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Kazimierz, part 9 - Burning Rope

Posljednjih sam se mjeseci odalečio od svijeta, participirajući u svjetovnim stvarima onoliko koliko je to bilo nužno u određenom trenu... Na neki sam način tražio odmaka od svega što mi se u posljednje vrijeme dogodilo; tražio sam razloge, uzorke i, na koncu, pokušao dokučiti zašto su se neke situacije odvile na način na koji su se odvile i koje su posljedice svega toga...

Što Bog daje, Bog i uzima; shvatio sam to (na sreću) ne na onaj posljednji, ali isto tako na ništa manje definitivan način, na način koji ne ostavlja mogućnosti da se odigra posljednja karta, da se bilo što doda ili oduzme... U početku sam se s time izuzetno teško mirio; žalio sam za time što nisam bio u mogućnosti poduzeti ikakav korak, no na koncu sam shvatio da je i izostanak djelovanja u samoj svojoj biti djelovanje - koje se nije dogodilo...

Već samo jedna jedina sekunda koja slijedi apex sreće i zadovoljstva nosi početak svekolike propasti... A to nisu puke riječi, već na vlastitioj koži opetovano oprobana istina... Dano nam je da dobivamo i da gubimo, da se radujemo i da trpimo, sve zbog jednoga: da iz svega izvučemo određenu pouku, da steknemo neko iskustvo, da shvatimo prolaznost svega, a konačno i svoju vlastitu prolaznost na potpuno elementalan način...

Griješimo kada smatramo da je put kojime prolazimo puko sredstvo za dosezanje cilja; put je cilj sam po sebi, a ono što obično smatramo ciljem - samo puka opsjena, koja se najbolje opaža u volatilnosti vremena... Here today, where tomorrow???

Čovjek planira - Bog određuje!

Igramo uloge u skladu s nekim lošim, petoparačkim scenarijem, zavaravajući se da igramo najboljeg Hamleta ikada viđenog na kugli zemaljskoj; a u stvarnosti smo samo Godoti... koji nikada, ali baš nikada, nikamo neće stići...

Joy Division - Passover

This is a crisis I knew had to come,
Destroying the balance I'd kept
Doubting, unsettling and turning around,
Wondering what will come next

Is this the role that you wanted to live?
I was foolish to ask for so much
Without the protection and in fancy's guard,
It all falls apart at first touch.

Watching the reel as it comes to a close,
Brutally taking its time,
People who change for no reason at all,
It's happening all of the time

Can I go on with this train of events?
Disturbing and purging my mind,
Back out of my duties, when all's said and done,
I know that I'll lose every time.

Moving along in our God given ways,
Safety is sat by the fire,
Sanctuary from these feverish smiles,
Left with a mark on the door

Is this the gift that I wanted to give?
Forgive and forgets what they teach,
Or pass through the deserts and wastelands once more,
And watch as they drop by the beach.

This is the crisis I knew had to come,
Destroying the balance I'd kept,
Turning around to the next set of lives,
Wondering what will come next.

Trebalo mi je podosta, pa čak i previše vremena da shvatim da u samoj biti svih mojih problema stoji jedna jedina stvar: strah od nepoznatog... A već je i samo imenovanje problema početak njegovog rješavanja... Konačno: strah je iracionalna kategorija, stoga ga treba racionalizirati...

A s one strane straha postoje samo utjeha... i mir...

Genesis - Burning Rope

The warming sun, the cooling rain,
The snowflake drifting on the breath of the breeze,
The lightning bolt that frees the sky for you
Yet only eagles seem to pass on through.
The words of love, the cries of hate,
And the man in the moon who seduced you then finally loosed you.

You climbed upon a burning rope
to escape the mob below,
But you had put the flaming out
so that others could not follow,
To be out of the bounds and the barks
of those who do not wish you well.

You must blaze a trail of your own,
unknown, alone,
But keep in mind
Don't live to-day for tomorrow
like you were immortal.
The only survivors on this world of ours are

The warming sun, the cooling rain,
The snowflake drifting on the breath of the breeze,
The lightning bolt that frees the sky for you
Yet only eagles seem to pass on through.
The words of love, the cries of hate,
And the man in the moon who seduced you then finally loosed you.

You're old and disillusioned now
as you realise at last,
That all all you have accomplished here
will have soon all turned to dust.

You dream of a future after life,
well that's a maybe, I don't know.
But you cant take what you left behind, you're all alone, alone
So keep in mind
Don't live to-day for tomorrow like you were immortal
The only survivors on this world of ours are

The warming sun, the cooling rain,
The snowflake drifting on the breath of the breeze,
The lightning bolt that frees the sky for you
Yet only eagles seem to pass on through.
The words of love, the cries of hate,
And the man in the moon who seduced you then finally loosed you.

Post je objavljen 28.08.2009. u 10:25 sati.