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Glavna prica, slucaj Marca Dutrouxa iz vremena 1996 - 2004, ima nesto pretpovijesti, koje cemo se dotaci kasnije. Neka zasad dostaje reci da se kasnije u prici spominju nerazjasnjena ubistva dviju mladih djevojaka, iz 1984 - Christine Van Hees (16) i Carine Dellaert (16).
- Tijelo takodjer sesnaestogodisnje Carine Dellaert pronadjeno je godinu i pol dana kasnije, u septickoj jami u Ghentu. Ostaci su bili tako stari da se nije moglo utvrditi vrijeme smrti. Nestala je tri godine prije toga, kao 16-godisnjakinja. Bila je dijete problematicne obitelji (roditelji su se razveli kratko vrijeme nakon nestanka kceri). Posto je otac bio prijavio nestanak tek nakon tjedan dana, bio je prvi osumnjiceni, i nakon godinu dana otvorena je istraga protiv njega. Nakon jos 2 godine proveo je dva mjeseca u istraznom zatvoru, pa pusten zbog nedostatka dokaza. Nakon daljnje tri godine proglasen je slobodnim od sumnje. Slucaj je zatvoren.
"Sluzbeni pocetak" slucaja - odn. onog sto je na kraju od njega ostalo - je nestanak dviju malih djevojcica, tri godine nakon Dutrouxovog izlaska iz zatvora. Julie Lejeune (8) i Mélissa Russo (8), nestaju 24. 6. 1995. Par mjeseci kasnije, u kolovozu, nestaju i nesto starije An Marchal (17) i Eefje Lambrecks (19).
Dutroux, premda otpocetka glavni osumnjiceni, ne biva uhapsen daljnjih 14 mjeseci; bar ne zbog ovog razloga - vidi sljedeci pocetni pasus. Takodjer, usprkos 7 godina "istrage" zapravo nikad nije pouzdano utvrdjeno da su, i kako i kad, ove cetiri djevojcice uistinu oteli Dutroux i Michel Lelievre (drug-dealer) koji su optuzeni, i na kraju osudjeni, za njihovu smrt.
on 7 July 1995, thirteen days after the first abduction, the name of a certain Dutroux, already heavily sentenced for rape offences, was named as the main suspect in a document in the possession of the chief detective of the local police.
Françoise Van de Morteel, The Disappearance And Murder Of Children: An "Affaire D'etat"15

[Svjedoceci na sudjenju, istrazni sudac Connerotte] castigated the Charleroi authorities for failing to take action much earlier. Dutroux had been named in police files in July 1995 as a suspect in the abduction of two eight-year-old girls - Julie Lejeune and Melissa Russo - more than a year before their bodies were found on Dutroux's land.

"The file talks of seizure of children, foreign trafficking, and perhaps even of cells, if I remember well," Judge Connerotte said.

"The sum of 150,000 francs [L2,500] was mentioned as the price for girls. I was struck by the richness of these documents. Any magistrate should have acted the way I did later."
[x] Telegraph, March 2004 27
Krajem 1995, Dutroux dolazi pod istragu u vezi kradja automobila, njegovog "side-joba" u kriminalnom svijetu, i provodi zimu u istraznom zatvoru, od 6. 12. 1995 do 20. 3. 1996.
Iako dokazi sugeriraju da su za njega kradja automobila i otmica djevojaka povezane aktivnosti, Anne Thily, drzavna tuziteljica, razdvaja ove istrage na dva policijska odjela, u dva kraja zemlje. Ovim putem, veze izmedju kradja automobila i otmica djece, koje su inace mogle pomoci istrazi, su bile zamagljene ili posve izgubljene.2
Za vrijeme Dutrouxovog boravka u istraznom zatvoru, djevojcice Julie i Mélissa vjerojatno umiru od gladi u njegovom podrumu, jer ih nema tko hraniti tokom tih (nepunih) cetiri mjeseca. Jedna od na svoj nacin najjezivijih epizoda tokom istage, i pokazatelja njene "slampavosti" je bilo to sto je policija za to vrijeme, dok je Dutroux bio u pritvoru a djevojcice u skrivenoj celiji u podrumu, bila cak dva puta u njegovoj kuci, ukljucujuci podrum; ne otkrivsi djevojcice, od kojih ih je djelio samo zid. Policajci su culi glasove djece, ali nisu obratili paznju!
U kasnijoj istrazi drzavnog povjerenstva o nedostacima Dutroux istrage, tvrdili su da su mislili da zvukovi dolaze izvana; a i da su bili tu istrazujuci kradju automobila, pa "nisu imali pse, niti potrebnu opremu" da otkriju djevojcice 28. Ocito, nema veze sto su u kuci jednog od najpoznatijih, registriranih i kaznjavanih silovatelja i otmicara djece, dapace trenutno pod paralelnom istragom upravo tim povodom.
Stovise, jedan od policajaca nasao je djecju spekulu (kliker) na podu, i uredno ju podigao i dao Dutrouxovoj zeni u ruku, bez forenzicne analize 7. Oba puta su napustili kucu ne nasavsi nista bitno za svoju istragu, samo su usput zaplijenili par filmova i par video-kazeta. Medjutim, filmovi su ostali nerazvijeni, a kazete nepogledane - sve do 1999, kada se ispostavilo da su na njima izmedju ostalog snimke Dutrouxa kako gradi tamnicke celije u tom istom podrumu!
Dutroux je jedno vrijeme tvrdio da su djevojcice prezivjele njegov boravak u pritvoru, te da su umrle na njegovim rukama par dana nakon njegovog izlaska. Ovu teoriju, koje se poslije odrekao, vlasti su i dalje tvrdoglavo branile, vjerojatno u pokusaju da skinu sa sebe krivicu njihove smrti (jer su djevojcice umrle zahvaljujuci njihovoj neefikasnosti), tako da je to i dan danas sluzbena istina: da su dvije osmogodisnje djevojcice prezivjele preko sto dana zime, u celiji bez grijanja, svjetla i hrane!
He [istrazni sudac Langlois, koji je nasljedio uspjesnog Connerottea, pocetnik postavljen da bi kocio istragu] asked at a very late date for a report from a nutritionist to establish at all costs, according to Michelle Martin, that two 8-year-old girls could have survived for 106 days (during Dutroux's arrest from 6 December 1995 to 26 March 1996) in a cell measuring 3 square meters, without ventilation or light, feeding on tinned foods whose existence has never been proven, and wisely consuming Rhohypnol tablets... It is Dutroux himself who claims to have left these tins in the cell where the young girls were found. But he has often changed his mind about the exact amount of food, and even the largest amount mentioned would not have been sufficient to allow the children to survive... The nutritionist's report lists the many reasons why it seems impossible for the girls to have survived and concludes: "possible but highly improbable". What is Langlois' opinion on the matter (expressed to the Court)? "It is possible."
Françoise Van de Morteel, The Disappearance And Murder Of Children: An "Affaire D'etat"15
Postoji i mogucnost da su djevojcice uistinu nakratko prezivjele njegov povratak iz zatvora; ako ih je hranio (i iskoristavao) netko drugi. Dutrouxova zena se takodjer kune da su bile zive dana kad se Dutroux vratio iz zatvora, kao i da ih nije ona hranila. No to je li ih netko posjecivao, hranio, iskoristavao, ubio, se nece nikad saznati, jer npr. 6000 dlaka sakupljenih sa tamnickog poda nikad nije otislo na DNK analizu. U pravom podvigu cirkularne logike, drzavna tuziteljica Anne Thily na pitanje zasto dlake nisu analizirane izjavljuje "Nema [pedofilske] mreze pa nema potrebe traziti dokaze za njeno postojanje"4, 7. Zasto nema mreze? Jer njeno postojanje "nije dokazano".
After years of grief and betrayal by the Belgian police and judiciary, the Russos [op: roditelji Melisse Russo] barely believe a word of the official version: that Dutroux, the lone paedophile, kidnapped the girls for his personal use and kept them in the cage in his cellar until their death of starvation the day he returned home after four months in jail. (...)

The Russos suspect the girls weren't there at all. A number of reported sightings of Melissa, one in an upstairs room of a Charleroi nightclub, which were never followed up, have convinced them that someone else had access to the girls while Dutroux was in jail. Why else, they ask, were the hairs which detectives gathered from the dungeon in Dutroux's cellar never sent for DNA analysis? Why did Judge Langlois, Connerotte's replacement, refuse to have them tested despite pressure from his prosecutor, Michel Bourlet, who believed that a DNA identification of those hairs might reveal who else was involved.

Langlois's boss, the Prosecutor General of Liege, Anne Thily, says: There was no need to get the hairs analysed as no one else entered the cage. There was no network so there was no need to look for evidence of one.

In any case, she continued, the hairs have all now been analysed - all 5,000. And the results of this analysis? Nothing. Thily flashed me a triumphant smile. No evidence of any relevance in the Dutroux affair. Which proves, of course, that Langlois was right all along.

But this is not true. Sources central to the investigation confirm that to date the hairs have still not been analysed. How can such a senior figure lie so brazenly? Another Belgian mystery.

"Who raped the children?" I asked Thily. Dutroux of course.

"But he denies it. How will you prove it to the jury? There was no DNA test?" Now she was indignant. There were DNA tests, Madame.

"And the results?" Inconclusive. The bodies were too decomposed to test for DNA, she says.

But this too makes no sense. The autopsy states clearly that the bodies were not decomposed. Samples were taken. But no one seems to know what has happened to the results.
[x] Guardian, Belgium's silent heart of darkness 7
Dva mjeseca po Dutrouxovom povratku iz istraznog zatvora, nestaje Sabine Dardenne (12), a jos dva i pol mjeseca kasnije i Laetitia Delhez (14).
Vecinu vremena u tamnici u Dutrouxovom podrumu provode drogirane Rohypnolom, i povremeno silovane. Sabine je u celiji provela tri mjeseca, Laetitia tjedan dana, poslije cega je Dutroux konacno uhapsen.
Cetiri dana nakon nestanka Laetitije, Dutroux biva uhapsen, zajedno sa svojom zenom Michelle Martin, i saucesnikom Michel Lelievre-om (sitni lopov, junkie i dealer). Dva dana nakon hapsenja, Dutroux i Lelievre priznaju neke posljednje otmice. Dutroux vodi policiju do svog podruma, i tamnice skrivene u njemu. Policija oslobadja Sabinu i Laetitiju, otete tri mjeseca odn. tjedan dana ranije. Tokom sljedecih dva tjedna, policija otkriva lokacije zakopanih tijela osmogodisnjih Julie i Mélisse (u vrtu iste te kuce), i nesto kasnije otetih An i Eefje (ispod supe od jedne druge njegove kuce).
Dolazak Jean-Marc Connerottea na polozaj istraznog suca u okrugu Neufchâteau znacio je prekretnicu u napretku istrage koja je dotad radila sve samo ne istrazivala. Konacno je jedan sposoban i rijesen covjek poceo voditi slucaj, i hapsenja, priznanja i spasavanja zivih djevojcica (i pronalazenje tijela mrtvih), su munjevito uslijedili. Takodjer i daljnja hapsenja (M. Nihoul, vidi nize), efikasno prikupljanje dokaza, i inventivni napori da se istrazi sto vise pomogne, te da se zlocinu otmice i zlostavljanja djece sto prije stane na kraj - izmedju ostaloga pozivom svim zrtavama pedofilskog nasilja, da pomognu policiji u razumjevanju problema; sto je rezultiralo grupom tzv. X-svjedoka (vidi nize).
Addressing the jury of 12 at the Arlon Palais de Justice yesterday, Judge Connerotte relived the moment in August 1996 when his team rescued the two girls, Sabine Dardenne, 12, and Laetitia Delhez, 14, from the cage beneath Dutroux's house in the slums of Charleroi.

He said the girls recoiled back into the cell when the 450lb hidden door was pulled open, fearing that the paedophile "band" had come to get them.
As Dutroux coaxed them out, saying there was nothing to fear, they clutched on to him as their protector.

"They thanked and embraced him, which is truly disgusting," Judge Connerotte said. "That shows how far they had been conditioned. It was Macchiavellian."

Sabine had been seized as she cycled to school, then smuggled to Charleroi in the boot of a car and held for 79 days, much of the time chained by the neck.
Dutroux admitted this week that he had raped her 20 times but he denies that he is a paedophile. 27

I was distressed by the constant attention on the Dutroux case. I have never believed in God, but when I saw the pictures of the liberation of Sabine and Laetitia, I rushed into the bathroom. Without really knowing what I was doing, I kneeled down in front of the mirror and began to pray: ‘Thank you, God, thank you! At last! At last they have freed two of them!’ The policemen who led Sabine and Laetitia into a car were the white knights I had dreamed of throughout all those years. They never came for me. Every time T. drove home completely drunk I hoped the police would stop him for a breath-test. Nowadays I hear about these things all the time, but they didn’t exist at the time.8
Regine Louf, svjedok X1
Dan nakon oslobodjenja dviju djevojcica, Dutrouxov poznanik Michel Nihoul, briselski impresario i biznismen, biva takodjer uhapsen pod sumnjom saucesnistva u otmicama nekih od djevojcica.
Michel Nihoul je bio vlasnik night-cluba, i jednog lokalnog radija, organizirao je predizborne kampanje nekim lokalnim politicarima, a bio je i poznat kao organizator partyja, cesto za high-class klijentelu, u lokalnim dvorcima. Kao sto se ispostavilo u jednom dijelu istrage, pravilniji izraz za neke od ovih partyja je "orgije".
Nihoul's attorney, Frederic Clement de Clety, admits his client arranged orgies for many prominent people - "but no one has proved that there were children at any of these parties. [x]Michel Nihoul isn't interested in children. He likes older women." 17
Vise X-svjedoka (vidi nize) opisuje ga kao centralnu licnost u krugovima sex-trgovine, covjeka koji organizira seksualne i sadisticke orgije, kljucnu figuru koja povezuje "underworld" otmice i nabavke djece i djevojaka, i "overworld" high-class sudionika u tim orgijama.
"I certainly don’t want to exonerate them, but I would rather have paedophiles than the types we were involved with. There were men who never touched the children. Whether you were five, ten, or fifteen didn’t matter. What mattered to them was sex, power, experience. To do things they would never have tried with their own wives. Among them there were some real sadists. Or some who you had to sleep with and it all seemed alright. When it was over, he would sit on the side of the bed and drink some cognac. Then he exploded and beat you up. There were also homosexuals who cut a girl first for hours, [x]which excited them a lot, and then went with a boy".
X1, Regina Louf
Premda jedan od suoptuzenih za otmice i ubistva u Dutroux slucaju, na kraju je oslobodjen tih optuzbi, kao sto je cijelo vrijeme tvrdio da ce se desiti, i dobiva samo manju kaznu, za aktivnosti vezane uz drogu. Cinjenica da Nihoul ima jake i brojne veze u visim krugovima, te da su ove orgije gotovo uvijek potajno snimane, i najcesce zapravo i radjene upravo u svrhu ucjene 3, 7, 8, 9, 25, objasnjava Nihoulovu samouvjerenost da nece doci pred sud, kao i kasniju snaznu medijsku kampanju za "ciscenje" njegovog imena (vidi nize).
Nihoul darkly suggests that if he's ever convicted in the Dutroux case, he will name names, including "ministers and people even higher." 17

The common knowledge [was] that several government officials, police officers, and a former European Commissioner frequently attended Nihoul's orgies at Neufchâteau" 24

Threatened with suicide

In April 2004 an EU centered, satirical and investigative research journal The Sprout raised disturbing questions about Belgian politics suggesting this was much more than a spike of corruption and decadence within its institutions, or as their editorial ran:

If "Belgium is a thousand layers of shit", as one Belgian politician describes it, then has it rubbed off on the European politicians and officials based in its capital? The Belgian politician continued, "You cannot hope to understand Belgian politics until you understand blackmail". [...]

