I give you a PICTURE BOMB :P

...ajme što mi je dosadno headbang lud ...pa evo konačno da naškrabam novi post...neam ništa novo...na drugim fan blogovima ste već vidili da će biti Algoritam party za Breaking Dawn cerek ...i tak...pa evo neznam kaj da više napišem...pa evo stavit ću vam hrpu slikica...enjoyajte smijeh cool

pa da poćnem...sa stripićem ...



...to sad se upoznaju...zaljube...bla bla....




livada...i belllino padanje na dupe...



i tako ide život...





sad bellu napadne James...to nisam našla slikice....


Edward...bella....i Jacob konačno...sad je tu jealous....

....pa Edward ode...pa Jacob postaje glavni...


pa ova skače...


Edward se vraća...itd. itd...


...a sada...the future... cerek


i hoće li ova slika(gore) biti istinita? yes



ova slikica se može i ovako prevesti... zubo





hehe...da joj malo otežamo odluku?...i pomiješamo Edwarda i Jakea? yes smijeh


eto tolko o mom zbunjenom stripiću... lud

evo i dvije precute sljikice...maji Eddie cerek kiss...(omg...zakaj se mora zvat Edward.....whaaay......whaaaaaaay....?.....kmeeeeee....cry....obrazloženje: jedno jako iritantno stvorenje iz mog sad već bivšeg razreda se zove Edward......i svi ga zovu eddie......pa zato ja nikad ne tepam ovom Edwardu jer me podsjeti na ovu drugu budalu...al sad sam morala jer su slikice precute cerek)



evo još slikica.... smijeh


Jake... cerek












Cullen grb...


malo o cveteku na od NM-a
to je neka vrsta tulipana, evo kako izgleda...




i ova slikica mi je preeefora...he he smijeh iako ovaj freak i tu munjeno izgleda...al super je ideja slike...


eto sad mi komentirajte jer mi je moj glupi comp skoro crko od uploudanja tolko slika....

UPDATE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! (9.7.2oo8., 22:24)

OMG..........evo malo lutam netom i odem na S.M. stranicu i eek doživim infarkt!!! aaaajjjjjjjjjjjmeeeeeee e koja katastrofa........ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............. prepala sam se kad sam ovo vidila.......aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.............. kmeeeeeeeeeeeee............... OMG........ nemogu vjerovat nono ........... katastrofa........ona čak izgleda bolje nego inače al kog briga za nju....... on jeeeeeeee fuuuuuuuuuuuj.........cry headbang burninmadcrybang
onak izgleda ko truplo...... ok..... Edward na neki način i je truplo aaal.... OMG..... Edward(iz knjige) je prekrasno breathtaking gorgeous stvorenje....a ne ovo... cry...... aaaaaa....... odo past u komu..........lud


ponedjeljak, 30.06.2008. u 20:33 ][ 59 ][ P ][ # ][ ^ ][

...my gathered toughts...

