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This blog has evolved into a bilingual log,
This causes me a lot of grief as my ENG articles cannot be graded on and my CRO articles cant be graded on Nevertheless I see no other option but to proceed in this manner.

In spite of that, I welcome this situation as an opportunity for me to brush up on my foreign language skills. Until I do, please bear in mind that ENG is my second language.

 24.12.2008., srijeda

Might is right

Might is Right

I got reminded once again why it was that I had left WoW on 3 previous occasions. There is this one thing that should never have been copied from real life and pasted into WoW - and that one thing is the age old principle of "might is right".

In my humble opinion, the very existence of this principle in WoW divides players into might/right category and noob/carebear category. The mechanics of the game perpetuate this situation. If you aren't mighty enough you probably wont belong to a quality guild, you will also not find PvP an entertaining pastime. If you want to experience the totality of the game - you have to invest a lot of free time into it.

5man instances have been found lacking by Blizzard devs and so they yield average quality items. Raids on the other hand yield exclusive high quality items forcing players to at one point abandon doing 5man instances and instead attend raids.
Raiding in itself is a much harder and riskier activity because of its inherently more prominent social factor. You have to organize and get along with many different people and age groups.

So, on one hand you have the easy "just do it" 5man option, and on the other hand you have a really tedious option of attending raids (along with all the unnecessary guild dramas). If both types of instances yielded the same level of items, noone would bother doing raids - because for most people they are too time consuming. Because might is right, REAL players (power hungry ones) have no other option but to fully commit to raiding.

I think that raiding rewards and 5man rewards should not be set to be 500% apart, but 50% apart in power and scaling. Many people suffer under strict regimes enforced by their raiding guilds. 10 no-real-life players in your guild are enough to make your real life even more miserable than it already was before WoW. 10 no-lifers need tanks and healers in order to get their "fix", this means that they will naturally want to make tanks and healers play 18/7 /364. Most guilds "cant use" players like me, who play once per week. Why is it that I have to be "usage friendly" in order to access a huge portion of game content, which I paid for?

It remains a mystery to me why guilds keep kicking me out for not attending raids, its my own fault that I don't attend, I don't get DKPs so I don't get rewards, so why kick me out? its not like guilds have a limited number of players :) They must be weeding out the chaff...kicking out those who haven't earned the RIGHT to play alongside the mighty players. It sickens me again and again and makes me quit WoW. When will Blizzard learn two things:

1) the majority of players don't want to invest too much time on the game (but they will if you force them)
2) in the end people will quit the game due to peer pressure and constant lagging behind everyone else equipment-wise until they reach a point when they can no longer raid with others, and get kicked out and have to seek out a weaker guild.

Some things in WoW never change, the accursed treadmill is still going on strong. Cmon Blizzard, allow casuals to enjoy the game. The medieval principle of "might is right" has in the past already ruined TBC, isn't that clue enough?
If a casual player realizes that he will forever be left behind and thus serve as cannon fodder for power players, he will quit the game, this means less moneys for Blizzy. Wise up guys.
- 15:00 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

 14.12.2008., nedjelja

Warcraft, warcraft never changes.

War(craft)...War(craft) never changes.

As you may or may not know, I have decided to test WotLK in spite of my previous experience with the WoW franchise. After playing for a couple of days - I noticed that the game hasn't changed much.

Druids are still the weakest class, and people are still blindly stating that this is not true - because the game is supposed to be balanced. Well, its not. My druid does 450DPS at LvL 73 - whilst my mage friend does 1200DPS at lvl 73. This is why he is now lvl 79 and I am lvl 74.
Druids aren't accepted in groups (still) because ferals will want to roll on "rogue leather" and moonkins will roll on mages cloth. Itemization is still crappy, all rewards thus far have been CLOTH spelldamage - and all leather was for ferals (no spelldamage leather to be found). Bear druids got their armor nerfed A LOT, my friend lost 10.000 armor over night, along with 4000 health. This is a huge nerf for a class that was already a sub-par tank both to warriors and to paladins.
In addition to ruining feral hybridity (mangle is placed too high up the feral talent tree) they have also ruined feral dps and tanking by adding another superior tank/dps hybrid to the game - DEATH KNIGHT.
Druids have been voted by healers as being the worst tanks in WoW, if this is apparent at this point in the game, when noone has epic top tier equipment, you can imagine what will happen in a couple of months when DKs, Paladins and Warriors get their epics.

