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Gates of Valhalla

Gates Of Valhalla, pjesma sa progresivnog Into Glory Ride albuma. Pjesma je dugacka i prepuna soliranja sto na vokalu, sto na gitarama. Mnogo textura i solaza, te zahtjevnih vokalnih izvedbi. Ova pjesma je prica o putovanju nakon bitke pred ulaz Valhale, kamo odlaze ratnici koji casno umru u borbi. Prava ratna himna, podsjeca na Battle Hymns. („I scream the final battle cry“) Najprije se Manowar obraca slusatelju govoreci mu na koje mjesto ide u kojem ga cekaju drevni Bogovi, te ce ga prema legendi sa zagrljajem Valhalla primiti. Prica se o velikom mjestu na kojem su se odvijala krvava bitka. Na obali se opisuje kako su se Vikinzi bodrili prije puta u borbu nakon koje ce zavrsiti u toj obecanoj zemlji Vikinga, nakon smrti. Hladan vjetar pred vratima Valhalle kada Manowar ulazi. Pokraj njega je Odin, i vjecna vojska poginulih sada su na nebu. Manowar prica kako sa sjekirom podignutom u nebo hrabri sebe i dobiva snagu da sa srcem cuva vrata i sve iza njih. On je taj cuvar tajni, cuvar Valhalle, koji govori svojim srcem. Njegovu velicanju nema kraja, uz sjekiru tu je uvijek i njegov mac. Manowar otkriva da je zaklet Odinu njegovom svetom krvlju. Manowar zeli biti zagrljen u Valhalli, to je njegov Raj, samo za to se bori u ovome zivotu smrtika cije tijelo nosi. Kada Manowar gleda u Valhallu gleda je sa strascu ljubavnika i umom pobjednika koji jedino gleda nepomicno u taj svoj cilj. Kada ugleda Valhallu on vidi kraljevstvo svih kraljeva, knjige caranja i magicne prstene, beskonacno znanje i vrijeme. To on vidi kada jurisa u krvavoj borbi (koja moze biti i krvava borba svakidasnjice) po (svoju) pobjedu.

Valhalla the gods await me
Open wide thy gates embrace me.
Great hall of the battle slain
With sword in hand.
All those who stand on shore
Raise high your hands to bid a last
farewell to the Viking land.
Death's chilling wind blows through my hair
I'm now immortal, I am there
I take my place by Odin's side
Eternal army in the sky.
I point my hatchet to the wind
I guard the gates and all within
Hear my sword sing, as I ride across the sky
Sworn by the sacred blood of Odin onward ride.
Valhalla the gods await me
Open wide thy gates embrace me.
Great hall of the battle slain
With sword in hand.
Behold the kingdom of the kings
Books of spells and magic rings
Endless knowledge, endless time
I scream the final battle cry.

JOEY DEMAIO dijelovi intervjua (1983 METAL FORCES MAGAZINE)

”Just what is Heavy Metal? The word HEAVY means something that weighs a lot and is difficult to pick up, and METAL is a substance such as iron or aluminium. A ship is HEAVY and is made of METAL, but that just cruises along in its own time, crushing all that gets in its way, and that's what MANOWAR is about. “

Whose idea was it to sign your new recording deal in blood (INTO GLORY RIDE album)?
"That was my idea, I just felt we should show the people that we were prepared to give a little blood to the cause of Heavy Metal."

So making it big in England is your main goal then?
"Oh yes, definitely. To us England is Heavy Metal. The English audiences are the most critical. If we can't make it in England, then it's not really worth carrying on."

What's the music scene like in the U.S. at the moment?
"Pure shit! When I say shit, I don't mean the kids, I'm referring to the fuckin' people that run the business - they just don't understand what the HM fan wants. That's why we are on a campaign to wipe out all False Metal."

Just exactly what bands do you class as "False Metal?"
"I don't have to name bands, we would be here all night if I just began to. You know who I mean."

What are your own musical influences?
"I haven't got any. I listen to a lot of classical music, but I'm not really influenced by it."

What about favourite bands?

Post je objavljen 01.07.2005. u 16:34 sati.