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Hrvatska - Mediteran kakav je nekad bio???

Odmah na početku moram reći da sam ljut i razočaran.

Tužna je činjenica koja je prisutna već dulje vrijeme, otkad je Hrvatska Turistička Zajednica prihvatila slogan "Hrvatska - Mediteran kakav je nekad bio" za službeni promotivni slogan naše lijepe domovine.

Za sve one koji ne znaju puno o Hrvatskoj, reći ću samo da je to zemlja u južnoj-srednjoj Europi koja se iako je malena proteže od moćnih rijeka Dunava, Drave i Mure na sjeveru, preko prelijepih zelenih brda i sniježnih planina u središnjim dijelovima do kristalno čistog Sredozemnog mora na jugu.

Dakle, čak i brzi pogled na zemljovid pokazuje da je Hrvatska puno više nego samo Mediteran.

No, iz negog razloga ovaj službeni turistički slogan Hrvatska turistička zajdenica nije smatrala dovoljno velikim propustom pa su mu dodali još jedan i to puno veći!

Ako pogledate promotivni video na službenoj stranici Hrvatske Turističke Zajednice, vidjeti ćete zemljovid koji nije jednostavno krivi već graniči s prljavom izdajom naše lijepe domovine!

Pogledajte video ovdje. Drugi je po redu,

i recite mi vidite li pogrešku o kojoj vam govorim? Pogledajte kartu Hrvatske u druom filmu. U 2. minuti i 26. sekundi filma na zemljovidu Hrvatske nedostaje naša sjeveroistočna pokrajina - Baranja!

To je sramota i tužan trenutak izdaje ne samo što se tiče turizma kao nama važne gospodarske grane već posebno izdaje naše povijesti i dobrih vrijednih ljudi koji žive u tom dijelu naše Domovine!

Molim vas da razgovarate o ovom problemu kako bismo upozorili Ministarstvo Turizma i Hrvatsku turističku zajednicu da napokon nešto učine, promijene ili skinu film sa službene strancie hrvatskog turizma!

Croatia - Mediterranean as it once was???

Right in the beginning I must say I'm angry and sad. But, "the sad thing" is that there's and issue that has been around for quite some time, ever since the Croatian National Tourist Board chose that slogan (Croatia-Mediterranean as it once was) to be the official slogan of our beautiful land.

For all those who don't know much about Croatia I will say that it's a country in the south-central Europe and even though it's a small land, it streches from the mighty rivers Danube, Drava and Mura in the north, over beautiful green hills and snowy mountains in central parts, to the cristal clear Mediterranean sea in the south.

So even a quick look on the map shows you that Croatia is much more than just Mediterranean.

But for some reson this wrong official tourist slogan wasn't a big enough mistake made by the Croatian National Tourist Board so they took care of it and added an even bigger mistake!

If you watch the promo video on the official web site of the Croatian National Tourist Board, you'll see that the map shown there is not simply wrong, it's bordering with a filthy betrayal of our beautiful homeland!

Take a look at the video here. It's the 2nd one:

and tell me do you see the mistake I'm telling you about? Look at the map of Croatia in the second film. In the 2nd minute of the film there's a map of Croatia but it's without our northeastern province of Baranja!

It's an outrage and a sad moment of betrayal not only concidering tourism but also concidering our history and the good pepole living in that part of our Homeland!

I ask you to talk about this issue, so that the officials from the Ministry of Tourism and the Croatian National Tourist Board would finaly do something to change or move that film from the official tourism site!

Post je objavljen 28.07.2008. u 14:59 sati.