Now, even thought DKs can get themselves good tanking gear and spec into tanking (frost?) - they usually tank whilst being DPS specced and while wearing DPS items. Simply put, they cannot be bothered to lose grinding speed (thus leveling speed) by taking the less optimal build. At the same time, they require druids and priests to be specced deep into healing. Of course, they do in fact need extreme amounts of healing because in DPS gear - they simply cannot tank. But why am I supposed to grind with 450dps whilst they are grinding with 1100+ dps?

Healing DKs is hell - and I have been kicked out from many a group for DYING as a healer. If you understand the mechanics of the game, then you know that it wasn't MY fault I died, I mean, where was the tank? (threat holding) and how comes I had to heal the "tank" for so much hps that I got aggro? Sucky tanks always blame it on the healer. Since DKs CAN tank well, blatantly refusing to gear up and spec for your role whilst at the same time asking me to bend over and work doubletime to overcome for their weaknesses ... is kinda the core thing that hasn't changed in WoW over these last 4 years.
Druid healing mechanics are now even more whack-a-mole irritating than ever, you have counters to mind, durations to mind and so you end up working your ass off keeping the party comprised almost entirely of DKs alive. It simply isn't worth it.

In the end, you will get shafted over gear anyhow. What I am forced to do - in order to acquire new gear, is state openly that I fully intend to roll on both spelldamage cloth and damage leather before we start an instance. Then when the rogues and mages/locks begin their whining, I just begin hearthstoning out. Since all healers have re-rolled DKs (because Blizzard have made healing oh so joyful an activity) - I usually get things my way after all. Such an irony that I have to blackmail them to allow me to ROLL on the gear I can wear and that does improve my abilities. I am simply asking for equal rights, I must deserve to roll on gear since I am the only one sacrificing his leveling speed by being specced resto so I can heal.

So lets see, the loot greeding is still here, you still have to fight everyone to get to roll on loot. You are still being pigeon holed into healing, which noone wants to do (due to a reason, healing is the worst element of WoW) and when you heal you only get to roll on +spelldamage and only after all other DPS classes.
Talent trees are still bloated, druids are still "balanced" with other classes by giving them huge bonuses via talents, usually placed at the top of a talent tree, this kills all synergy between the talent trees, for an example, without mange, you still crit for 400 (with claw) and mangle is too high up the feral tree for feral druids to become any kind of hybrids. At the same time as you are critting for 400 with your main DPS power - warriors "defend" themselves with 4000damage shield bashes - quite balanced isn't it.

Mangle should not be a talent, it should replace claw altogether, claw is like having a lvl 40 green weapon and playing lvl 70.
Blizzard keeps fixing druids through bloating their talent trees, after 4yrs. of this not working as intended, perhaps its time to finally allow druids to scale better in their core mechanics, if druids lag today by 30%, once everyone gets their top tier they will lag by 70%, this is why a 25% boost through talents will only break things even more for druids.

Feral charge should also become an ability and not a talent, its too crucial to be a talent in feral talent tree.

Resto druids CANT solo the game, and are the only class in WoW today that CANT DPS in PvE/Solo, their top talent changes them into a tree yet the tree doesn't have a bonus on barkskin (not long ago the tree couldn't USE barkskin ability at all lol) - and the tree doesn't have a bonus on thorns, whats even more funny, you have to switch to caster form in order to cast thorns and then go back to tree form. Resto druids should get a huge bonus on thorns (after all they are a tree) - so their PvE dps matches Paladin/DK grinding speed.

