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zivi brzo, umri mlad
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i imaj na umu :

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"before we find a world peace we gotta find a peace for war on the street"

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"i guess that i am gonna say that i'm a thug. thats becouse i came from the gutter and i'm still here!!!
all good niggers, all the niggers who changed the world, die in violence. they don't die in regular ways!!!"

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"I ain't no killa but don't puh me, revenge iz like sweatest joy next to gettin' pussy..."

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"Now ain't nobody tell us it was fair
No luv for my daddy, cuz the coward wasn't there
He passed away and I didnt cry
Cuz my anger, wouldnt let me feel for a stranger,
They say Im wrong and Im heartless
But all along I was lookin for a father, he was gone"

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"Oh why should you send your children off to die, in the streets of chalk where they lie, dear God, oh why, does it have to be this way, our children of today wont wise, dear God..."

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"I refuse to be a role model
I set goals, take control, drink out my own bottle
I make mistakes, I learn from everyone
And when its said and done
I bet this Brotha be a better one"

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"We went from brothers and sister to niggaz and bitchez, went from walefare living to worldwide riches....but something's changed in this game,everything's strange,lost most of my niggaz over kokaine.... "

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"Easy To Be A Soldier When There Ain't No War"

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"Only God Can Judge me "

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"I see no changes all I see is racist faces
misplaced hate makes disgrace to races
We under I wonder what it takes to make this
one better place, let's erase the wasted ..."

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nedjelja, 19.11.2006.


|18:03| Komentari|4| Isprintaj| #| Na Vrh|

utorak, 14.11.2006.


ovaj post je za mog spaljenog frenda :

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slusa metal i totalno je nabrijan na njega.....
metalci ugledajte se na njega....smokin

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|21:51| Komentari|25| Isprintaj| #| Na Vrh|

èetvrtak, 09.11.2006.

evo nekih pjesma koje je 2pac napiso

Liberty Needs Glasses

excuse me but lady liberty needs glasses
and so does mrs justice by her side
both the broads r blind as bats
stumbling thru the system
justice bumbed into mutulu and
trippin on geronimo pratt
but stepped right over oliver
and his crooked partner ronnie
justice stubbed her big toe on mandela
and liberty was misquoted by the indians
slavery was a learning phase
forgotten with out a verdict
while justice is on a rampage
4 endangered surviving black males
i mean really if anyone really valued life
and cared about the masses
theyd take em both 2 pen optical
and get 2 pair of glasses

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Myspace layouts

Myspace layouts

When Ure Hero Falls

when your hero falls from grace
all fairy tales r uncovered
myths exposed and pain magnified
the greatest pain discovered
u taught me 2 be strong
but im confused 2 c u so weak
u said never 2 give up
and it hurts 2 c u welcome defeat
when ure hero falls so do the stars
and so does the perception of tomorrow
without my hero there is only
me alone 2 deal with my sorrow
your heart ceases 2 work
and your soul is not happy at all
what r u expected 2 do
when ure only hero falls

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u r the omega of my heart
the foundation of my conception of love
when i think of what a black woman should be
its u that i first think of

u will never fully understand
how deeply my heart feels 4 u
i worry that we'll grow apart
and i'll end up losing u

u bring me 2 climax without sex
and u do it all with regal grace
u r my heart in human form
a friend i could never replace

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Myspace layouts

Myspace layouts

In The Depths of Solitude

i exist in the depths of solitude
pondering my true goal
trying 2 find peace of mind
and still preserve my soul
constantly yearning 2 be accepted
and from all receive respect
never comprising but sometimes risky
and that is my only regret
a young heart with an old soul
how can there be peace
how can i be in the depths of solitude
when there r 2 inside of me
this duo within me causes
the perfect oppurtunity
2 learn and live twice as fast
as those who accept simplicity

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And 2Morrow

Today is filled with anger
fueled with hidden hate
scared of being outcast
afraid of common fate
Today is built on tragedies
which no one wants 2 face
nightmares 2 humanities
and morally disgraced
Tonight is filled with rage
violence in the air
children bred with ruthlessness
because no one at home cares
Tonight I lay my head down
but the pressure never stops
knawing at my sanity
content when I am dropped
But 2morrow I c change
a chance 2 build a new
Built on spirit intent of Heart
and ideals
based on truth
and tomorrow I wake with second wind
and strong because of pride
2 know I fought with all my heart 2 keep my
dream alive

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Fallen Star

They could never understand
what u set out 2 do
instead they chose 2
ridicule u
when u got weak
they loved the sight
of your dimming
and flickering starlight
How could they understand what was so intricate
2 be loved by so many, so intimate
they wanted 2 c your lifeless corpse
this way u could not alter the course
of ignorance that they have set
2 make my people forget
what they have done for much 2 long
2 just forget and carry on
I had loved u forever because of who u r
and now I mourn our fallen star

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Ambition Over Adversity

Take one's adversity
Learn from their misfortune
Learn from their pain
Believe in something
Believe in yourself
Turn adversity into ambition
Now blossom into wealth

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Myspace layouts

The Rose that Grew from Concrete

Did you hear about the rose that grew
from a crack in the concrete?
Proving nature's law is wrong it
learned to walk with out having feet.
Funny it seems, but by keeping it's dreams,
it learned to breathe fresh air.
Long live the rose that grew from concrete
when no one else ever cared.

