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Sto se krije iza propagande o Australiji

O ovom mini-blogu

Ovaj mini-blog je sazetak mog pogleda na zivot u Australiji, australsko drustvo i njene stanovnike.
Orijentiran je na one negativne aspekte, koji karakteriziraju to drustvo, kao odgovor na snaznu propagandnu masineriju koja je u temeljima ovog drustva.
Na umu treba imati Paretov princip, dakle da se ovo dolje napisano odnosi na oko 80% slucajeva, dok je 20% (ili manje) ono sto zaista vrijedi u cijeloj prici.
Pisan je na hrvatskom, jer je namijenjen hrvatskoj publici, ljudima koji su proveli svoje vrijeme u ovakvom, ili slicnom drustvu, i onima koji ce tek doci, otjerani ocajnim stanjem europske ekonomije i privucenim upravo tom prekrasnom slikom koju zapadni mediji stvaraju, upravo ciljajuci na efekt propagande.


Svatko ima svoj osoban stil, razloge, povijest, strasti i interese u zivotu.
Ja nisam nikakav nostalgicar, i to nije moja polazisna osnova, nikad nisam volio hrvatsku ucmalost, malogradjanstinu, konzervativnost i nacin razmisljanja, kao i televizicnost, opijenost medijima i kulturom pricanja i neakcije.
Ne podrzavam i ne vjerujem da je neko drustvo najbolje i da netko ima najljepsu zemlju, ili najbolju kulturu, ali imam svoje preference, koje se mijenjaju kako ja rastem.
U vrijeme dolaska, jednostavno sam zelio vidjeti izvan ograde, imati drzavljanstvo neke daleke egzoticne zemlje, steci nova iskustva i spoznaje.
Nisam razocaran, naprotiv, zahvalan sam na mogucnosti upoznavanja jos jednog aspekta zivota, i na svim stvarima i ljudima koji su mi pomogle da odrastem i u tom smjeru, i mogucnosti da na jednom mjestu uspijem susresti pripadnike vise od 200 nacija svijeta i steci iskrene prijatelje medju njima, i samim tim jos sigurnije i jasnije kreiram vlastite stavove i paradigme u zivotu, i odbijem paradigme koje mi ne pasu.


Gotovo sve u australskom drustvu je lazno. Ili razvodnjeno.
Samo drustvo nije drustvo, vec kolonija zatvorenika, koji su ujedno i cuvari vlastita zatvora.
Apsolutno sve se svodi na sluzenje bankarskom sustavu, i samim tim ne smije izaci iz zadanog okvira.
Cak ni australska vlast ne moze izaci iz toga, te je konstantno "open for business"
Nista ne dolazi iz duse i srca, cak ni mozga, jer mora biti odobreno.
Iako je to u praksi nemoguce, i nije propisano kao u EU, autocenzura cini svoje, i sluge sustava samo razmisljaju o tome da li su prekrsili neki zakon ili pravilo, bojeci se izopcenja.


Novac nije sredstvo razmijene ili jedna od vrijednosti u spektru zivota.
Novac je u glavama australaca jedina vrijednost za koju zrtvuju svoje vrijeme, kvalitetu zivota, odnose, obitelj, i zdravlje.
I spremno ga vracaju nazad u sustav, misleci da je to smisao zivota.
Precijenjena roba, precijenjene kuce, inflacija i nepriznavanje cinjenice da su cesto najbolje stvari u životu besplatne, dovelo ih je do stava da je novac jedino mjerilo svega, na radost kontrolora na vrhu, i na štetu vlastitih života.

Medijska propaganda

Snazna medijska propaganda se brine da robovi konstantno budu uvjereni da zive u najboljoj zemlji svijeta, i da su apsolutno sretni sto imaju priliku placati najskuplje kuce na svijetu, pusiti najskuplje cigarete (oko $28, listopad 2014.), imati izbor i uvoz gotovo svih nebitnih stvari iz cijelog svijeta, ali nikako se ne dovode u pitanje bitne i temeljne stvari, vec se svako preispitivanje suptilno ismijava ili otvoreno negira.
Vlasnih vecine medija - Murdoch. Koji, naravno, ne zivi u Australiji.


Ima nesto ljudskih bica, najvise u Melbournu, najcesce useljenih, i najcesce oprezno opipavaju da li imaju kontakt sa ljudskim bicem ili zombijem.
Vecina zombiji, rezultat odgoja, skole i sistema. Nemaju prijatelja. Misli su im koncentrirane na sistem i oko sistema, glume zainteresiranost za kulturu i svijet, ali, realno, nezainteresirani. Ispod povrsine, nesposobni za prijateljstvo, emocionalno mrtvi i intelektualno sterilni, bojeci se izaci izvan zadanih granica.
Njihov interes za zivotom nestaje kad se potrose prve dvije recenice, i vracaju se u svoje fluoridizirano/litijumsko tupilo.

Obicno postoji stereotip amerikanaca kao neobrazovanih, zaglupljenih i arogantnih.
Prosjecnim australcima, pored ovih osobina, treba dodati jos jednu - emotivno zakoceni. Konstatno i uvijek potisnutih emocija, uvjerljivo sampioni depresije, samoubojstava, ocajnog opijanja, potisnute agresivnosti, sve skriveno iza fasade opustenosti.

Nezainteresiranost i zatvorenost uma su osobina kaznjenika na izoliranom otoku, kojima je zatvorski tv iz dana u dan govorio da su u raju, time im onemogucujuci ikakav individualni pomak naprijed.


Stariji, pustinjski - nema boljih ljudi na svijetu, u smislu rada s njima. Mrsavi, zilavi, sa dubokim glasovima. Povezaniji sa prirodom, primljeni i jednostavni. No, po iskustvima ljudi zivjelih u gradicima unutrasnjosti, rasisti i zatvorena uma.
Mladji - picke. U punom smislu rijeci. Nabildane, istetovirane kukavice sa pistavim glasovima (jos nismo skuzili sto su im ucinili, no definitivno je to dio kemijskog eksperimenta).
Budi siguran da nisu u stanju odrzati rijec i da ce izbjeci svaku odgovornost cim zamaknu za ugao.
Rad za otplatu kredita za auto i kucu (australski san) i svoje nize strasti (lose pivo i otrovne cigarete) i nisu u stanju sastaviti suvislu recenicu. Petkom se napiju u drustvu istih kao sto su i oni, bili obicni radnici, ili karijeristi. Nemaju socijalne sposobnosti, vec urlaju kad se malo opuste, i postaju bijesni i ocajni.
Domet im je debela australka, i to ih i unisti naposljetku.
Sebicni, i u toj sebicnosti bez ijednog prijatelja, cak nisu u stanju stvoriti i odrzati prijateljstvo medjusobno.
Jedini prijatelj im je sistem, i na to se jedino oslanjaju. A to im je i grobar.


Vjerovali ili ne, gore su od muskaraca.
Debele, prljave, pijane, lisene zenskih osobina.
Sebicnost ih je dovela do prezderavanja, neukusnog odijevanja upakiranog u "i don't care" stil.
Emotivno nesposobne, cesto se pretvaraju u lezbijke koje mrze muskarce (a i izgledaju kao muskarci), a usput i sve ostale zenstvene zene koje se pojave u okolini - od azijki, preko europljanki do juznoamerikanki.
Ako nisu debele, onda su uvjerene da bi im se muskarci trebali diviti, i krecu se u toj svojoj ljusturi ispraznosti i sebicnosti, u kojoj cak ni australski muskarci ne zele sudjelovati.
Rezultat sistemskog odgoja, koji ih je ucinio da vjeruju da su princeze, da bi bile dobar materijal za kupovinu beskonacnog niza proizvoda.
Generalno, sterilne i lazne, sa velikom vjerojatnoscu da ce napustiti vlastito dijete, ili biti razvedene, jer su, u osnovi nesposobne za davanje i odrzavanje ikakve veze ili obitelji.