Balance druids dont have enough leather spelldamage/haste items at their disposal, and their talent trees are crit based (if you crit you get a bonus that makes you semi-balanced with other spellcasters) which means they are very much crit dependent, and we all know what resilience does (annulates crits).

Druids also have a freebie flying form, yet they have to learn to ride themselves so they have to pay 5000 gold to the riding instructor, funny isn't it? Druids also cant use their old flying form in the new lands until they reach lvl 77, so what use is this class special? I want to trade my class special for more survivability and more dps, kk?

Therefore the only acceptable type of druids - are of course restoration druids and healing as a resto druid is the hardest most demanding and most boring job in WoW today. Therefore blizzard need to rethink hot/counter healing altogether (its too intensive compared to simple DPSing) and in addition boost survivability of the tree along with its damage dealing powers (for PvE purposes, resto druids CANT solo PvE). Knowing from past experience that it takes them a year (on average) to admit they made an error and another year to fix it half ways....well you get the picture....

The effect of keeping up with bad design philosophies over the last 4 years is evident once you take into consideration how many healers have simply rerolled DKs, lower lever areas are SWARMING with endless hordes of DKs LF a healer. I guess Blizzard is going to deal with this sudden influx of DKs by doing what they always do - cattleprod people into rerolling - they will nerf DKs to oblivion.

The good things about Wrath are:
1) no reputation grind (what a grand error it was to introduce reputation keys into TBC, Blizzard had lost millions of subscribers in TBC over this)
2) shorter instances, no "equipment check" in the form of boss enrage timers, no pots

And that's it. PvP is still barely playable, arenas and resilience have ruined it, and it still hasn't been fixed.

On a positive side, I play WoW once a week, for 2-3 hrs, because of this I have no illusions about endgame raiding nor belonging to any guild for that matter. And I simply don't care about this. The game is still made to attract hard core people and it still makes casuals run away in disgust.

Yesterday GamePolitics reported on concerns by University of Minnesota Duluth officials that compulsive World of Warcraft play was causing some students to flunk out.

Its the simple truth, if you don't play for 40+ hrs per week, you suck. In time you will lag behind enough for others to notice and to ban you from the harder instances. As more time goes by (without you having access to the top of the line instances) - you lag behind more and eventually find yourself without anything to do. You can either quit the game, or quit your job. I know what I will do when the time comes.
- 16:50 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

 02.12.2008., utorak

The psychology of gaming Bartle types

The psychology of gamers, Bartle types.

Mr.Richard Bartle, who received a Ph.D. in artificial intelligence from the University of Essex, which is where he created MUD along with Roy Trubshaw, in 1978., is the first person from the MMO industry to take a look at the bigger picture. He noticed that todays games are no longer simple games that serve to take the load of your busy mind (Pac-Man) but they have become something much more.

With the addition of multiplayer to the games, games became a thriving melting pot of people. People who have different subconscious desires (needs) come together and form more or less cohesive groups - because only through grouping they can ever hope to achieve what their heart desires in a typical MMO game.
Grouping means setting some standards for interpersonal relations, and because of this a lot of collateral phenomena ensue. Sociology and psychology of an individual comprising the body of one guild come into play, with all the repressed anger and unresolved complexes lurking between the collective unconsciousness and ones subjective subconsciousness.
Today's games are both a modern day mythology - they have replaced the apparent lack of mythology (some may think of Star Wars as being the latest mythology mankind invented, some may even mention Matrix trilogy). Mythology has (in the past) been used both to explain some fundamental truths to the young - like for an instance the simple truth that sun (sun gods, like Mitra, Jesus, Dyonisius, Ra, Superman?) - sun gives life (that's the myths educational role) and to satiate ones psychological need for meaning, mental health and self-actualization.
Because of this, games have already been used to cure phobias (example: virtual reality based confrontation with the "trigger" of panic response), to serve as general analgesia thanks to taking ones mind off his pain (be it physical or emotional), and as a tool to educate people.
Educational aspect of gaming becomes apparent in children s need to play. Human children and animal young both have an almost insationable need to practice the skills they will need in the future by PLAYING. We all become fit for life through playing. Why is playing that important? Because it tricks us into practicing skills without risking the failure and punishment. Lion cubs practice their hunting skills under the watchful eye of their parents. This helps them prepare for future survival.