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I Cry

Sometimes when I'm alone
I Cry,
Cause I am on my own.
The tears I cry are bitter and warm.
They flow with life but take no form
I Cry because my heart is torn.
I find it difficult to carry on.
If I had an ear to confiding,
I would cry among my treasured friend,
but who do you know that stops that long,
to help another carry on.
The world moves fast and it would rather pass by.
Then to stop and see what makes one cry,
so painful and sad.
And sometimes...
I Cry
and no one cares about why.

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Myspace layouts

Can You See the Pride in the Panther

Can You See the Pride In the Panther
As he grows in splendor and grace
Topling obstacles placed in the way,
of the progression of his race.
Can You See the Pride In the Panther
as she nurtures her young all alone
The seed must grow regardless
of the fact that it is planted in stone.
Can You See the Pride In the Panthers
as they unify as one.
The flower blooms with brilliance,
and outshines the rays of the sun.

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Myspace layouts

In the Event of My Demise

In the event of my Demise
when my heart can beat no more
I Hope I Die For A Principle
or A Belief that I had Lived 4
I will die Before My Time
Because I feel the shadow's Depth
so much I wanted 2 accomplish
before I reached my Death
I have come 2 grips with the possibility
and wiped the last tear from My eyes
I Loved All who were Positive
In the event of my Demise

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|23:52| Komentari|19| Isprintaj| #| Na Vrh|

nedjelja, 05.11.2006.


Come on come on
I see no changes wake up in the morning and I ask myself
is life worth living should I blast myself?
I'm tired of bein' poor & even worse I'm black
my stomach hurts so I'm lookin' for a purse to snatch
Cops give a damn about a negro
pull the trigger kill a nigga he's a hero
Give the crack to the kids who the hell cares
one less hungry mouth on the welfare
First ship 'em dope & let 'em deal the brothers
give 'em guns step back watch 'em kill each other
It's time to fight back that's what Huey said
2 shots in the dark now Huey's dead
I got love for my brother but we can never go nowhere
unless we share with each other
We gotta start makin' changes
learn to see me as a brother instead of 2 distant strangers
and that's how it's supposed to be
How can the Devil take a brother if he's close to me?
I'd love to go back to when we played as kids
but things changed, and that's the way it is

[Bridge w/ changing ad libs]
Come on come on
That's just the way it is
Things'll never be the same
That's just the way it is
aww yeah

I see no changes all I see is racist faces
misplaced hate makes disgrace to races
We under I wonder what it takes to make this
one better place, let's erase the wasted
Take the evil out the people they'll be acting right
'cause both black and white is smokin' crack tonight
and only time we chill is when we kill each other
it takes skill to be real, time to heal each other
And although it seems heaven sent
We ain't ready, to see a black President, uhh
It ain't a secret don't conceal the fact
the penitentiary's packed, and it's filled with blacks
But some things will never change
try to show another way but you stayin' in the dope game
Now tell me what's a mother to do
bein' real don't appeal to the brother in you
You gotta operate the easy way
"I made a G today" But you made it in a sleazy way
sellin' crack to the kid. " I gotta get paid,"
Well hey, well that's the way it is


We gotta make a change...
It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes.
Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live
and let's change the way we treat each other.
You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to do
what we gotta do, to survive.

And still I see no changes can't a brother get a little peace
It's war on the streets & the war in the Middle East
Instead of war on poverty they got a war on drugs
so the police can bother me
And I ain't never did a crime I ain't have to do
But now I'm back with the blacks givin' it back to you
Don't let 'em jack you up, back you up,
crack you up and pimp slap you up
You gotta learn to hold ya own
they get jealous when they see ya with ya mobile phone
But tell the cops they can't touch this
I don't trust this when they try to rush I bust this
That's the sound of my tool you say it ain't cool
my mama didn't raise no fool
And as long as I stay black I gotta stay strapped
& I never get to lay back
'Cause I always got to worry 'bout the pay backs
some buck that I roughed up way back
comin' back after all these years
rat-tat-tat-tat-tat that's the way it is uhh

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|23:01| Komentari|11| Isprintaj| #| Na Vrh|

