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Baby medical symptoms. Frog prince baby bedding. Photos of celebrity babies.

Baby Medical Symptoms

baby medical symptoms

    medical symptoms
  • (Medical symptom) A symptom (from Greek ????????, "accident, misfortune, that which befalls" , from ????????, "I befall", from ???- "together, with" + ?????, "I fall") is a departure from normal function or feeling which is noticed by a patient, indicating the presence of disease or abnormality.

  • pamper: treat with excessive indulgence; "grandparents often pamper the children"; "Let's not mollycoddle our students!"

  • A young or newly born animal

  • The youngest member of a family or group

  • A very young child, esp. one newly or recently born

  • the youngest member of a group (not necessarily young); "the baby of the family"; "the baby of the Supreme Court"

  • a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk; "the baby began to cry again"; "she held the baby in her arms"; "it sounds simple, but when you have your own baby it is all so different"

baby medical symptoms - Dr. Robert

Dr. Robert Greene's Perfect Hormone Balance for Pregnancy: A Groundbreaking Plan for Having a Healthy Baby and Feeling Great

Dr. Robert Greene's Perfect Hormone Balance for Pregnancy: A Groundbreaking Plan for Having a Healthy Baby and Feeling Great

Every aspect of pregnancy—from your ability to conceive to your risk of a preterm delivery—is affected by your hormonal health. But if you’re like many women, you don’t know the critically important role hormones play at every stage of your pregnancy. In Dr. Robert Greene’s Perfect Hormone Balance for Pregnancy, Dr. Greene, a world-renowned hormone expert, incorporates his years of research into a practical plan for maintaining excellent hormone health throughout your pregnancy.

Balanced hormones are essential to a healthy pregnancy for you and for optimal brain development for your baby. Dr. Greene’s groundbreaking Perfect Balance Pregnancy Program, which follows all the guidelines recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, shows you how to overcome and avoid common factors that create hormonal imbalance—including overeating, insufficient sleep, chronic stress, and the chemicals found in food, water, and cosmetics. With this easy-to-follow plan for maintaining proper hormone balance, you’ll understand:

• why your symptoms matter
• the importance of diet and exercise
• what is the appropriate weight gain for your body
• how to reduce tension and improve sleep
• why and how to avoid environmental toxins

The Perfect Balance Pregnancy Program arms you with the tools you need before, during, and after pregnancy to stay healthy and feel great.

Visit Dr. Greene's pregnancy blog at

75% (7)

FDA Gaps Leave U.S. Vulnerable to Melamine Contamination Former FDA Director of Imports says 'radical change' needed

FDA Gaps Leave U.S. Vulnerable to Melamine Contamination Former FDA Director of Imports says 'radical change' needed

Melamine-contaminated ingredients and products from China may be on their way to or already in the hands of U.S. consumers. But the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the government entity which monitors the importing of dairy products, is not well-positioned to find, detain, or remove most contaminated products.

In September, over 53,000 illnesses and at least four deaths were reported in China from consuming the toxic chemical in milk products. The outbreak has raised concerns worldwide and exposed a gaping hole in the U.S. government’s ability to monitor and test imported products with milk or milk derivatives in them.

The FDA has increased inspections and product testing at ports of entry in response. But critics of the FDA, which inspects less than one percent of imports a year, say the safeguards are not enough to protect consumers.

“Product liability is protecting us more than what the FDA is doing,” says Carl Nielsen, former Director of Imports for the FDA from 1999-2005. “It is an awful lot of 'buyer beware'—you want to be educated. There’s so little known from the foreign markets.”

To date, the FDA has issued import alerts for at least 10 different products from four Chinese manufacturers thought to be contaminated with melamine. The FDA tests some products, but also relies in part on Customs and Border Patrol and state-level agencies to monitor and test products for melamine.

Nielsen says that the FDA’s culture of “find the bad stuff” is a reaction based on perceived risk. “They find the bad stuff just by tripping over it, not because they have any great mysterious strategic capability” says Nielsen. “They find a problem, then they’ll put it up in an import alert, which is on the web, and there are about 265 of them. That ends up being the primary criteria for being on the hunt for bad stuff—stuff that’s already been found. It doesn’t mean the other 99 percent is okay.”

Nielsen says the FDA doesn’t know what the other 99 percent is, and its system of checks and balances for food safety is based on laws written when the U.S. was basically self-sufficient within its own borders.