Australci izvan Australije

Bolje ih je izbjegavati. I to nije tesko.
Pretjerano ponosni na svoje oj, oj, ajmo se napit, uglavnom se skrivaju po turistickim mjestima napravljenim specijalno da im se uzmu dolari i da se opiju sto prije i sto brze, i nakon toga izbace van.
Vjerojatnost da ce se ozlijediti/poginuti/biti ubijeni prilikom svojih izleta je velika, no nema opasnosti da ce se mijesati sa ljudskim bicima previse, iz tog jednostavnog razloga sto nemaju sto reci i izlet im se svodi na zadovoljavanje najnizih potreba poput prezderavanja i opijanja.
Nikakvu kulturu ne mogu razumijeti jer nisu obrazovani, nemaju vlastite kulture, nemaju postovanja ni prema cemu, i nisu u stanju komunicirati i sa kim izvan svog mentalnog sklopa, cak i ako govori engleski.

Australske laži

Kao svaki totalitaran sustav, i Australija ima svoje parole, koje se redovito blebecu u Murdoch medijima, i drže populaciju u konstantnoj zabludi i sprijecavaju je u razvoju.
Evo popisa nekih najiritantnijih parola:
- Australija je bogata (rudom, od koje profit ide medjunarodnim korporacijama)
- Australia smart country (laž, kvaliteta obrazovanja je jadna, a mladi polupismeni, jedini uspješni studenti su stranci, mahom iz Kine i Indije)
- Melbourne most liveable city (laž, nazadan i nefunkcionalan javni prijevoz, raspršen grad kojim je moguce tumarati jedino automobilom, preskupe usluge, fluoridizirana voda, gotovo nikakav kulturni i nocni život, opsjednutost kažnjavanjem i uvoz droge)
- Melbourne friendliest city - još jedna glupost objavljena od agencije koju placa lokalna turisticka zajednica i objavljuje u novinama glumeci "nezavisnost"
- Australia - rice bowl of China (fascinatna laz prodana tako da se Aussiji osjecaju kao da nesto zaradjuju - kinezi i korejci su planski kupili farme i okruzili australske farmere, organizirali proizvodnju hrane i kontinuirani transport nazad za Aziju - dok rasizmom obdareni australski farmeri nemaju pristup trzistu, ne zaradjuju i placuci traze pomoc od vlasti - zasto nemaju pristup? - zato sto su rasisti koje ne interesira tudja kultura, a sad su se nasli u manjini, i definitivno izgubili na vlastitu teritoriju)
- broj pobijenih Aboridzina - najnovija istrazivanja govore o minimalno 3 milijuna ubijenih (sto je vjerojatno jos uvijek nista, obzirom da su naseljavali cijeli kontinent i govorili oko 1300 jezika).
- "otkrivanje" od strane Jamesa Cooka - kako onda da je pronadjeno toliko kineskih grobova, koji su godinama prije engleza kopali rudu u Australiji, ne dolazeci ni u kakav sukob sa Aboridzinima?
- najvisi standard na svijetu (idealna fraza za ekonomski nepismene ljude, koji nisu u stanju staviti troskove, i sve ostale faktore u racunicu) - moglo bi se reci najskuplja zemlja na svijetu prepuna trcecih hrcaka koji se samozavaravaju da je skupo placanje osnovnih zivotnih potreba znak zivotnog standarda.
- fair go - da, fer su dok im dozvolis dominaciju, ako nema dominacije, e onda cemo biti nasilni, a ako to ne mozemo, onda se durimo.
- medicina, voda, psihijatrija, zakoni - sve napravljeno da pravi profit, truje i polako ali sigurno, otudjuje i ubija.

Australska istina (2014)

1. Over-consumption with unproductive household debt at $1.6 trillion (NAB CEO) - Melbourne uvjerljivo prvi sa fascinatnih 62% napuhanosti balona.
2. 63% of aussies are overweight or obese (ABS).
3. Highest per capita drug use in the world (
4. Suicide is the leading cause of death in Australia for men under 44 and women under 34. There are 6 deaths by suicide a day and an estimated 180 attempts per day (
5. Alcohol abuse costs about $15 billion per year. The greatest cost of alcohol is productivity at about $6 billion lost per year. Dealing with drunks makes up nearly a quarter of police incidents (

slika gore - ograda na West Gate Bridge, namijenjena sprijecavanju samoubojstava, u stilu materijalistickog zapadnog drustva koje ne vidi uzrok, neko samo panicari oko posljedica.

Hrvati i ostali Balkanci

Razlicite generacije, no, uz casne izuzetke, kompatibilni sa nakaznim vrijednostima sustava, obzirom da su vecinski konzervativni socijalisti, dakle, kao i u Hrvatskoj, ucmali guzicari.
Dobro idu uz "australski san" imanja kuce - zbukanje, kosenje trave i slicne gluposti postavljene na pijedestal smisla zivota.
Poturica je redovito gori od turcina.
Od predratnih useljenika, preko takozvane ustaske imigracije, do jugoslavenskih imigranata 80ih, izbjeglica 90ih do najnovijih izletnika ponesenih idejom da ce naci dobrog gospodara koji ce prepoznati njihovu potrebu da se dokazu svojim skolovanjem i zeljom za pokornim sluzenjem zamisljenom raju na Zemlji.

Od ljudi kojima je Austrougarski zatvor ideal drustva, ni ne mozes ocekivati da rade ista drugo, vec da nesvjesno traze gospodara, cija neljudska/neprirodna pravila se treba postovati, da bi dobio komad sira i tapsanje po ramenu.
Otud ono "jel ima posla u Australiji?"

Lijepo je gledati transformaciju ljudi koji pocnu kuziti kojoj su propagandi bili izlozeni kod kuce i okice se pocnu otvarati, i to je zaista osvjezavajuce i ohrabrujuce.

" U svetu postoji jedno carstvo,
u njemu caruje drugarstvo.
U njemu je sve lepo u njemu je sve nezno,
U njemu se sve raduje!

U njemu je sve lepo u njemu je sve nezno,
U njemu se sve raduje!

Tamo su kuce od cokolade,
Prozori su od marmelade
Tamo svako radi ono sta hoce
Tamo raste svako voce.

U svetu postoji jedno carstvo
U njemu caruje drugarstvo
U njemu caruje drugarstvo ..."

Socijalisticki mentalitet motike i prekovremenih sati dobro nalijeze u Australiju.
Mozda vise i ne, posto je ekonomija pukla kao bundeva ;-)
Muljati, brbljati i musti socijale i penzije, jer sustav je Bog otac, i oslobadja ih osobne odgovornosti u životu.
Al kad izda, onda je opako.
Neki smrznuti u vremenu u kojem su dosli.
Rrezultat su djeca, poluaustralizirana, na koju utjece lose skolstvo i okolina, i cinjenica da roditelji nemaju vremena, i time ih pretvaraju u sebicne male zombije nesposobne za suvislu komunikaciju, ali sposobne za gledanje osobne i uske koristi u svakoj situaciji.
Prepoznatljivi po nesposobnoscu stvaranja kompleksnijih recenica i strahom izlaska iz sustava.

Veci dio useljenika je svjestan da su se dekulturalizirali u zamjenu za prekomjerni rad i sustav vrijednosti lisen prirodnih vrijednosti, konstantno se usporedjujuci sa zamisljenom slikom okoline iz koje su dosli, nipodostavajuci to nekadasnje okruzenje i ljude i napuhavajuci vrijednosti u kojima se sada nalaze, ne shvacajuci proces koji je u njima stvorio taj kompleks inferiornosti.

slika gore: Svijet nakon medijske propagande u Hrvatskoj
Plavo - SVIJET
Bijelo - Ne-SVIJET, ljudozderi i crna rupa

Australski san

Najveca moguca glupost ikad osmišljena i prodana nesvjesnim robovima. Sagraditi kucu. Prijeci 15000 km da sagradiš kucu u praznoj zemlji i otplacuješ je cio život.
Prije bih rekao seljacki san.
Cudo jedno da takav san nemaju vladari.
Njima je san da ovakvih sanjara ima sto vise.

