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Zelena lista na YouTube/Angela Gossow (Arch Enemy)

(začinjeno Angelom Gossow - Arch Enemy - melodic death metal) smijeh

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Ovdje možete vidjeti OSVRT NA EUROPEAN GREENS SUMMER UNIVERSITY (28.08.-31.08.2008.) by Kristina Volarić.

Također i međunarodnu konferenciju zelenih održanu u Osijeku: OD 04. - 06. RUJNA ODRZANA KONFERENCIJA U OSIJEKU

Novost je i da Zelena lista ima svoj kanal na YouTube na kojem za sada možete vidjeti 3 petominutna videa o nuklearnoj energiji:


Atomska energija - ne hvala (ep.1/3)

Atomska energija - ne hvala (ep.2/3)

Atomska energija - ne hvala (ep.3/3) - Ne zaboravite Černobil!

Na blogu organizacijskog tajnika također aktualno o suncu kao najboljem reaktoru uz video a prenosim meni najzanimljiviji dio teksta:


Problem je u sukobu kapitala i održivog razvoja. Kapital želi zaraditi a Zelena lista želi u energetskoj strategiji pružiti mogućnost građanima energetske nezavisnosti. Pojednostavljeno, svaka kuća sa krovom prema jugu može proizvoditi dovoljno energije za svoje ukućane a viškove prodati u elektrodistribuciju. E, to je problem; biti energetski neovisan a svaki mjesec inkasirati i koju kunu izluđuje kapital i politiku.
Kud bi nas odvelo, da postoji mogućnost, da ljudi žive u svojoj kući i zarađuju od panela na krovu. Kapital to želi zatomiti kako bi i dalje jamio a politika kakvu imamo, boji se nezavisnih (samodostatnih) građana.

System of a down! Power to the people! Anti-kapitalizam! To je ta moć protiv moći - protumoć - karakteristična za zelene.

BTW Wilko mi pokazala novu slikicu od Angele Gossow (Arch Enemy), pa usput.. žena rastura pojavom, glasom i životnim stavovima..

"..I do not accept racism, intolerance, hatred and discrimination in any shape or form. Everything we do is politics. Using textile bags instead of plastic is a political statement. I believe people are afraid of change, that’s why there will never be the much-needed reformations in our western society. Most people like to complain but do not like changing anything either. I believe each one of us can make a difference and I do stand up for my beliefs. I believe in respect and protection/preservation of this world and its creatures. I think most politicians have to make many compromises to step up the ladder. Many sell their integrity for power and money.."

"I would like everybody to understand that this world is DYING and that we have to ACT NOW. We have no right to keep on destroying it. Many other creatures are affected by our egoistic behaviour."

"Everything we do has an impact on this planet. Each one of us has a responsibility and can make a change. Every day I open my eyes I can see what is happening and I understand what is going on. There are many out there who don’t have that social intelligence, the knowledge of this world and its creatures. All they can see is ‘me, myself and I’. They simply look the other way and switch off that part of their brain – or they probably never used it in the first place. There are many who fight for survival, who are too poor or don’t have the education to make a difference. I understand and I don’t expect them to change the world. But most of us live in a wealthy society and have everything they need. Yet, they are never satisfied and walk over bodies to get what they want. I see so much carelessness and ignorance amongst us. Being a sensitive and caring person a lot of people and their actions make me sad and angry. Basically, I am having a hard time blending out reality and to be mindlessly happy."

Arch Enemy - Revolution begins!

Post je objavljen 08.09.2008. u 18:36 sati.