“There’s going to have to be a radical change in organization funding and staffing [in the FDA],” says Nielsen. “In six years as Director of Import Operations, nobody could give me a roster of people working full time in import operations. Because of the way it is set up, there are very few working full time.”

He adds that trusting milk-based and derived products from China could be a risk without verifying their quality and safety.

“Part of the fallacy is that people will throw out the notion ‘trust but verify’,” says Nielsen. “In certain circumstances I think you first have to verify to build the trust. I think China is a perfect example of that.”

Health Impacts of Melamine
According to the FDA, melamine is a compound mainly used in commercial and industrial applications, and has no approved use in human or animal food in the U.S.

There is little-to-no reportable medical research data on the effects of melamine on human beings. Studies of the effects on animals were begun in the wake of the Chinese melamine pet food scandal last year, but human cases have been reported starting only in September. There is no commercially available test to check for melamine poisoning in a human, but the tens of thousands of cases in China have shed some additional light on its impacts on people.

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“The main problem is that it can lead to fatal kidney stones,” says Dr. Naimish Pandya, medical oncologist with the University of Maryland’s Greenbaum Cancer Center. “It has been known to cause bladder and kidney damage as well as reproductive damage.”

Dr. Pandya adds that cases of bladder cancer from melamine in animals also provide some clues to what humans might experience if they are poisoned. He points out that bladder cancer is typically asymptomatic, but someone afflicted might have blood in their urine. But kidney stones, which have been found in many babies in China, do cause symptoms.

“The typical kidney stones will cause pain that starts usually in the flank area and radiate down to the groin,” Dr. Pandya. “They can also cause nausea and vomiting.” Insomnia could also result from the pain, he added.

Ignorance of Foreign Markets
At least 41 countries around the world have either completely or partially blocked the import of products from China which may contain melamine. Although the FDA is monitoring some imports from China, there are serious questions about their effectiveness.

“The fact is the FDA has no clue what’s going on in really any of these markets,” says Benjamin England, a former FDA attorney, 17-year veteran of the Agency, and founder of, a regulatory consulting firm. “The fact is that the Chinese market is a really, really big one, and there happ

Uma Linda e Abençoada Quinta-Feira aos nossos Queridos Amigos...***...A Wonderful and Blessed Thursday for my Dear Friends

Uma Linda e Abençoada Quinta-Feira aos nossos Queridos Amigos...***...A Wonderful and Blessed Thursday for my Dear Friends


26 de Maio Homenageamos o Dia Nacional de Combate ao Glaucoma criado pela Lei n? 10.456, de 13 de maio de 2002.

Glaucoma e a designacao generica de um grupo de doencas que atingem o nervo optico e envolvem a perda de celulas ganglionares da retina num padrao caracteristico de neuropatia optica. A pressao intraocular elevada e um fator de risco significativo para o desenvolvimento de glaucoma, nao existindo contudo uma relacao causal direta entre um determinado valor da pressao intraocular e o aparecimento da doenca — enquanto uma pessoa pode desenvolver dano no nervo com pressoes relativamente baixas outra pode ter pressao intraocular elevada durante anos sem apresentar lesoes. Se nao for tratado, o glaucoma leva ao dano permanente do disco optico da retina, causando uma atrofia progressiva do campo visual, que pode progredir para visao subnormal ou cegueira.

