

Dodaj komentar (15)


  • pametni zub

    ako smo izgubli bitku, to ne znači automatski da se rat uopće vodi. svako dobro!


    30.12.2008. (15:54)    -   -   -   -  


    To da se stvara privid mira, da izgleda kao da se rat ne vodi, najveća je opsjena Nečastivog. A bitke...ha, stvar je obrnuta: to što smo dobili pokoju, ništa ne znači u ovom unaprijed izgubljenom ratu.


    30.12.2008. (21:13)    -   -   -   -  

  • ludlud

    ...i, zaboga, dečki, ne bacajte deku preko kupole tenka jer niš nebute napravili! Vidiš onaj prorez naprijed, ispod kupole, odmah uz cijev mitraljeza? E, tamo hiti deku! Najte da i tu posljednju izgubljenu bitku izgubimo zato jer smo paceri...

    Sretna nova vasceloj Vaseljeni!


    30.12.2008. (21:18)    -   -   -   -  


    Evo što se dogodilo Halter.
    Ljubljeni joj je ničim prisiljen prije izvjesnog vremena poklonio najsuvremeniju peglu, čudo tehnike. Naravno, Halter sada ima problema s najjednostavnijim baratanjem tom strojem iz ciklusa machine nuove.
    Ne bi li je utješio, adaptirao sam stari predvojnički hit koji glasi:
    Oj ti peglo pusti paru jače,
    da ne vidim kako Halter plače.


    30.12.2008. (21:36)    -   -   -   -  

  • pametni zub

    ne znam, ali znam da gubimo. treba izvući neriješeno pa gladiti bradu! svojevremeno si me uvjeravao kako sive eminencije vladaju našim životima; nisam ti vjerovao, ali zbivanja kao da dokazuju tvoje tvrdnje. ipak, radije ću vjerovati kako je sve to zato što sam kao dječak bacio pogrešan kamenčić u more!


    30.12.2008. (21:50)    -   -   -   -  


    Huh...znači ti si ta eminencija? Hoću kazati, u potonjem slučaju mijenja se samo izvor, inicijator zbivanja, koji je mogao biti skriven i samome sebi, dapače, ta je apsolutna anonimnost u hebrejskoj tradiciji uvijet za nistara, pa što ovdje ne bi bila za njegovo naličje, univerzalnog metežnika.
    Jasno da vladaju, mili, nije to tako teško, nadasve ne zemljom od 4,5 milijuna stanovnika, a pokazuje se da suvereno vladaju procesima - to što su ti procesi nezakoniti, ne mijenja na njihovom statusu - koji su premrežili čitav svijet. Ti znaš da ja minimalno ili gotovo nikad ne ogreznem u teorije i praksu urote, ali moram upozoriti da se zapravo sve čini kako bi se osnovne činjenice ove krize zataškale, ne zato da se ne bi ispostavilo kako Zemljom vladaju Iluminati, nego zato da se ne bi izvukao neugodan zaključak da uzročnik krize u Mađarskoj i predsjednik uprave vlasnika zagrebačke Arene, recimo, imaju nešto zajedničko. Možda je i dobro da se takve spoznaje još uvijek drže ispod pulta: Zube, ne bih volio da opet budem u pravu, ali ja mislim da ako se ova kriza ne smiri, svijetu prijeti novi val antisemitizma. Na poseban način i ovaj rat Izraela protim Hamasa savršeno pridonosi stvaranju tog tragičnog ozračja.


    30.12.2008. (22:25)    -   -   -   -  

  • lolina

    I, neka vam Bog pomogne! cccc ...kak se distanciraš od nas običnog puka ;))

    evo ,kaj veli Šandor
    “My mother was widowed during the war, and we were forcibly relocated after 1945 into Hungary. Twice she had to send me to foster parents to get herself an education. These people were kind enough, but very poor. I was expected to wash in the water already used by the grandmother of the house,” he recalls, when asked of those far-off days.

    Tellingly, rather than re-use the old lady’s lukewarm suds, Demján trained himself to wash in water from the well; it could be bitterly cold in winter.