And further:

[...] a senior Belgian government official has confessed to The Sprout that he is embarrassed by one clause that will ensure that any freedom will be limited in the interests of the monarchy, the government or the State.

Once again we can understand just how powerfully connected the use of blackmail seems to be in the rising reports of institutional paedophilia for all too obvious reasons. It is a vastly important covert tool for intelligence agencies and the wider geo-political manipulations which follow from such controls. What better way to ensure maximum obedience within the network of the faithful? Do this for me and you can have as much as you want. Oh, just in case you grow a conscience - we've filmed you.

Within the lower and upper echelons of society, the bait and catch operandi will differ according to hierarchical status and the "quality" of the agent. There are those who will refuse to be coerced nor have the same predatory inclinations. For such people who will not be bought, intimidated or black-mailed, there is always the option of "death by accident" or "misadventure" "cause unknown" "apparent suicide."

According to The Sprout, a senior Politician involved in the Dutroux case and who could therefore not be named, stated:

For those who simply knew and showed signs of being troubled by their knowledge and compliance, they were threatened through anonymous phone calls which said we’ll do the same to your children. And others, who perhaps were more involved, were threatened with suicide.
[x] Stanley B. Stillingfleet, In Defense Of The Innocent 25

BBC-jeva Olenka Frenkiel ga je upoznala kad je istrazivala (6 mjeseci) za Correspondent dokumentarac:
I met Nihoul in a restaurant in Brussels. 'I am the Monster of Belgium,' he roared at me by way of greeting. He is confident he will never come to trial and that the evidence against him will never be heard by any jury. During the course of our meal he, apparently playfully, grabbed me, tickling, and finally pulled me over on to him in the restaurant booth until I had to appeal to my colleagues for rescue. He will never come to court, he said, because the information he has about important people in Belgium would bring the government down. The Monster of Belgium denies he's a paedophile but seemed to enjoy his notoriety and demanded L1,000 for his story. We declined his offer. Every documentary likes a monster but we don't pay for interviews and frankly I'd already had enough.
Guardian: Belgium's silent heart of darkness 7

X1, Regina Louf ga je (pre)dobro poznavala:
"A very cruel man. He abused children in a very sadistic way" 7

"Dutroux was a boy who brought drugs, cocaine to these parties - he brought some girls, watched girls. At these events Nihoul was a sort of party beast, while Dutroux was more on the side." 7

"They organised parties to which we had to invite friends. They were tested. They played little games, watched how the girls reacted, went a bit further and were easily able to pick out their victims. What they preferred was children who had problems with their parents. That way their disappearance would be passed off as running away from home. These girls ended up in the hard core. That’s what happened with Christine. She was one of Nihoul’s girls. He was able to do that: take a girl like her to some bar or other and listen to her talk about her problems for hours on end, with a serious, understanding manner. He would give them little presents and create a secret world between them." 8

"Miche [op: Nihoul. X1 za vrijeme boravka u mrezi uopce nije znala njegovo puno ime; kao ni puno ime ikog drugog] was a brutal type. Nothing would stop him. I still feel distress when I think of him. I must say I was astonished when I heard that he was involved in the kidnap of Laetitia. It wasn’t his style. He wasn’t the sort who was willing to get his hands dirty. And I was even more surprised when I heard that his alibi consisted in saying that he was doing up a flat with Michel Vanderelst (she pulls a face). A flat! Nihoul and Vanderelst busy with brushes, wallpaper, and hammers. Come off it!
I have only seen him hammering a nail once, and that wasn’t in a wall (she laughs). Sorry, that’s not funny". 8

What Louf had described was a macabre torture which had eventually killed a 15-year-old girl she knew as Chrissie [Christine Van Hees]. "It was a sort of bondage," she told me, "so her legs and her hands and her throat were connected with the same rope, and so when she moved she strangled herself." Louf insists both Nihoul and Dutroux were there that night. Nihoul, she claims, took part in the murder, a charge he denies.
[x]Dutroux, she says, watched. 7

Nihoul i Dutroux su se po vlastitoj prici upoznali tek godinu dana ranije. Kako se poslije ispostavilo, nakon sto je Regina Louf (svjedok X1) tvrdila da su vec u ranim osamdesetim Nihoul i Dutroux bili zajedno prisutni pri ubistvima Christine Van Hees i Carine Dellaert sa samog pocetka moje price (pri cemu je Nihoul bio jedan od aktivnih sudionika i mucitelja, a Dutroux promatrac sa strane), kad su 13 godina stari dosjei otvoreni, ispostavilo se da u tim slucajevima ima vise od jednog traga koji vodi ka Nihoulu (i Dutrouxu). Medjutim, ti tragovi nikad nisu praceni. Zasto? Mozda ovo moze objasniti cinjenica, koja se razotkrila tek negdje 1998, da je istrazni sudac koji je vodio slucaj Van Hees, Jean-Claude Van Espen, imao visestruke veze sa Nihoulom - upravo u vrijeme Van Hees ubistva, Van Espen je branio Nihoulovu tadasnju zenu najmanje dva puta; a bio je i sogor politicara kojem je Nihoul organizirao izborne kampanje.
In the file on Nihoul at Neufchâteau, there is another highly significant statement by Nihoul himself. During questioning on 8 October 1996, Nihoul said that he met Van Espen "at the time when he worked occasionally for the practice of the lawyers of Annie Bouty and Philippe Deleuze." 14 When De Morgen asked Van Espen on Tuesday of last week whether he had once been Annie Bouty’s lawyer, he replied categorically: "It is a barefaced lie. I have never defended Annie Bouty." When we gave him the exact references of the order in question, his tone changed abruptly: "Maybe I did defend her once to replace another lawyer; that may be possible."
De Morgen, 9 January 1998 14

Two years ago a Belgian journalist revealed the close relationship between the investigating Judge - Van Espen and two of those accused by Regina Louf in the murder she witnessed, of Christine Van Hees. Yet, when Regina Louf accused Nihoul and his wife of the murder, Judge Van Espen saw no conflict of interest, no reason to resign. Nor was he sacked, as Connerotte had been. Instead he ordered the police officers to stay out of the case. Van Espen resigned as the Judge in charge of the investigation only after his relationship with Nihoul, one of the accused, was exposed.
[x] BBC Correspondent, "Belgium's X-Files" 1
Oko tog vremena, istrazni sudac Connerotte upucuje javni poziv zrtvama pedofila i seksualnog zlostavljanja, da se jave policiji i ispricaju sto znaju, pod obecanjem anonimnosti. Na ovaj poziv se odaziva desetak osoba, koji su nazvani X-svjedoci, no cija svjedocanstva na kraju nisu ukljucena u proces.
Prva saslusanja X1, premda nevoljka i stura, su vec sadrzavala stvari zbog kojih bi poneki interogatori (kako se to kod nas kaze?) povremeno u bijesu i nevjerici izjurili na hodnik vicuci "The bastards!".
Ova 28-godisnja zena je pricala kako je od malena, sve do prije nesto godina, bila dio mreze djecje prostitucije, u koju ju je gurnula njena majka - kojoj je to isto napravila pak njena majka - te o postojecoj praksi vrbovanja, zavodjenja i otimanja mladih djevojaka, i kidnapiranja djece, za podvodjenje i prostituciju (najcesce u svrhu ucjene), i ponekad perverzne orgije koje su uvijek ukljucivale nasilje; od silovanja i prebijanja, pa sve do svirepog mucenja i ubijanja; a sudionici kojih su vecinom bili obiteljski ljudi, advokati, bankari, ponekad i javne licnosti, visoki suci, politicari, i probrane face iz visokog drustva. (Neki drugi "X svjedoci", koji su se vremenom javili, su spominjali i clanove kraljevske porodice, a jedna cak i belgijskog kralja). Mucenja koja se prakticiraju nisu samo fizicka - X1 je, kao i mnoge druge zrtve, vise puta morala birati koja ce prijateljica iz grupe biti sljedeca ubijena; sto u praksi znaci mucena do smrti. Jedan od glavnih i najcescih "igraca" je bio covjek kojeg je ona znala samo kao Miche-a - Michel Nihoul. Covjek u sredini, s vezama "prema gore" (tj. prema otmjenim "musterijama" njegovih partyja) i "prema dolje" - ka kriminalnom polusvijetu koji je pribavljao zrtve; logisticki centar mreze, bar u tom kraju. Dutroux se takodjer povremeno pojavljivao u ovoj drugoj, kriminalnoj grupi, i u godinama kad je X1 bila "unutra" bio je prvenstveno potrcko, koji je nabavljao drogu, automobile, i sl. Ponekad i djevojke.
Jedan od obicnom covjeku nevjerojatnih detalja koji se pojavio u svjedocanstvima vise X-svjedoka su hunting-parties, tj. lovovi (hajke) na golu djecu, u privatnim parkovima, sa samostrelima, i dobermanima.
In the course of her testimony, Gini [op: Regina] talked about snuff movies, the murder of children and even hunting parties during which naked children ran in a park and were shot with crossbows. She said that she had learnt what drove these clients to such extremes: a sort of addiction to power, the power to decide over pain, life and death. She spoke of businessmen, politicians – some of them well-known, others less so – magistrates, doctors and men with families. XI got to know a series of children who, like her, had been part of the network for years. Until they became too old and/or were thought to talk too much. Most of them, said XI, had to be profitable until the last breath. 8
"I learned to survive. Sometimes it was just non-verbal language, like in the hunting parties. The children were in a row, and had to choose a hunter themselves. I always acted as if ‘I’m one of you’. I always stood next to the ones who laughed. The ones who laughed were the most nervous. They were doing it for the first time and they had been drinking. So they shot wide."
[x] De Morgen, 10 January 1998, Interview With Regina Louf, Witness Xi At Neufchateau8
Posto istrazitelji ispocetka vecinom nisu vjerovali njenom svjedocanstvu - jer je cesto bilo too much za povjerovati - htjeli su provjeriti ili opovrgnuti njene tvrdnje. Paznju im je privalcila njena samouvjerenost pri iznosenju detalja; izmedju ostalog, ispravno je navela vise javno nepoznatih adresa javno poznatih figura, i ispravno opisivala unutrasnjosti njihovih kuca; pa cak i znala imena njihovih tadasnjih pasa. Nakon nekog vremena, kad je krenula iznositi detalje nekih silovitih i mucnih ubistava, poceli su kopati po starim slucajevima. Ubrzo su otkrili da detalji nekih prica odgovaraju najmanje dvima nerazjasnjenim ubistvima iz vremena o kojem je govorila, ranim osamdesetim. (Radi se o ubistvima spomenutim na pocetku ovog posta, sesnaestogodisnjih Christine Van Hees i Carine Dellaert). Kad su poceli zadirati u jos vece detalje, kako njenih prica tako i preko deceniju starih dosjea, ne samo da su se pojavljivale stvari koje bas nikako nije mogla znati (osim da je stvarno bila prisutna), i da je u oba slucaja konacno razrijesila neke nerazjasnjene i neobjasnjive detalje starih slucajeva, vec se vise puta ispostavljala preciznijom nego dokumentacija samih slucajeva! Za detalje klikni ovdje.
Zbog svjedocanstva X1, koja tvrdi da su Nihoul i Dutroux bili prisutni pri ubistvu Christine Van Hees, ponovno je otvoren stari slucaj - i ubrzo jos 5 njih - koji je nakon 13 godina neuspjeha bio zatvoren tek tri mjeseca prije pocetka slucaja Dutroux. Premda slucaj sluzbeno opet vodi isti istrazni sudac Van Espen, tim Patricka De Batesa, koji po nalogu istraznog suca Connerottea saslusava X1, je jedini koji slucaj uistinu proucava.
Izmedju ostaloga, u dokumentaciji otkrivaju da zapravo nije ni bio potreban slucaj Dutroux, i svjedok X1, jer tragovi prema Nihoulu i Dutrouxu postoje vec od pocetka u starom slucaju; u imenima ljudi koje je Christine vidjala prije nestanka, u mjestima gdje se kretala, poput Nihoulovog radija, itd. No ti tragovi nikad nisu praceni. (ociti razlog tome, premda De Baetsovi istrazitelji to tad jos ne znaju, je to sto je Van Espen imao visestruke veze s Nihoulom, vidi gore za detalje). Jedan pokazatelj zara s kojim je stari slucaj vodjen, je i to sto su roditelji za zatvaranje slucaja bili doznali u pismu javnog tuziteljstva u kojem je pisalo "vasa kcer Claudine" (umjesto Christine).
X1 je opisivala stanje tijela pri smrti preciznije nego je u svoje vrijeme igdje javno pisalo; a par puta ispada preciznija i od sluzbenih zapisnika.
Premda je kuca u kojoj je nadjeno tijelo nakon pozara razrusena, X1 je opisivala unutrasnjost sa detaljima koji su zapanjili covjeka koji je u njoj odrastao, sina nekadasnjeg vlasnika shampinjonerije, kad su policija i novinari provjeravali njene navode7, 10.
Osim sto je objasnila neke od neobjasnjivih rana na tijelu, tvrdila je da je zica kojom su Christini na kraju zajedno zavezane ruke, noge i vrat bila zica za struju s nagorenom izolacijom. Medjutim u policijskim zapisnicima, i u forenzickom izvjestaju, kao i u svoj svojevremenoj stampi, pise bodljikava zica. Istrazitelji ju pokusavaju uvjeriti da grijesi, no ona inzistira. Na kraju ipak odlaze u Ghent i provjeravaju stare fizicke dokaze. Nalaze elektricnu zicu s nagorenom izolacijom.10
Christine Van Hees's body had been found in 1984 dumped in the grounds of a disused mushroom farm on the outskirts of Brussels. The farm was later demolished but in 1996 Louf described to the police team its intricate details, the wallpaper, the sinks, hooks on the ceiling, a network of stairs and adjoining rooms unique to that building.