O tipo mais comum e o glaucoma primario de angulo aberto, frequentemente assintomatico. Uma das causas pode ser uma obstrucao do escoamento do humor aquoso do olho. O humor aquoso e produzido no corpo ciliar do olho, fluindo atraves da pupila para a camera anterior. A malha trabecular entao drena o liquido para o canal de Schlemm e finalmente para o sistema venoso. Todos os olhos possuem alguma pressao intraocular que e causada pela presenca de alguma resistencia ao fluxo do humor aquoso atraves da malha trabecular e do canal de Schlemm. Se a pressao intraocular (PIO) for alta demais (maior do que 21,5 mm Hg), a pressao nas paredes do olho resultara na compressao das estruturas oculares. Entretanto, outros fatores, como perturbacoes no fluxo sanguineo no nervo optico podem interagir com a PIO e afetar o nervo optico. Em um terco dos casos de glaucoma primario de angulo aberto ha PIO estatisticamente normal. Esses casos sao chamados de glaucoma de pressao normal. Devido ao fato de exames do nervo optico nem sempre serem realizados juntamente com medidas de PIO em pacientes de risco, o glaucoma de pressao normal e mais raramente diagnosticado ate as condicoes se apresentarem adiantadas.
Outro tipo, o glaucoma de angulo fechado, e caracterizado por aumentos subitos de pressao intraocular. Isto ocorre em olhos susceptiveis quando a pupila dilata e bloqueia o fluxo do fluido atraves dela, levando a iris bloquear a malha trabecular. Glaucoma de angulo fechado pode causar dor e reduzir a acuidade visual (visao borrada), e pode levar a perda visual irreversivel dentro de um curto periodo de tempo. E considerada uma situacao de emergencia oftalmologica e requer tratamento imediato. Muitas pessoas com esse glaucoma podem visualizar um halo em volta de pontos de luz brilhantes, alem da perda de visao caracteristica da doenca.
Glaucoma congenito e uma doenca genetica rara que atinge bebes. Recem nascidos com globos oculares aumentados e corneas embacadas. Se considera que a causa da pressao intraocular elevada nesses casos e causada pela reducao da permeabilidade trabecular. O tratamento e a cirurgia.
Glaucoma secundario ocorre como uma complicacao de varias condicoes medicas, como cirurgia ocular, catarata avancada, lesoes oculares, uveites, diabetes ou uso de corticoides.

Enquanto que o glaucoma pode ou nao ter sintomas distintos, uma complicacao quase inevitavel do glaucoma e a perda visual. A perda visual causada por glaucoma atinge primeiro a visao periferica. No comeco a perda e sutil, e pode nao ser percebida pelo paciente. Perdas moderadas a severas podem ser notadas pelo paciente atraves de exames atentos da sua visao periferica. Isso pode ser feito fechando um olho e examinando todos os quatro cantos do campo visual notando claridade e acuidade, e entao repetindo o processo com o outro olho fechado. Frequentemente o paciente nao nota a perda de visao ate vivenciar a "visao tunelada". Se a doenca nao for tratada, o campo visual se estreita cada vez mais, obscurecendo a visao central e finalmente progredindo para a cegueira do olho afetado.

Esperar pelos sintomas de perda visual nao e o ideal. A perda visual causada pelo glaucoma e irreversivel, mas pode ser prevenida ou atrasada por tratamento. Um oftalmologista deve ser consultado pelas pessoas com risco de desenvolver glaucoma.
Pessoas com historico familiar de glaucoma tem cerca de 6% de chance de desenvolver a doenca; Diabeticos e negros sao mais propensos a desenvolverem glaucoma de angulo aberto, e asiaticos tem maior tendencia a desenvolver glaucoma de angulo fechado. Idealmente, todas as pessoas devem verificar por glaucoma a partir dos 35 anos, com a frequencia das checagens aumentando com a idade. Metade das pessoas que sofrem de glaucoma nao sabem disso.

Verificacao de glaucoma normalmente e parte do exame ocular padrao feito por um oftalmologista. A verificacao de glaucoma deve incluir medida da pressao intraocular, alem do exame do nervo optico em busca de lesoes. Se houver qualquer suspeita de lesao no nervo optico deve ser feita u

baby medical symptoms

baby medical symptoms

American Medical Association Complete Guide to Your Children's Health

Whether you're cradling your newborn just home from the hospital, child-proofing your home for your toddler, taking your preschooler for vaccinations, coping with your child's first trip to the emergency room, or trying to answer your teen-ager's pressing health questions, the American Medical Association Complete Guide to Your Children's Health is the one volume you'll turn to over and over again. It's the most comprehensive guide ever available to address the health needs of children from infancy through adolescence; in fact, it's really three books in one.

Part I covers "Your Healthy Child From Birth Through Adolescence." The chapter on newborns (birth to 3 months) tells you what you need to know about feeding your baby; solving sleep problems; changing, bathing, and dressing your baby; and recognizing critical signposts of growth and development. The chapter on infants (3 to 12 months) covers continuing developmental milestones, explains how your baby learns language, and offers advice on how to cope with your child's changing needs in terms of nutrition, sleep, and exercise. If you have a toddler (l to 3 years), you'll learn about toilet training; emotional, social, and intellectual development; how to establish loving discipline and how to encourage your child's communication skills. The chapter on preschoolers (3 to 5 years) explains the exciting developments that occur during this stage of rapid intellectual and emotional growth. The chapter on school-age children (5 to 11 years) addresses how to help kids succeed in school and resist cigarettes and alcohol and other drugs. The chapter on preteens and adolescents (11 to 21 years) explains puberty, body image, self-care, healthy sexuality, and more.