Humans have no genetic memory unlike animals, so we use educational system to pass along the past experience (like scientific advances) - and our "growing up" period lasts for YEARS. We retain the ability to learn through play throughout our adult lives. One important component of motivating people to learn is to allow them to perceive learning as having fun, its easiest to have children learn something if you have them play as they do it.

Jung on the other hand states that humans DO in fact have a genetic memory in the form of objective (collective) unconscious mind, from which come our dreams, and all our myth-making in terms of archetypal images.
The repertoire of Sigmund Freud's and C.G.Jung's work on this subject matter is too vast to cover at this point. Suffice it to say that for most practical purposes of learning (by using the conscious mind) - we do not possess genetic memory.

As you can see, games have an ability to change ones perception of the world through teaching him alternatives to how he perceives his surroundings and alternatives to responding to outside stimulae.
This means that games are the #1 tool to change the individual, and through domino effect - change the world.
If games are that powerful, how comes many a game developer aren't educated in terms of psychology (Jung's ideas, Freud's ideas etc.)? Education in those fields would allow them to produce better (more addictive?) games, and earn more money.

Richard Bartle is well aware of the power of psychology and myth-making in this new educational medium (gaming that is). Mr. Mike Sellers held the lecture at GDC (games developer conference) stating the following:

I should probably make something of a disclaimer here: ten years ago I gave a talk at GDC entitled "The Alchemy of Addiction: Creating Games That Keep People Playing." This was just after the point when we had to argue hard for a flat-rate subscription model, since our publisher saw huge dollar signs at the many hours people would rack up playing our game, and actively supported what we glibly called "the heroin strategy" for game design.

I still support designs that bring people back -- but also ones that send them away. The last thing I want is a game that rewards someone for playing to the exclusion of having a life (or even one that just becomes a part-time or full-time job!).

I would not give that talk again.

As you can see from that qoute, and if in addition you understand that makers of todays games want to earn money, you will be able to easily add up 2 and 2 and come to the conclusion that getting people addicted to the game is the way to go. In order to achieve this one has to understand the basics of how unsatiated emotional needs of humans affect their money spending habits. To gain more knowledge on this particular subject matter, please go to youtube and watch the documentary called "The Century of Self: Happiness Machines part 1"

Now you may begin to understand the sheer power of gaming. When you combine gaming as #1 tool to educate people (or on the dark side of things - introject them via propaganda?) and as #1 tool of un-inhibiting their underlying and dangerous subconscious energies you get today's MMO games. The games have already become a medium of marketing, there already are commercial messages to be found in games (Vote for Obama for an example) - its only a question of time when an Internet Eddie Bernays will step up and cater to players emotional needs by selling them his services.

Time mark : 0:38

Let us now focus on trying to explain the differences between people in terms of what they need from games. In order to achieve this goal one has to find some sort of classification of human beings. Many famous scientists have battled this problem, and personally I think it was C.G.Jung who nailed it right when he published his 1921 book: "Psychological Types". I have had some experience in using games as tools to further behavioral modification in children (dyslexic, neurotic, ADD - attention deficit disorde, not Advanced Dungeons and Dragons lol children), I have even designed a pen and paper role playing system called "Avatar" for the specific purpose of working with children. Due to all the years spent researching the matter I have a pretty good idea of which theories actually work and which don't. MBTI works.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.