Kreditne kartice i osiguranja

Vrhunac prevare. Prvo sve inflatira do komicnosti, onda im uvališ kreditne da ekonomija ne stane, a da ih još više zarobiš, a onda ih uvjeriš da im za sve treba osiguranje, pa onda zaista pocnu vjerovati da je život stakleno zvono i da su rizik i kreativnost zlo?esti. I tako se osiguraš da se oni ostati robovi dok im grobar pred peta sa lopatom ne zaklepeta, a tebi stalan izvor prihoda.
Onda oni pocnu lupetat takve ljigave mantre tipa "have a happy and SAFE New Year". A ne vide da ta sigurnost carolijom nestane kad ih se treba oderati. A moraju biti SAFE jer su u vlasnistvu drzave,
Opsjednutost sigurnoscu sasvim dobro ide uz pederski pogled na svijet i zene koje su kao muskarci, i muskarce koji su poput zena.

Australski zakoni

Fasistoidni zakoni nisu primjer zakona i reda, za kojim zude mnogi, austougarskom opsjednuti balkanski kmetovi, zeljni gospodara i mirne farme na kojoj ce moci mirno pasti travu i biti muzeni njezno - vec cisti primjer dominacije i ponizavanja ljudskog bica i tretiranja istog kao malog djeteta.
Od turanja ruznih anglosaksonskih njusci u casu, da vide sto pijes, preko besmislenih zabrana, zakona i zastrasivanja.
Srecom, glavom u svijetu pravila, nisu kao americka nasilna i brutalna policija, vec se i sami boje zakona i pravila, pa se redovito uplase i zaseru, kad pokazes kicmu, stanes na vlastite noge, i pokazes neposluh.
Dobro za sve ljude s kicmom.

Australska hrabrost

Prakticira se od rane mladosti, od bullyinga slabijih u školi, svakog razlicitog, do kritiziranja onih koji ne pricaju redneck engleski u javnosti, a posebno tko prica na drugom jeziku. Pošto generalno anglosaksonska hrabrost ima 3 faze, užitak je namjerno ne govoriti njihov rednex english, jer ih to ocigledno proždire iznutra, a boje se reagirati, ako nisu u masi.

3 faze hrabrosti:
- kad nas je više, ubijamo, otimamo i ponižavamo
- shvacanje da se drugi dogovaraju i komuniciraju, a mi zaostajemo
- placemo jer smo ispali iz igre, i jer nitko ne želi imati posla s nama

Kukavice, i to u svakom podrucju.

Pravni sustav

Pravni sustav, naravno nije napravljen za ikakvu pravdu, vec da odrzi dominaciju, i da covjeka drzi ponizenim, us tanju posvadjanosti sa sobom i svijetom, i obiteljsku jedinicu slomi.
Bolje ne imati posla s njima nikada i nikako.
Ukljucivsi policiju, kojoj je zadatak skupljati novac za propadajuci financijski sustav.
Sreca da ima dovoljno svjesnih i inteligentnih ljudi koji se aktivno bore protiv ovakvog oblika maltretiranja.

slika gore - topla dobrodoslica u centru Melbourne-a, da se osjecas sigurno i dobrodoslo!

Propaganda - Edward L. Beynars

Ova knjiga je pisana 1928., i apsolutno je temeljno djelo za svakoga tko zeli razumijeti mehaniku i tehnologiju medijske i politicke (a i religijske) propagande, koja je temelj sveukupne manipulacije zapadnih drustava.
Naravno, propaganda moze biti koristena u pozitivne i negativne svrhe, no, u slucaju zapadnih socijalnih demokratskih drustava, iskoristena je gotovo u potpunosti u svrhu otudjenja covjeka od prirode, sa kratkorocnim rezultatima.
Beynars je otac kovanice Public Relations i njegovo je djelo skup temeljnih principa koje koriste Zapadne elite za manipulaciju svojim stanovnistvom.

Knjiga je prosirena po internetu u pdf formatu i besplatna je, preporucujem je svakom tko se zeli odreci uloge potrosaca i postati slobodan covjek.

Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed - Mikkel Clair Nissen

Izvanredno djelo danske autorice, koja je probila propagandu skandinavskih drustava kao i zemalja Commonwealtha, proucavajuci 20 godina kolekivisticko ludilo socijalnih demokratskih drustava, dehumanizaciju njihovih stanovnika i neminovno ekonomsko potonuce.

Takva drustva imaju zajednicke karakteristike:
- ljevicarski kolektivizam (ovisnost) nasuprot desnicarskom individualizmu (nezavisnosti)
- nisko osobno samopouzdanje nasuprot visokom osobnom samopouzdanju
- ljevicarsko nametanje ideala za zadovoljavanje sebicnih interesa na druge nasuprot osobne motivacije i prioritizacije individualnih osobnih interesa
- sterilno zadovoljstvo, nasuprot aktivnom nezadovoljstvu i stvaranju osobnih rjesenja
- izbjegavanje osobne odgovornosti, nasuprot ohrabrivanju osobne odgovornosti.

Nepisana/pisana pravila unutar takvih drustava su slijedeca:
- nemoj preispitivati/kritizirati drustvo, gradjane ili strukturu drustva
- nemoj izrazavati svoju jedinstvenost kao osobe
- nemoj izrazavati individualnost
- nemoj pokazivati samopouzdanje
- nemoj pokusavati educirati druge

Takva drustva redovito stvaraju odrasle ljude koji pate od osjecaja inferiornosti i patoloskog narcisizma i da prikriju te osjecaje inferiornosti, odrasli kolektivisti kreiraju patolosku iluziju socijalne jednakosti - da bi svi ljudi trebali biti tretirani na isti nacin - kao izgovor da ometaju druge u individualnom razvoju.

Takve osobe redovito imaju potrebu u drustvu zrelih i jakih osoba ometati, uznemiravati, omalovazavati i ponizavati, drugim rijecima “ako se ja osjecam jadno, trebao bi i ti“.

U demokratskim socijalnim drustvima, kolektivizam je stanje kreirano od strane slabica, u kojem niza klasa siri svoj utjecaj smanjujuci samopouzdanje svih ostalih. Rezultat je beskonacno negiranje individualnosti, tako da osobe, toliko oslabljene, postaju gonjene osobnim ostecenjima, najcesce psihopatijom i narcistickim osobnim poremecajem (NPD- narcisstic personality disorder).

Psihopatija se vidi na mnogo pokvarenih nacina - Makijavelisticka egocentricnost, patolosko laganje, manipulativnost, povrsni sarm, proracunatost za iskoristavanjem drugih, nedostatak empatije, grandiozna slika o samom sebi, kao reakcija na stvoreni kompleks inferiornosti, neprihvacanje osobne odgovornosti, prebacivanje krivice na vanjski svijet.

Upravo zbog toga su zapadna demokratska drustva u osnovi komunisticka, stvarajuci licnosti karakteristicne za komunisticka razdoblja povijesti.

Naravno, nakon ekspanzije takvih drustava, logicna posljedica je ekonomski slom, kad vecina populacije postane izmanipulirana nesposobna masa, u nesretnoj vezi sa drzavom i kolektivnom laznom slikom o sebi.

7 karakteristika patoloski narcisoidne osobe (po Hotchkinsu):
- besramnost (nesposobnost procesiranja srama na zdrave nacine)
- carobno zamisljanje (vide sebe kao savrsene, uz pomoc iluzija i distorzija)
- arogancija (ponizavanje, ismijavanje drugih, da bi se napuhalo ovisnicko i inferiorno JA)
- zavist (pokusaj minimiziranja drugih da bi se superiornoiscu izlijecio inferiorni kompleks)
- pravo (ocekuju razna prava, koja, ako su im uskracena, smatraju napadom na svoju superiornost, a napadac se oznacava kao “cudna“ ili “komplicirana“ osoba - opiranje njihovoj volji je narcisticka povreda koja potice narcisticki bijes)
-iskoristavanje (nedostatak empatije i iskoristavanje drugih za svoje uske interese)
-lose granice (narcisticka osoba ne vidi granice izmedju sebe i drugih, drugi su nastavak narcisticke osobe i ocekuje se od njih da zive prema ocekivanjma narcisa)

Dok kolektivist ne prozivi iskustvo individualnog zivota u inozemstvu kroz niz godina, i na taj nacin dobije mogucnost usporedbe sa drugim kulturama, stilovima zivota i ponasanja, on nema mogucnosti saznavanja razlika i zivi u apsolutnom neznanju. Takvi ljudi su nesvjesni drustvenog pritiska, kao i svojih osobnih kompleksa inferiornosti koji ih cine poniznima i poslusnima. Te osobe ce jednostavno podsvjesno reagirati kada su drustvena pravila prekrsena ili ugrozena istinom.