    Yet for all its harshness and hard work, the real estate tycoon of today remains grateful for the lessons learned in his childhood. “It’s why I am still strong and healthy,” he insists, though perhaps he means something closer to “determined and resilient”.

    no , da , kam god se pogleda uvijek jedne te iste face , iste banke , dućani i brendovi . globalizacija je jedno prilično nemaštovito nekreativno njesra.
    ehh sad , tko bi se sve trebao okupati u hladnoj vodi kad nama premijer veli
    isposlovao sam odgodu rasta kta. na kredite ...klap , klap ;)))
    a kaj je današnji tečaj EUR 7.3244 . kuglica na boru ;))
    za krepat
    bumo vidli ,rekli su sljepci

    lepo se mej


    30.12.2008. (23:34)    -   -   -   -  

  • šlagerpevač

    I onda ti meni kažeš da sam mračan. Poveznica između globalne krize i antisemitizam je neosporna i povijest nas uvijek iznova uči da su židovi zasigurno izabran narod samo je pitanje za što. No kako bi rek'o naš narod: "dao bi bog al' neda vrag!". Sve su to đavolja posla a Sotona nikada ne spava a naravno da će plesati po ovoj našoj planeti kad je svirka danas toliko zamamna. Ne postoje sive eminencije niti ljudi koji svjesno i organizirano vode kolo već je to samo jedna te ista "osoba" koja ima bezbroj lica, zlo je univerzalno i nepobjedivo ukorijenjeno u ljudskoj prirodi tako da se slažem da: " djeco moja, vojsko moja nepobjeđena, dolaze nam teški dani...". Uskoro će hrana postati najveća vrijednost na ovoj planeti a tako na kraju krajeva treba i biti.
    Nije svako zlo za zlo, dragi moj Nemanja, tako da će se vrlo vjerovatno u sljedećem desetljeću odvojiti zrno od kukolja što bi se ono reklo, jelte!
    Sve najbolje tebi i tvoji ćitaocima želi Šlagerpevač uz pjesmu: "Kad bi ove ruže male, za bol srca moga znale..."


    31.12.2008. (07:35)    -   -   -   -  

  • inhibitor

    Bukowski je napisao jednu dobru priču o anđelu koji se propije i ode u kurac.
    Dobre su "Zabilješke starog pokvarenjaka", naročito ona priča u kojoj se autor budi na nekom tulumu i shvati da ima veliki crni kurac u guzici.


    31.12.2008. (09:19)    -   -   -   -  

  • cveba

    ..svima sretno i berichetno !


    31.12.2008. (18:44)    -   -   -   -  

  • lijecenikatolik

    Eto, uz Tina:

    Visoki jablani

    Oni imaju visoka čela, vijorne kose, široke grudi;
    od gromora njina glasa šuma i more se budi,
    a kada rukom mahnu, obzori svijeta se šire
    i bune, i prodiru u vis, u etire.

    Ali, za svoju snagu oni su zahvalni patnji,
    bijedi, sužanjstvu, gladi i njinoj crnoj pratnji.
    Oni imaju snagu vjere što živi u smaku
    i vrelo svjetlosti što tinja u mraku
    i sunce u oblaku...

    Oni imaju polet orlova, srčanih zračnih ptica,
    oni poznaju pjesmu naših najdubljih žica,
    za svijet u slobodi. za svijet u ljepoti,
    ljudi svojih djela, djeca svojih ruku,
    rođena u plaču, sazrela u muku.

    Njina muška desna neprestano zida
    dvore čovječanstva. Dom Prometeida !
    I gdje tinja savjest, kao iskra sveta
    oko njih se kupi orijaška četa
    za slobodu prava

    Ali u samoći njihova je glava
    ispravna i čista povrh mračne rulje
    gdje ih ne razumiju glupani i hulje,
    kao vršak divnih, zelenih jablana,
    režući do munje vedri obzor dana.

    Tako, uistinu, do njih vode puti,
    gdje se pojas rijeke u dolini sluti,
    gdje se sitno cvijeće plavi, ruji, žuti;
    nagnuti u ponor, nebeskoga svoda
    dok crvena jesen drumovima hoda.

    Mi stupamo bijelim dolom u tišini,
    oni, sami, gordi, dršću u visini,
    muče žednu zjenu ili revnu opnu;
    što ne mogu, što ne mogu da nas u vis popnu.

    Povrh njina vrška gdje se pjesme gnijezde
    samo vile lete, ili bure jezde;
    a nad njima sunca; samo zvijezde, zvijezde!


    01.01.2009. (20:31)    -   -   -   -  

  • prljava igra (!)

