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Račan: Ne zaletavajte se izjavama da Gotovina nije u Hrvatskoj

Predsjednik SDP-a Ivica Račan poručuje Predsjedniku Stjepanu Mesiću i premijeru Ivi Sanaderu da se ne zaletavaju s izjavama kako Ante Gotovina nije u RH.

Brani li se time od sugestija da je odgovoran što je 2001. Anti Gotovini izdana lažna putovnica?

Zna li kako u Bruxellesu gledaju na najnovije nalaze o najtraženijem hrvatskom bjeguncu, pa prije Carle Del Ponte i Ollija Rehna upozorava na loše vijesti?

Morat ćemo pričekati na slijedeću Račanovu pitijsku rečenicu da vidimo možemo li nazrijeti smjer njegovih izjava.

Je li mislio na smjer u dolje prevedenoj bojazni, stvarno bi bilo teško nagađati.

Karamarko and Perkovic are selling horn for the candle

It would be significant to Europe when in the same time would be given prooves that Gotovina is not moving in direction of Sibenik's area, Udbina, Grahovo,Glamoc...

I meni je osobno teško vjerovati da Tomislav Karamarko ima ozbiljne nakane u privođenju Ante Gotovine sudu.

HAK – spy's pantry

One month after this conversation, I met Mile Mrla on Zrinjevac. With relief, he told me that MUP wanted to talk with him about circumstances of Milan Levar's murder, but he informed about that his friend Tomislav Karamarko, at that time chief of UNS, who arranged with police not to question him.

A danas me sjetilo što o tome misli SAD-ov veleposlanik u Zagrebu Ralph Frank.

Q: There's been press coverage that the new head of POA, Tomislav Karamarko, was once opposed to cooperation with The Hague Tribunal. What would your comment be?

A: I was intrigued by President Mesic's statement that only fools do not change their opinion.

Q: What are the chances that Croatian Prime Minister Sanader or President Mesic will have the opportunity to pay an official state visit to Washington?

A: I would suggest that there won't be any discussion or consideration of that until General Gotovina is in The Hague.

Neki dan sam odaslao najnovije zamolbe predsjedniku Odbora za ljudska prava Hrvatskog sabora Furiu Radinu i Pučkom pravobranitelju RH Jurici Malčiću, svezigledno postupanja POA-e u mom slučaju.

Freedom guaranteed by Constitution

The information ends with note to users: President of Croatia, Stjepan Mesic, secretary of President's Office, Zeljko Bagic, President's advisor for national security, Imra Agotic, Premier Ivica Racan, member of government, Goran Granic, main state attorney, Mladen Bajic and President of Parliamentary Committee for internal politics and national security, Ante Markov, that are: That actions and influences of all groups, the subject of further research of POA, and that named ones about collected informations, will be regularlly informed.

Post je objavljen 17.04.2005. u 23:21 sati.