Karakteristike slobodne osobe:
- prihvaca neprihvacanje okoline, propitkuje drustvo, gradjane i strukturu drustva
- prihvaca jedinstvenost svake osobe
- prihvaca individualnost
- prihvaca snagu
- prihvaca osobnu sigurnost
- prihvaca znatizelju


Multikulturalizam je apsolutna laz, u biti to je NE-KULTURALIZAM.
Ne postoji, po definiciji, jer je svaki tracak iskrene kulture u Australiji pazljivo odstranjen.
Novi Svjetski Poredak je, u biti, Novosvjetski poredak - podrucja ociscena od nekadasnjih populacija i kultura, i umjetno stvorene nova drustva bazirana na neprirodnim vrijednostima.
Ljudi koji su si dozvolili da ih se preprogramira su otudjeni od svoje izvorne kulture (bila ona dobra ili losa), a zauzvrat preuzeli plasticne vrijednosti drustva osmisljenog da ih se iskoristava.
Multikulturalizam je samo kulisa, izrazena u sarolikosti, restoranima i slicnim manifestacijama, sto je apsolutno dobra polazisna tocka za zrelu osobu, no za sistemski unistene jedinke samo dvodimenzionalni hologram koji ne razumiju.

Kultura ne postoji.
Postoji samo sluzenje sistemu, i zivot u rupama koje sistem ne pokriva, to je sve.
Taj zivot moze biti relativno bogat, no za zrtve sistema je izuzetno siromasan, jer nemaju emotivnih, socijalnih i kreativnih sposobnosti ispuniti si vrijeme koje im sistem ne pokriva. Otud dolazi zivotni stil alkoholiziranja i gledanja televizije.

Vecina australaca kao da pati od Stockolmskog sindroma, koji se definira kao ovisnicka veza izmedju agresora i zrtve, pri cemu zrtva ne zeli prekinuti emotivnu vezu sa agresorom (u ovom slucaju drzavom).
Wikipedia - Stockholm syndrome

Kulture niskog i visokog konteksta


Stav i preostalih 20%

Jedini ispravni stav koji sam ja mogao stvoriti, u skladu sa svojom osobnoscu je - iskoristiti ih do maksimuma za svoje ciljeve, iskoristiti njihovu putovnicu, i ista zaradjeno potrositi na zemlje i ljude koji su vrijedni moje paznje, a to definitivno nisu kartonska lica raspadajuceg sustava.

Iskoristiti drustvo manje od 20% pametnih ljudi, koji su naletjeli tu (jer su se mnogi moji prijatelji vratili nazad u svoje lokalne zemlje, bile one Sudan, Pakistan, Indija, Kolumbija) i pokupiti sirinu znanja i emocija koje ti ljudi nose u sebi.

Sve sto valja u trulom drustvu, nalazi se u skrivenim nishama - male, slatke ljepote, kvalitetni ljudi, dobra mjesta za izlazak i male, inteligentne ideje i biznisi, kojima se ljudi bave.

Jer zivot i svijet su puno siri od onoga sto te uce u skoli i na televizoru ;-)

Korisni linkovi

Ovi linkovi ti pomazu da shvatis da nisi sam u Orwellovskoj kreaciji, i da se dobro nasmijes:

I hate living in Australia

Is Australia POLICE/NANNY state?

Zanimljivi citati

---iz usta samih Australaca i doseljenika, iskusivsi razne aspekte ovog drustva, koristeci zivopisni australski vokabular (obozavam to!) ;-)


Let's do a test.

How many positive attributes does an Aussie have? Can anyone think of any?

They cannot be describe as "warm-hearted".

They cannot be described as friendly and sociable.

When was the last time an Aussie invited you out and offered to pay?

When was the last time an Aussie even offered you a cigarette or a cup of coffee?

When was the last time you struck up a conversation with an Aussie by chance on the street?

When was the last time you even had a genuine conversation with them?

When was the last time your Aussie neighbor did a kind-hearted gesture for you?

When was the last time you socialized with them?

When was the last time any of them made you laugh and happy?

When was the last time they caused you spontaneous joy?

When was the last time they did anything for you without reward or ulterior motive?

When was the last time they did anything to you to ease your suffering or bring joy to your life?


I'm Aussie born and bred but I've traveled the world quite a bit. I cannot think of a country except perhaps North Korea that is less free than Australia. EVERYTHING is illegal in Australia and we have a HUGE government and bureaucracy that micromanages out lives down to the smallest detail. Taxes are through the roof and the cost of living is out of control.

Australia is a really horrible place to live and I've decided that if I ever have enough money I will leave it and go to live in Asia or South America.

Australians are really weird people. They seem to suffer from Stockholm syndrome where they are in love with their oppressors. All you ever hear in Australia is what heroes the police are or how the government needs to "do more". It's positively sickening.

Great post mate. Yes the fines in Australia are just completely over the top. Ridiculously low speed limits, cameras everywhere, punishments for everything.

They always ram it through claiming its about safety but anyone with a brain knows its nothing but pure revenue generating. In fact its proven that those "safety" cameras they are sticking up in every intersection actually cause more rear end collisions because people see the lights turn orange and slam on their brakes so as not to get trapped by the camera. Safety has nothing to do with it.

I find this country very depressing and I am frightened by the direction it's heading in. The control freak authoritarians in charge are very nasty people who despise freedom and want a dumbed down, defenseless, compliant, dependent populace.

Australia is a great country if you hate freedom, love authoritarianism and enjoy being told what to do all the time.


We have national parks and reserves that you can't ride a horse in, walk a dog on leash in or even ride a pushbike in.
YOu have schools which have stripped out play equipment, forbid cartwheels, handstands or any contact sport, ban Christmas festivities (to cater to muslims mainly) but then turn a blind eye to the most hideous forms of bullying until it reaches a predicatable climax of violence or suicide.

You have legislation created for multinational mining companies that gives them the token right to enter ANY PRIVATE LAND and do exploratory mining without the consent of the owner.


The Yes's of the Anglo-Australian culture:

1. Unsentimental and unemotional = Yes
2. Limited culture = Yes
3. Does not make passes at women and does not flirt with them = Yes
4. Does not open the front door and invite anyone for 'Tea and Chatting' = Yes
5. Does not say a word to anyone inside of a bus or a train etc. = Yes
6. Cold and Distant = Yes
7. Arrogant and thinks highly of itself = Yes
8. Hates anyone who is different = Yes
9. Intolerant of other cultures = Yes
10. Lacks Passion and Fire Latin Style = Yes
11. Speaks the English language poorly = Yes
12. The speaking accent is revolting = Yes
13. Suffers from and identity crisis = Yes
14. Is jealous and envious of other cultures = Yes
15. Suffers from an inferiority complex = Yes
16. Hates compliments and never gives them either = Yes
17. Incapable of changing into a better human being = Yes
18. Cannot remove its 'Convict Heritage' from its consciousness = Yes
19. Insensitive, lazy and apathetic = Yes


I lived Daqing for a year, Tanjin for a while then Yiwu for almost 5 years, had a motorbike, no helmet, no licence, no fines, no bullshit. Got married [had to get a licence for that] I ran a business with no permits, no paper work, on a tourist visa, took my passport to the local police once, rented a nice two bedroom apartment for $900.00 a year, used to get on the piss with the locals and the head of the communist party for that area, good bloke, used to buy directly from local factories and export the stuff by ship and air with two pieces of paper, certificate of origin and an original invoice for the total value, when it arrived in australia that's when the bullshit started with customs agents, customs department, port and warehouse documents, GST, all the crap I had to go through in australia used to cost roughly 15 to 20% of the shipment value.

