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Nestala je davno negdje tko zna gdje...

She was sitting in the furthest corner of the room, lit only by a faint light of a candle. Her hair was as dark as the bright night sky, stars sparkling all over it. She made no sound, she didn't move, looking in the same dot all the time. That she was an expert at, dreaming. No-one could find a way through that barrier into her mind, not even the finest mind readers. No one could understand, assume what's going on in that head. Smart head, many would say.

People could only guess. She could have been thinking about her mother, that was just risking her life for a woman she never saw before. Many would say that must be it, who could think about anything else at the moment like that? Those that knew her, rare people, knew she could be thinking about her mother, school, Lifeball, friends, or anything else, at the same time. But those that knew her were rare. And they weren't present there, at that moment.

Her head was indeed full of thoughts of any kind. Mother was, of course, the major one. She should have already been there. Where on Earth is she, is she alive at all? That was the permanent question, with her mother, always putting her life at risk. She couldn't handle that alone, and the only friend she would think of was him. And there was only one way. Hard, but she had to try.

Focus. I've tried that before, I can do it. But back then they were only few meters away. That's the only way, it's worth trying...

Next thing she knew was travelling, in her mind. Through the mountains and over the rivers. It took her almost as much energy as if she was going there physically. When she came to her destination, she saw only a wall. Pretty thick wall. How on Earth to break it, wake him up?

Lool, ljudi mislim da necete ovo gore ni pol posto skuzit. Ali meni je fora, a vi recite sta ocete.

Kako skola, pitate? (cooperate ;)) Ma super, sve 5... Al uvijek moze bolje, ne? Ma bude, ima vremena...

Jedino me lagano smeta u mom razredu što svi polaze od pretpostavke da će im trebat instrukcije. Ta pretpostavka jednaka je kao da polazite od pretpostavke da ste glupi, i nesposobni nešto skužiti. A i isto je malo glupo. Ljudi u mom bivšem razredu nikada nisu išli na instrukcije, barem ne one plaćene. A ne može se reći da su bili maheri za matematiku, engleski, naprotiv. Ali nitko nije glup. Samo se treba znati snaći.

Zaboga, ljudi, pa ja idem s vama u razred, hello. (OK nemojte ovo krivo shvatit)

Inace zivot ide, a i ljubav se mice s mrtve tocke. Iako na bolje ili na gore, to se ne zna. Nece se ni znat, samnom se nikad ne zna. Nedostaje mi moj 8.b, jos uvijek. To je bio razred, a vi recite šta oćete.

Nećem više duljit, dovoljno sam vas gnjavila. A nakon što provedem par školskih sati s Klarom u klupi, više nemam snage neš puno filozofirati vam.

Pusa velika svima etc etc istrazujte malo naci cete posvetu... sta ste tako lijeni... =P

Vaša K-a-t-e-(y) (pronounce it Kejti, not Keti) cerek

PS oprostite svi kojima jednostavno ne stignem komentirati, jedva i post napišem...

Post je objavljen 29.10.2007. u 22:05 sati.