    Troppa Grossa, San Giacomone!

    E.P. exults in the extra inch
    Wherever the ell it`s found
    But wasn't J.J. a son of a binch
    To send him an extra pound.

    E.P. ocharava u svome maniru
    Gde god se nashao snadjen
    Ali zar J.J. nije bio prokleti trol
    Poslavshi mu koju funtu vishe ?

    (james joyce, 1926)

    Ima jedna scena u Fassbinderovom Satansbratenu, ovaj sam film vec pominjao na Vaseljeni, sticajem okolnosti - verovatno stoga shto je posebno upechtaljiv - u kojoj glavni junak, pesnik, obmanut corkem i odrzavan u uverenju da je ubio jednu groficu, mecenu u njega zaljubljenu, izmedju ostalog prozet strahom da nikada vishe nece napisati dostojan stih, prisiljava se da pishe, i iz svoje glave napishe od rechi do rechi Georgeovog Albatrosa, a kada to otkrije pochinje da se oblachi i ponasha kao Stefan George, iznajmljuje mladice kod filmskih angencija, koji onda sede i slushaju njegovu, Georgeovu grcku-pedersku poeziju... dakle, scena u kojoj pesnik svojoj zarko ljubljenoj ljubavnici (Ingrid Carven) pegla gacice, koje ona onda onako frishko vruce navlachi na guzu.

    what`s up, opeglani?


    02.01.2009. (05:16)    -   -   -   -  


    I take care of the pence because the pound's won't take care of themselves.

    Igra, a pazi sad ovu priču, kad smo kod Georgovih stihova iz pera obmanutog pjesnika...
    Film je Waking Life, Richard Linklater, Chapter 18:

    (A guy is playing a pinball machine, seemingly the same guy who rode with him in the back of the boat car. This part is played by Richard Linklater, aka, the director.)
    Hey, man.
    Weren't you in a boat car? You know, the guy, the guy with the hat? He gave me a ride in his car, or boat thing, and you were in the back seat with me?
    I mean, I'm not saying that you don't know what you're talking about, but I don't know what you're talking about.
    No, you see, you guys let me off at this really specific spot that you gave him directions to let me off at, I get out, and end up getting hit by a car, but then, I just woke up because I was dreaming, and later than that, I found out that I was still dreaming, dreaming that I'd woken up.
    Oh yeah, those are called false awakenings. I used to have those all the time.
    Yeah, but I'm still in it now. I, I can't get out of it. It's been going on forever, I keep waking up, but, but I'm just waking up into another dream. I'm starting to get creeped out, too. Like I'm talking to dead people. This woman on TV's telling me about how death is this dreamtime that exists outside of life. I mean, (desperate sigh) I'm starting to think that I'm dead.
    I'm gonna tell you about a dream I once had. I know that's, when someone says that, then usually you're in for a very boring next few minutes, and you might be, but it sounds like, you know, what else are you going to do, right? Anyway, I read this essay by Philip K. Dick.
    What, you read it in your dream?
    No, no. I read it before the dream. It was the preamble to the dream. It was about that book, um Flow My Tears the Policeman Said. You know that one?
    Uh, yeah yeah, he won an award for that one.
    Right, right. That's the one he wrote really fast. It just like flowed right out of him. He felt he was sort of channeling it, or something. But anyway, about four years after it was published, he was at this party, and he met this woman who had the same name as the woman character in the book. And she had a boyfriend with the same name as the boyfriend character in the book, and she was having an affair with this guy, the chief of police, and he had the same name as the chief of police in his book. So she's telling him all of this stuff from her life, and everything she's saying is right out of his book. So that's totally freaking him out, but, what can he do?
    And then shortly after that, he was going to mail a letter, and he saw this kind of, um, you know, dangerous, shady looking guy standing by his car, but instead of avoiding him, which he says he would have usually done, he just walked right up to him and said, "Can I help you?" And the guy said, "Yeah. I, I ran out of gas." So he pulls out his wallet, and he hands him some money, which he says he never would have done, and then he gets home and thinks, wait a second, this guy, you know, he can't get to a gas station, he's out of gas.