Get the park rangers and police to lay in wait for those kids riding bikes; walking dogs; riding horses in the nature reserve (frequent by illegal dumpers ad bong heads), then tell them to go to the recreational approved area which costs those kids $25 each for half a day.

In schools already in NSW: No cartwheels; no hugging; no kissing (and I'm talking we little kids being well, kids!); no physical sports; no joking (but ignore the hardcore bullies).

I actually though, am sick of hearing four letter profanities while I'm walking down the street or having a bite to eat. Eff this cnut and eff that mother*cker. Na, fine them! Other swearing, that's okay but the hardcore filth needs to STOP!

Australia is partly ridiculously lenient with crims and thugs but ridiculously hard on the average citizen. You get no benefits for being hardworking and honest, just slugged some more in my opinion.

Even our taxes paying for roadwork which is then sold to a tollway operator for big bucks to use the roads we ALREADY PAID FOR. What a joke!


And they get away with it under the guise of protecting us as if we are all so fckng prescious and we must all be protected at all times from ourselves and from any potential kind of risk.

This push to over sensitise us to anything potentially dangerous reminds me of the propaganda the government and media used to push onto the public to make us think that feminism was about allowing women to have spectacular careers but the real agenda was to force both husband and wife to have to work to achieve the same now that they could have achieved on just one income in the past and at the same time have to hand over their children to the state to raise.


Yes Australia is a 'police state'. I have been told those very words from overseas visitors.
Year in year out our rights are slowly and silently eroded, the screws and tightened. While more and tougher laws are made up to make average people criminals to the point where jails overflowing.
The 'state' now has the power to know where you are and almost what you are thinking, have a look over at the Australian Privacy Foundation, most people don't release how far beyond Orwell we actually are.


I can't believe how Australia has become one of the most expensive places to live,,, 15 years ago I was in the UK and I found things very expensive ,,,,,I went back 2 years ago and could not believe how cheap things were ( except petrol) we are getting absolutely shafted over here and it looks to me that it will get worse,',,also we are so overegulated over here , extremely high fines for any little thing Australia isn't the place it used to be


yes. Australia is definetely a police state ran by a small cartel who controls all nd everything, if you want to be part of the "cartel" you have to prove your loyalty to the bosses of the cartel in a pyramid system in which the very few at the top delegate to the next level who have passed the loyalty test to them, and the next level has proven their loyalty to these others; if you want to get a license like a builders license your application will be "assessed" by the servants of the top bosses according to their "conditions" which all come down to how prepared you are to serve them above everything else; if you want to have a university degree; you have to be "trained" and assessed for four years in how to serve and obey these low life bosses, if in that time you follow their "conditions" they will reward you with a diploma which will allow you to make a living. If you decide to be independent of these rats, they have got a judicial system made up of pretty nasty basterds which have the power of making your life very difficult, since all the cartel is interconected and all the institutions are part of the pyramid.
prey to god that you don't come across one of these low life basterds, and he happens not to like your face or your cultural background, or your religious beliefs, or the color of your skin; or he thinks that you are not easy enough to be tamed to serve and obey them, because if you do, you may kiss your license, diploma, or permit to work goodbye. Most people chooses to comply with these basterds, even if they have to pretend, like many italian, portuguese, greek or chinese peasants who even they hate these animals, they convince them that they are loyal to them and they are allowed to transform form very humble peasants to very wealthy so called " bussinessmen". the little chileans are the latest to benefit from this "system", because the poms took them onboard since they betrayed their argentinian brother in favour of the pommies, and helped them with the adjudication of the falkland islans; for that they got rewarded, and because Aussies serve and obey their pommy rulers, now you see many humble chilean peasants being given all kinds of licenses and permits to "print" money.


Just like the economy of the USA so ours will be sooner than you think. Finance and Banking industry laying off in 2012 to maintain profits and a 'positive' outlook, more lay offs announced in the industry this year. The government obviously hiding these figures. GREAT FINANCIAL CRISIS will hit the shores of OZ SOON. Politicians are trying to pump the housing profit bubble for all it's worth before the executives and ceo's do exactly what happened in America and walk away with your money. After this bursts. We're going to have a complete break down. The government wont be able to support the amount of welfare recipients and immigrants that live in this lucky country. Society will break down and we will reap the result of what Australia has become. Australia the Stupid Country!! You could move to one of the most expensive countries in Europe and it's still much cheaper than the lucky country. Wake up Australia. Oh you did? Then get angry and demand change. After all, you have a choice. Or perhaps you don't care, perhaps your beer, your pub, club, the beach, the bingo and the footy are more important. I think this is the case with most Australians. Fortunately I will not be here when the crunch really hits you, but I would love to be a fly on the wall when it all comes tumbling down!


1. False and Misleading Advertising – this is condoned at all levels. One example is in tourism. The country is promoted as having great beaches. However when you arrive here you will discover that ALL of the beaches in tropical Queensland are infested with DEADLY jelly fish in the summer time. The Australians keep this a secret as much as possible. There is no mention of it in any tourism promotions overseas. However, there are huge signs up at all the beaches warning you not to go in the water in the summer time ! This is a classic example of the mentality that it is OK to mislead people inorder to get them to do what you want.

2. Easy Going and Laid Back – this is absolute rubbish. Australians will generally take offence very easily and very quickly. They are also extremely impatient .

3. Friendly – Words fail me here. Some are initially superficially friendly. You will soon discover however that it is almost impossible to get to really know someone or get to know how they feel about anything. A meaning full conversation is almost impossible.

4. Honest – they use honest to mean blunt and rude. They do not have any understanding of honesty as the rest of the world does. See 1 above.

5. Sunny – yes, it certainly is sunny, infact the sun is shockingly fierce. It is misery to be out in the midday sun in Australia. It feels like your skin is being grilled and your body microwaved – both at the same time.

6. Clever – they are smart arses , not clever. They are tricky and manipulative. Beware of the smiling Aussie, you know not what is taking place behind it’s mask and what it may be about to do to try to take advantage of your decency and integrity.


As some one said here already brilliantly: "Those who arrive here are caught - either they learn to dominate quickly or they will be dominated; either they "assimilate" and "learn the rules" of dog eat dog, or they get eaten."


I too am very miserable living in Australia. I am English, but spent much of my teen years in New Zealand. I moved to Melbourne at 21, and enjoyed the lifestyle (house music, good coffee, art, live music, beautiful people, great street fashion) for a while. But now at 29 I've become bitter about the place. What annoys me most, is the sheer lack of substance the Australian people exhibit. I call them "hipsters without substance". The 'creative' types that reside here possess little humility, and as a musician myself, I have found it difficult to form friendships with those I would consider 'like-minded'. I feel that the Australian people reject the TRUE culture that they have, for they feel it isn't trendy enough, not the image they want to portray to the rest of the world. Their true culture of course would be the Aboriginal culture, but they treat these people abhorrently. Nor do they wish to acknowledge their beginnings as a penal colony - it's just not cool enough. So they assert things like "Eat some Lamb - it's the Australian way", or "Being friendly. It's the Australian way." Utter drivel. On a number of occasions I have made a bit of a light-hearted joke whilst standing in a queue, and was met each time with cold, bewildered looks (the men thought I was hitting on them, the women thought I was a weirdo). This just wouldn't happen in England! I am also yet to meet an Australian man whom I am attracted to. The Australian men I have met are cold, lack a sense of humour, they are arrogant, with a misogynistic air about them. A country with so much potential but I'm happy to be returning to England next year. Australia is wasted on the Australians.


