06.11.2011., nedjelja



Top Sunglasses 2011

top sunglasses 2011

  • spectacles that are darkened or polarized to protect the eyes from the glare of the sun; "he was wearing a pair of mirrored shades"

  • Sunglasses or sun glasses are a form of protective eyewear designed primarily to prevent bright Sun light and high-energy visible light from damaging or discomforting the eyes.

  • (sunglass) a convex lens that focuses the rays of the sun; used to start a fire

  • Glasses tinted to protect the eyes from sunlight or glare

  • 2011 (MMXI) will be a common year starting on a Saturday. In the Gregorian calendar, it will be the 2011th year of the Common Era, or of Anno Domini; the 11th year of the 3rd millennium and of the 21st century; and the 2nd of the 2010s decade.

  • exceed: be superior or better than some standard; "She exceeded our expectations"; "She topped her performance of last year"

  • Be at the highest place or rank in (a list, poll, chart, or league)

  • the upper part of anything; "the mower cuts off the tops of the grass"; "the title should be written at the top of the first page"

  • Be taller than

  • Exceed (an amount, level, or number); be more than

  • top(a): situated at the top or highest position; "the top shelf"

109/365 - April 19th, 2011.

109/365 - April 19th, 2011.

Britton and I started our morning by boiling her eggs to dye... She was itching to start as soon as possible. But when you're boiling and cooling 14 eggs, it takes a little time.

So, we headed out to work on a chicken pen. Girlfriend is surprisingly helpful these days. She asks how she can help and when you tell her, she actually follows through quite well! I was impressed...

After that, she finally got to the part she had been anxiously awaiting. Egg dying!

She carefully placed each tablet in the cup with the vinegar and water... Plus, we whipped up a reddish color from food coloring. Then, she was set to go.

She asked early on if she could ditch the dipper and use her hands... Well, my dear, I don't see why not. So, from then on, her little hands were dunked into the cup to check and grab her colorful eggs.

I couldn't help but recall the first few years she dyed eggs... She'd chunk 3 or 4 eggs per cup, smashing them in the process. And most of her eggs came out almost black because most them had a dunk in each color.

Not anymore. Now, she gently places each egg in a cup and takes great care in getting the absolute perfect color. On top of that, as she pulls them out of the dye, she lines them up according to color...

When she completed her dying, she grabbed her stickers and I knew the girl was on a mission by the way she furrowed her brows, taking in the paper filled with faces.

She finished her first egg and informed me it was her Papa... And then, the next was me. Finally, she had a whole family of eggs. My mom, Lynn, Mimi, Duna, Miranda, her mom and dad, her papa and gramma, her other cousins and me.

And she nailed the likeness of each of us. Except her mom and dad. They got a bunny egg. But everyone else, well, their eggs were their spitting image ;) Right down to the hat on Duna's egg.

I tortured the child after by putting her in a dress and a bow to hunt her eggs... Except, I think she kind of liked it. She just wouldn't admit it. But I caught her admiring herself in the mirror more than once.

As per tradition, we headed to Mimi's house for Mimi Bunny to hide the eggs for Brit. After hunting them twice, she wanted to hide them from me... The first time, I discovered the kid was an evil egg hider... Eggs under leaves, under upside down buckets. Places one would never look. ;) Her second hiding for me led to losing the Papa egg...

I figured it didn't matter until I saw her face fall... She didn't cry or say a word. But I could see in her face that it was important that we find that egg. She couldn't remember where she put it... So, this led to me crawling around the yard searching for the reddish egg with sunglasses. Finally, after about 20 minutes, I found it in a clump of ivy. She lit up and I felt relieved.

She spent some time with Mimi this evening while I cared for the birds... For dinner, she got one of her favorites. Spaghetti... And she was quite the bottomless pit.

Finally, we finished out our evening with her making muffins for our outing tomorrow. I gave her the ingredients and helped her measure a little but she mostly made them on her own. She's quite the grown up these days.

For once, the girl is in bed by 10 pm at my house... But only because we have another adventure tomorrow!

M:PT - May 7

M:PT - May 7

JG and I went up to Penn State to watch the NCAA men's volleyball championships, and we got lunch at Sonic en route. This hot dog, as you can see, is very PT. :)

Anyway, this is a version of my normal weekend uniform: jeans, flats, t-shirt/top, cardigan, and scarf. In the past, I wouldn't have put these things together because none of them really match, but since so much of it is neutral, I threw caution to the wind. This outfit was good for lots of walking, dealing with various temperatures, and climbing up and down bleachers. And I still think it worked pretty well for PT-ness.

top sunglasses 2011

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