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... The wounds are too deep,
I need to keep the scars
To prove there was a time
When I loved something more than life...

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Neki blogovi koje ja citan:

Sara Saro
Death Within
Djana & Kiki
Inside story

Neko ko nije odavde:

Žikk iz Purgerije =)
Mrva iz Purgerije =)
Pajo iz Purgerije =)
Krista punkija

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make the saddnes go away
come back another day

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adopt your own virtual pet!

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People tell me A and B
They tell me how I have to see
Things that I have seen already clear
So they push me then from side to side
They're pushing me from black to white
They're pushing 'til there's nothing more to hear

But don't push me to the maximum
Shut your mouth and take it home
'Cause I decide the way things gonna be

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What Does Punk Mean? Punk means thinking for yourself. Punk is sincere aggression and kindness. Punk means being open-minded. Punk is change. Punk means cuddle. What DID you think punk meant?

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jedna od mali miljon mojih najboljih pisama... neznan zasto san bas ovu izabrala...al eto... thumbup

"White Wedding"

Hey little sister what have you done?
Hey little sister who's the only one?
Hey little sister who's your superman?
Hey little sister who's the one you want?
Hey little sister shot gun!

It's a nice day to start again.
It's a nice day for a white wedding.
It's a nice day to start again.

Hey little sister who is it you're with?
Hey little sister what's your vice and wish?
Hey little sister shot gun (oh yeah)
Hey little sister who's your superman?
Hey little sister shot gun!

It's a nice day to start again (come on)
It's a nice day for a white wedding
It's a nice day to start again.

(Pick it up)

Take me back home

Hey little sister what have you done?
Hey little sister who's the only one?
I've been away for so long (so long)
I've been away for so long (so long)
I let you go for so long

It's a nice day to start again (come on)
It's a nice day for a white wedding
It's a nice day to start again.

There is nothin' fair in this world
There is nothin' safe in this world
And there's nothin' sure in this world
And there's nothin' pure in this world
Look for something left in this world
Start again

Come on
It's a nice day for a white wedding
It's a nice day to start again.
It's a nice day to start again.
It's a nice day to start again

četvrtak, 28.12.2006.

svi mi odrastamo...

neki dan razmisljah... svi odrastamo u godinama... sican se sebe jos s 2,3 godine. tad san bila mal... sad iman 16 godina. od svoje 3 god, i sada postoji velika razlika. pocela san razmisljat svojom glavom, razlikovt dobro i lose. i stvorila svoje ja. sad cete rec, svi smo takvi... ipak, nismo... neki ljudi jos nisu poceli razmisljat svjom glavom. nisu stvorili svoje ja. niti poznaju sebe. izgubljeni su u svojoj vlastitoj glavi. neznaju sto zele., i ne poznaju sebe. misle cili zivot da imaju sve, no kd to izgube postanu nesto drugo. imaju uporiste u 1,2,3 osobe, no kad se nesto dogodi, kad ostanu bez tih osoba, pa cak iako su oni krivi, izgube sve. sve o cemu su sanjali svo ovo vrime... izgube. zto lipo...tribs bit svjestan svega. cijeniti sve osobe koje se nalaze kraj tebe, pa cak iako ti koji put dizu tlak. inace, mozes ostati i bez njih...i tada si sam. nista i nitko ti nemoze pomoci. imas osjecaj da sve sto si volio okrenulo se protiv tebe.
prijteljstvo...to je nesto sveto. u njemu sudjeluju najmanje 2 osobe. obadvije daju nesto u to... nece samo jedna. sve te cari pijateljstva jednom ce prestati... jednostavno, nestanu, i tad ti osoba dosadi nekako... i onda se maknes od nje, jer ne zelis trpiti vise to... no time srusis cili svit drugoj osobi... samim time sto ti trazis nesto vise, i zelis se razvijati... unistis nekoga drugoga... zivot je nepravedan...
psihicki nestabilne osobe, jednostavno propadnu...i skrivaju sami sebe od cilog ostalog svita!
brate, zauzmi svoje JA i jebe ti se za sve drugo... ako te odbace zbog onog kakav si...promini neke stvari, nemoj glumiti, jer onda ce voliti ono sto ti NISI!!! prije il kasnije skuzit ce svi da glumis...i tad ce te odbaciti,.,, vise ce te cijenit ako si to prava TI!!!
necu vise nista pisat... zapetljala san sma sebe...

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