Do you plan on living a dream " How about living the great ausralian dream of owning a home ?
dont fret .. homes are cheap .. just go to the nearest bank and withdraw close to $1,000000 that was just sitting in your bank account as we all have $1,000000 just sitting around .... Just last week it was announced that house
prices have gone up again .. but dont worry its all worth it ..
Nothing like living in a well furnished jail to watch television,with lush lawns that you will have to maintain and you can roll around in ..high fences from nosey neighbours. Streets and suburbs will be dead quiet like a cemetery .. nobody will dare come out ..
No creature will be stirring, not even a mouse .. park your car in the driveway when you come home from work .
close all gates and lock all doors. close the blinds and curtains and turn on the tv ..enjoy it,
You will be doing that for the rest of your life ..
when you go to work the next day you can all talk about what you watched on tv the night before as there is nothing much else to talk about as everyone did the same thing the night before ..

But if you do plan on going out on weekdays just head to the place that everyone that has dared to leave the house has gone to .. its the place where everything is rockin . its the nearest pub and pokies venue ... grab a beer and sit on a stool infront of a pokie machine like an Australian zombie .. now throw in your hard earned money .. enjoy .. you will go home broke like the rest of the drunks and depressants there.. .. dont forget to take your helmet ..
A few months later you will be on antidepressants if not already ..


Came across this Yahoo ad! It made me want to puke.

Melbourne was voted (by whom?) the friendliest city in the world!

The lies keep coming. To think, thousands of innocent, gullible people overseas are going to read this nonsense and visit that horrible city!

Really sad.

FRIENDLIEST 1. Melbourne, Australia — Score: 86.0 (tie)
It’s no surprise that our readers adore Melbourne: It’s “one of the classiest cities in the world” and boasts an “abundance of parks and fabulous public art.” Plus, Melbournians are a “friendly bunch,” famous for their “wonderful sense of humor.” And don’t even start with Melbourne’s amazing nightlife, food, and hotels—we told you long ago it was Australia’s capital of cool.


I have had problems with this country since coming here in 1978 which I have kept inside of me for far too long. Now I am letting off steam. It is bloody expensive to live here and if you are on a low income or receiving welfare payments you will struggle. This is no ''Lucky Country'' and would recommend anyone thinking of immigrating here to think twice. Loneliness is a problem here even if you speak fluent English. There is no culture to speak of and no sense of warm ''Australian hospitality''. It doesn't exist. I don't see this country being that of the future. As for the people here they can be real surly and aloof. Its a place where no one cares and your left on your own. Australians even treat each other badly. The new Australians end up being like the Anglo Australians and adopt their nefarious ways. Did you know Australia is one of the least religious countries in the world? This could explain why they are so down right indifferent. They lack religion, culture and hospitality.



Expanding on boganbait's observations of Australian womanhood:

Having spent the past year in the northern hemisphere in the US and now Europe hasn't really taught me anything that I didn't already know about Australia, but it does remind me of how difficult it is to really understand the mechanics of what's going on. This is important, because until the problem is clearly articulated, one can never be too sure whether the problem is real or a figment of the imagination. Also, the "problem" is generally presumed to be Australian men - ie, bogans - when in fact Australian women also have a crucial part to play.

The key to understanding Australian women, methinks, revolves around two key concepts:

1) They expect little of men;
2) Dumb materialism.

The first concept is self-explanatory. How can anyone expect much not only of bogans, but of a culture where the bogan is king... not to mention the women who are most comfortable with them being that way. But the second one needs to be unpacked. It is not just the depth of their materialism but also its unique dumbness. Of course it is in the nature of women everywhere to be materialistic (in the context of hypergamy, or 'marrying up'... google it), so saying that Australian women are materialistic is not going to help us. What will help us though is establishing the nature of their materialism, hence the emphasis on the dumb:

I) Australian women are not impressed by success or achievers or smart, articulate men. What they are impressed with is owning stuff and having lots of money, and their first priority is a house in the 'burbs. Of course you will find examples of the nouveau-riche in any country, but in countries other than Australia, success is integral to materialism... it's not enough for a dude to have bucketloads of money... he should be mysterious and exciting, or competent and charming, maybe with something that the French call "savoire faire". But only in Australia can a woman recline into the smug satisfaction that she's done well by marrying a mine-dwelling, pub-frequenting, singlet-wearing, drunk troglodyte.

II) The second follows on from the first... any troglodyte, so long as he has bucketloads of money, will do. Australian women have a kind of fatalism about what they finish up with... which is as you would expect... when you expect little, you get little.

The end result of all of this is that Australian women are cold... but they are not exactly stand-offish so much as indifferent... so perhaps "inert" better defines them. We now have the key to understanding the bovine inertness of Australian women. This does not make sense to tourists indoctrinated by Australia's tourism industry, who tend to conflate the fiction of Australian women as "fun-loving" with the idea that they are engaging. For the reality is that though Australian women might laugh at your stupid jokes (inane banter that does not go anywhere, like talking about the weather, keeps conversations within safe bounds), they are anything but engaging... far from it. You will find that conversations with Australian women don't have momentum, they seem to inexplicably peter out. No sooner do you hit on a topic that interests you, than it kind of just fizzles because your interlocutor was distracted by an itch or a noise, or by her recollection of some stupid joke she heard somewhere.

Contrast Australia with other countries, where you are much more likely to encounter women who are poised, engaging, articulate and affectionate with their menfolk.

To get a handle on this inertness thing in Australian women, it would be a good idea if you can practice. Try sustaining a conversation with a cow... for the most part, it will stand there staring at you and maybe chewing straw, and you can never be too sure whether what you are saying is making an impression. For city-dwellers who don't have easy access to farm animals, go to a statue or a tree, and sustain a conversation with it. While said statue or tree won't laugh at your jokes, its capacity for sustained conversation is not too far removed from that of the Australian woman.

Australian women are the ultimate ice-queen... there is no country anywhere where women can be this disengaged and inert. But then can you blame them? With gropey bogans and needy desperates hitting on them around every corner, it should become clear that Australian men and women deserve each other.


Freedom is a Joke In Australia
Indoctrination of Australia starts at an early age.
They are getting thought from early age to shut their mouth and comply with the rules or else. The “Else=Prosecution” methods will go as far as banning them from school, banning them out of the system and denying them the chance of an education. With other words; denying them a life in dignity, denying them mental, artistic and inspirational development. When out of school and it is to late to bend them to the will of their master, the methods change in to arbitrary bludgeoning in to submission with unjustified police action, monetary fines by all kind of legislative institutions (Councils, Road Transport Dept.,WHS, etc.). Half the time, It’s some BS Rules made up by people who never known anything other then the old established ridged aristocratic Anglo social structure which doesn’t leave any room for individual freedom, creativity or development of a child in to a person who will grow in to an adult with the ability of critical thinking and self-assessment of what is right and what is wrong, what is unacceptably risky and what isn’t.
Australia is far enough from the rest of the world that a ruling structure has evolved which has a wide range of dictatorial legislation which is only typical to totalitarian Regimes as we understand in modern times. The countries around Australia, in the Indo Pacific region, (with the exception of Japan maybe) can hardly be called democratic. So, any comparison to those countries can be seen only as an excuse for justification of injustice and dictatorial arbitration by Australian rulers. If they want to call it a democracy as long as you say what the Australian ruling class approves of or that you can dress anyway you like as long as it complies with a dress code imposed on you is a fkcng FARCE. A supposedly democratic country not based on basic democratic principles is Not a Democracy. Just like the former East German GDR ( German Democratic Republic) was a fkcng FARCE! Democracy by name ONLY!
Workers in Australia are running around in high visibility uniforms all nice and compliant like clowns in a circus, doesn’t matter if they like it or not. Do it or lose your job and your right of individualism, free thinking, free expression and your financial means for a satisfactory life in dignity.
They are already trying hard to get motorcyclists to wear high visibility clothing.
What the Fkc is next,……crash helmets when driving a car and high visibility clothing for cow cockies when chasing cattle in the paddock?
The fanatic prosecution of anyone exceeding speed limits in Australia is equal to the fkcng Spanish inquisition of the middle ages. It is not a question of giving all of us the questionable traffic accident statistics. Because the statistics are written by people who are employed by the government, and of course they are not going to disappoint the employer who is paying for the garbage. If you are the legislator out for more revenue, you are not going to pay someone who is writing you the wrong reports, are you? When the fkc is anyone going to stand up for those who don’t believe in everything that is made being Law just to squeeze more and more out of “Joe Blow”. If I don’t believe in Jesus,-Don’t fkcng impose it on me. If I don’t believe that 20 km over the limit will kill me out side of residential areas,- well, don’t fkcng impose your twisted sense of Safety on me!