    02.01.2009. (09:21)    -   -   -   -  


    So he gets back in his car, he goes and finds the guy, takes him to the gas station, and as he's pulling up at the gas station, he realizes, "Hey, this is in my book too. This exact station, this exact guy. Everything."
    So this whole episode is kind of creepy, right? And he's telling his priest about it, you know, describing how he wrote this book, and then four years later all these things happened to him. And as he's telling it to him, the priest says, "That's the Book of Acts. You're describing the Book of Acts." And he's like, "I've never read the Book of Acts." So he, you know, goes home and reads the Book of Acts, and it's like uncanny. Even the characters' names are the same as in the Bible. And the Book of Acts takes place in 50 A.D., when it was written, supposedly. So Philip K. Dick had this theory that time was an illusion and that we were all actually in 50 A.D., and the reason he had written this book was that he had somehow momentarily punctured through this illusion, this veil of time, and what he had seen there was what was going on in the Book of Acts.
    And he was really into Gnosticism, and this idea that this demiurge, or demon, had created this illusion of time to make us forget that Christ was about to return, and the kingdom of God was about to arrive. And that we're all in 50 A.D., and there's someone trying to make us forget that God is imminent. And that's what time is. That's what all of history is. It's just this kind of continuous, you know, daydream, or distraction.
    And so I read that, and I was like, well that's weird. And than that night I had a dream and there was this guy in the dream who was supposed to be a psychic. But I was skeptical. I was like, you know, he's not really a psychic, you know I'm thinking to myself. And then suddenly I start floating, like levitating, up to the ceiling. And as I almost go through the roof, I'm like, "Okay, Mr. Psychic. I believe you. You're a psychic. Put me down please." And I float down, and as my feet touch the ground, the psychic turns into this woman in a green dress. And this woman is Lady Gregory.
    Now Lady Gregory was Yeats' patron, this, you know, Irish person. And though I'd never seen her image, I was just sure that this was the face of Lady Gregory. So we're walking along, and Lady Gregory turns to me and says, "Let me explain to you the nature of the universe. Now Philip K. Dick is right about time, but he's wrong that it's 50 A.D. Actually, there's only one instant, and it's right now, and it's eternity. And it's an instant in which God is posing a question, and that question is basically, 'Do you want to, you know, be one with eternity? Do you want to be in heaven?' And we're all saying, 'No thank you. Not just yet.' And so time is actually just this constant saying 'No' to God's invitation. I mean that's what time is. I mean, and it's no more 50 A.D. than it's two thousand and one. And there's just this one instant, and that's what we're always in."


    02.01.2009. (09:22)    -   -   -   -  


    And then she tells me that actually this is the narrative of everyone's life. That, you know, behind the phenomenal difference, there is but one story, and that's the story of moving from the "no" to the "yes." All of life is like, "No thank you. No thank you. No thank you." then ultimately it's, "Yes, I give in. Yes, I accept. Yes, I embrace." I mean, that's the journey. I mean, everyone gets to the "yes" in the end, right?
    So we continue walking, and my dog runs over to me. And so I'm petting him, really happy to see him, you know, he's been dead for years. So I'm petting him and I realize there's this kind of gross oozing stuff coming out of his stomach. And I look over at Lady Gregory, and she sort of coughs. She's like [cough] [cough] "Oh, excuse me." And there's vomit, like dribbling down her chin, and it smells really bad. And I think, "Well, wait a second, that's not just the smell of vomit," which is, doesn't smell very good, "that's the smell of like dead person vomit." You know, so it's like doubly foul. And then I realize I'm actually in the land of the dead, and everyone around me is dead. My dog had been dead for over ten years, Lady Gregory had been dead a lot longer than that. When I finally woke up, I was like, whoa, that wasn't a dream, that was a visitation to this real place, the land of the dead.
    So what happened? I mean how did you finally get out of it?
    Oh man. It was just like one of those like life altering experiences. I mean I could never really look at the world the same way again, after that.
    Yeah, but I mean like how did you, how did you finally get out of the dream? See, that's my problem. I'm like trapped. I keep, I keep thinking that I'm waking up, but I'm still in a dream. It seems like it's going on forever. I can't get out of it, and I want to wake up for real. How do you really wake up?
    I don't know, I don't know. I'm not very good at that anymore. But, um, if that's what you're thinking, I mean you, you probably should. I mean, you know if you can wake up, you should, because you know someday, you know, you won't be able to. So just, um ... But it's easy. You know. Just, just wake up.


    02.01.2009. (09:22)    -   -   -   -  
