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" Zahvalnost koju darujemo jednom jedinom priznatom "Abbie Hoffman-u" i jednom jedinom
"Jerry Rubin-u" ipak nije dovoljna...Naravno necu izostaviti ni "Robert Morris-a"


" Slobodno se mozete smejati Al ovo je ipak... "Mutirajuci password"
" Mogu se kladiti da ste svi mislili da se kradja kreditnih kartica moze izvrsiti samo u filmovima? No nije tacno...
" Recimo da ste u totalnom skripcu s'novcem, jer Manipulacija, Mito i Korupcija vladaju zivotom i zaposljavanjem na ovoj pretucenoj zemlji...
" Sta bi ste pozeleli,a zakon vam ne dozvoljava?!
" U takvom trenutku, sad i smesta otvorite vas notepad,jer smo svi mi do ovog trenutka bili drajveri u snovima "American Dream" Hajde da to promenimo, i ovde se moze ziveti...
" Bitno je Metodu zapisa fajlovati u .db fajl naziv fajl-a nije toliko bitan koliko je sama funkcija fajl-a .db
" Izaberite Tekstualnu Metodu komande i fajl ubacite u formatu .db


Function GoodCreditCard(CCNum, ByReferer CardType)
Dim Valid
Dim Accumulator
Dim Multiplier
Dim Resultant
Dim LoopCount
' If the Credit Card is valid, the variable "VALID" will be
' set to the literal "TRUE",
' otherwise it will come back as "FALSE".
' The variable "CARDTYPE" will be returned
' specifying the credit card type.
' If the card number is invalid, the value assigned
' "CARDTYPE" will be the literal "INVALID".
' ---
Valid = FALSE

' --- Check for existence of '-' characters in Card Number and strip them ---
CCNum = Replace(CCnum,"-","")
CCNum = Replace(CCnum," ","")

' ---
' 1. If the Credit Card number is less than 11 digits then there is
' an error in the card number.
' ---
If Len(CCNum) > 10 Then
' ---
' 2. If the Credit Card number has 13 or 16 digits and the first
' digit has the value of '4' set > to 'VISA' and validate.
' ---
If (Len(CCNum) = 13 Or Len(CCNum) = 16) And Left(CCNum,1) = "4" Then
End If

' ---
' 3. If the Credit Card number has 15 digits and the first two
' digits have the value of '34' or '37' set > to 'AMEX' and
' validate.
' ---
If Len(CCNum) = 15 And (Left(CCNum,2) = "34" Or Left(CCNum,2) = "37") Then
End If

' ---
' 4. If the Credit Card number has 14 digits and the first two
' digits have the value of '30', '36' or '38' set > to
' 'DINER' and validate.
' ---
If Len(CCNum) = 14 And _
(Left(CCNum,2) = "30" Or Left(CCNum,2) = "36" Or Left(CCNum,2) = "38") Then
End If

' ---
' 5. If the Credit Card number has 16 digits and the first two
' digits have the value between '50' and '56' then set > to
' 'ACCESS' and validate.
' ---

If Len(CCNum) = 16 And CInt(Left(CCNum,2)) >= 50 And CInt(Left(CCNum,2)) <= 56 Then
End If

' ---
' 6. If the Credit Card number has 16 digits and the first two
' digits has the value '35' set > to 'JCB' and validate.
' ---

If Len(CCNum) = 16 And Left(CCNUM,2) = 35 Then
End If

If Len(CCNum) = 16 And CARDTYPE = "INVALID" Then
End If

' ---
' 7. Start by zeroing an accumulator.
' ---
Accumulator = 0

' ---
' 8. With the Credit Card number, start at the right most digit and
' multiply by 1, then the next prior digit by 2 and continue the
' process of multiplication by 1 and then by 2 until all digits
' have been multiplied.
' ---
Multiplier = 1
For LoopCount = Len(CCNum) to 1 Step -1
Resultant = (Mid(CCNum,LoopCount,1) * Multiplier)

' ---
' 9. If the result of a multiplication is less than 10 add to the
' accumulator.
' ---

If Resultant < 10 Then
Accumulator = Accumulator + Resultant
' ---
' 10. If the result of a multiplication is 10 or greater add the two
' digits together and add to the accumulator.
' Example: 9 x 2 = 18
' Therefore 1 + 8 = 9
' Add 9 to the accumulator.
' ---

Accumulator = Accumulator + Left(Resultant,1) + Right(Resultant,1)
End If

If Multiplier = 1 Then
Multiplier = 2
Multiplier = 1
End If

' ---
' 11. Divide the accumulated value by 10.
' If no remainder then it is
' a valid card number. If any remainder then it is an invalid
' card number.
' ---
If Int(Accumulator/10) * 10 = Accumulator Then
Valid = TRUE
End If
End If

Valid = FALSE
End If

End If

' Put in 123 for test MC
if CCNum = "123" then
end if

GoodCreditCard = VALID
end function


UPOZORENJE !!! Ukoliko niste dovoljno brzi i pametni, ako ne umete da se cuvate molim vas... Nemojte tudji novac staviti na vas spisak za vaskrsenje...

Post je objavljen 20.04.2009. u 11:19 sati.