When I put this evidence to Anne Thily, Prosecutor General of Licge, in overall charge of the Dutroux affair, she gave me a shrug and repeated the official line in Belgium, that Louf is a fantasist and has invented everything.

This is not the view of the man who grew up at the farm, the son of the former owner, who showed me photographs of the house and the mushroom factory. He said: 'I have never met Regina Louf. All I know is that she could not have described the house as well as she did unless she'd been there. It was two houses joined together in a strange way. It would be impossible to invent it.'
Guardian, Belgium's silent heart of darkness 7

X1 se smatra djelomicno krivom za Christininu smrt:
"In the network, there were some experienced girls, like me, whose parents had left them at a very early age. There were also girls who were approached by adults and gradually introduced into the network. We had to take these girls under our wing. If they committed a mistake, it was we who were punished. That’s the way it worked. With Christine it didn’t work at all. She was lost. Three or four months before her death, she had met Nihoul. He made all sorts of promises. It was only at the end that she realised the truth. She wanted to leave, she told me. She told me that she had a secret diary hidden away somewhere. I told her to speak to her parents and ask them to protect her. I then made the stupid mistake of speaking about it with another girl. She had just received a beating because of Christine and she went to tell Nihoul about the secret diary. They planned the execution straight away. She had to die, as an example to the rest of us." 10

Do you feel guilty?

XI (coldly): "What do you think? Try to put yourself in my shoes. Imagine that you have to choose between your two best friends. To really choose. One of them is going to die. I had to do that several times. That’s why I never sleep more than two hours a night. I could easily say ‘I was the most cunning’, but in my life I’ve done nothing but choose. All those people I knew pass before me every night. Choose, Gini, this one or that one?

"Obviously I feel guilty. Clo, Christine, the other girls stayed behind me. They could have done much more with their lives than me. Why me? Take Christine. I admit that at the beginning, like the other experienced girls, I took a dislike to her. I was worried about her naive and loving behaviour. 'Her and her Miche'. How could she be so stupid? I thought: wait, my girl, until you really get to know him. The second time I saw her, she was already less enthusiastic. I was chosen to train her. This meant I had to pay when the new girl wasn’t ‘liberated’ enough. Christine caused me a lot of worries. The victims did not show solidarity with each other. There was a lot of jealousy." 8

Pozar, i otkrivanje tijela, uopce nisu bili slucajni:
In your account of the murder of Christine Van Hees, there are some curious elements. After other murders, the bodies were hidden professionally. Here attention was attracted immediately by the fire.

XI: "I’ll tell you something I still haven’t told the investigators. To give you an idea of the feeling of impunity they had. They had made a bet. They bet to know who they would set up for this murder. They knew that some punks hung about in these ruins and they knew they would be arrested. It was a game. Making a body disappear had become so simple that for once they wanted to do something more spectacular. That’s how it worked. More and more tension, more and more adrenaline. To go beyond the limits…"

How do you know things like that? They wouldn’t tell that to a victim?

XI: "My survival instinct. When you’ve been inside so long, you behave like a little dog who follows his master, even if he beats you. What else could I have done? I saw my friends disappear all the time. I couldn’t get attached to them because I might lose them from one day to the next. The only stable values were my torturers. So I turned towards them. They were my gods. They decided over my pain, my life and my death. I could only survive if I took my place by their side. So that’s what I did. During their conversations they forgot I was there. I was like a house dog, I had become invisible. I acted as if I didn’t understand French. I hardly speak the language, but I understand it only too well. So I learned a lot. I learned to survive. [x]Sometimes it was just non-verbal language, like in the hunting parties." 8
Carine Dellaert (16) nestala je 1982, a njeno tijelo pronadjeno je u stadiju poodmaklog propadanja tri godine kasnije. X1 je tvrdila da je Carine zivjela jos godinu dana nakon nestanka, trudna i skrivena. Opisivala je kako je bila prisutna pri njenom mucnom i dugom porodjaju (u sklopu jos jedne sadisticke seanse). X1 ju je morala sama poroditi. Dijete je odmah po rodjenju odneseno u drugu prostoriju, i X1 ne zna sto je bilo s njim. (Ne zna detalje - no sto je generalno bilo s djetetom to joj je vise nego jasno: X1 je i sama tokom zivota u mrezi rodila cak 4 puta, i svih cetvoro djece joj je odmah oduzeto, da bi bili ubijeni za zabavu). Proucavajuci dokumentaciju starog slucaja De Baetsov tim ustanovljava da se ni u medijima niti u policijskim izvjestajima bas nigdje ne spominje trudnoca. No ispostavlja se da se u zapisniku s autopsije spomnije vise detalja koji jasno ukazuju na trudnocu, pa i porod, pri smrti.
If the search for the murderers of Carine Dellaert didn’t lead to very much at the time, it certainly wasn’t because of Dr. Timperman. In his 40-page autopsy report, he listed all the details of his findings regarding the remains of the body. He was unable, due to the state of the body, to estimate the date of death. One of the details he noted initially caused some doubts about the identity of the victim. The girl in the tank was much heavier than Carine Dellaert. She was wearing a 90 cm. cup bra – a few sizes bigger than Carine. Dr. Timperman found an explanation for this anomaly. The following extract is taken from his report of 24 September 1985:

"At the level of the pelvis there is a small piece of soft, woody tissue. It is a piece of "crayon laminaire", an old medical instrument used to dilate the neck of the womb in order to facilitate the delivery of a baby. This instrument is now rarely used because it causes great pain for the mother."

"Presence in the bra of a small square of gauze, which indicates a swelling of the breasts and a loss of liquid. This is frequent in women who are pregnant for the first time."

Everything pointed to the fact that the young girl lived another eight or nine months after her disappearance. Timperman also described the objects found in the tank. There were a total of nineteen objects, mainly coins and pieces of jewellery. But there were also:

"Two Gillette razor-blades."

When the BSR officers received the Timperman report at the end of 1996, they immediately analysed what the press had written on the subject of the discovery of the body of Carine Dellaert in 1985. Not a word about her pregnancy. Not even in the shortest paragraph after Carine’s disappearance in 1982. No-one had mentioned a pregnancy.
[x] De Morgen, 8 January 1998, The Girl Who Gave Birth In Secret 11
X1 spominje i V., ucenicu iz Carininog razreda, koja je po njoj takodjer ubijena od strane istih ljudi. Istrazitelji utvrdjuju da je uistinu 1983 godine umrla V. iz njenog razreda, medjutim kao razlog smrti navodi se tumor. Njena smrt nikad nije ni smatrana ubistvom. Incidentally, autopsiju su potpisala dva doktora koje X1 spominje kao redovite posjetioce mucnih "soirées" (veceri, seansi). Sluzbeni zahtjevi za exhumacijom tijela V. nikad ne bivaju uslisani.
Usprkos svemu ovome, nesto kasnije svjedocanstva X1 bivaju proglasena izmisljotinama osobe bujne i bolesne maste, istrazni sudac Connerotte je smjenjen, a malo kasnije i De Baets i njegov tim, i svjedocanstva grupe X bivaju odbacena.
In fact I told them a lot more than I wanted to. Partly because of the stubbornness of De Baets and the first team of investigators. For the first time in my life, I had the impression that my story was being taken seriously. Sometimes, however, they treated me harshly. When they questioned me on the subject of certain names, I always wanted to know why. In general I gave very short answers. That’s why they had to ask a lot of questions. Now this is interpreted as ‘leading questions’, but that wasn’t the case. I wanted to know where they wanted to get to, partly out of anxiety. I wasn’t willing to get just anyone into trouble. I knew people who, at one party or another, were made to get drunk and then led into a bedroom where a 16-year-old girl would be waiting for them. I didn’t want to destroy the lives of people like that. Then there were some people I wanted to avoid because I knew that what I had to say would be completely unbelievable.
X1 8
Jedan momenat koji je bitan u cijeloj stvari i cijeloj mrezi, i koji objasnjava jaki otpor na koji istraga cijelo vrijeme nailazi, i konacno uspjesni cover-up, je to sto se mreza velikim dijelom koristi za ucjenu, i drzanje pod kontrolom velikog broja utjecajnih ljudi.
"I took part in a lot of murderous orgies, but more often in orgies that had no aim except blackmail"

"I knew many people who, at one party or another, were made to get drunk and then led into a bedroom where a 16-year-old girl would be waiting for them"
Regina Louf 8

Belgium is a thousand layers of shit. You cannot hope to understand Belgian politics until you understand blackmail.
anonimni Belgijski politicar, o Belgiji 25

“For those who simply knew and showed signs of being troubled by their knowledge and compliance, they were threatened through anonymous phone calls which said we’ll do the same to your children. And others, who perhaps were more involved, were threatened with suicide.”
[x] drugi anonimni Belgijski politicar, o Dutroux slucaju 25
Drugi najznacajniji svjedok, sto se networka tice, bila je X3, starija zena. I ona je od malena bila dio mreze, i pretrpjela je strahote kao i X1, a neke - ako je to uopce moguce - i gore.
Sada je bila aktivna i cjenjena savjetnica za zrtve seksualnog nasilja i aktivni borac protiv djecje prostitucije. Ona je pricala o 50-im, 60-im i 70-im godinama dvadesetog stoljeca, i njena prica bila je vrlo slicna onoj od X1, samo jos malo gora - i u pogledu sadrzaja (sta se sve radilo), i u pogledu vinovnika. Jer osim nekih poznatih politicara (vecinom iz proslosti), izmedju kojih i jednog kojeg i X1, ova zena prva spominje i clanove belgijske kraljevske porodice. Njena prica zapravo nema nista ni sa Nihoulom ni sa Dutrouxom, koji su tada jos bili djeca. No bazicna prica, sadisticka mreza, njen ustroj, praksa, mjesta, pa i neki likovi, su isti; ista mreza, samo generacija prije.
Veliki broj stvari koje ona i drugi X svjedoci opisuju, kojima su posvjedocile i u kojima su bile prisiljene sudjelovati, normalna osoba uopce ne moze zamisliti (da netko nekome radi, a nekmoli djeci).
Samo je ljudska glupost beskonacna, kazu neki - ali njena sestra svirepost nimalo ne zaostaje, reci su samo toliko; bar na ovom nivou.
[op: mada nevjerojatno zvuci, izostavljam par najgorih stvari]

In a section of the file dated 2 June 1997, X3 tells her whole story. It is atrocious. She speaks of a castle surrounded by a park where children "waited for their turn" locked in dungeons. [...]. The group of people - about fifty of them - was always the same. She recognised only a few of them. Here the "soirées" never finished without any deaths. The guests hunted naked children, set free in the park, with Dobermans. Children were attached to planks and tortured with razor-blades and needles. [...]
Annemie Bulté, Douglas De Coninck and Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck: Les Dossiers X19
[x] (The X Files - What Belgium should not have known about the Dutroux affair), pp. 315-320
Na Connerotteovo mjesto dolazi sudac Jacques Langlois, nesto manje iskusan.
Nesto manje iskusan? To se ja igram rijecima, da vas sad jos jace shokiram: naime na mjesto iskusnog Connerottea, ocito jedinog sposobnog suca u cijeloj istrazi, se postavlja Jacques Langlois, kojemu je ovo - pazi sad - prvi slucaj u karijeri. Pa ti vidi.
Postavlja ga naravno ona ista drzavna tuziteljica kojoj je teza da nema potrebe traziti dokaze za nesto sto ionako nije dokazano.
In the space of a few weeks, the Bourlet-Connerotte team discovered the bodies of Julie, Melissa, An, Eefje and Loubna, and saved Sabine and Laetitia.
In the space of four years*, Langlois has not made the slightest progress: we still know NOTHING about the abduction, the imprisonment, the abuse and the circumstances of the death of the young girls.15
[* pisano 2000; nakon toga, niti daljnjih 4 godine nisu pomakle istragu ni za jotu]

The "lone predator" theory, which was used in Dutroux's defence, and which the magistrate Langlois supported publicly in August 1998 (before the start of his investigation into the case of Julie and Melissa which he only began in February 1999...), leads him to shocking contortions in his investigation:

- He asked at a very late date for a report from a nutritionist to establish at all costs, according to Michelle Martin, that two 8-year-old girls could have survived for 106 days (during Dutroux's arrest from 6 December 1995 to 26 March 1996) in a cell measuring 3 square meters, without ventilation or light, feeding on tinned foods whose existence has never been proven, and wisely consuming Rhohypnol tablets... It is Dutroux himself who claims to have left these tins in the cell where the young girls were found. But he has often changed his mind about the exact amount of food, and even the largest amount mentioned would not have been sufficient to allow the children to survive... The nutritionist's report lists the many reasons why it seems impossible for the girls to have survived and concludes: "possible but highly improbable". What is Langlois' opinion on the matter (expressed to the Court)? "It is possible."