Nešto o 2pacu

The events leading up to September 7, 1996, the tragic day Tupac was shot are as controversial as the shooting itself. It was said that there were some problems between DeathrowÂ’s lawyer and SugeÂ’s right hand man, David Kenner and Tupac. On August 26th, 12 days before Tupac was shot, he was on the set all day and at the studio all night. On the 27th, he sent Yaasmyn Fula, who managed his business affairs, to the studio to get tapes of what he was done. Deathrow would not allow her access to the tapes as David Kenner, DeathrowÂ’s lawyer and SugeÂ’s right hand man, denied her the tapes. ItÂ’s rumored that Tupac had Yaasmyn write Deathrow a letter saying that Tupac had finished his last album and would be leaving Deathrow. Tupac later went back to LA, and although he wanted to go to Atlanta to visit relatives, Suge convinced Tupac to go to the Tyson/Seldon fight in Las Vegas as he had promised.

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Boxing Match

The Tyson vs. Seldon boxing match was held Saturday, September 7, 1996. Tupac and Suge sat up front and Tupac cheered Tyson on as he had done so many times before. The fight lasted only 109 seconds. While walking through the lobby of the MGM grand after the fight the entourage noticed Orlando Anderson. In a prior incident in a Lakewood Mall, Orlando Anderson stole Travon LaneÂ’s Death Row medallion that happened to be a personal give from Suge Knight. Tupac stepped up to Orlando and said "You from the south?" Tupac then punched him in the face knocking him on the ground, after which Suge and the Deathrow entourage proceeded to beat him. Rumors surrounding the shooting have OrlandoÂ’s Anderson with Jerry Bonds driving the white Cadillac while Dwayne Keith Davis (Keefee D) was the shooter. An article in Details magazine stated that Orlando and his brother wanted to start a studio, but didnÂ’t have the resources. Allegedly after the shooting they came into some money, and the possibility of a pay off for some role in the shooting is possible. Anderson, an alleged crip who claims heÂ’s not affiliated, also denied the shooting and stated he was a possible scapegoat. He was shot 2 years later in an incident outside a car wash.
MGM Security Video

Heading to club 662 There were some strange occurrences in Las Vegas according to the book written by TupacÂ’s bodyguard Frank Alexander. The first, was that permits were not sent ahead of time so they were not allowed to carry guns. The second was that he ended up without his phone, and the third coincidence would come after the fight. After the beating of Orlando Anderson the entourage returned to where they were staying at the Luxor Hotel, a block south of the Las Vegas strip. Tupac changed from tan silk shirt and jeans to a basketball top and sweat pants and wore his Euphanasia Medallion. The cars were delivered to the front, Tupac went with Suge, and Frank Alexander ended up driving KeishaÂ’s car, with no gas, and supposedly no weapon. They headed to Suge KnightÂ’s Las Vegas residence on Monte Rosa Avenue. They stayed there until after 10pm when they left towards Club 662 at 1700 East Flamingo Road. Suge and Tupac were driving with Suge at the wheel of a newly purchased 1996 black 760 BMW sedan. They were cruising down the strip playing Makaveli when at 11:05pm they were stopped for playing the stereo too loud and not displaying proper plates. Of interesting note, is that the shooting took place just after the police stopped them, and this time may well have been used to plan the timing of the drive-by shooting. After they were let go Suge and Tupac headed East on Flamingo road where they stopped for a red light at Koval Lane, half mile from the Strip. One car pulled up a car-length ahead to the right and Kadafi, Frank and EDI were in the car behind them. A jeep full of girls pulled up to the left and got Suge and TupacÂ’s attention, and thatÂ’s when it happened.

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The Shooting

A late-model Cadillac with four men inside pulled up directly to the right of the BMW and sprayed 13 rounds into the car. Police reported that a .45 was shot, but itÂ’s believed that information was withheld to identify the real shooter; apparently a .9mm was used. Tupac saw it going down and tried to jump into the back seat. He was hit twice, one bullet hit him his leg and ricocheted up into his lung. Suge was hit in the head with a piece of shrapnel. There were reports that gunfire was returned, but this has been debated and has not been verified completely. The Cadillac turned right onto Koval Lane and vanished. Some cars in the entourage tried to follow the Cadillac but it seemingly disappeared.
Suge meanwhile, pulled a u-turn and headed back down East Flamingo. Suge reportedly told Tupac that he was going to get him to a hospital. The u-turn was questionable because the Desert Springs Hospital is located at 2075 East Flamingo, not far from club 662. Suge knows the area all to well as he used to play for the UNLV Rebels. The cops turned and followed Suge down the road instead of securing the crime scene. As a result the scene and evidence was ran over and dispersed through traffic. Three cars from their entourage also followed Suge down East Flamingo. Suge got caught up in traffic, went up over a median, ran a red light and popped a couple tires on the center divider. He ran the red light at Harmon Avenue and then got stuck on the median with four flat tires. Police, ambulance and the fire department arrived on the scene that was in total chaos. Reports were made of people running up trying to snatch side-mirrors and such off of the car. TupacÂ’s entourage was ordered to get on the ground and held at gunpoint while Tupac was loaded into an ambulance and taken to University Medical Center. Shooting discussed on Unsolved Mysteries.

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The Hospital

Tupac remained at the intensive care unit while family and friends had a vigil at the hospital. When I found out Tupac had been shot I was shocked, I really wasn’t expecting it. I said “yeah, just wait till he comes this time, he’s gonna be really pissed.” The thought that Tupac could have died really didn’t occur to me at first, he always seemed larger than life. While in the hospital Tupac had his right lung removed, he was in and out of consciousness and was highly sedated. Later he was placed on a ventilator and respirator, life-support, and put into a drug-induced coma. The doctor made a promising statement that Tupac had passed the critical phase and had a fifty percent chance of survival. Considering the odds Tupac had been faced with through out life and had always succeeded, a fifty percent chance seemed like a certainty. Unfortunately they couldn’t stop the internal bleeding and Tupac passed. After several attempts to revive him, his mother Afeni, decided to let him rest. “I really felt it was important for Tupac, who fought so hard, to have a free spirit. I felt it was important for his spirit to be allowed to be free. So I rejoiced with him, with the release of his spirit.” On September, Friday the 13th, the always-lively Tupac had breathed his last breath

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Bloods vs Crips Aftermath

In the following week of TupacÂ’s shooting three people were killed in 12 shootings. The police performed a massive raid of almost 40 houses including Orlando AndersonÂ’s where they confiscated a Deathrow Pendant. On Sept the 9th, on East Alondra, a man who Las Vegas police said may have been in the Cadillac was shot in the back. On the 11th Bobby Finch, who Compton cops said may have also been in the Cadillac was gunned down on South Mayo at 9:05 am. Two bloods were shot and killed by an assailant who fled on foot. On May 29, 1998, Anderson and his friend Michael Reed Dorrough pulled into the parking lot of Cigs Record Store at the intersection of Alondra and Oleander in Compton. Here he met Michael Stone, also a crip, who was with his nephew, Jerry Stone. Tempers rose and a gunfight erupted. Orlando and the Stones were all fatally injured. An informant told police it was connected with the killing of Tupac, others said it was over money. It seems odd that if Orlando Anderson were responsible for the killing of Tupac it would take two years before he was killed, by a fellow crip nonetheless.

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Suge Knight Parole Violation

In the beating of Orlando Anderson Suge Knight was charged with violating his probation. Suge claimed that he was trying to break up the rumble, and Anderson confirmed his story in his testimony. However, Anderson later changed his story and said that Suge was in fact involved. Suge was sentenced to nine years in prison, however he got out early and is now a free man.
Police investigation
The police investigations in the two shootings of Tupac were shabby at best. It would seem that the police were not interested in solving the shootings and as EDI of the Outlawz stated “(He) was just another black man that had a strong opinion—and now he’s out of the way.” Tupac’s dislike for the police and vice-versa was not a secret. Tupac had previously been charged for shooting two off duty officers in the rear end after they harassed him for jay walking. The case was dismissed because the officers had guns that were taken from evidence. In the 1996 Las Vegas shooting, the police department claimed that the witnesses weren’t cooperating. Kadafi as an eye witness, wasn’t helped in custody. Police said that David Kenner, Deathrow’s lawyer, made meetings with the police but never showed up. Kadafi was later shot and killed in New Jersey. Some other interesting points was that no helicopter was called in to look for the Cadillac, the crime scene was destroyed, trained bodyguards couldn’t give an accurate description and it happened just off the strip with no witnesses. The irony of Tupac’s last movie, Gang Related is heavy. Tupac proposes to setup their crimes on a drug dealer because nobody will care.

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The impact of TupacÂ’s death spans from the inner workings of rap to all the people and fans alike who have suffered the loss. It was hard to believe that somebody so fearless, so alive, and who defied all odds, could actually be mortal, and itÂ’s hard to except his passing. Indeed there are many oddities about the death of Tupac that have caused fans to dissect, probe and evaluate the information in search of answers. While the lack of closure has made it hard to accept, the theories surrounding his death have only added to his controversial and legendary status.

|22:08| Komentari|6| Isprintaj| #| Na Vrh|

èetvrtak, 02.11.2006.

yoo ! cool

Napokon sam napravila novi blog...
U njemo možete naæ sve što vas zanima o 2pacu....
Nadam se da æe vam se svidjet...
2pac 4ever..... R.I.P.

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