In Part 2, "Caring for Your Child's Health," you'll get good advice on finding quality child care, whether you're choosing a nanny, family day care, a day-care center, or an after-school program. You'll learn how to select the right pediatrician and what vaccinations, routine tests and screenings, and dental care your child will need as he or she grows. You'll learn how to baby- and child-proof your home, care for a sick child, and nurture your child's emotional health. Finally, you'll learn how to help a child with special health needs.

Part 3 is an exhaustive medical encyclopedia that offers detailed information on more than 300 childhood diseases and disorders. A concise, clearly illustrated guide to first aid shows you how to perform CPR and handle emergencies from shock, choking, and poisoning to burns, bites, and broken bones.

Is it a stuffy nose or something more serious? Twenty symptoms charts in a clear question-and-answer format help you find the possible causes of many common childhood symptoms (e.g., crying, fever, feeding problems, sleep problems, earache), either directing you to other parts of the book for more detailed information, advising you about treating the problem at home, or recommending medical attention for your child. A full-color atlas of the human body will help you understand how your child's body works. A full-color diagnostic skin-rash chart will help you decide whether it's chickenpox, poison ivy, or hives.

Profusely illustrated with more than 350 photographs, drawings, and charts, this highly readable volume is the closest thing to a pediatrician on call and an indispensable guide for every concerned parent.

The American Medical Association's bestselling health library includes the AMA Encyclopedia of Medicine; the AMA Family Medical Guide, third edition; the AMA Complete Guide to Women's Health; the AMA Guide to Your Family's Symptoms; and the AMA Handbook of First Aid and Emergency Care.

Everything you need to know about your child's health--from infancy through adolescence--in one reliable and thorough volume

The American Medical Association, the country's most renowned health authority, has created the most comprehensive one-volume guide to children's health ever. Here's a sampling of what you'll find inside:

Special chapters on newborns (birth to 3 months), infants (3 to 12 months), toddlers (1 to 3 years), preschoolers (3 to 5 years), school-age children (5 to 11 years), and preteens and adolescents (11 to 21 years), including exciting new information about brain development

Complete safety guidelines on baby- and child-proofing your home, sports protective equipment, protecting children from crime and abuse, and more

A full-color atlas of a child's body that illustrates each body system

A full-color diagnostic skin-rash chart so you can tell whether it's measles or eczema

A first-aid and emergency-care guide, with easy-to-follow instructions and clear illustrations to refresh your knowledge of CPR and help you handle everything from shock, burns, and eye injuries to broken bones, poisoning, and nosebleeds

More than 20 symptoms charts to help you determine what the problem is and whether you can treat it at home, need to see the doctor, or should seek emergency help

A medical encyclopedia that covers more than 300 childhood diseases and disorders

A comprehensive chapter on how to help children with special health needs

Growth charts and immunization schedules, plus everything you need to know about routine tests and screenings, dental health, preventing injuries, feeding your child healthfully, finding the right child care, and much, much more

The American Medical Association Complete Guide to Your Children's Health provides parents with a quick, highly comprehensive look at normal childhood development patterns, safety and educational concerns, and childhood illness and disease. From A to Z, there's a lot that parents need to know about their children's health and development, and this big book purports to supply it all. It does, though with only 700 pages, some of the subjects are handled tersely, without the nuances that child rearing requires. This terseness also means that browsing through this book is not recommended for parents who tend to worry--with so many subjects covered so briefly, the authors don't pause to reassure. Over half the book is devoted to an easy-to-read encyclopedia on childhood diseases and disorders (from acne to yeast infections) that describes, and in some cases illustrates, hundreds of conditions. The guide is best when it sticks to medical and developmental rather than social information: the complete atlas of the child's body, for example, is a great resource for parents and kids. And the many symptom charts, designed to help parents diagnose illness so they can decide whether to home-treat or get medical help, are superior--and may save lives. --Ericka Lutz

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Post je objavljen 25.10.2011. u 19:16 sati.