- Three experts established, with horrific evidence, that the little girls had been subjected to terrible sexual abuse; these three experts had had access to the corpses. Three years later, Langlois found nothing better to do than to ask for a counter-opinion to make sure that the injuries were really caused by sexual abuse! The expert appointed stated that, since he only had access to photos and videos, it was not possible to say for certain that the sexual injuries were due to rape! Langlois' predictable conclusion: we should allow Dutroux the benefit of the doubt.

- Implicit conclusion: Dutroux imprisoned the young girls for several months without touching them or, as one journalist who some people insist on taking seriously has dared to claim, he intended to entertain them paternally and wait until they grew up before touching them. The same Dutroux who raped numerous minors both before and after the abduction of Julie and Melissa!
[x] Françoise Van de Morteel, The Disappearance And Murder Of Children: An "Affaire D'etat"15
Deset mjeseci nakon smjene Connerottea, i ekipa financijskog odjela Briselske zandarmerije, vodjena warrant-officerom Patrickom de Baetsom, koja je radila na saslusanju X-svjedoka i provjeri njihovih svjedocanstava, biva otpustena s duznosti.
Sudac Van Espen (isti onaj koji je jos ranih osamdesetih imao veze s Nihoulom, vidi gore), koji sluzbeno iz Brusselsa vodi Van Hees slucaj i sad i u osamdesetim, pocinje se zaliti da financijski odjel, koji sad vodi, ima manjak ljudi jer De Baetsov tim (njegovi podredjeni) sad svu snagu posvecuju slucaju Dutroux, umjesto financijskim istragama. Povlaci dokumentaciju De Baetsovog preispitivanja svog starog slucaja iz Neufchâteau-a u Brussels, i nalazi da je u njoj izmedju ostaloga njegova stara istraga opisana kao povrsna, te da se kritizira ne-slijedjenje postojecih tragova prema Nihoulu i Dutrouxu. Na to organizira kampanju optuzbi da De Baetsovi ljudi krivo zapisuju X saslusanja, da postavljaju tzv. sugestivna pitanja, i uskoro uspjesno uklanja tim sa slucaja. Istovremeno, u medijima se organizira smear-kampanja u kojoj se ismijavaju rezultati dvije promasene racije, koje zapravo uopce nije pokrenuo De Baetsov tim. Zbog ovog propada dobar plan o trinaest istovremenih racija 12. Van Espen sad pak naredjuje re-examination De Baetsove dokumentacije sa saslusanja X1; za vrijeme koje re-evauluacije suspendira De Baetsa i par kljucnih ljudi. Premda je ova re-evaluacija trebala trajati par tjedana, tjedni postaju mjeseci, poslje nje ide jos jedna, pa jos jedna, i mjeseci postaju godine. Transkripti su svaki put malo drukciji (postoje i video zapisi, i grupa novinara je imala priliku vidjeti sve tri-cetiri verzije, i usporediti s originalnim videom saslusanja); pola transkriptora su bili frankofoni, koji su jedva natucali flamanski, na kojem su saslusanja vodjena 13, 21. De Baetsov tim, jedini ljudi koji su jos nesto radili, nikad nije vracen na posao, resursi su zauzeti dugogodisnjim mrnjavljenjem po istim snimkama i detaljima recenica, ktome jos "izgubljenim u prijevodu", i istrazivanje slucaja Van Hees se posve zapostavlja...

...sve dok jednog dana jedan officer ne "zaboravlja" kompletni X1 Van Hees dossier na zadnjem sjedistu nezakljucanog automobila (ma vi's ti vraga, mala nepaznja), dossier biva ukraden, i nikad vise ne nadjen.

Case closed, laku noc.
While awaiting the results of the "re-examination", investigating magistrate Van Espen has been following a new trail for the last few weeks: that of the Brussels punks...10

U ovo isto vrijeme desava se nesto spektakularno, i odlucujuce za javnu percepciju slucaja; i na kraju i za sluzbenu sudbinu X grupe svjedocanstava. Ime dotad anonimne svjedokinje X1, Regina Louf, odjednom "procuruje" u medije; istovremeno pocinje vrlo snazna medijska kampanja, predvodjena drzavnom televizijom RTBF, na tri fronte, tj s tri distinktne teme 1, 7, 9, 16, 25, 29:

1. Regina Louf je kompulzivni lazov koji izmislja fantasticne price da bi privukla paznju
2. Dutroux je "lone wolf", usamljeni manijak koji otima djevojcice i siluje ih u svom podrumu; iskljucivo sam, nikakva pedofilsko-sadisticka mreza ne postioji; i
3. Nihoul je nevina zrtva okolnosti, i cinjenice da je u krivo vrijeme dao Dutrouxu, daljnjem poznaniku, da mu popravi auto.

Belgium's flagship current affairs television programme, Au Nom de La Loi , floated Louf's face over a backdrop of crows pecking over debris orchestrated by a Blair Witch-style soundtrack. Her ageing parents appeared as tragic victims of a deranged fantasist, whose false memories had blighted their last years.

What the programme makers knew but didn't say was that the parents had already admitted to police that a family friend in his forties, Tony Van den Bogaert, had had a key to their home and unlimited access to their 12-year-old daughter. Nor did they tell their viewers that Van den Bogaert had himself admitted his relationship with Louf to police. Van den Bogaert lives freely on the borders of Belgium and Holland unmolested by the law or the press. Au Nom de La Loi has never attempted to track him down and expose this self-confessed paedophile. Instead they have devoted hours of air-time to destroying the name of his victim, Louf, whose only offence appears to be that she was prepared to testify about the organised abuse she'd suffered as a child.
Guardian, Belgium's Silent Heart Of Darkness7
Tony, the family friend, has never denied that he has had a relationship with you when you were still a minor. But it was supposedly with mutual consent.

A doctor has recently been convicted because he had had sex with a patient who was under age. Even if she would have agreed to it, it was illegal because she wasn’t yet sixteen. After Tony had confessed, Nicole De Rouck of the Ghent judiciary stated that I was early mature and that I had agreed to having sex. They have made an exception just for me.

As I child I was raised by my grandmother in Knokke (at the Belgian coast). When I was sent back to Ghent I had no emotional tie with my parents anymore. My mother drank from morning till night. I was neglected and my parents hardly seemed to know that I existed. And then Tony came into our life. My mother started a relationship with him and really offered me to him. I became his property, at a time when I hadn’t been hugged for two years. Being owned by someone meant to me that at least someone looked after me. I was taken out to dinner and received clothes. I considered him as a parent. I cared for him yes, but not as a lover.32

Some investigators say you gathered together information from old newspapers and filled in the rest of the story at random..

I am beginning to know what I’m accused of. Of course I made some mistakes. Hell, I could no longer tell the difference between day and night! That same weekend, they killed my little boy Tiu. It was a bloody orgy. In the end they took me home – not even to the doorstep, just to a motorway exit. I staggered the rest of the way. For weeks I didn’t utter a word. All I wanted was one thing: to be with Tiu, to die. Now I’m expected to describe that evening calmly as if I were talking about what I ate yesterday. Well I’m not capable. Sorry. I have trouble with the order of events, I know. I mix facts up and put them together in the wrong order. But what I said they did to Christine was checked and it seems to correspond. My account of the events is even more precise than the old police file: the nail, the tampax, the electric wire, the house, the people who did it. It seems that’s not enough. Well it’s a pity. I can’t do any better. I didn’t know that this affair had caused so much fuss in Brussels over the years. I had never heard of the champignonniere. I only remember those big wooden boxes. It was a shock to see all those pictures on TV suddenly. It all came back (long silence).8

Immediately afterwards [nakon kampanje za cicenje Nihoulovog imena], a "campaign of silence" developed around Nihoul: his name hardly appeared in the francophone press – with the exception of Télé Moustique - in the following six months. 9

Regini Louf se u kampanji izmedju ostalog pripisuju stvari koje nikad nije rekla;
Regina Louf has been put in the stocks well beyond Belgium for things she never stated. It was said that she described satanic rituals and that she accused members of the royal family. In actual fact she has never said such things. X3, on the other hand, did so.19

It was alledged that children were kidnapped for ritual sacrifices which proved to be false. However, this line of enquiry received considerable coverage in the Belgium press, almost as though some persons were purposely encouraging such a sensational expose of "Satanism in our midst."

From the historical evidence regarding Satanic abuse it continues to be used as a method of obfuscation and distortion. When proven cases of Satanic abuse have occurred they have often been isolated and separated from any organized and systematic rings, though it is surely conceivable that an organized crime ring or network of porn, prostitution, and sexual slavery would logically have offshoots or branches where such practices did occur. And from the evidence so far - they surely do. However, Focusing on Satanism per se, will always create a deflection from the true sources of power. [...] the Satanism meme frequently occurs when those at the top of the pyramid feel as though investigations are getting a little too close for comfort.
Stanley B. Stillingfleet, In Defense of the Innocent 24

We’ve been talking for a long time and the word Satanism still hasn’t come up.

XI: "An amusing subject at last! (She poses as a ‘governess’). Alright then, Satanism. Put yourself in the torturers’ shoes. When they received new victims into their network, it was extremely important that they shouldn’t speak to anyone about what had happened to them. That’s why they organised ‘ceremonies’. They took the victim to a heavily guarded house and convinced her that it was ‘her’ party. There would then be a great performance with masks, candles, inverted crosses, swords and animals. Rabbits were disembowelled, the blood was poured on naked girls, and some men and women worshipped the devil. We, the experienced girls, were doubled up with laughter when we saw them busy with their carnival masks. ‘They’ve got their vampire costumes on again,’ we would say. I don’t think the torturers got much pleasure out of it. They preferred to be completely naked rather than going round in latex costumes. The only aim of these rituals was to totally disorient the victims. They plagued these kids with a load of nonsense - ‘Now you are the wife of Satan’ – and also gave them coke, LSD or heroin. I can assure you that after that you feel completely outside the real world. That was the aim – that the victim herself should begin to doubt the fact that all this had really happened. The result was that the victims didn’t dare speak to anyone."8

njeni roditelji se pojavljuju u medijima s pricom kako je od malena voljela fantazirati (roditelji koji su ju doslovno prodali majcinom ljubavniku, svodniku Tonyju, za 120 000 franaka).
Your father said that his wife died of grief and shame after your public confession. Did you feel sorry about that?

X1: I had said my farewells to her long before she died. My mother had never protected me. My pimp called her regularly during the night asking her to deliver me to a bar. She drove me over there, knowing very well what would happen. “I’m a good mother, I don’t let go alone”, she then said. And my father too knew what was happening. Tony raped me in the middle of the living room when he came home from work. When he saw what was going on he went up to his room until it was over. 32

And how do you explain the campaign against Regina Louf on RTBF? They showed her parents as victims of a "mythomane" when they knew her parents and her abuser had already confessed to the police that she had been abused regularly as a child. The programme makers have admitted this to me though they have never admitted this to their own audience or attempted to rectify the false impression they presented. Is this a preferable form of journalism to the one you saw on Sunday night?
BBC, Olenka Frenkiel u odgovoru gledaocu koji ju optuzuje za senzacionalizam 5

U medijima se uporno ponavlja da je luda, usprkos tome sto svi psihijatri koji su ju pregledali tvrde suprotno. 1, 16, 25, 32.
Marc Reisinger, poznati psihijatar, jedan od onih koji su pregledavali Reginu za vrijeme istrage:
It seems that some sections of the press have decided to give up thinking in order not to excite the imagination of the people. For many months now these papers have restricted themselves to telling us "what we must think". This credo of the "non-believers" can be summed up in five [sic] points.

1) Dutroux is a lone predator.
This is why you have undoubtedly not read that Michel Lelievre stated that the kidnap of An and Eefje was carried out "on commission". You probably also don’t know that Laetitia, abducted in Bertrix, heard Dutroux calling mysterious interlocutors to tell them "It’s worked!" and that she heard two names mentioned: Michel and Jean-Michel.

2) Nihoul is a scapegoat.
This is why you probably don’t know that a Flemish family recognised Nihoul in Bertix on the eve of Laetitia’s abduction. And you also don’t know that the alibi Nihoul gave for that day (that he was painting a flat) has collapsed. The friend who provided the alibi, the former lawyer Michel Vanderelst (who has already been sentenced for false testimony in the Haemers affair), left Belgium to take refuge in Gambia, a country that does not recognise extradition.

3) Regina Louf is a story-teller.
The papers repeat that she is mad and that she is lying, despite the opinions of all the psychiatrists who have seen her (including me). These papers fail to tell us that Regina’s parents were caught lying about their relationship with Tony, the man who abused and exploited her. Most of the papers have also omitted to mention that Tony has confessed that he had sexual relations with Regina from when she was twelve, that he had the keys to her parents’ house, and that he lent her to a friend on at least one occasion.

You may not even know that the Public Prosecutor’s Department of Ghent closed the inquiry about Regina on the same day as Tony’s confession, and that Tony has not even been charged.

4) There are no important organisations of paedophiles in Belgium.
The Morckhoven ASBL (non-profit organisation) discovered documents concerning a network that abducts children in Germany and hands them over to brothels in Holland, with the active involvement of many Belgian citizens. These documents were given to an MP, Nelly Maes, who handed them over to the Ministry of Justice. Subsequently, a Ministry of Justice official contacted journalists to denigrate Marcel Vervloesem, the head of the Morckhoven ASBL group. Instead of investigating this network and asking why a Ministry official was trying to minimise the affair, these journalists tried to convince Nelly Maes that the documents – in which one can see children of two years old being abused – were not important because they were "old"!

But these documents exist, like many others. For this reason it is impossible to accuse those people who have seen them of having too much imagination. They have to be discredited in some other way. I showed that the journalist René-Philippe Dawant published false cross-examinations of Regina Louf in his book "The Manipulated Inquiry". Instead of questioning Dawant about the origin of these false cross-examinations, Judge Pignolet decided to search my home. And since I did in fact possess documents that would be embarrassing for those who deny the existence of the networks, Mme Somers, the deputy who is supposed to deal with paedophiles, had the bright idea to launch a vice squad inquiry against me!

They have tried in the same way to discredit all those who want the truth to be known, like Marcel Vervloesem, Michel Bouffioux, Marie Jeanne Van Heeswick, the De Morgen journalists, Patriek De Baets, Michel Bourlet and the parents of the victims…

If everyone has too much imagination, I propose that we finally give power to the imagination.
[x] Marc Reisinger, It’s Time to Break the Silence16

Ovo uskoro postaje i sluzbeni stav, i nakon sto su Connerotte i De Bates vec efikasno maknuti, sad i cijeli dossier-X zavrsava u ladici, proglasen bezvrijednim, i nikad ne biva upotrijebljen na sudu.
Are you still helping with the investigation?

X1: "I would like to, but is there still an investigation? And if there is, against who? After De Baets’ team was dismissed, the new investigators got in touch. One of them made it clear that I would no longer be heard as a victim or as a witness. Had I suddenly become an offender or something like that? He replied that he didn’t want to answer that question and that he couldn’t believe I had never felt ‘pleasure’. I had to bite my tongue. I am used to prejudices, but this… They also insisted on talking about my ‘lovers’, while I was living under the illusion that they were looking for my rapists.8

I have been put under psychological pressure. When I was confronted with Tony at the police station, he was treated with a lot of respect. He was given all the time he needed to adapt his answers. For hours it went like “You were in love with him, weren’t you?” “It was all your own fault.” “It was you who crawled into his bed isn’t it?” “How many orgasms did you have?”
I MAY NOT LET THEM CRUSH ME, I was thinking the whole time. The hearing report then turned out to be incomplete. They had taken out the part in which he had admitted that he had prostituted me, although I had been able to describe in detail which type of underpants he used to wear and who he had sent me to bed with. But I finally agreed to sign to get out of there. I refused at first but then they threatened to leave me alone with Tony “until we would come to an agreement”. That night they said on the news that I was a pathological liar…32

The farm was later demolished but in 1996 Louf described to the police team its intricate details, the wallpaper, the sinks, hooks on the ceiling, a network of stairs and adjoining rooms unique to that building.

When I put this evidence to Anne Thily, Prosecutor General of Licge, in overall charge of the Dutroux affair, she gave me a shrug and repeated the official line in Belgium, that Louf is a fantasist and has invented everything. 7
Intrigantan, i po nekima vrlo bitan detalj medijske kampanje, je to sto premda je prica svjedokinje X3 bila jos gora od one X1, i zvucala "gotovo kao parodija svega sto se pocelo suskati i tvrditi o uzasnoj mrezi"19, njen identitet nije bio 'leaked', i ona nije bila izlozena smear-kampanji kao X1 i "posteni policajci". Unatoc tome sto je na prvi pogled za to bila jos bolji materijal - posto su neke od stvari koje ona spominje tako nevjerojatne da bi to naizgled bio jos lakse isprdati i proglasiti fantazijama. Zasto? Dijelom vjerojatno zato sto zbog njenog cjenjenog javnog djelovanja - npr. u njenoj borbi protiv djecje prostitucije ju je bas u to doba javno podrzavao drzavni zastupnik za prava djece - nije bilo politicki podobno sad napasti i nju. Osim toga - i jos vaznije - njena svjedocanstva, premda ne direktno relevantna za Nihoul/Dutroux slucaj, optuzivala su i kraljevsku obitelj - apsolutni tabu u kraljevini Belgiji. Kako "auto-cenzurni" tabu, jer i poceti implicirati njih u bilo kakav zlocin je sigurni career-suicide, tako i zakonski - naime uzivaju Ustavom zagarantirani prakticki potpuni imunitet.

Ustvari ova cinjenica, njeno impliciranje rojalnih igraca, je po najupucenijim analiticarima, autorima knjige Dossiers X, i bila bomba koja je jos ponajvise i naj-jace zakopala cijeli slucaj X i cijelu ideju mreze kao predmeta istrage; sve i da istraga nije vec bila maksimalno sabotirana od brojnih snaga, sto direktnih krivaca, sto korumpiranih zrtvava ucjene od strane Nihoula et al. Kao sto kazu autori, "da je policija uistinu sluzbeno potvrdila makar i djelic dosjea 109/96 (u kojem su bila svjedocanstva X1, X2, X3 i X4), detonirali bi ustavnu atomsku bombu." Zbog ove belgijanicma najosjetljivije od materija, njenim slucajem se moralo rukovati izuzetno pazljivo, i nije bio "rjesavan dinamitom" kao onaj X1. Umjesto toga, svo vrijeme dok je X1 medijski lincovana, kljucni ljudi blaceni i otpustani, a X-files odlazili u ladicu, drzavo-razorni potencijal X3 je lagano "meko" deaktiviran, tako sto su ju tretirali s postovanjem, strpljivo i uljudno (citaj: licemjerno) saslusavali svako toliko, sve do kraja 1998, uvjeravajuci ju da se sve poduzima glede njenih svjedocanstava, ali strogo potajno; te da je za istragu nuzno da ne izlazi u javnost sa stvarima koje zna. U stvarnosti, saslusavaci su doslovno imali direktivu da ju sto vise pustaju govoriti (u njihovim sobama), a da pri tome sto manje zapisuju19. Kad je jednom shvatila da ju dvije godine samo vozaju, bilo je vec kasno: nakon uspjesne medijske kampanje protiv X1, i protiv "divljih teorija zavjere", sad kad su svi ljudi jos lani za sebe odlucili kojoj prici i cijoj verziji stvarnosti vjeruju, njena jos ponajgora svjedocanstva mogla su sve one ljude koji su povjerovali da je sve to izmisljotina, samo jos vise u to uvjeriti.
X3: "There are moments when a desire passes through my mind: the desire to hold a press conference, to say everything I know, then, at the end of the statement, to reveal all the names of the people involved. But I refrain from doing so, for the sake of the enquiry and of children. (…) If the aim is to put an end to the suffering of children, if we want that to stop, then we must be patient."
"[Her first officially recorded] statement concludes with a rather remarkable phrase: "Interview identical to 151.829, but this time she does not mention any person connected to the Court." There are apparently two versions of the interviews with X3, one with the terrible accusations against the Court and the other without."
"In the hearing dated 26 May, X3 accuses a former high-ranking Flemish Socialist minister, the former political leader E., - already mentioned by X1 - a well-known Brussels property developer, an important member of PSC [party], and a few acquaintances of her parents.

"[Only later] she had to realise that in Belgium murder can no longer be prosecuted twenty years after the fact, and some of the events she had described - however shocking and unacceptable - could no longer be the subject of criminal proceedings. She also had to realise that a certain number of the people she had mentioned benefit from impunity guaranteed by the Constitution."
"On the subject of the statement of X3 implicating the royal family, this declaration is not up to the present authorised as evidence (on the decision of Monsieur Langlois). (...) no investigator in the Neufchâteau unit undertakes investigations into persons who benefit from impunity, inviolability, or such like. Along the same lines, I pointed out that no magistrate would order any enquiry on the subject of such persons."
- Note from Jean-Luc Decker to Major Guissard, seen by Commander Duterme, 23 September 1997
If they had given credit to even a fraction of file 109/96 - by solving an old murder, for example - they would have set off a constitutional atomic bomb. "Rather than run this risk, they decided in mid-1997 that they had to sabotage the enquires at all cost," says an investigator from the period. "You have to put yourself in the magistrates' shoes. For them, a report is first a judicial document, almost a relic. When a report contains things such as those recounted by X3, it is something that can destroy their career. Any positive development in the files increases the risk that the statements will find their way into the press. Even if the various testimonies are unrelated. In a situation of this kind, everything must bow down to the raison d'état."
Annemie Bulté, Douglas De Coninck and Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck: Les Dossiers X
[x] (The X Files - What Belgium should not have known about the Dutroux affair), pp. 315-320
1998 Dutroux na putu prema sudnici savladuje jednog cuvara, otima njegov pistolj, i bjezi; da bi uskoro bio uhvacen.
- Ovaj dogadjaj nije zapravo nista bitno, Dutroux je uhvacen svega par sati kasnije, i naveo sam ga samo da mi u najgornjem sloju price popuni period od 6-7 godina, jer se inace glede slucaja svih tih daljnjih godina do sudjenja nije vise bas nista korisno dogadjalo. Pililo se po kafkijanskim procesima protiv Connerottea i De Baetsa, potencijalni svjedoci uklanjani "samoubistvima" (vidi nize); a sto se tice aktivnosti na samom slucaju, za ilustraciju pogledaj gore, citate pod dijelom o sucu Langloisu, koji je nasljedio Connerottea.
Sto se tice javnog mnijenja u Belgiji, kombinacija prvotnog shoka (strahotom koja se bila pocela razotkrivati), pa medijskog propaga(n)dnog bombardiranja, pa ucmalog razvlacenja slucaja godinama otad, ucinila je da belgijancima bude svega preko glave, i da raspolozenje po pitanju slucaja predje u mucnu rezignaciju; i sad su vise samo cekali da vise netko nekog osudi, zatvori, i da mogu to maknuti iz glave. Cemu je duzina daljnjeg beskorisnog dijela "istrage" vjerojatno i sluzila.
Mediji tih godina:

- 1999 u Belgiji izlazi knjiga Dossiers X (X Files), Annemie Bulte i Douglasa De Conincka (iz dnevnika De Morgen), i Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck (iz tjednika Journal du Mardi), koji su imali uvid u kompletnu dokumentaciju svih X svjedoka, i koji su razgovarali s vecinom njih. I koji su, btw, zbog knjige uspjesno tuzeni od strane policije, za iznosenje povjerljivih detalja kriminalne istrage. Knjiga, podnaslovljena "Sto Belgija nije trebala doznati o Dutroux aferi" je nevjerojatno detaljna analiza X-svjedocanstava i svega sto se oko njih zbivalo, puna pazljivih usporedbi raznih transkripata i originala, i preciznih provjera raznih prica i teorija. Nazalost i danas dostupna samo na francuskom, no shokantno je i fascinantno citati vec i online odlomke koji opisuju day-to-day detalje funkcioniranja birokratskog zataskavanja naizgled nezataskivljive informativne bombe. Kafka, you're tha man, you knew it all.

- 2001, u francuskoj izlazi jedna druga knjiga, senzacionalistickog ustroja, i koja izmedju ostalog direktno optuzuje Belgijskog kralja za ucestvovanje u nekima od svirepih orgija i rituala u princevskoj mladosti. Protiv ove knjige kralj uskoro dobiva sud, te je izdavac prisiljen staviti sluzbeni denial u sve primjerke7. Ovi autori, za razliku od gore spomenutih, ne trude se pomno dokazati i dokumentirati svoje optuzbe, i postoji mogucnost da je ovo zapravo bio red herring, odn damage-control device5. Princip je poznat: lazni i naruceni napadac, koji zastupa stavove koje zelis diskreditirati, ali ih zastupa lose i lako oborivo; ocitim i lakim pobijanjem kojeg 'implicitno' - zapravo prividno - pobijas i ostale koji zastupaju isti stav, a cije argumente zbog njihove stvarnosti i utemeljenosti nije bilo moguce pobiti kao takve.

- 2002 Olenka Frenkiel istrazuje slucaj 6 mjeseci za epizodu BBC-jevog dokumentarnog programa Correspondent.
Iskoristicu ovaj period da spomenem jos jednu interesantnu i znakovitu stranu cijelog slucaja - naime od pocetka do kraja istrage, najmanje 20 potencijalnih svjedoka2, 7, 25 zavrsilo je zivot prije vremena, u sumnjivim okolnostima; najcesce proglasenim samoubistvima. Bruno Tagliaferro i njegova zena, spomenuti negdje gore, su samo dvoje od njih. Za gotovo punu listu iz EU tjednika The Sprout, s kracim opisima svakog slucaja, klikni ovdje. Very interesting read, recommended!
Jean Van Peteghem - Died 1986
Arrested and imprisoned with Dutroux and his wife. He made a full confession of his involvement with the couple in the abduction and torture of girls. After their release he died in a fire in his caravan.

Jen-Pol Taminiau - Died 02/04/95
A well known figure in the Charleroi underworld and part of the Charleroi car theft ring. He was the owner of a night club. His mother had been receiving death threats. After his death a key was found in the club the key was for a garage owned by Gerard Pinon (Pinon is accused by Dutroux along with Dutroux’ s ex-wife, of murdering Weinstein.). Inside the garage was found a car belonging to Demanet. Demanet was the State prosecutor in Mons. One of Taminiau’s feet was recovered from a canal.

José Steppe - Died 15/07/95
A few weeks after the Duroux case became public, Steppe, an asthmatic - contacted a journalist and told him that he had important information to impart about Dutroux. He was later found dead. The date rape drug Rohypnol was found in his respirator. No autopsy was carried out on his body. Rophynol was used by Dutroux to drug the girls.

Bruno Tagliafero - Died 05/11/95
A scrap metal dealer from the southern Belgian town of Kumieé, who, according to his doctor’s report, died of a heart attack at the tender age of 30. He was contracted to demolish the car in which Julie and Melissa are thought to have been abducted and was prepared to talk. His wife campaigned for over a year to exhume his body. Samples were sent to America. The results state that his corpse had enough cyanide to kill over 100 men.

Belgian authorities since claimed that dead bodies generate cyanide and refused to re-open the case. No scientific evidence was presented to support this fanciful explanation.

Fabienne Juapart - Died 18/12/98
Wife of Bruno Tagliafero [op: prethodni^], she was a material witness who had described seeing Nihoul and Diakostavrianos in a Mercedes in 1996. 18 months after the death of her husband, that she repeatedly claimed was caused by poison (see above), she finally succeeding in having his body exhumed. She was found by her 14 year old son, burnt to death in her bedroom; food was on the table and the back door had been broken. There was no autopsy. The magistrate wisely concluded suicide.

Simon Poncelet - Died 21/02/96
The police inspector and son of Judge Poncelet, whose removal from the Dutroux case caused 300,000 people to march through Brussels. Poncelet junior worked in the Charleroi car crime division; he was shot 4 times at the police station at Mons. His investigations were concentrated around Gerard Pinon. No arrests have been made.

Jean-Marc Houdamont - Died 25/02/96
Houdamont was involved in the disappearance of another girl,Elizabeth Brichet in 1989, (for which Dutroux was found guilty). Unfortunately, he died in a car crash on the way to speak to investigators.

Michel Piro - 06/12/96
Owner of a brothel and nightclub where Michel Nihoul and Dutroux were regular clients. He contacted Jean- Denis Lejeune, father of Julie, to organise a meal at which he would offer serious revelations into the affair.

Two days before the meeting he was beaten to death at a parking lot on the motorway. His wife was later found guilty of the murder but denies the charge.

Gérard Vanesse - Died 16/11/97
Police inspector in Dinant, suspected protégé of Nihoul, a sadomasochist who, allegedly died of blood loss.

Anna Konjevoda - Died 08/04/98
A 60 year old who had testified about links between organised car theft and child trafficking. Friend of the father of the Rochow brothers (who had been drugged and tortured by Dutroux over stolen cars previously), she was found strangled, beaten and then later dumped in the river Meuse a commercially active river in the south of Belgium infamous for being polluted.

Gina Pardeans - Died 15/11/98
Social worker specialising in child victims of paedophilia. She uncovered links between Belgian and Swiss paedophile networks. She also revealed a connection between Houdamont (see above) and these groups. She died in a car accident (her car drove into a bridge) after telling police that she had been receiving death threats only days after telling friends she had also seen a video in which the girls were put to death.

Hubert Massa - Died 13/07/99
Chief prosecutor in Liege, in charge of both the Dutroux and André Cools briefs. Committed suicide after a meeting with the then Justice Minister Marc Verwilghen. He apparently returned home to Verviers, went into his office and promptly shot himself. Police officers later reported that no letter or clues were left behind.

Gregory Antipine - Died 08/99
Inspector in the Brussels Police. Charged with investigating the various sex parties organised by Nihoul, he was also involved in the investigations of the Elio di Rupo case Di Rupo being the gay leader of Belgian’s socialist party who famously won a case against the state in 1996 which claimed that he had been pursuing affections towards minors. Though just about to receive promotion, the inspector opted to hang himself.

Brigitte Jenart
A year after the start of the investigation, Nihoul's dentist, regarded as an important prosecution witness, is found dead at home. The magistrate describes the death as suicide.

Guy Guebels
One of the police investigating team, he foolishly called for the enquiry to be broadened. Two days later he is found dead with his police firearm at his side. The magistrate described his death as suicide.

Francois Reyskens
Told a friend that he had seen Melissa Russo in Holland, he died falling in front of a train on his way to talk to the police.

Christian Coenreadts
Detained by police, he knew both Dutroux and Weinstein. A month after his release he was murdered in Brussels.

According to The Sprout, a senior Politician involved in the Dutroux case and who could therefore not be named, stated:

“For those who simply knew and showed signs of being troubled by their knowledge and compliance, they were threatened through anonymous phone calls which said we’ll do the same to your children. And others, who perhaps were more involved, were threatened with suicide.”
[x] Stanley B. Stillingfleet, In Defense Of The Innocent25
2004, devet godina od pocetka slucaja, konacno pocinje sudjenje. Proces traje svega tri mjeseca. Sabine Dardenne, koja je provela u tamnici 70-ak dana, svjedoci da je po njenom misljenju Dutroux djelovao sam. Dutroux dobiva dozivotnu robiju, njegova zena Michelle Martin 30 godina, Michel Lelievre 25 g.Michel Nihoul, premda takodjer osumnjicen za kidnapiranje, zlostavljanje i ubijanje, biva oslobodjen tih optuzbi, i dobiva 5 godina za trgovanje drogom.
I tako, sve u svemu, pijuni su zrtvovani, dok su stvarni krivci ostali slobodni; kao i u svakoj dobroj aferi. Zavjesa je pomaknuta na cas, iza nje se nazreo mrak i smrad, uzivanje mocnih u boli i krvi nevinih, ali je brzo i snazno povucena nazad. Svi koji su ju mogli (opet) otvoriti su brzo i efikasno onemoguceni. Oni u policiji i pravosudju koji su htjeli, mogli ili poceli nesto korisno raditi su ekspresno maknuti. Oni koji su mogli svjedociti su diskreditirani ili smaknuti. Ocita prisutnost mreze cije postojanje se taman pocelo dokazivati je odjednom zanijekana i ociti dokazi proglaseni izmisljotinama, zdravi razum deinstaliran i zamjenjen direktivama i partijskim linijama. Istraga se otad godinama prezivala u svevarecem zelucu zvanom birokratski aparat, i nakon godina prezivanja i varenja, ispljunula je kratko i namjesteno sudjenje. Predvidljivo, od svih optuzenih najgori je prosao najbolje.
Mreza djecje prostitucije i pornografije, koja posjeduje ne samo novac vec i moc, i sa sadistickim slojem/ogrankom koji prakticira svirepa mucenja i ubistva "u krvi do koljena", ocito je dovoljno jaka - sto znaci da sadrzi i drzi u saci dovoljnan broj dovoljno mocnih ljudi - ne samo da prezivi, vec i da ovako eksponiran slucaj, pred ocima sviju te usprkos masovnom protestu, uspjesno zataska i dovede do sebi zadovoljavajuceg kraja. I ostane maltene nedirnuta, te i dalje sluzbeno nepostojeca.
The Belgian judge who saved two young girls from Marc Dutroux's paedophile dungeon broke down in the witness box yesterday, alleging high-level murder plots to stop his investigation into a child-sex mafia.
Jean-Marc Connerotte choked in tears on the fourth day of the trial, describing the bullet-proof vehicles and armed guards needed to protect him against shadowy figures determined to stop the full truth coming out.

"Never before in Belgium has an investigating judge at the service of the king been subjected to such pressure," he said.
"We were told by police that [murder] contracts had been taken out against the magistrates. As the danger mounted, emergency measures were taken."

He then froze in silence and the court was adjourned until he recovered.
He alleged that "organised crime methods" were used to discredit his work and ensure that his investigation ended in "judicial failure".
A hero to millions of Belgians, Judge Connerotte was stripped of the Dutroux case after he had dinner with families of the victims in October 1996, which was deemed a conflict of interest.
The move resulted in workers going on strike and 300,000 people marching silently through Brussels in mass protest.
Seven years later, some of the families are boycotting the trial, describing it as a "circus" and saying that the inquiry effectively shut down the moment Judge Connerotte departed.


The girls apparently starved to death in the dungeon while Dutroux was in prison for 106 days.

"A medical expert told me an adult can last a maximum of 60 days," the judge said. "Until we find out how Julie and Melissa actually died, we are not going to solve this case."

Dutroux testified this week that the girls were already dead when he returned from prison, contradicting his earlier statements.
He said matter-of-factly that he put the bodies in the freezer for a week to get them out of the way. His wife insisted that they were still alive when he came back. In January 1996 Judge Connerotte wrote to King Albert alleging that his investigations into crime networks were being blocked because suspects "apparently enjoyed serious protection".
He went on to say that the "dysfunctional judiciary" was breaking down as mafia groups took secret control of the "key institutions of the country".
His enemies fought back after he was pulled off the case. He was formally accused, along with two key detectives, of manipulating testimony, forgery, and illegal leaks.
The inquiries took up three years, drawing off police energy while the main Dutroux case languished. In the end, the three were cleared of all charges.

"You would have thought that the Dutroux dossier was so serious that investigators would do everything in their power to discover the truth," Judge Connerotte said.

"But exactly the opposite happened. Rarely has so much energy been spent opposing an inquiry."
[x] Telegraph, 05/03/2004 27

If the networks get through the Dutroux case, we’ve had it for ever. The torturers will be safer than they could ever have hoped. And the victims will learn that in future they’d better keep quiet.8
Regina Louf, 1998

Dobro, i? - pitat ce se mnogi koji su citali prosli post.
To je to? Gadno, istina; ali gdje su tu ogranizirani zlocini o kojima si pricao, zataskavanja koja ih navodno omogucuju, gdje su glavesine i mocnici koje si spominjao, gdje sadisticka mreza cijeg oltara si se u alegoriji doticao? I zar ti je za ovoliko teksta trebalo toliko vremena?


Zadnji put kad sam pisao o jezivim stvarima - taj put je to bilo o prisilnim medicinskim eksperimentima na djeci - da preventivno postedim od horrora one koji ga se radije klone, nudio sam vam plavu i crvenu pilulu, kao u Matrixu. Mogli ste odabrati da ne saznate o cemu se radi.

Ovaj put vam nudim napredniju verziju: da sami kontrolirate koliko da saznate. Naime, gornji text price je interaktivan, i klik na svaki paragraf (cak i onda kad se sastoji od samo jedne recenice) otvara novi nivo, jedan ili vise pasusa. Od pasusa koji se otvore, oni koji na rollover (tj. kad je kurzor nad njima) mjenjaju boju teksta u crvenkasto, otvaraju daljnje nivoe, kad ih ima.
Ovo se odnosi na pasuse koji mjenjaju boju teksta - inace, blokovi s citatima na rollover mjenjaju boju pozadine (u bijelo), radi lakseg citanja.Poneki od citat-blokova imaju i znak [x] za zatvoriti ih; no inace svi aktivni paragrafi zapravo sluze kao sklopke - tj klik na pasus A naizmjenicno otvara pa zatvara pasus (ili grupu pasusa) B, ispod njega.

Ovo rjesenje sam odabrao ne samo zbog vas, vec i zato sto naprosto nisam znao kako ovu kompleksnu, viseslojnu, a kolicinom veliku materiju izloziti linearno. Posto se cijela prica grana na sve strane poput fraktala - bas kao i nacin na koji sam ja do nje dolazio - tako se ovaj put umjesto Matrixa kao rjesenje nametnuo Fraktal. Pa vi vidite koliko cete iteracija gdje istraziti.

Teksta po mom dobrom obicaju ima puno, i preporucujem ponijeti stogod hrane, odlucis li se na cijeli put. Mada, iako sam se trudio minimizirati kolicinu horrora, neces moci bas uvijek jesti, predmnijevam.
Puno, rekoh li? U cjelini, ovo je gotovo sigurno najveci post koji ste ikad vidjeli; pa ipak, pola sata - sat bi trebalo biti dovoljno za procitati ga cijelog, sa svim citatima. Ustvari, koliko treba za procitati 27-28 stranica teksta? Ne moze biti ni toliko, zar ne? To samo zvuci puno u kontekstu bloga, a ne i citanja generalno, bar ne pismenima.

Stoga, nemas li stogod vremena pred sobom, vratiti se poslije kad ga imas vise. A moze se vjerojatno konzumirati i u vise puta... lijek je gorak i malo tko ga podnosi puno odjednom.
Naravno, i jednostavno odustati kad ti dopizdi je uvijek prisutna opcija.
A uostalom, kao sto rekoh, kolicinu mozete kontrolirati sami; ali ja bih preporucio procitati barem cijeli drugi nivo.

Srecom, premda je materija i teska i obimna, ne radi se ni o kakvom filozofiranju niti nagvazanju o nekoj temi, vec o prvoklasnoj - a ktome istinitoj - krimi prici, kompletnoj sa (vrlo) zlim negativcima, (vrlo) teskim zlocinima, sa dobrim i losim policajcima, sa nasiljem i seksom, korumpiranim sucima i politicarima, s mafijom i spijunazom, podzemljem i elitom, sa ljudskim dramama i socijalim potresima, s medijskim kampanjama i prodornim novinskim istrazivacima. Da se radi o Holivudskom filmu, mogla bi se dodati jos jedino neka jurnjava automobilima po ulicama Brusselsa. Ustvari, sigurno je bilo i toga, kad je Dutroux nakratko zbrisao savladavsi cuvara na putu prema sudnici. Ali u svjetlu svega ostaloga, taj me detalj nije zanimao, a vjerujte, dok dodjete do njega, nece ni vas. Tako da se sve u svemu nadam da ce se dati citati i vecem broju ljudi nego onih par koji ovaj post (dugo) ocekuju. A njima pak izvinjenje na cekanju i molba na strpljenju glede kolicine. Vjerujem da ih necu razocarati daju li si vremena. A i nadam se da cu ih ovom tehnicki intrigantnom prezentacijom zavesti da kopaju sve dublje i dublje.

Usprkos kolicini teksta i kompleksnosti price, i ovo je vrlo pojednostavljena i ukratko prepricana verzija cijele stvari. Stura skica, vrh sante. Izmedju ostaloga, stvar o kojoj se radi je takva da je mnogima preteska za povjerovati bez pomnijeg proucavanja; stoga ju se nisam ni usudio u krace iznijeti.

Tip: po mom misljenju, najbolje je pootvarati najprije samo drugi nivo svakog pocetnog pasusa (a za to je najprakticnije samo redom poklikati ove pocetne paragrafe, i to od najdonjeg prema najgornjem), pa procitati to; pa tek onda po zelji i inuticiji kopati po daljnjim nivoima. No mozda ce vas neki vec i ranije odvesti dublje; ne znam. Izbor je vas.

Vecina citata je na engleskom - bilo je previse posla prevoditi sve. Paznja, za one koji ne znaju: kad se u engleskim tekstovima spminje rijec magistrate, to znaci istrazni sudac. Vecina naglasaka (bold, italic) u citatima je moja.

Horror-Alerts: Za vas dodatni komfor, kod pasusa - vecinom citata, plus jedan moj - koji sadrze detalje (jos) gore od prosjeka ovog gorkog stiva, pozadina je obojena crvenkastom nijansom uobicajene sive. Ima ih u dva (blaga) intenziteta crvene, po jezivosti detalja koji se spominju. Da se razumijemo - ne ide se nigdje nadugo u neke gadne detalje, nego se samo povremeno u prici spomene nesto, bilo jer se ne da izbjeci zbog za ostatak price bitnih aspekata nekog ubistva, bilo da se tek naznaci horror koji vreba u pozadini cijele ove mracne afere. No i kratko spominjanje, i dvije-tri tijeci vec mogu osjetljivoj prirodi stvoriti mentalnu sliku koju mozda nije htjela; zato horror-alerts.
Napomena: ponekad i citat-blokovi otvaraju nove nivoe - stoga ne pobrkati njihovu crvenkastu boju (rollover) teksta sa (stalno) crvenkastom bojom pozadine horror-alerted citata.

Jos jedan tip: probajte obratiti paznju na godine kada se sta spomenuto zbiva, jer dva vremena se spominju, jedan dio price se dogadja u osamdesetim, a jedan u devedesetim godinama; posto se nekad preplicu (dio dogadjaja u 90-ima se odnosi na dogadjaje 80-ih) lako ih je ispocetka pobrkati, dok ne sjedne cijela prica kako treba.

Takodjer, posto se spominje relativno dosta imena, mozda ih je najlakse pamtiti (i sad unaprijed upoznati) u parovima. Ovo su dakle glavna imena, po parovima, radi lakseg pracenja:

Dutroux i Nihoul
  • Marc Dutroux - prvooptuzeni i najteze osudjeni, relativno mali igrac u mrezi koja se pocela otkrivati
  • Michel Nihoul - drugooptuzeni i (prakticki) oslobodjeni, u stvarnosti daleko vaznija figura, jedan od kljucnih igraca u mrezi
Christine i Carine (obje 16)
Jullie i Melissa (obje 8)
An i Eefje (17 i 19)
Sabine i Latetitia (12 i 14)
  • Christine Van Hees (prva spomenuta) je jedina od zrtava koja se skoro cesce spominje po prezimenu nego po imenu.
X1 i X3
  • dvije od 11 osoba koje su se javile na anonimno svjedocenje; X1 zena u svojim ranim 30-im, X3 vec starija zena. Obje su u mladosti bile zrtve (iste) mreze djecje prostitucije.
  • X1 se ponekad spominje i (na kraju ipak razotkrivenim) imenom, Regina Louf.
Good cops:
Connerotte i De Baets
  • Jean-Marc Connerotte - istrazni sudac, maltene jedini sposoban a castan na tom polozaju u ovom slucaju, smjenjen pod smjesnim izgovorima, nakon pocetnih velikih uspjeha
  • Patrick De Baets - financijski istrazitelj, glavni ispitivac X svjedoka i voditelj provjeravanja njihovih prica u starim nerjesenim slucajevima; takodjer smjenjen
Bad cops:
Van Espen, Thily i Langlois
  • Jean-Claude Van Espen - istrazni sudac i (kasnije) sef financijskog istraznog odjela, lose i bezuspjesno vodio kljucnu istragu u 80-im, u 90-im suspendirao De Baetsa
  • Anne Thily - drzavna tuziteljica, jedan od glavnih i najmocnijih kocilaca istrage, barem unutar pravosudne sfere, nesumnjivo bar formalno bitan lik u smjenjivanju Connerottea
  • Jacques Langlois - istrazni sudac koji je nasljedio Connerrottea (okej, ovaj 'par' ima tri clana, na Langloisa sam bio u prvi mah zaboravio ;)
Svih njih naravno u punoj prici ima jos puno, i zrtava, i zlocinaca, i dobrih i losih predstavnika zakona - no trudio sam se broj spomenutih imena svesti na naj najbitnije, radi lakseg pracenja. Minimiziranjem price na konzumirabilnu kolicinu tako se nekako slucajno ispostavilo da su nakljucniji u parovima. Cak i u mom tekstu se ponekad spominju neka druga imena, ali ta se uglavnom ne morate truditi zapamtiti (za daljnje razumjevanje price). Ta takodjer nisu nikad naglasena boldom. Ove nabrojane sam uglavnom boldao kad se prvi put pojavljuju u nekom nivou, i to sam boldao dijelove imena koji se cesce spominju - kod djece vecinom imena, kod ostalih prezimena.

Od daljnje literature, svima iole intrigiranima ovom pricom bih preporucio barem procitati jedan ili oba intervuja sa Reginom Louf, brojevi 8 i 32 u spisku upotrebljene literature.

Kao sto se izrazio jedan od autora iz citirane literature, nas luksuz budjenja iz nocne more kad ju imamo, nije nesto sto imaju djeca o kojoj je ovdje rijec. Ova mora svih mora je njihova stvarnost, i to najcesce od jednog trenutka pa do kraja (nerjetko nedugog) ostatka zivota; a sistem kojeg smo svi dio je ono sto ju odrzava na zivotu. Radi te djece duznost nam je znati; a u najmanju ruku, i zbog nase - posto su to uvijek djeca nas "obicnih ljudi", dugujemo to nasoj "obicnoj" djeci. Jer u dvoristu Evrope i svijeta, u kojem ce se ona danas-sutra igrati, cuci vrlo ostar i podmukao pas; tko ga ne vidi ili ga zanemaruje, dovodi svoje dijete u opasnost.

U europskoj kuci od kolaca u koju se tako guramo uci, u njenoj prijestolnici, u krevetu ne lezi, i ispod nocne kapice ne izviruje dobra Baka - nego zli Vuk.

Big Bad Wolf koji - da! - jede malu djecu.

No razmisljanja ostavljam za treci dio, kad ga bude. Ovaj put samo o ovom slucaju.

Sto se tice koristenja fraktalnog posta, mislim da ste uz gornja objasnjenja i korisne savjete sad spremni za put. Svaki put pocinje prvim korakom, no ovaj - drugim nivoom.

Klik, klik!

* linkovi na clancima oznacenim zvjezdicom vode na kopiju prenesenu na sajtu Transnacionalne radikalne stranke

[1] BBC, Correspondent: Belgium's X-Files - An Olenka Frenkiel Investigation, 2002
[2] BBC, Correspondent: Dutroux and the network, 2002
[3] BBC, Correspondent: Regina Louf's testimony, 2002
[4] BBC, Correspondent: The parents - Gino and Carine Russo, 2002
[5] BBC: Belgium's X Files Forum: Have your say, 2002
[6] BBC: Belgian king wins paedophile rebuttal, 2001
[7] Guardian (Observer) Belgium's silent heart of darkness, 2002
[8] De Morgen*: (belgijski dnevni list) Interview With Regina Louf, Witness Xi at Neufchateau, 10 January 1998
[9] Marc Reisinger, Pour La Verite: The Credibility of Justice
[10] De Morgen*: Dutroux and Nihoul Suspected of the Murder of Christine Van Hees in 1984, 7 January 1997
[11] De Morgen*: The Girl Who Gave Birth In Secret, 8 January 1998
[12] De Morgen*: Thirteen Searches Planned On 23 December 1996, 8 January 1998
[13] De Morgen*: A Re-Examination With More Faults Than the Hearings, 8 January 1998
[14] De Morgen*: Van Espen Removed From the Champignonniere Case, 9 January 1998
[15] Françoise Van de Morteel: The Disappearance and Murder of Children: an "Affaire D'etat", 2000
[16] Marc Reisinger: It’s Time To Break the Silence
[17] Newsweek International*: Justice Delayed in Belgium, March 19, 2001
[18] Newsweek*: The Web's Dark Secret, March 19, 2001
[19] A. Bulté, D. De Coninck and M.J. Van Heeswyck: Les Dossiers X - Ce que la Belgique ne devait pas savoir sur l'affaire Dutroux, odlomak, pp. 315-320
[20] Regina Louf's UN Statement, 56th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights
[21] Herald Tribune: Belgium Pedophilia Scandal - Did Authorities Cover Up Its Scope? , 25.12.99
[22] Brussels Journal: Déjr-Vu: Pedophile Murders Shock Belgians, 2006-06-29
[23] Stanley B. Stillingfleet, In Defense Of The Innocent: Dutroux I, November 20, 2005
[24] Stanley B. Stillingfleet: Dutroux II, November 21, 2005
[25] Stanley B. Stillingfleet: Dutroux IV, November 21, 2005
[26] Stanley B. Stillingfleet: Dutroux V, November 21, 2005
[27] Telegraph: Judge Jean-Marc Connerotte tells of murder plots to block Dutroux investigation, 05/03/2004
[28] Wikipedia: Marc Dutroux
[29] Marc Reisinger: For Regina Louf!
[30] Netwerk: Gruweldaden van Dutroux - timeline
[31] Pour La Verite: Affaires Dutroux et connexes: chronologie (partielle)
[32] Dag Allemaal*: No, I Am Not Lying (interview with Regina Louf), 05/04/2005

- 07:30 - Komentari izgubljeni u crashu bloga (30) - Pokazi izgubljene komentare

  • Kao stvoreno za barem 2 x 45 min dokumentarca dostojnog da bude samostojeći projekt. Pitam se je li nešto takvog već napravljeno? :) ( 05.11.2006. 17:58)

  • "Anything that can be done to a rat can be done to a human being. And we can do most anything to rats. This is a hard thing to think about, but it's the truth. It won't go away because we cover our eyes. That is cyberpunk." Bruce Sterling (k. 05.11.2006. 18:52)

  • Ne razumijem po kojoj logici je Nihoul oslobođen optužbi i dobio je samo 5 god zbog droge..!? A Zbog Sabininog mišljenja!? Koma.. A Dutroux dobiva doživotni zatvor.. Prevelika razlika..
    Pozdravljam (..neke ljubavi su vječne.. 05.11.2006. 21:31)

  • jebeni genijalac, eto što si ti :) *impresioniranost* (Jezdi 05.11.2006. 22:05)

  • post je stvarno dobar, jedina zamjerka je to što je malo naporan, ali tema je zakon!!!! prvi put sam na tvom blogu pa me zanima dali su ti svi postovi ovakvi ili te jednostano puklo da napišeš to. i mene zanimaju takve teme te u zadnje vrijeme razmišljam da tako nešto pišem ali naravno to nebi bilo tako opširno kao tvoj post, nego nešto kratko a informcije bih uzimala iz jedne knjige koja se ove (ja mislim) veliki misteriji prošlosti. zanima me kako si napravio hidden fusnot pa ako bi mogao nekako obasniti ostavi mi koment! (kwasa 06.11.2006. 00:14)

  • Post ću samo preletjeti, ali svaka čast na tehničkom rješenju! (JA 06.11.2006. 01:28)

  • Post je remek djelo.:) (Dnevnik maštanja 2 06.11.2006. 02:03)

  • uistinu, investiran je golem trud u pedofilne smradove (Markiz de ga Sad 06.11.2006. 07:36)

  • tehničko rješenje je samo sekundarno remek djelo. čitao sam jučer a sad komentiram slegnute dojmove. da su ljudi smrdljiva govna znam odavno, ali ovo me potpuno šokiralo. iako sve gledam s pozicije - sve što misliš da je moguće, uistinu se negdje i nekom događa - nisam bio 100% uvjeren da je zaista tako. tvoj post potvrdio je moje najgore slutnje da je tome uistinu tako. brisel je centar europe, svijeta, a prepun je paralelenih stvarnosti o kojima europljani ne znaju ništa. vjerojatno se ne radi samo o briselu, već o svim svjetskim metropolama. ako u svemu sudjeluju oni koji bi nas kobajage trebali štititi, suci, murjaci, doktori.. ne vidim svjetlo. bar ne danas. a sutra? ( 06.11.2006. 09:04)

  • "War is Peace.
    Freedom is Slavery.
    Ignorance is Strength".
    - G.O. i O.O.

    Znala sam obrise priče, bez ijednog detalja. Probala sam googlati čekajući tvoj drugi dio, ali me zaustavila gomila dokaza koji su vrištali samo iz naslova search rezultata.
    Sad sam pročitala cijeli post. Ti si ovdje odradio (junački) ulogu javnog tužitelja iznoseći dokaze "beyond any reasonable doubt". Što je tek mogao pravi tužitelj dokazati, u pravoj sudnici....Odgovorio si i zašto nije.

    Enivej, rekao si da nećeš analizirati i filozofirati - tko i bi, poslije ovakvog odrađenog posla. No, orvelovsko/ovajonajska nit se provlači tvojim cijelim blogom, a najviše ovdje.
    Kako je vidim:
    War is Peace. (Peace is war) Ništa nije, niti će biti riješeno. Dok se generali zabavljaju vodeći ratove, ratuju pješaci pa se i ovaj rat, usred mira, u "kući od kolača" vodi na ground zero. Čitala sam nedavno, kako su mame u Belgiji (mame i Belgija nek bude samo model za sve teme) promijenile navike. Organiziraju se dječje igraonice po kućama, na koje majke voze djecu, u parkovima organiziraju dežurstva dok se djeca igraju. Navečer se djeca zaključavaju itd. Djeca pak moraju gledati plakate i tv poruke u obliku crtića: Nepoznati sa slatkišima, Tate, Ujaci, Susjedi i Tete koji te diraju a tebi se to nimalo ne sviđa...Ground zero. Učimo potencijalne žrtve od >3 godine starosti kako da se zaštite jer, nema ih tko zaštititi.
    Freedom is Slavery, nova sloboda se skupo plaća starijom slobodom. Cijena ženske slobode je plaćena dječjom slobodom. Neka bude stereotipno (iako se zapravo radi o jačem i slabijem, a ne o muško ženskom): Moćna gospoda ne smiju više silovati služavke, sekretarice, dadilje i vlastite žene, koje su ojačale, organizirale se u sindikate i znaju se donekle braniti, nisu više čiste, nevine ni zanimljive. Djeca su stoga logična žrtva. Jedna sloboda je plaćena drugom. Slobode ni nema dok vrijedi zakon jačeg. (uz opasku da sam izdvojila onu standardnu razinu obične pedofilije koja nas prati kroz povijest)
    Slavery is Freedom, pa onda kaže jedna zgodna samouvjerena Iranka, intelektualka, propisno u crno zamotana, u dokumentarcu, kad je pita zapadni reporter zar joj ne smeta što se mora propisno oblačiti: "Da, nisam slobodna, uz sva ta pravila (koja btw., maestralno zaobilazimo), ali jeste li vi slobodni? Ja se ne bojim silovanja, ako izađem navečer sama van i mogu poslati djecu van da se sama igraju. Tko je od nas slobodniji, koja sloboda vrijedi više? sloboda oblačenja ili sloboda od straha? "

    Ono moje pitanje je: Radi li se o slobodi kad u Nizozemskoj (koja izgleda poprima ulogu poligona za sve i svašta) dopuste osnivanje pedofilske stranke? Ili se radi o suptilnom pokušaju oduzimanja slobode djeci, na način kojim ih se želi uvjeriti da je normalan seks u ranoj tinejdžerskoj dobi. (Kod svakog anketiranja do sada, zdrave, sretne, obične djevojčice, ne žele seks u toj dobi, nego se požale da ih se prisiljava, da ne smiju odbiti, jer su onda neprihvaćene u društvu)...