Attitudes: Extraversion (E) / Introversion (I)

Functions: Sensing (S) / iNtuition (N) and Thinking (T) / Feeling (F)

Sensing and Intuition are the information-gathering (Perceiving) functions. They describe how new information is understood and interpreted. Individuals who prefer Sensing are more likely to trust information that is in the present, tangible and concrete: that is, information that can be understood by the five senses. They tend to distrust hunches that seem to come out of nowhere. They prefer to look for details and facts. For them, the meaning is in the data. On the other hand, those who prefer iNtuition tend to trust information that is more abstract or theoretical, that can be associated with other information (either remembered or discovered by seeking a wider context or pattern). They may be more interested in future possibilities. They tend to trust those flashes of insight that seem to bubble up from the unconscious mind. The meaning is in how the data relates to the pattern or theory.

Thinking and Feeling are the decision-making (Judging) functions. The Thinking and Feeling functions are both used to make rational decisions, based on the data received from their information-gathering functions (Sensing or iNtuition). Those who prefer Thinking tend to decide things from a more detached standpoint, measuring the decision by what seems reasonable, logical, causal, consistent and matching a given set of rules. Those who prefer Feeling tend to come to decisions by associating or empathizing with the situation, looking at it 'from the inside' and weighing the situation to achieve, on balance, the greatest harmony, consensus and fit, considering the needs of the people involved.

These are the basic functions of every human being, there is usually 1 of these traits showing itself as dominant, and 3 as less dominant (all four are present at all times in every individual)

I am unsure if this link will work for you, but you can take this test on Facebook by following this link here;

These were my results:

Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving

ENTPs are frequently described as clever, cerebrally and verbally quick, enthusiastic, outgoing, innovative, and resourceful. ENTPs are motivated by a desire to understand and improve the world they live in. They are usually accurate in sizing up a situation. They may have a perverse sense of humor and sometimes play devil's advocate, which can create misunderstandings with friends, coworkers, and family. ENTPs are ingenious and adept at directing relationships between means and ends. ENTPs 'think outside the box,' devising fresh, unexpected solutions to difficult problems. However, they are less interested in generating and following through with detailed plans than in generating ideas and possibilities. ENTPs are quick to see complex interrelationships between people, things, and ideas. These interrelationships are analyzed in profound detail. The result is an in-depth understanding of the way things and relationships work, and how they can be improved.

Pretty accurate.

Bartles typology
Based upon MBTI Richard Bartle has devised a typology of his own; which has become well known as - Bartles types.
At you will be able to fill out Bartles test of gamer psychology.

These were my results: Image Hosted by

As you can see, according to this, 1 year ago I was a gamer interested only in killing (PvP) and was actively avoiding guilds and people. The usual 14yr. old type with severe case of frustrations, unfortunately at that time I was 28 yrs old :)

My personality type has changed since and as soon as becomes fully operational you will witness the power of it ;) (excuse the Star Wars pun).

What it all boils down to is that even though World of Warcraft developers haven't got a clue about mythology and how it would improve their game (they could certainly learn from Joseph Campbell, George Lucas did - and now we have Star Wars), and in spite of them not knowing anything about psychological types they somehow (probably through the collective sub-c) managed to produce a game that happens to cater to all the gamer types.

What do I mean by this? Well top ranked WoW decision makers are one and all ex Everquest players, and the entire genre of Fantasy Role Playing Games originated from Gary Gygax (Dungeons and Dragons). D&D is a roleplaying system that has been worked on over a lot of years, people have invested a lot of energy and love into it, and intuitively they have projected many of the archetypes which at the time lay dormant in their subconsciousness into it.