Twilight.......hm........što reći......paa.......puno toga, he he......
evo pokušavam sakupit sve mislili, razmišljnja i osjećaje vezane uz ove knjige......a toga ima puno......
pa da počnem...zašto ja upoće tolko volim TW...odgovore je....pa ima ih puno al zapravo ja ni neznam zašto ga volim toliko.....npr. kad razmišljam o TW razmišljam nekako drugačije....mozak mi bolje radi nego inače...malo čudno al šta ćeš.....volim ga jer je ljubavna prića, jer sadrži nestvarne likove, jer sam ja kao mala(ne previše mala), dobro zapravo oduvijek htjela napisati priću sličnu ovoj...priču u kojoj bi stvorenja smatrana zlima bila dobra....i koja bi sadržala vampire i vukove/pse....priču koja bi sadržavala pravu istinsku ljubav.....a TW ima sve to...svi moji snovi su ispunjeni u jednoj(4) knjige....ja tu knjigu nekako gledam kao svoju....kao da sam je ja napisala.....ponosna sam na tu knjigu....potpuno me opčarala....nešto ima u tom TW-u što opčara čitatelja....jednostavno želiš znati što će biti dalje....a kad sve pročitaš....imaš osjećaj koda se to stvarno dogodilo.....i to te prati dugo vremena dok život jednostavno ne krene dalje....ali opet...svaki dan kad vidiš nešto vezano ili nevezano uz knjigu odmah te na nju podsjeti..i postane ti nekako lijepo oko srca..ponovno se javi taj ponos....sjetiš se svih događaja i trenutaka koji su bilo kako povezani s tim što te podsjetilo na TW.....svaki put kada čujem Umbrella zamirišu mi stranice TW jer moj primjerak ima taj neki specifični miris..i taj misris mi je nakako ostao zapećaćen u sjećanju....i kao da svaki put kad se prisjetim tog mirisa podjeti me na Edwarda....znate onaj poseban misris vampira koji se spominje...e pa miris TW kao da je miris Edwarda...i to me nekako još više zbližuje s TW-om........i drago mi je što nema neke bezvezne klasične borbe između dobra i zla....već je sve posebno....nije obično....prekrasno je....i knjiga je jako dobro napisana...smisleno i spuno detalja....to nam omogućuje zamisliti svaki trenutak...i kad sam čitala TW kao da sam gledala film...i u glavi sam stvarala slike likova...a to će mi ovaj film pokvariti...i zato i nebi htjela da su napravili film....zatim ljubav između Belle i Edwarda...prekrasna je...govori o puno žrtvovanja...emocija....snage....neshvaćeni od ostatka svijet i dalje se vole.....njih dvoje su kao u bajkama....sirotica i princ....i njihova zabranjena ljubav....a što je još ljepše....i oni će vjerojatno završiti kao i oni iz bajke...živjet će sretno i zadovoljno još puno puno godina.....evo tijekom ovog zapisivanja misli na pamet su mi pale još neke...npr. TW je kao bajka za teenagere...možemo maštati o tim prekrasnim likovima i događajima i to nas bar nakratko odvodi od ovog sumornog svijeta....(nisam ja tu neki pesimist, to se samo tako kaže)....ali opet(uvijek ima ali) žao mi je Jacoba....tužno je to što je on otišao....al vrati će se on...znam ja to....ali žao mi ga je onakvog jadnog mlalog tužnog...osamljenog i ostavljenog...najrađe bi ga dovela doma i brinula se o njemu kao o malom psiću...na njega gledam kao na malo nezrelo djete...(ne fizički, jer je jako zgodan, he he)....neznam zašto....al nekao mi se čini da on sve to ne shvaća ozbiljno...ne shvaća da ne postoji samo sadašnjost....on bi trebao gledati kako bi se u americi reklo 'the big picture'.....ali opet on nju zbilja voli....a ona iako nema odrugog izbora.....nije fer da ga samo tako otpili....on nju voli....i bio joj je pravi prijatelj dok Edwarda nije bilo....i tko ga može kriviti što se zaljubio...a Edward....zbunjola......kako je mogao sam otako otići...iako on nju voli i ne želi joj nauditi...ali ipak nemože se s njom ponašati kao s nekim predmetom...pa mora znat i da ona njega voli..i da njegovi postupci iako dobri za nju, utječu na njene osjećaje......i evo sad sam se sjetila Edwardovih osjećaja prema vampirima....žao mi je što Edward misli da je on čudovište bez duše, kako može tako nešto misliti.....al opet...iako naravno nitko nikada neće moći znati kako je to bit vampir(jer ne postoje, duh)....ali eto kad se čita TW vampiri kao da postoje....i onda se zamisliš...kako je to biti vampir...uvijek biti žedan ljudske krvi...i kako je vječno živjeti...biti mrtav......a živjeti....živjeti s tom žeđu....i kako je to biti vukodlak(koja glupa rijeć)...kako je živjeti i znati da u svakom trenutku možeš postati zvijer opasna za ljude koje voliš....oni znaju...i žive s tim...i dobri su..pa ko ih onda nebi volio :D......ma evo sad sam se sva zbunila i neznam šta da više kažem.....samo znam da obožavam TW sagu, Edwarda, Jacoba i ostale Cullen boyse i to se nikada neće promijeniti...TW će zauvijek biti dio mog života.....
p.s.: za Stephenie Meyer:
hvala ti na ovim prekrasnim knjigama koje su mi uvelike promijenile život....al jadna ti ak si mi napisala neke gluposti u Breaking Dawnu....he he(ne šalim se)
evo....ova razmišljnja(lol) sam zapisala prije par dana kad sam ponovno počela intenzivno razmišljati o TW......al eto.....danas je kraj škole....zadnji dan osmog razreda......danas smo po zadnji put bili 'ujednijeni' kao razred, ako skupina koja je 8 godina provela zajedno na istim hodnicima......pozdravljala iste profesore......borili se za ocjene....voljeli se i mrzili....dijelili sretne i tužne trenutke.....i evo sada je kraj.....kraj svega toga..... iako svi kažu da ćemo se vidjeti još u životu.....ima u tome istine....ali opet.....nikada nećemo ponovno biti ovako skupa.....svi sjediti u istom razredu.....u onim starim izrezbarenim klupama.....i jedva čekati odmor ili praznike.....strepit hoće li nas danas pitati......zajednički mrziti sve profesore......šeteti se onim širokim hodnicima......lijepiti žvake iza radijatora......smijati se ko ludi kad netko provali neku glupost na satu........i sada.....sada je sve to završilo.....i mogu sa sigurnošću reći da će mi apsolutno svi nedostajati.....čak i oni koje nisam podnosila......jer kakvi god bili....to smo bili mi....8. c....poznati po dobrim ocjenama i užasnom ponašanju.....he he....ma bili smo ok....i sada ćemo svi nastavit svojim putem u srednjoj......a sve što će ostat iz osnovne su nezaboravna sjećanja i draga prijateljstva........(evo idem cmoljit...)


ah.....evo konačno sam došla doma i sva sam crknuta i sve al eto kad sam vidla sve te vaše duge predobre komentare nisam mogla ostati ravnodušna pa evo želim se zahvaliti svima kojima se dalo pisati kilometarske komentare samo za mene rolleyes, really, I apperciate it kiss
eto...i evo još par stvari koje sam prije zaboravila napisat... tako mi je žao kaj smo izgubili...cryajme e skoro sam se i zbog toga rasplakala al ipak nisam...he he...al baš mi je žao...cry al eto...šta sad, trebamo bit uz njih i u dobru i u zlu...i iako bi ja rađe dobro i zlo dijelila s nekim ko je na moju veliku žalost izmišljen...al nea veze zubo...evo nešto što sam htjela prije napisat al sam zaboravila zbog tekme...pa evo...jednom od mojih najdražih izmišljenih likova* Edwardu želim sretan rođendan! cerek he he...
evo već sam totalka poludila...ludčestitam rođendan nekome ko nepostoji...al eto...svi vi twilighterci ćete me razumjet yes cerek (*drugi je Jacob, pa Jasper, Emmett itd... smijeh)
ma mislila sam još neš napisat al sam zaboravila... lud
evo još jednom hvala na komentarima...i da...moj rođ. je 5.12. al mi neko želi kupt dar evo kaj bi htjela smijeh

al svi koji me znaju znaju da bi rađe AstonM.Vanquish cerek

i evo još jedna slikica o TW kaj mi je precute smijeh

jel vam se ikad ovo dogodilo? smijeh

sutra vraćam komentare...i nadam se da će ih bt još smijeh

subota, 21.06.2008. u 00:33 ][ 86 ][ P ][ # ][ ^ ][

Sad love stories....

One night a guy and girl were driving home from the movies. The boy sensed there was something wrong because of the painful silence they shared between them that night. The girl then asked the boy to pull over because she wanted to talk. She told him that her feelings had changed and that it was time to move on.
A silent tear slid down his cheek as he slowly reached into his pocket and passed her a folded note. At that moment, a drunk driver was speeding down that very same street. He swerved right into the drivers seat, killing the boy.
Miraculously, the girl survived. Remembering the note, she pulled it out and read it.
“Without your love, I would die.“

This is a story about a boy who had cancer and he had one month to live. He liked the girl working in a CD shop very much, but he didn't tell her about his love. Everyday he went to the CD shop and bough a CD only to talk to her. After a month he died. When the girl found out about his death she went to his home and asked about him. His mom showed her his room..... She saw all the CD's unopened...... The girl cried n cried n cied..... Do you know why she cried.... 'cause she kept her own love letters inside the CD packs..... She also loved him.....

Once there was a blin boy. He fell in love with a girl. One day girl asked him ''Will you marry me?''. He said ''Yes I will. But wher I shall be able so see you.''. After some days someone donated him eyes. He was very happy to see his love... but when he saw that girl was also blind, he refused to marry her. Before leaving the girl said ''As you wish my Love. But I wan't to say only one thing..... Please take care of my eyes...''

Once upon a time a bird fell in love with a white rose. One day she proposed to him but he refused. He said “I don’t love you” ..... But the bird came daily and proposed to him. One day the white rose said “When I’ll turn red I will love u”. One day the bird came and cut her wings and spread her blood on the rose and rose turned red. Then the rose realized how much the bird loved him but it was too late....



Evo Algoritam je konačno stavio Breaking Dawn na svoju str.
zapravo je to tamo još negdje od 4. mjeseca i prije al eto...
cerek Breaking Dawn cerek
OMG....jedva čekam....zapravo nemogu ja čekat....poludit ću...headbang lud
i ako nekoga zanima Algoritam mi je odgovorio na mail i potvrđuju da će se Breaking Dawn na hrvatskom zvati 'Praskozorje' ! eek namcor mad no cry puknucu headbang bang

i da....GOOOO HRVATSKA !!! hrvatska cerek hrvatska thumbup party

četvrtak, 12.06.2008. u 13:53 ][ 96 ][ P ][ # ][ ^ ][

Send My Love To Heaven!

......ah........evo ovih dana je puno padala kiša(btw volim kad pada kiša, podsjeća me na Forks) al nekako je bilo sjetno i tužno pa sam se malo sjetila starih tužnih priča koje sam našla prije 100 god pa evo sad ću ih objavljivat tek tolko da se nešto događa na mom zbunjenom blogu i da ljudi nebi pomislili da ga više ne pišem....pa recite mi što mislite o njima.....ova prva je najdulja.....nekako mi je i najdraža i baš mi se urezala u sječanje a neznam zašto......evo ostavljam vas da čitate(trebat će vam 15-20min).....bar će te imat šta radit ako vam je dosadno.....i da....pripremite maramicu.......cry

What can I say about a girl I loved since I was ten..... that I love the way she laughs at me when I commit mistakes, the way she fusses over silly things and even the way she cries over some sad silly late night show? Somehow, I wished I could have told her that I love her but now there's no hope in doing so. For now, it's rather too late- too late for me to do so.

She was my best friend and I have known her since we were small. She knew all my secrets, which reveals my feelings for her, that I love her not only because she's pretty and smart but also the way she laughs at everything and the way she sees life and love.

I could still remember the first time we met; I was five years old then. It was one windy afternoon having no one to play with except for my best friend, Troy. He and his family just moved out to transfer at a neighboring state because his father got promoted. And so I climbed up our tree house, I saw a moving truck coming down the street. I watched it approaching and noticed a family station wagon following it. It stopped in front of the house and out came a family. I was about to glance away when out came the loveliest girl I've seen. She was four years old that time but then even at an early age she was a beauty. She had long curly hair, which reached almost to her waist. She had fair complexion and eyes which could make a man lose his heart into them. I continued to watch her when suddenly she looked up and saw me watching them in the tree house window. I was about to duck when she smiled and waved her hand. I waved back then watched in amazement as I saw her running towards the tree house. So I went to the edge of the ladder and said, "Would you like to come up?" she answered, "May I?" So I help her climb up and when she reached the top she then turned to me and said, "By the way, my name's Sam, what's yours?" I answered, “My name is Christopher but then you can call me Chris." She smiled and said, “Well I like your name. Hey your tree house's neat!" then I replied, “Thanks! Troy and I made this. This used to be our hide out. We used to goof around, play ball and go biking together. He was my best friend and I kind of miss him you know." She smiled and said "I'm here now, we could do things you do with troy and I could be your new best friend too. I never had a boy for a friend before so it could be exciting to have one. I could learn how to play ball and I have my bicycle so we could go biking together. Now how does that sound to you?" I smiled and said, "Well that sounds good enough." Then she held her hand and said, "It's a deal then!" So that's how it started.

So we became best friends and it was kind of strange at first for she was a girl and there are things which I was little bit hesitant to indulge her like catching frogs, swimming in the lake and climbing trees, but then she tried and did everything just to please me. There was even a time when she fell off the bike trying to catch up with me in a race we had and I was the one who bandaged her scraped knee. I could still remember the time when she hit the window of our neighbor when we were playing baseball and it was I who talked to Mr. Chambers and promised to pay for the damage, which meant having to loose a week’s allowance. I remembered the time when I fell off the tree when I tried to rescue a little kitten because Sam was near to tears when she saw the helpless kitten trapped in a branch. I even fought with the tough guy when they teased Sam and made her cry and I ended up having a black eye and a bruised cheek. I remember Sam crying as she placed an ice bag over the damaged eye and later gave it a get-well kiss. I did everything to please her and gave everything her little heart desires.

The lake was our favorite hang out. We had our Saturday swim routine. We would pack food and later eat them under the big oak tree. There was a special branch in which the two of us could sit together and tell each other's dreams. She dreams of being a Ballerina and she knows my dream of becoming a doctor. She never laughs at my dreams and pursuits even if they were quite impossible. It made me like her even more.

As years went by, I noticed that my feelings towards her were slowly changing. Somehow, I thought it was just a simple crush case. But when I started thinking about her at night, dreaming of her and having the feeling of wanting to be with her all the time, I thought it was something different, something that made me feel strange, but then it was exhilarating feeling. It made me feel so alive. Whenever our hands touch, I could feel the tingling sensation in my spine. Once, when we were at the lake having our Saturday swim routine and as I carried her towards the water edge, I had the feeling of not wanting to let go. I just wanted that moment to continue hoping it would never end. I then realized I was slowly falling in love with my best friend.

Many times I tried to deny the feeling for I was scared to imagine what would happen if ever I'd try to tell her how I feel about her. I was scared because she might think that I'm taking advantage of her and our friendship. I was afraid of losing her so I just kept my feeling hidden.

We reached the age of fifteen and I noticed that Sam grew lovelier each day. How my heart aches wherever I see boys glance her way. I want to punch their noses as I watch them talking to her giving compliments, flowers and chocolates. There were times when I watch her at a distance mixed feelings of anger and hurt because it hurts so much to know that there were so many things I wanted to tell her but then I could not do so. There were so many presents which I long to give her but then I could not for she might see me only as a friend. I was also scared of letting her know how I feel about her as much as losing her.

Then one day, I just learned from a friend that she already had a boyfriend. At first, I tried to convince myself that it was just a rumor. Her boyfriend was Mark, a popular senior, who was the heartthrob of the campus. She, being the cheerleader was close to the basketball team which Mark was the captain. When I saw them walking together at the parking lot that afternoon, I watched her with my heart slowly breaking into pieces. I saw her wave at me but I just pretended not to see her for I was scared that she might see in my eyes the pain I'm feeling inside because of seeing her with another guy.

Those days that followed where the saddest days of my life. How my heart aches when I see her walk by me with him at her side. Every time we meet in hallways and I see him around her, there's a feeling inside me that makes me want to grab her away from him. How it hurts to see the girl I long possess was now owned by somebody else. That special smile I long for her to cast on me was now casted on him as she passes by me she doesn’t know that I whisper the words "God how I love you."

Then one faithful day they broke up. She came too me that evening crying on my shoulder. They had a big fight and it ended up to their break up. Mixed feelings were scaring me inside. I was happy because she was free and maybe I would have the chance of telling her my true feelings for her but then I was feeling so bad because she is crying her heart out just for him. At that time, I was not quite sure of what I wanted to do.

So we found ourselves doing what we did in old days with our Saturday swim routine, spending time in our tree house. We still enjoyed doing childish pranks for we still are both young at heart.

So many chances I had for me to confess my feelings for her but still I couldn't bring myself to her for I was scared of losing her once more. I once lost her, now I could not bear of losing her again by telling her I love her. So I just kept my feelings even if it was bursting to be expressed from my aching heart.

It was a week from our JS Prom, we were seated at the branch of an oak tree drying ourselves after our afternoon swim when she said, "I was wondering Chris if you would like to be my partner?" It just got out of my wits for it was like a dream I never thought would happen. It took me awhile to answer her, "I thought there are so many boys who would die for you to be their partner?" So she turned away and quietly said, "Well I just thought I would like to spend that night with my best friend." Then she continued in a whisper I could barely hear, "Don't you want to die just like them to be my partner Chris?" I was too stunned to speak for it came close for me to blurt my feelings for her. We we're silent for a while until I finally whispered, "I would be happy to be your partner Sam." The she smiled and suddenly kissed my cheek. I could hardly contain the joy I felt that time. I saw her turned red and bowed her head. Suddenly she stood up and run towards the water saying, "Last one to reach the water treats to sundae fudge!" I ran slowed up so that I would lose which meant having to have her with me for another three hours or more.

Our Prom night came. I bought a new tuxedo and poured almost the entire bottle of perfume. I went to fetch Sam. Sam's mother greeted me and I went to sit in the living room waiting for her to come down. I was talking to her father when I heard her say, "How do I look?" I look up and saw her lovelier than ever in a strapless white dress with her hair flowing around her face. I stood up and opened my mouth but found out I could not find my voice. Then I got her hand shakily fastened the corsage around her wrist and whispered, "To the loveliest girl in the whole world." She then asked, “Is that true?" I nodded and she smiled and I smiled back then I turned to open the door for her.

When we arrived at the gymnasium we hardly recognized our classmates. Gone were the jeans and T-shirts. They were replaced with tuxedos and gowns. Then I held out her hand bowed and said," Would you give me the honor of your first dance?" She laughed and curtseyed. Then I led her to the dance floor.

It was like a dream coming true, a moment of enchantment. I was there dancing with the only girl I ever loved. She was smiling up to me, as we were slowly moving in a smooth gliding motion. I found myself lost as I stared down to her sparkling eyes. The curls of her long hair were like waves enhancing her beautiful face. There were so many things I wanted to tell her that moment. I wanted to tell that she was the most beautiful girl that night. I wanted to tell her that she would always be the beacon of light in my darkness, but what I wanted to tell her the most was that I love her. I drew up all my courage and bent to whisper it in her ear but suddenly the music stopped and the magic was gone. I came close to telling her, but still haven't done it.

We walked towards the table and found ourselves surrounded by friends. I asked her if she wanted a drink, she nodded and so I went to get one. It took me a long time to get one and when I returned to our table, she was gone. I asked her friend, Katie, where she was but she told me that she doesn't know. So I went and search for her.

As I was searching for her, I reached the garden. There I saw two silhouette figures outlined by the moon's silvery light. They were so close to each other. I could never describe the feeling I had when I recognized the white dress Sam was wearing that night. I just turned and left the gymnasium. Since that night, I avoided her. Many times she tried talking to me but I never gave her the chance to do so. I was afraid to hear her say that she loves Mark and not me. I would rather have left in ignorance of her true feelings for me than to hear from those dreaded words and feel my hope crush and my heart break. I didn't return her calls. I would not see her if she comes into our house. In the hallways, as she approaches I would go to another direction. It also hurts to do those things but then I thought that was the best way to forget her. Those months were tormenting but still I kept my pride.

The day of our graduation came. I was planning to take up medicine at a neighboring state and was to move out the next day. As the program ended, she approached me and handed me a rose. As she stared at me. There was something in her eyes I couldn't describe. There was sadness in them and when she smiled it wasn't the same smile she had. I wanted to hug her at that moment, tell her that I love her but then she turned and walked away from me.

So I moved out the next day as I planned. Luckily, I was accepted at the university. I concentrated with my studies but still I think of her at night. I was always wondering if she thinks of me too. I tried hard not to think of her but still I could not stop myself from loving her. Each achievement I have was done for her. I thought that if I will be successful one day, I would be able to tell her that I love her and by that time, I'm worthy of having her.

It was a year after our graduation when I decided to return home and see her again. I thought a year is too much for me not to see her and during the past year I felt like a person lost in the desert and only the sight of her could quench the thirst I have inside. As I got off the plane, I went home directly, desperate to get to her house desperate to see her, to hug her. Then I would tell her that I missed her and that I have loved her for a long time. This time I am determined to let her know my true feelings for her and I could not contain anymore the love I have for her.

I reached their house; I saw her older sister and I approached her. I smiled at her but I noticed she didn't smile back. I was confused for she used to be a cheerful lasy just like my dear Sam. I then asked," Hi Jen! I guess you're surprised why I'm here. Well I just want to visit you and I was also hoping to see Sam. I kind of miss her you know. Ummm.........bby the way have you seen her?" All I saw was sadness in her eyes as she replied quietly "Come follow me."

