08.11.2011., utorak
Ride on toys for toddlers - Boys toys age 4. Ride On Toys For Toddlers
The Fisher Price Merry Mousewife This is a Merry Mousewife pull behind toy made by Fisher Price. I had one in the early 1960s as a toddler, and miraculously, I have held onto her through countless moves and life changes. She has a yellow pull string that seems incredibly short now, I can’t believe I was once that close to the ground. Her yellow plastic cap has become brittle throughout the years but she still clacketty clacks as her broom swishes back and forth when you pull her. There was a high school at the bottom of our road. At the time, I would have been 3 years old, maybe 4 because I hadn’t started kindergarten yet. We were living in east London, Ontario. I would pull my “Merry Mousemife” up and down the sidewalk and proudly show her to the high school students as they walked home in the afternoons. I spent a lot of time pounding that sidewalk, either drawing on it with coloured chalks, roller skating, searching for spent firecracker cases after Victoria Day, picking off old chewing gum and “recycling it” (ugh, when I think of it… my mother never knew til years later), riding my tricycle or pulling my mouse along. Merry Mousewife. What a name. Could you imagine a toy being named that now? The funny thing is, I never really thought of her as a housewife, she was just a busy little mouse to me. I never connected the concept to the many housewives on our street back then, besides, they were people, not mice! 4 Wheels During a recent trip up into the northern part of Long Underwear Country, the toddler discovered the joys of riding with Grandpa on the four-wheeler. While this piece of equipment is admittedly built for chores like clearing land, it has officially been repurposed and christened as the toddler's favorite new toy. Staying inside was not an option on this trip because every five minutes, Nathaniel was looking up at Grandpa asking RIDE?? And who could say no to those big, puppy dog eyes? Similar posts: wooden baby toys uk weird toys for kids big boys play toys palatka latest tech toys violin toys for kids top kid toys 2011 mickey and minnie mouse toys |