either a trade or graphic novel, and it wasn't ever of a continuing series. yes, it made me curious, his comics buying habits. the shop's owner - that'd be jarvis - told me he'd come in a few times with his girl and they were pretty lovy-dovy and a little spark died inside. but, fuck it. i wasn't gonna go to be bed with him, but i was curious to see what sort of guy he was. to his benefit, he didn't try to take me home (i wonder what would've happened if he did). he was nice and asked me loads of questions. he wanted to get to know me and all. turns out, when i was still seeing that asshole jason, he was at the same show in long beach i was at. small world and all that. he's a little bit more interesting that i thought. of course, he was out with some other girl while his girl was back home, probably wondering where he was. if she only knew. before you hate me, it was completely innocent. i'm not going to try and take this girl's guy. just wanted the company, and never ever underestimate the power of a good make out session! for a few weeks, he stopped coming into the shop. i noticed. but that's how things go, i suppose. probably, he felt guilty. in a way, it's disappointing because...because i think he'd make a decent friend. a terrible boyfriend, but a good friend. i'm a pretty good judge of character. always have been. irony? you be the judge. i mean, you're already judging me, so... at home, if you can call it that, my three roommates are having a party and i just want to sleep. this is what my room looks like: wall one is covered in music posters and flyers and photos with bands i've met. wall two is plastered with movie posters, none of which are like 'real' movie posters. just reprints. my favorite one is for that movie they made a few years back, ms. wyoming, but mostly because i think i've a lesbian crush on shannyn sossamon. wall three is lined with bookshelves i've bought at terrible suburban stores. they have zero personality. bookshelves as high school yearbook pictures? anyway, i've dozens and dozens of comics and trades and graphic novels (yes, there is a difference between the three types, dammit!). also dozens and dozens of novels i've read at least four times. i've been a nerd for longer than i knew. there is no wall four, just my tiny closet. which is just as well because all i seem to own are black tee-shirts and jeans, and one immortal pair of sneakers. i lay down and wonder what mike is doing. haven't talked to him in a while and he was pretty cool. if you met him you'd think he was some sort of spaz, but once i got to know him, he became spectacularly cool. he'd write his little two act plays and put them on at the university theater and were actually pretty good. mostly it was about guys and girls meeting or breaking up. a weirder younger amalgam of kevin smith and john hughes. his hair used to always fall across his face when he was writing (he only wrote longhand!). he didn't wear glasses or carry around a square shoulder bag. he had red and black dreads and always wore some japanese biker boots i'de never seen anywhere. he didn't wear skinny jeans and did not match his shirts to his socks. i'm thinking about mike because he is creative. i think about julian because he was so damn cool. only gay guy i know who'd jump into the mosh pit with me! looking at him, you'd think he was one of those hip-hop b-boys but he wasn't. he was fucking with those people because he could. he'd rock a 1970's punk rock outfit when we'd go to the mall. but when it was just him and me, yoga pants and an old bruce lee tee while we watched seinfeld on dvd over and over again. i'm thinking about him because he's long gone, and at a time, before i knew he was gay, i think i fell in love with him. i think about jason because he was the last guy i went out with. i have to tell you, jason was probably the best looking guy i've ever gone out with in my adult life. he's tall and has a dark complexion and a killer smile and and dreads that hang to his waist and the cutest chubby cheeks! one of his eye has a tinge of green around a deep brown iris. he dj's. he can sing too but is self-conscious about it. too bad he likes getting high as much as people like to have three meals a d Day 110: Dahab Dream I arrived in Sharm el Sheikh at 9am, there was a man there to meet me holding a card with my name. I got into the minivan and stared absently at the mountain/desert scape as we sped along the road to Dahab. Again I sat in the front seat and the driver hailed me with questions. He asked if I had a boyfriend, I said yes but hadn't realised that as I said it I was shaking my head (I really do have difficulty lying), he laughed at me and said 'are you sure?' to which I smiled and nodded firmly. Just before pulling into Dahab the driver slowed to a stop and said 'your boyfriend is a lucky man, I just wanted to tell you that'. We pulled up in front of a large modern looking hotel with its back facing the road and its front to the sea. I saw a young white man in a slick stripy shirt and white linen pants pointing directions to a pretty looking girl wearing a red wrap around her waste. As I climbed out the car the man rushed over and offered his hand 'hi you must be Sarah, I'm James, your yoga travel guide'. I took his hand but missed eye contact in a moment of shy travel exhaustion. James insisted on pulling my bag to reception and asked me about my time in Cairo as we waited at the front desk. 'So did you do the pyramids and museum....' 'no', I replied, 'I have been traveling so much recently that I couldn't find the energy to do the tourist thing, I did the pyramids though'. As I filled in my arrival form I paused at 'passport number' and flicked through to find it 'so well traveled that you still don't know your passport number' said James. I blushed a little and explained that in all my 20months in Congo I had never succeeded in learning my phone number. James said goodbye as I reached my room, I went for a quick change before heading out to explore the town and take a quick dip in the sea. As I napped on a sunbed in the shade I was awoken by a loud British voice 'THIS IS BLOODY PERFECT!', I rusteld beneath my wrap and poked my head out to see a woman sat bolt upright two chairs away from me, admiring the sea. She turned in surprise, saying she hadn't realised anyone was there beneath my mummy costume. 'That was a really good statement' I said as I followed her gaze to the sea. 'Im' Charlie' she said and that is how I met the first of my yoga companions. Before going to meet my yoga group for dinner, I stood on my terrace to admire the view of Saudi Arabia and breathed a great sigh of relief to have finally escaped the city. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that all my fellow yogis were drinking beer in the bar for our first meeting but not nearly as surprised as James and the yoga instructor (also called Charlie) who were used to groups of Americans on detox. We went for dinner at a great little Italian restaurant where we made friends over carpaccios and pizza. The girl I had seen receiving directions as I arrived introduced herself as Sam. I sat opposite Sam and a lady called Helen. James sat to my right and Charlie to my left. It was a lovely evening ended with tea back at the hotel, a late night chat between James, Charlie and I and a reasonably early night prior to our first morning yoga session. Similar posts: transformers t shirt cheap t shirt design buy tall t shirts run dmc vintage t shirt online t shirt desing sleeve designer t shirts cena kids t shirts sayings t shirts |
studeni, 2011 | ||||||
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