I was confused with the way she's acting but still I followed her. As we were walking, I was trying to indulge her in a conversation but just answered my questioned briefly. Then I realized that she was leading me to the direction of the lake. It was still the same as I left it, with the same oak tree Sam and I used to climb up. I smiled upon remembering the kiss Sam gave me when I agreed to be her partner. It's been one of the happiest days in my life and I realized that I missed Sam more than I thought. The Jen stopped walking and pointed to the tree. She then whispered, "There's Sam."

I looked at where she was pointing and saw a newly dug tomb with the name of the girl I ever loved. I could not believe at what I saw and desperately tried convincing myself that this is all just a nightmare and I would soon wake up.

I stared at Jenny in disbelief with her eyes searching for explanations and slowly started saying," It has been a week since she died. She died of Leukemia, but even though she was sick, she never stopped thinking about you. It was even your name she uttered before she died. She asked us to bury her here for she always regards this place as a place of LOVE. She said that this is where she had spent the happiest days and that was when she was with you. By the way, she also asked me to give you this." She handed me a parcel and with that she left.

I slowly opened the parcel and saw that it contained the dried orchid from the corsage I gave her for our prom. Then at the bottom I saw a letter. It was dated last month. I opened it with shaking hands and started reading........


I know by this time you read this letter I'm gone. I just want to tell you that I feel very lucky and thankful to God that I had a friend like you. I would also like you to know that I had left something inside, something I kept from you all these years. I love you Chris, not in a friendly way but as one who would feel like spending the rest of my life with. I have always loved you even from the start. I guess it just bloomed each day that's why the happiest days of my life was when you were by my side. You just don't know how I dreamed of you at night and wake up in the morning and dream no more for you are with me. When you are away, I can't stop crying because I'm afraid to think that you are with another girl. I just can't bear to see you with another girl. I just want you all to myself. I may sound selfish but that's how I feel. Each time you held me close to you was like a dream coming true for to be close to you and feel your heart beating next to mine was heaven. So many things I did so that you will learn to love me but I NEVER saw a hint. I did everything to please you because I love you so much that I even tried to full myself that you're in love with me too. So many nights I've cried when I think of myself unloved by you. Well you might think that what I'm saying are lies but, I tell you, my heart speaks the truth for I cannot bear telling a lie to the one I love.

I know you might be thinking of Mark but I just did that to make you jealous, to make you see me as a young woman, capable of loving and not as the little girl you used to play with. Sometimes I imagined that you were jealous and fooled myself that it was a sign that you feel something for me too. When Mark and I broke up and I came crying, I just did that to know how you would react and with that I'll know that you love me too. But I failed for you didn't give me any clue. When our prom night came, you just don't know how happy I was when you handed me the corsage and saying that I was the loveliest girl in the whole world. While we were dancing, I wanted so desperately to hear you say that you love me too but you NEVER did. When Mark came and pleaded me to give him a second chance, I was scared that you might see us talking. I didn't want you to get the wrong impression so I told him we would talk in the garden. There I explained to him that it's you whom I really love. What happened next was that I found you missing and later learned that you were searching for me, I just concluded that you saw us together. The next day, I tried to explain but then you never gave me a chance to do so. You continuously avoided me and never knew how much pain I've experienced that time. I felt the world crushing on me. In our Graduation day, when I approached you, I wanted to tell you how much I love you but I decided that I just couldn't do it. I could not bear to hear that all you feel for me is just brotherly hand of love. For I want you to love me as a woman and not as a girl or playmate. So I just turned away and left.

Now that saying I LOVE YOU might be too late, still I want you to know that I will always love you and my heart has always been and will be yours alone.

Think of me sometimes.... and always remember that loving you was the best thing that ever happened in my life.


I felt my tears falling as I folded the letter. I wanted to shout out to let her know that I love her, if not as much, but more than she did for me. I love her more than anything in this world. I knelt touching the soil of her grave and rain started to fall. I continued crying softly and whispered, "Oh God, send my love to heaven."

ponedjeljak, 09.06.2008. u 17:45 ][ 24 ][ P ][ # ][ ^ ][

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