Aussie Psychology.
In an attempt not to generalise all Australians, I'm going to use the term 'aussie' only for those who identify with being 'true blue', are proudly ignorant and full of social weirdness. There are even foreigners who suck up the redneck culture so easily I'd call them aussie as well. After a lifetime of travel I feel aussie culture is truly unique in the amount of pleasure they get being so vile. In order to make sense of what I experienced here I'm trying to investigate the aussie mind.

Cowardly abuse is central to the aussie psyche. Being a friend or foe depends on if they can be abusive while staying safe. This isn't an aussie vs foreigner thing, as the way they treat each other is appalling. Watching aussie 'mates' backstab, denigrate and compete with each other, I've realised an aussie 'friend' will be the most dangerous person you'll have in your life. As another poster mentioned, aussies have an unnatural need to have a negative impact on people. From casual rudeness to drunken rednecks, it's always about impacting negatively.

After a lot of reading I've decided aussies are essentially sociopathic. Here's a little paraphrase on sociopaths -- Sociopaths attempt destroy those close them in a calculated way. A sense of entitlement combined with a hidden calculating agenda drive sociopaths up their perceived social hierarchy. People who have a sense of moral and social obligations are vulnerable to sociopaths. It is often the kindest and most trusting individuals who suffer the most (Phsycology Today). -- I mean honestly, that describes the aussies perfectly.

What makes aussie sociopaths worse is their paranoia. Xenophobia is rampant here, with an irrational fear of anything different. The xenophobia creates a strong in-group/ out-group mentality. The in-group develops fear, suspicions and stereotypes about the out-group. This goes beyond a fear of foreigners as home bred Australians will experience it if they simply live in a stereotyped suburb, follow the wrong sport or show any signs of difference that sets off the xenophobia.

This paranoid, phobic existence leads much of the visible aussie culture. Over-eating, excessive drinking and over spending. The way aussies try to deal with their mental issues leads to some sobering statistics:

1. Over-consumption with unproductive household debt at $1.6 trillion (NAB CEO).
2. 63% of aussies are overweight or obese (ABS).
3. Highest per capita drug use in the world (
4. Suicide is the leading cause of death in Australia for men under 44 and women under 34. There are 6 deaths by suicide a day and an estimated 180 attempts per day (
5. Alcohol abuse costs about $15 billion per year. The greatest cost of alcohol is productivity at about $6 billion lost per year. Dealing with drunks makes up nearly a quarter of police incidents (

The root cause of this anxiety I feel is the culture of brainwashing. Aussies generally lack any individualism and are controlled by what 'the group' thinks. This classic group-think mentality prevents alternate viewpoints, creativity and independent thinking. Much of the aussie social weirdness stems from group-thought such as stereotyping, self-censorship, pressure to conform and an unquestionable belief in the group.

This toxic culture would be easy to navigate if it weren't for the pathological dishonesty. It's hard to tell if aussies genuinely believe the false statements about their culture. There are cultural fantasies about who aussies think they are and false memories of who they were. It's seems lying about something offers the same sense of achievement as actually achieving it.

This dishonesty happens at all levels from cultural myths, to being socially two-faced and the constant over-priced rip off that is the 'Australian dream'. When a backward, anti-intellectual nation declares itself "the clever country" you have to wonder. Then there are the other cultural falsehoods like 'fair go', 'mateship', laidback and multiculturalism. In fact when aussies speak about themselves it's best to assume the opposite is true.

I'm not sure how to warn people about aussie culture. Those who haven't experienced it cannot comprehend how sick these people are. I've traveled all my life, even lived a while in one of the most violent places on the planet and all I can say is aussie culture is about destroying the soul. Yes Australia is safe, with clean water etc.. but that's because of its colonial heritage and has nothing to to with the current inbred locals.


Australia/Australians, 10 Things I Hate About You:

1. Your fickle, bipolar weather
Ok, I'm referring specifically to Melbourne here but if I hear the description '4 seasons in one day' one more time, I'm going to shoot you in the head. Hot or cold, make up your bloody mind! People moving to Australia 'for the weather' have obviously never experienced the Melbourne weather in all its glory. The cold, wet and miserable winter is definitely on par with the UK's notoriously bad weather.

2. Your pride at being monolingual
I cringe every single time I hear someone proudly declare 'I speak ostraylian' like it's the single, greatest achievement that in their sad, lonely lives. As the world continues to move forward and place emphasis on the importance of learning another language, Australians are still gladly embracing their monolingual mindset and imposing it on every country they visit. 'Why can't they speak English', the typical Aussie grumbles as he makes his way through the French countryside.

3. Your inability to accept opinions and criticism
Everyone is a separate individual who has their own separate ideas and opinions. Just because one person's opinion differs from the mainstream doesn't suddenly make him Public Enemy no.1. Hey, just because I identify the European lifestyle doesn't mean I'm insane and ungrateful. Maybe, just maybe, it suits my personality and preferences more? Just a thought.

4. Your location in the arse-end of nowhere
Stop acting like some strategically placed superpower. The 'arse-end of nowhere' should be the slogan for the tourism campaign. For such a vast area of land, there's a whole lot of nothing. The landscape starts to lose its charm very quickly and cultural diversity is just skin deep. A dear Aussie friend tried comparing the diversity of Aboriginal culture to the cultural diversity of Europe, and I was too polite to tell him that I fart in his general direction. Yes, there is a lot of diversity in our big cities but how much of it is truly accepted? And how much difference is there when you take a 9 hour drive to the next major city? Usually, it's just a higher cost of living.

5. Your barely-concealed racism
How many true blue, dinky di Aussies have friends who are of a non-Anglo migrant background? As in 'speaks with an accent, Fresh-Off-The-Boat, speaks another language at home, follows another religion'. The token 'non-Aussie' would only be accepted in the group if they agree with and conform to the Aussie's mindset, any resistance will be seen as a threat to their precious way of life. Aussie employers, how often have you employed someone of a non-Anglo background through a system of fairness (ie. the 'foreigner' is the best qualified based on his CV) and not because they serve a purpose in your devious plan of world domination (ie. we need a 'foreigner' who is from 'x' country and speaks 'x' language because we need to tap into the market of 'x' country, or this 'foreigner' might be easier to manipulate and control as an employee). Having a foreign last name is literally a death sentence in the workplace.

6. Your astronomical cost of living
In Australia, you pay through the roof for tiny portions at restaurants even for 'quality local produce'; I got a whole succulent duck breast in a simple bistro in Toulouse for 17 euros, while I probably would have gotten 4 thin slices of duck for the same price in a Melbourne restaurant. I'm still a little young to fret about buying my first home at the moment, but I shudder to think how out of reach that goal will be once I get there. My Swiss friend is living in a nice, spacious apartment in Switzerland now and she's paying the same amount of rent she paid when she was living in that shoe cupboard of an apartment she called home here in Melbourne. She wasn't living in the CBD either and the living room in her current place is bigger than the entire apartment in Melbourne.

7. Your unashamed, unabashed embrace of the culture of drinking and violence
Does Australia have any culture? Yes it does, drinking culture! The number of young binge drinkers who wreck havoc wherever they go is an absolute disgrace. They drink themselves to oblivion and become an absolute menace to society. In Australia, you don't have to poke the lion with a stick for it to attack you.
Foreigners have mentioned that Aussies are the only ones who pick fights for absolutely no reason at all. Many have been assaulted just for 'being there'. Yes, you don't get gunned down for no reason on the street but Australia is far from being as 'safe' as most people make out to be, and don't get me started on the dodgier working class suburbs....

8. Your inherent need to reward and encourage mediocrity
The ridiculously high pay of working class tradesmen has become a running joke in foreign countries. Many do not value the need for knowledge and education as long as one can kick a footy, guzzle kegs of beer and earn shitloads more money for dropping out of high school to be a tradesperson. People who are unfit to be mothers are popping them out because they are financially rewarded for doing so. When the government grew wise to that plan and tried to change the policy to prevent people manipulating the system, these people are the first to call for the whambulence.