Archetypes of D&D:

1) character classes with 4 main character classes (rogue, mage, warrior, cleric), 4 character classes of D&D correspond to the 4 main personality types.
2) hit points and death at 0 HPs, healing and resurrection
3) armor class, cloth wearers and plate wearers, mages cant cast in heavy armor...
4) to hit (Thac0) mechanics, crit mechanics
5) healing specialist who heals the tank but is weak in PvP damage-dealing wise, because hes got healing spells
6) crowd control spells

You can find the trickster archetype in both mage and rogue, the hero archetype in warrior class, the wise old man in both cleric and the mage classes. The evil alignment is a shadow archetype whilst "dinging" is the individuation (achieving personal development, self-healing) archetype.

The Avatar

The entire basic concept behind the success of gaming is in the concept of an avatar. The avatar is a true, intentional (you will it yourself) persona. According to Jung, we all use personas (masks) as tools to interact with our surroundings. You use one persona at your work place to communicate with your boss, another one to communicate to your wife, yet another one for communication with your children. In MMO games, you use an avatar (character) to communicate with the games alternate reality. This is why people simply love this concept. People who are drawn to roleplaying games usually seek them out because subconsciously they realize that they enable them to create and after creation practice using new personas. What they learn from RP games they transfer to real life. This transference can be both positive and negative.

Many people get stuck in a particular persona (mask) and start thinking they ARE in fact that persona. This kind of people bring work back home with them. This is very unhealthy, the entire point of wearing a mask is to take it off eventually.

In role-playing games you can influence the behavior of a player by exposing him to a specific situation (problem) and letting him test out different personas (characters) to see which way of problem solving comes natural to that specific individual. This is called behavioural modificiation through gaming (BMTG?).

The list of archetypes in MMOs could go on forever, each and every RP game of today borrowed a lot from D&D, and this is why all today's games (Everquest) borrowed a lot of archetypes too. Since WoW borrowed a lot from Everquest - it is logical to expect that WoW will have inherited a lot of archetypes. These archetypes remain popular because they ARE archetypes. Archetypal images is a concept that is very difficult to explain to people who are not familiar with the works of C.G.Jung, in order to keep this post as short as possible I will not go into explaining archetypes at this point, but I will provide a link for you:

Therefore, if you really want to understand what I meant by this, read up on archetypes.

Off course, the game caters more to killer/achiever types (arenas and the sheer amount of in game grind show this) and less to socialiser/explorer types with socialiser types coming last. This is a huge error on their part because almost all casual players are dominantly explorer/socializers and secondary achievers. Most females are pure socializers (healer archetypes). Female players are 50% of customer base, and when they bite they REALLY bite, they are EXTREMELY loyal customers. Business oriented individual would seek to cater to the needs of female subscribers, because simply put, this brings in the moneys.

It is unfortunate that after 4 years the game still doesn't cater to socializers, it doesn't allow them to design their looks (clothes), nor to design their houses (you cant own a house in WoW), the #1 socializer avatar of choice in WoW is Druid, due to its various forms and /dance emotes in them.
Unfortunately, these forms have remained the same during these last 4 years. This shows obvious lack of understanding of how things work on Blizzards side.

Bartle types in WoW:

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The breakdown of WoW according to Bartle types

As you can see, night elf druids are primarily socializers and they also rank really low at killing (druid class is kinda weak in PvP so normally it will not attract killer achievers). Compare that to rogue class, most of rogue players are pure killers and score low on socializing, this is why in the past I hated my druid and player a rogue instead. Rogue catered to my "killing" phase of life, and druid caters to my "socializing" part of life.

Undead and orcs usually score high on killing and according to this it is clear that orc and undead warriors, rogues, hunters and warlocks are prime choices for PvP oriented players. Hunters turn out to be really well balanced people who successfully balance all their different gaming needs. The lack of balance between various classes also clearly shows that the game is not balanced PvP-wise.

Blizzard has had luck to effectively construct a class for every gaming type, but they still have a lot to learn about properly catering to "Bartle types".

I am available for lectures on the matter.
- 07:40 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #