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Prosinac 2011 (20)

04.12.2011., nedjelja


Baby Names Meaning Survivor : Hitler Baby Pictures : Babies Who Fight Sleep.

Baby Names Meaning Survivor

baby names meaning survivor

    baby names
  • The most popular given names vary nationally, regionally, and culturally. Lists of widely used given names can consist of those most often bestowed upon infants born within the last year, thus reflecting the current naming trends, or else be composed of the personal names occurring most within

  • A person who survives, esp. a person remaining alive after an event in which others have died

  • A person who copes well with difficulties in their life

  • one who lives through affliction; "the survivors of the fire were taken to a hospital"

  • The remainder of a group of people or things

  • an animal that survives in spite of adversity; "only the fittest animals were survivors of the cold winters"

  • one who outlives another; "he left his farm to his survivors"

  • Intended to communicate something that is not directly expressed

  • the message that is intended or expressed or signified; "what is the meaning of this sentence"; "the significance of a red traffic light"; "the signification of Chinese characters"; "the import of his announcement was ambiguous"

  • (means) how a result is obtained or an end is achieved; "a means of control"; "an example is the best agency of instruction"; "the true way to success"

  • meaning(a): rich in significance or implication; "a meaning look"

Modern Day Prophecies

Modern Day Prophecies

About a year ago as I got off the bus two Mormon missionaries standing at the intersection started talking to me. They offered me some reading materials but I refused them and told them that I was a Christian. We spent few minutes discussing our different believes. They said, “Just like in the Old Testament times there were prophecies, God sent prophecies to speak again to us about 200 years ago.” I asked them, “Why did God decide not to talk to us through prophecies in those 1,800 years between the ministry of Christ on earth and 200 years ago?” There were no answers.

* * *

Prophecies is the topic of this capture:

In the summer (I think) of 2006 a friend in Windsor, Ontario took me and my uncle and his wife to her church. It was a small church and I had never been to it before. As soon as the service ended this old woman came directly to me and says in a commanding voice, “Young man..” and I was thinking, “Me?!” and continued saying, “When I first saw you I thought of a stop sign...” then my aunt quickly got a piece of paper and pen started writing down what the old woman was saying. The old woman continued basically saying that God will use me as a spiritual crossing guard to direct His children. I remember laughing on the inside thinking, “Yea, sure that’s going to happen!” To be honest, for whatever reasons I never believed those words but I kept the piece of paper out of fear just in case those words could really be from God.

* * *

Another time, few years back, I attended a Pentecostal church (I am not bashing Pentecostal churches, I am just stating a fact) for about 2 months. The pastor (a very nice man) kept making those prophecies week after week but they simply did not come true. He would say that he is seeing a vision of this and that and next week God would do this and that. Next week nothing happened--it was just like any other week. I still remember an incident where the pastor prayed over a Christian woman in a wheelchair and he said she will be healed immediately, and she did not. Then he said she will be healed by the end of the service, and she did not. In fact she wasn’t healed by next week either. Needless to say I stopped going to that church.

What bothered me is how everybody at the church ignored the facts that whatever this pastor was saying did not come true. They all rationalized why his prophecies did not come true. The pastor was a nice man and he could be a very sincere person, but that doesn’t mean he was teaching the truth. As Christians we cannot ignore the lack of evidence of an unfulfilled prophecy. The Bible says, “If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him.” (Deuteronomy 18:22)

Recently while I was getting a haircut I saw this “inspirational” Barack Obama-Prophecy Fulfilled poster on the mirror. It basically claimed that Barack Obama becoming a president of U.S.A is a good thing because he will do God’s work. I don’t know how people define God’s work nowadays but murdering babies, God’s most precious creation, through abortion is not God’s work.

* * *

I personally believe that we should spend less time trying to decipher the Bible’s prophecies to support a motive of ours (whether personal or political), and more time doing God’s work: spreading His word, serving and helping others, glorifying Him through holy and obedient life, and getting to know Him more personally.

That being said I am not saying in any way that God does not speak through prophecies to us, the Bible says in Joel 2:28-32:

"And afterward,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions.

Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days.

I will show wonders in the heavens
and on the earth,
blood and fire and billows of smoke.

The sun will be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood
before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.

And everyone who calls
on the name of the LORD will be saved;
for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem
there will be deliverance,
as the LORD has said,
among the survivors
whom the LORD calls.”

* * *

What are you experiences with prophecies? What are your thoughts on them?



I must apologize for being behind with my pages, I have wanted to scrap them my normall way but just have found the journalling overpowering, so have done it digi again.
This is about my birth and how it is all my brothers fault. I don't have any baby photos of myself but I decided to put in a photo of a humidicrib that I would have been in and what the Nurses and sisters would have looked like in the 1950s. I really like the soft colours and the way the black and white photo finishes off the page.
I am still working on the other pages, but it is taking a while for my meds to kick in this time so I'm sure things will get better as I go.

Here is my story:
It all started on the 22nd May 1956, my Brother Lee was celebrating his 4th Birthday. He came running into Mummy
telling her that Mr Stock was at the gate with his baby Sister.
Mummy told him to go back to Mr Stock and tell him that she didn't have the enough money to pay for the baby
and to come back in 2 months time when the baby was due. But no-one told the baby that.

Mum went into labour 4 days later and gave birth to me.
Deborah Anne Brammall
Born: 26th May 1956.
Weight: 2lb 5ozs.
Length: 13 and 1/2" (Using an Australian Women's Weekly over the humidicrib.)
I was 8 weeks pre-mature, so the doctors told Mummy that I wouldn't survivor more than 24 hours,
so be prepared for the worst.

Next was the oxygen up the nose, well I had other ideas about that, every time they put it up my nose,
I would make a little fist and push it out after several attempts the doctors
gave up. I refused the oxygen so as a little fighter I was going to make it on my own or not at all.
Mummy didn't see me until I was 3 days old, and all she use to tell me was that
the first thing she saw were my feet, they looked so big and now they are so small.

My name was another issue, Mummy had gone to see the King and I with her Sister and Niece.
After the movie her Niece told her not to call the baby Deborah after Deborah Kerr as she didn't like it.
I had to be baptized as soon as I was born and Mummy
could only remember the name Deborah,
so it was meant to be.
The next little problem was that the Sister-in-charge
of the maternity ward also didn't like the name 'Deborah",
so she decided to call me Mary-Ann.
So for 3months I didn't even recognise my name.
When I weighed 6lbs, I was allowed to come home.
Poor Mummy had to teach me my name which is "Deborah".

baby names meaning survivor

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