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  • Reader

    By their fruits shall we know them

    One day the TV was about the bees dying out. This time, at home as well. It seems there are thirty percent fewer. (It will never be clear to me how they calculate these things, and even more how they express them as a percentage.)

    In fact, on my buff-coloured frontage there are none this season. Otherwise bee-homemakers come every year, solitaries without a swarm, and excavate little holes in the cracked mortar and then diligently fetch pollen. The scientists are like scientists: they don't know anything. It could be this, it could be that. Maybe it's global warming. And maybe not. Maybe it's pesticides, maybe mobile phones. Mysteriously they are disappearing throughout the hemisphere.

    So I am inclining to a conspiracy theory. Someone does not bees working on their bee business. Twenty percent (Again they calculated that somehow - doh!) of fruit trees are not being pollinated. Fruit and vegetables are getting ever fewer and more expensive. I am reminded of the biblical "by their fruits shall ye know them." For the first time it occurs to me that the thing should be taken literally. Think about those fruit in the supermarket. What is that and what is it painted with? Plastic with out flavour or fragrance, even if they are in sparkling colours. Oh yes, we know you by your fruits, however they may be!

    So generally I would not be surprised, and furthermore I am disposed towards the conspiracy, if soon they serve us up the solution. The bees are dying out? Inconvenient, yes, but our gardening scientists have solved the problem! Geneticists have produced the super-fly, better pollinators already than any natural bee! The super-fly is resistant to all pesticides and herbicides, to typhoons and droughts and greenhouse gases and their effects. Inhabitants of this divided globe are recommended not to destroy flies any more, particularly blue and green, howling and meaty, in case by error they also kill the super-flies which are successfully replacing the imperfect bees...

    And then we shall surely know where we are, if only we had foreseen it now...

    I posljednja muha? (Rujan 2007) Bila je i prva super-muha? Razmišljem se...

    Ali Vladar je Muha vješt. Čitat ću blog, i znat ću da Ludlud je budan!

    Sve je dobro!


    03.07.2008. (11:41)    -   -   -   -  

  • dete

    sta ce nam pcele kad je sve vise govana a sve manje cvjeca zivjela super muha


    03.07.2008. (18:50)    -   -   -   -  

  • ludlud

    @reader: o, ne, posljednja muha bila je prava, real. Bilo je nešto proročko u njezinu oproštajnom letu... ;))

    @dete: pa da, a i noge će nam manje smrdit u novom okružju...


    04.07.2008. (00:54)    -   -   -   -  

  • armin

    ja sam staromodan. volim med i pčele.


    04.07.2008. (01:19)    -   -   -   -  

  • ludlud

    @armin: baš jesi! Čuj, voli med i pčele, a u trendu su drek i muhe. ;))) Još ćeš reći takvu glupost da više voliš kruha, maslaca i pekmeza nego Snickers! Ili da više voliš miris žene nego čudan vonj sredstva za depilaciju?
    Staromodan, malo je reć'... ;)))))))))


    04.07.2008. (01:54)    -   -   -   -  
