nedjelja, 13.01.2013.


S obzirom na česte tehničke poteškoće prilikom uređivanja bloga, odlučila sam pojednostaviti proceduru i sve nove postove objavljivati NA NOVOJ ADRESI

Iskreno se nadam da to dosadašnjim posjetiteljima neće predstavljati problem. Ostanite uz quilling.

Considering the frequent technical difficulties when editing the blog, I decided to simplify the procedure and all the new posts will be published ON A NEW ADDRESS!

I sincerely hope that change will not be a problem for past visitors. Stay with quilling.

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ponedjeljak, 07.01.2013.

Okvir (Frame)

Za početak godine nešto što još nisam radila. Okvirić za fotografiju. Koristi li ih uopće još netko?
Dakle, puno je uputstava na internetu pomoću kojih ovo možete i sami napraviti. Ja sam odabrala uputstva majstorice recikliranja i DIY radova Dr. Sonie čiji blog redovito pratim.

Naravno, okvir je ukrašen quilling tehnikom.

To begin this year, I did something I had not worked so far. The frame for the photo. Does anyone still use photos?
So, there are lots of instructions on the internet through which you can do this. I chose the master of recycling and DIY work, Dr Sonia. I regularly follow her blog.

Of course, the frame is decorated with quilling technique.

Na žalost, zbog poteškoća sa učitavanjem fotografija i njihovog neprepoznavanja (kao i u prethodnom postu), sve gore navedeno možete pogledati i


Unfortunately, due to difficulties uploading photos, and their failure to recognize (as in the previous post), all of the above, you can view HERE

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nedjelja, 30.12.2012.

Crveno za kraj stare i početak nove godine. (Red at the end of the old year and start of the new year

Ovakve rolice mogu biti višenamjenske. Ove su predviđeni kao držači salveta.

These rolls can be multipurpose. These are provided as a napkin holder.

Želim vam svima sretnu, uspješnu i kreativnu 2013.!

I wish you all a happy, successful and creative 2013th!

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srijeda, 26.12.2012.

Zadnji Božićni ukras ove godine (Last Christmas decoration this year)

Ovaj je ukras napravljen prije Božića, ali nije mogao biti objavljen prije uručivanja osobi kojoj je namijenjen. Podloga je plastična kugla promjera 10 cm.

This ornament was made before Christmas, but could not be released before handing the person to whom it is intended. The substrate is a plastic ball diameter of 10 cm.

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subota, 15.12.2012.

Još jedan božićni ukras (Another Christmas decoration)

Poklon za moju svekrvu.
A gift for my mother in law.

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ponedjeljak, 03.12.2012.

It's Christmas time...

Prvi plavo-srebrni božićni bor je osvojio vaša srca. Zato još malo plavo-srebrnog ugođaja.

The first blue and silver Christmas tree has won your hearts. Therefore, a little more blue-silver ambiance.

I sasvim drugačije - crveno.

And quite different - red.

A da ne zaboravimo onaj stil sa naljepnicama...

And not to forget that style with stickers ...

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subota, 01.12.2012.

Božićne čestitke 3. dio (Christmas cards part 3)

I na kraju još malo Božićnih ukrasa, inspiriranih preslatkim ukrasima koje je osmislila Monica Raceala. Objava je odobrena od strane autora! Hvala Monica!

And finally a little Christmas ornaments, inspired by Monica Raceala. Publication was approved by the author! Thank you Monica!

Oznake: quilling, christmas cards, ornaments

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nedjelja, 25.11.2012.

Božićne čestitke 2. dio (Christmas cards part 2)

Ovaj puta malo drugačije. Naišla sam u trgovini na ove kičaste naljepnice i nisam odoljela. Božić je i onako prepun šarenila i ja moram priznati da volim taj "kič". Ali kako je quillling moja opsesija, naravno da sam ga dodala uz naljepnice.
Šareno, kičasto i djetinjasto! Ne mora se svima sviđati, ali mene je baš razveselilo!

This time a little different cards. I saw this kitschy stickers in the store and I did not resist. Christmas is so full of colors and I have to admit that I love that "kitsch". But quillling is my obsession, and, of course, I added Quilling to the stickers.
Colorful, kitschy and childish! Not everyone has to like it, but I was quite pleased!

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subota, 24.11.2012.

Božićne čestitke (Christmas cards)

Ovo su prve ovogodišnje Božićne čestitke inspirirane mnogim prekrasnim radovima mojih prijatelja širom svijeta.

These are the first of this year's Christmas cards inspired by the many wonderful works of my friends around the world.

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četvrtak, 15.11.2012.

Još malo Božićnih ukrasa (A little more Christmas decorations)

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Moje ime je Gordana, živim Samoboru u Hrvatskoj.
Nekoliko proteklih mjeseci provodim puno vremena radeći u quilling tehnici, ali još uvijek sam početnik.
Želim zahvaliti svima koji svoje znanje i tehnike dijele putem blogova i web stranica. Zahvaljujući njima puno sam naučila.

Nadam se da će vam se dopasti moji radovi.

My name is Gordana, and I'm from Samobor, Croatia.
Last few months I've been spending a lot of time working with quilling technique, but I'm still new in this.
I wanna thank everyone who's sharing their knowledge and techniques of quilling through blogs and other web sites, thanks to them I've learned a lot.
I hope you're going to like my work.



Quilling Me Softly

Lin Handmade Greetings Card

Quilling with Whimsiquills

Inna's Creations

Appel Quilling Garden

WhiteRacoon's handcrafts blog

Craft Ideas For All

Simple Rhyme


Creative Quilled Creations

My Quilling Soul

Susan Quilling Cards


Anastasia Wahalatantiri

All About Quilling

Artes de Nágela

Cards, Crafts and Kids Projects

Inez Quilling Art


Quilling by Esenzze

Quilling by Marius

Quilling Ideas

Quilling Projects

Quilling Skazka


cristina,fun quilling


Nehal Yousef




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Rukotvornica udruge Mašlek - Zagreb, Croatia



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