    U ime slobode govora se dopusti osnivanje stranke, plati se slobodom djeteta da raste ne razbijajući glavu o tome kad je normalno i ugodno leći s nekim u krevet.
    Je li nuspojava ili pravi cilj da jednog dana, krimi priča iz tvog posta iz rubrike užasavajućeg pedofilskog skandala prijeđe u rubriku običnih ubojstava, na kakve smo navikli i na kakve sliježemo ramenima...Time se vraćam na onaj tvoj post "LIJEVO, DESNO, NIGDJE MOGA STANAA" i pitanje "Uf! Gde sam?!?" - tamo si sve objasnio, da te sad ne citiram :), a to je nit o kojoj ovdje pišem kilometarski komentar.
    Uf! Gde sam?!?. ako u 3. tisućljeću, (ili 7., 8.?) moram objašnjavati malim curicama da im pišu smije pogledati samo mama, a dirati samo doktor, ako ih nešto boli. A one pitaju: - pa tko hoće dirati djeci pišu? Jesam li se uopće pomaknula iz uloge kuje koja reži, grize i ne da nikome blizu štencima. Sve je ostalo na ground zero. Osim manipulacije.

    Eh, da i žrtva je krivac, zvala se Regina ili Natascha Kampusch. Ako je smogla snage preživjeti, postaje krivac.

    P.S. Šteta samo što čitatelji uzimaju inteaktivnost koju nudiš, a ne daju interaktivnost koju tražiš – samo još jedan mali klik u glavi. No i to je dio niti koja se provlači, nije za osuđivanje....
    Ignorance is Strength.

    mislim da smo se razumjeli, nisam trebala ni pisati, al eto, kao feedback :) (k. 06.11.2006. 12:22)

  • Iako je moja otpornost na ovakve materijale prilično niska (noćne more zagarantirane), svaka čast na načinu njegovog prikazivanja. Konačno da netko iskoristi medij (skoro) do kraja. Možda bi sve još bolje funkcioniralo kada bi prvi level bio jednostavniji za čitanje, tj. kad bi sadašnji prvi bio drugi, a prvi bio otprilike tri puta kraći. Inače, obožavam eksperimentiranje s interaktivnošću (a i sama sam jedan takav eksperiment - za sada u povojima). Voljela bih da me posjetiš, koliko god to spamastično zvučalo. (Digital Fairy 06.11.2006. 13:53)

  • Čitala jučer. Čitam danas. I tema i izvedba: moj naklon! (MasterMind 06.11.2006. 15:54)

  • Zao mi je sto nakon ovakvog posta ne mogu hvaliti post. Nemam snage.
    Uzasno depresivna prica.
    Procitao sam sve nivoe i sve citate. I ne mogu vjerovati...
    Uopce necu komentirati tehnicku stranu. Koliko god ona bila napredna mene je zanimao tekst. I koliko god on bio informativan i dobar ja ga ne mogu hvaliti jer je tema kojom se bavis tako grozna.
    Samo cu reci da je ovo tvoj prvi post kojeg sam procitao i da si od danas u mom feederu. Ako to uopce nesto znaci. (Neutrinov ugasli blog 06.11.2006. 16:17)

  • Izvanredno!
    Odmah je ušlo u bookmarkse za repetitivno čitanje. Kada pročitam ovakav post zgrozim se, ali i probudi se nada ... hvala! (bruka na sramotu 06.11.2006. 19:25)

  • ah, pročitala sve. grozno. podsjetilo me na čitanje Bernadacovih knjiga o žrtvama holokausta i na njihova svjedočanstva. jasno mi je da su oni bili sretnici koji su preživjeli, no nije mi jasno kako su X svjedoci preživjeli. konkretnije kako X1 nije "smaknuta" u trenutku kad je postala beskorisna, odnosno sva ona djeca ili žrtve trakifkinga jesu potencijalni svjedoci - zar ih ne ubiju sve prije ili kasnije? ili vjeruju da su im dali dovoljno razloga za doživotnu šutnju (što vrlo vjerojatno i jesu)? (OlaF 06.11.2006. 21:03)

  • ... pročitala sam intervjue, pa mi je sad ponešto jasnije, iako i dalje pomalo čudno da uz sve smaknute ljude (svjedoke) nisu i nju ubili... (OlaF 06.11.2006. 23:50)

  • @svima pozdrav i svima hvala na posjeti, komentarima i komplimentima!!!

    odgovori onima koji su imali pitanja:

    @bezkomentara: znam samo za BBC-jev Correspondent, koji sam vidio 2002 i koji mi je bio prvi glas o ovome slucaju. ono sto se od njega danas da naci je polinkano u referencama (ukljucujuci video odlomke)

    @vjecne ljubavi: odgovor je tamo gdje izgleda nisi klikala ;)

    @kwasa: ostale postove mozes vidjeti i sama, a sto se tice kako ovo sljaka, ne da se objasniti u komentarima jer ne primaju HTML

    @el radical: razumijem tvoju shokiranost, ali oporavices se ti ;) obojica pisemo o prilicno mracnim stvarima na svijetu, pa ako si u tom kontekstu mogao dosad vidjeti svjetla, moci ces i dalje... ;)

    @k.: na svoje pitanje si iscrpno odgovorila i sama, i prije nego si ga postavila... svidja mi se citat od Iranke... da, uobicajena teza "sloboda svakom, dok ne ugrozava tudju slobodu" je puno laksa za izreci nego za izvesti, i bojim se da ta mogucnost postoji samo u teoriji... i da, djeca nemaju stranke niti politicku moc, te u borbama raznih strana za svoje slobode ona izvlace kraci kraj.....

    @OlaF: htio sam reci "procitaj interview", ali vidim da si me preduhitrila :) cuj, i nije tako cudno: ostali svjedoci su uglavnom smaknuti prije nego su poceli pricati, ili su znali samo neki detalj, ili su prije toga pricali samo s jednom-dvije osobe... Regina je u malo vremena vec nabrojala puno imena i (uvjerljivih) detalja cijeloj grupi istrazitelja... da je ona smaknuta bilo bi VISE nego jasno o cemu se radi i bilo bi nemoguce sakriti to, i trebalo bi onda posmaknjivati i cijelu seriju policajaca... medjutim i bez ubistva, uspjeli su potpuno onemoguciti ikakvu korisnu primjenu njenih iskaza; dapace, bas to sto nju nisu (smaknuli), pomaze iluziji da tu "nema nista"... ne znam, vidjela si sve, prosudi sama... (ovajonaj 07.11.2006. 12:04)

  • ah ne, ne radi se o mojoj prosudbi. nego, teško je pohvatat neke poveznice ako ne pročitaš i "literaturu". jasna mi je taktika: osamili su ju kao svjedoka i onda diskreditirali. (no, što je s ostalih 10?) iako mislim da im ne bi bio veliki problem da su i nju smaknuli. mada je to što je postala poznata javnosti (čak i imenom i prezimenom) bila dobra zaštita za nju. (OlaF 07.11.2006. 14:33)

  • Vidim ljudi se okomili na djecu.
    JA više nikom ne vjerujem osim baki, dedi i familiji.
    Nikad ne znas tko je kakav,svi u ovom svijetu ponekad stave masku i budu ono što nisu.
    JA to ne volim-bolje biti što jesi.
    Ciao (taichi 07.11.2006. 15:54)

  • @OlaF:
    The other "X's" have remained anonymous and Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck the journalist who co-wrote the book the "X Files" has talked to some of them and seen their testimonies. They vary. Some are more lurid and macabre, others less so. Some name the same people cited by Regina Louf. But one of them, not Regina, very controversially names Belgium's king. This is obviously very shocking to the Belgians and many have reacted by recoiling from all the X witnesses in blanket disbelief.

    Because the investigation was stopped before it got very far, their stories have not been exhaustively checked so it is impossible to say whether they are truthful or correct.


    vidim da sam neke reference krivo polinkao; to cu ispraviti veceras... (ovajonaj 07.11.2006. 16:11)

  • Prije svega, sve pohvale na ovako koncipiranom postu, na svim podacima i pravom analitičkom seciranju građe, na iscrpnim informacijama i izvorima, ali sad sam toliko šokirana da mi bukvalno želudac stoji u grlu.

    Da sam kojim slučajem nenaviknuta na činjenicu kako je vrijednost ljudskog života manja i bezvrijednija i od dva trzaja ušnom resicom nekog nedodirljivog moćnika još bi me i mogla zapanjiti količina apsurda institucionalizirane "slobode i zakona".

    Koliko je besmislen taj naš sveobuhvatni, iluzorni svijet pravde, prava čovjeka i uopće ljudskog dostojanstva! Objektivno gledajući, nisu li to samo neki ukrasni pojmovi koji lelujaju, zdravom razumu usprkos, iznad kaljuže, blata i krvi, možda kao ružičasti supstrati i puki dekor užasa?!

    Napisala bih "ne vjerujem" svim podacima o tako očitom zataškavanju dokaza i odugovlačenju slučaja. Ali, nažalost, itekako vjerujem. U jednu ruku, možda se u tome krije i čitava logika sapiensizma (razumstva). :( (Posmrtni prdac Bakunjina 08.11.2006. 15:43)

  • Dok ovo pisem jos sam u soku!ne mogu vjerovat da se i to, bar imamo tebe koji ce nam nesto i reci o tome i otvorit nam oci...da bar predsjednici i svi ostali 'na polozaju' procitaju ovo...samo naprijed!!!!!! (anđeo 09.11.2006. 09:28)

  • Daklem, kao što ti već rekoh minutu prije, "natjerao" si me da opet pročitam cijelu priču od početka do kraja, na svim nivoima. Bravo, genijalno, puno ju je lakše pratiti ovako složenu, osobito nekome tko se prvi puta sreće s ovom strahotom. Mora se priznati da ti je tehničko rješenje idealno za ovako nešto, što se mene tiče, genijalno šljaka i vodi kroz šumu informacija. Sjećam se koliku sam imala zbrku kad sam prvi puta čitala pojedine članke i tekstove od kojih svaki obrađuje jedan dio priče i stalno te navode na nova pitanja na koja odgovori pišu u nekom drugom članku. Znam koliko si si dao truda i rezultat je odličan, priča i dalje neizmjerno gnjusna, također mislim da nema dvojbe oko istine (što se vidi i po komentarima) i odlično je da nisi sam puno komentirao, nema nikakve potrebe. Samo se nadam da ćeš s ovom pričom doprijeti do velikog broja čitatelja. "Informacija iznad svega, koliko god grozna bila". A ovo je fakat - gore ne može. Prokleti Mordor!!! Ljudi, ovo je centar birokracije Europske unije. Želim vam svima da se sjetite ove priče tamo negdje oko datuma referenduma o priključenju, ako do njega dođemo. Tnks OvajOnaj što si se toliko potrudio! (mjestopodsuncem 12.11.2006. 22:42)

  • e ovako izgleda pravi post! tema intrigantna, prezentacija iste fascinantna i sad imam o čemu sutra pričati na poslu. bravo, majstore! ;) (Da_Vinci 13.11.2006. 21:50)

  • Genjalni post.Procitao sam ga cijelog u sat i pol.Stvarno detaljno obradeno. (El caballo de la muerte 14.11.2006. 14:05)

  • Evo, sad sam konačno pročitao post i mogu reći samo jedno: užas, a s druge strane klasika! Uvijek ista stara priča, kao što i sam kažeš, optuže nekoga da bi se dobio dojam da je pravda zadovoljena a glavni igrači prođu neokrzneni.
    I ovo sa 'hunting partyima' je strahota! Stvarno, reptilijanci kapom i bradom! (Nova Vizija 16.11.2006. 17:35)

  • Mene stvarno nije lako impresionirati, ali ostala sam otvorenih usta još kad sam ti prvi put došla na ovaj post. Od onda otvaram i zatvaram poglavlja, čitam pa malo preskačem i visim kod tebe barem pola radnog vremena. Znaš kako frustrira kad taman kad se začitam direktor nešto hoće ili mi zvoni telefon? :)
    Tek sam sad vidjela da nisam nikada ništa komentirala, ali oprosti imala sam previše posla čitajući te. I još imam, nisam gotova. Malo mi bude muka od gnjusnih ljudi i njihovih gnjusoba, pa se opet vratim kad se oporavim. S tim tempom završit ću negdje oko Božića sa svim :)
    Svaka čast ovajonaj, ozbiljno sam zadivljena i baš impresionirana :)) (Trill 17.11.2006. 17:55)

  • Blog je super! Zasad te sano lipo pozdravljam i želim ti lip vikend! Čitamo se! (Slavonija u srcu i duši 18.11.2006. 01:51)

  • nije li to samo mrvica, delić, kap... na koliko novoa se mreža plete, i do kog se može doći i kad dođeš, šta dalje? ima li dalje? (nemiri 18.11.2006. 16:09)

  • Soon after, her teenage son found her dead at home in her bed, her mattress smouldering.
    Publicly it was declared suicide, or an accident.

    The judge agreed and now every copy of the book must contain an addendum indicating the king's protests at the attack on his personal reputation.

    In 1989 already I tried to testify. Three years later I went to the Ghent special police investigation squad. They told me they didn’t investigate that kind of thing and refused to write a report.
    Even the child psychiatrist refused to believe that such perversion could exist.

    možda sada nakon ovih godina veruju? (nemiri 18.11.2006. 17:39)

  • Post je objavljen 12.11.2006. u 07:30 sati.