Australia absolutely hates 'losing' in any way, be it in the medal tally during the Olympics or not having a giant observation wheel like other cool and awesome countries. It was a national catastrophe when the Australian team returned from the London Olympics with less gold medals than they targeted for, and when Australia was unluckily sent home during the 2006 World Cup, fans started getting violent; fans which didn't give a rats arse about soccer a few months ago until the Socceroos World Cup bandwagon came along. Should you have anything negative to say about this phenomenon, please refer to no.3 above.

10. Your shallow attitude to life and people
It is absolutely impossible to break through the vapid minds of the average Aussie, who never ever seems to want to question or challenge life as it is. All part of the laid-back lifestyle, it seems. They are unable to communicate honestly because it might bring some uncomfortable truths to the surface, and they simply 'can't handle the truth'. The chirpy and friendly larrikin you meet might seem nice on the surface, but once the conversation is over and you go your separate ways, chances of him caring about your interaction at all are pretty slim.


Australians are so dumbed down they are like zombies. If the government told the people to jump off a cliff a majority would do so. They have no independent spirit or sense of rebelling. This country has experienced no major uprising or war for freedom. They are like *******. Australians are forced to vote and don't complain being treated like little kiddies. They vote for politicians who are destroying their country and could care less. And still they vote without any civil disobedience. When will they ever learn?


You big ugly. You too empty. You desert with your nothing nothing nothing.You scorched suntanned. Old too quickly. Acres of suburbs watching the telly. You bore me. Freckle silly children. You nothing much.

With your big sea. Beach beach beach. I´ve seen enough already. You Dumb dirty city with bar stools. You´re ugly. You silly shoppingtown. You copy. You too far everywhere. You laugh at me. When I came this woman gave me a box of biscuits. You try to be friendly but you´re not very friendly.

You never ask me to your house. You insult me. You don´t know how to be with me. Road road tree tree. I came from crowded and many. I came from rich. You have nothing to offer. You´re poor and spread thin. You big. So what. I´m small. It´s what´s in. You silent on Sunday. Nobody on your streets. You dead at night. You go to sleep too early. You don´t excite me. You scare me with your hopeless. Asleep when you walk. Too hot to think. You big awful. You don´t match me. You burnt out. You too big sky. You make me a dot in the nowhere. You laugh with your big healthy. You want everyone to be the same. You´re dumb. You do like anybody else. You engaged Doreen.

You big cow. You average average. Cold day at school playing around at lunchtime. Running around fot nothing. You never accept me. For your own. You always ask me where I´m from. You always ask me. You tell me I look strange. Different. You don´t adopt me. You laugh at the way I speak.

You think you´re better than me. You don´t like me. You don´t have any Interest in another country. Idiot centre of your own self. You think the rest of the world walks around without shoes or electric light. You don´t go anywhere. You stay at home. You like one another. You go crazy on Saturday night. You get drunk. You don´t like me and you don´t like women. You put your arm around men in bars. You´re rough. I can´t speak to you. You burly burly. You´re just silly to me. You big man. Poor with all your money. You ugly furniture. You ugly house. Relaxed in your summer stupor: All year. Never fully awake. Dull at school. Wait for other people to tell you what to do. Follow the leader. Can´t imagine. Work horse. Thick legs. You go to work in the morning. You shiver on a tram.

---I thought I would post this poem written by Ania Walwicz because I think it perfectly sums up how many immigrants feel, me included, and I see the same sentiments repeated often on this board. When I taught it to teenagers, the kids of immigrants always loved it, and the Strayans would get really fired up and angry. It was written in 1981.


If an Aussie offends you, strike back verbally. Let him or her have it full on. Don't hold back.

Go ballistic. Yell every obscenity in their face.

Just let them have it. It's the only way to change these cretins because simply discussing things with them is useless and they aren't intelligent enough to get subtle hints.

Actually I would love to put a bullet in their heads if I could. I know it sounds drastic, but extermination of the vermin is the only way to clean up the country.

Alternatively, put the worst offending bogans in a concentration camp in the middle of the desert. Oh I would have a field day with them. The Nazis would be considered soft compared to what I would do to them.


Pure Denial
Whilst I do love Australia in a lot of respects I increasingly find myself despising the banality of the place- the constant dumbing down of humour and news, the inability of Australians to understand that my kids didn’t support the Wallabies, that I don’t delight in boat loads on asylum seeks drowning.
The fact that I think the rental housing stock in woeful and would never get tenants in the UK- a crack addict would turn down most of the housing we viewed in Melbourne and Geelong. The terrible draughty windows and the even worse air heating…..hello it’s 2013 now lads- we have better options.
The Australians are unable to laugh at themselves; they hide their team allegiances when that team loses. They all complain and ***** to each other about school policies, restaurant food and customer service and yet they look at you like an alien when you complain to the person who could actually change it! I am certain that the term whingeing pom is because British and Irish people actually stand up for themselves and voice an opinion.
The lack of banter at the school gates when collecting the kids- the looks my son gets for wearing his Arsenal shirt to school on team colours day and even worse the looks he gets for opting to follow StKilda and not the cats.
Yes lovely warm and hot summers but dull people with a narrow view of the world, neighbours who dont talk or even say hello to the kids.
Aggressive drivers who would rather see a car full of children veer off of the road than allow them to merge into the traffic stream.
Yes Ireland/ England and Scotland all have issues- I have spent in excess of 5 consecutive years in all these places and almost 5 in Australia and I cannot understand why Australians are so unfunny-dull-unaccepting of different opinions/options. “That’s the way we always do it” attitude drives me mental- they roast in the summer and freeze in the winter but deny that there is any benefit in double glazing or proper central heating. They insist that a 3litre car is the minimum needed to tow a 2meter trailer full or grass clippings to the dump once a month and well if you don’t like VB then you’re a beer snob. In UK and Ireland it seems that cultural differences are more easily celebrated, I bought my friend from Pakistan’s son a Pakistan cricket shirt and he won’t let him wear it anymore as he got abused- not but school kids but by adults in a park- adults with kids who told him to barrack for Australia or to **** off back to India- yes it was a Pakistan shirt.
Throw in the following: rubbish clothes shops, unimaginative pubs and clubs, petty bureaucracy, terrible housing and poor Indian food, macho idiots who you can’t have a laugh with, expensive everything other than petrol, dog poo everywhere, rude people unable to communicate even on the most basic level, sprawling faceless suburbs full of houses that are all being sub divided in order to remove any gardens in the belief that all families want a 4 bed house that looks exactly like the one 4 doors down and to give it a modern and individual feel we will put a stainless steel mail box on the fence.


Is Australia A Dream Or Bs
Selling BS to the world disguised as a DREAM. Ruthless depredation of people’s lives from all over the world by getting them sucked in with “blue water and pristine beaches” propaganda. Most of us on this forum know that the blue water and the beaches are for real BUT the Aussie mentality is just plain vile and rotten to the core which turns life, which is supposed to be a dream in to a nightmare.
People’s life is turned in to a farce by these Neanderthals and the only response by them is “If you don’t like it leave”.
A lot people would happily leave tomorrow with a smile on their faces are simply stuck here. Only mindless idiots like those Aussie tossers who don’t give a fkc about anything or anyone, would leave unfinished business or family behind and of course one has got to have the means to leave.
Yeah, I’ll leave sooner or later, no problem! But I will leave on my own terms and conditions. And NOT before telling the people in the world about the TRUTH about this convict penal colony which is nothing more than a prison without walls,- to your mind, - to your individuality, - to creativity, to personal development unless you are prepared to play a role that is imposed on you by guidelines of the twisted Aussie ideology.
RISE YOUR VOICE everyone, leave a comment and don’t let them get away with lies and BS any longer.
It is ENOUGH, it must come to an end, this outdated Aussie Anglo-colonial mindset and all the perversity that goes with it.

Post je objavljen 05.09.2014. u 09:04 sati.