1 Year Baby Diet - Baby Sun Hats.
1 Year Baby Diet
- Year 1 (I) was a common year starting on Saturday of the Julian calendar, and was the first year of the Christian/Common era. The preceding year is 1 BC in the widely used Gregorian calendar or in its predecessor, the Julian calendar, neither of which has a "year zero".
- A very young child, esp. one newly or recently born
- The youngest member of a family or group
- pamper: treat with excessive indulgence; "grandparents often pamper the children"; "Let's not mollycoddle our students!"
- a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk; "the baby began to cry again"; "she held the baby in her arms"; "it sounds simple, but when you have your own baby it is all so different"
- the youngest member of a group (not necessarily young); "the baby of the family"; "the baby of the Supreme Court"
- A young or newly born animal
- Restrict oneself to small amounts or special kinds of food in order to lose weight
- follow a regimen or a diet, as for health reasons; "He has high blood pressure and must stick to a low-salt diet"
- a prescribed selection of foods
- a legislative assembly in certain countries (e.g., Japan)
A book to help women understand the biomechanics of the entire maternity cycle and the rationale for and against certain exercises. Noble shows how to recognize and remedy weakness and dysfunction that often plagues the average, sedentary woman during her childbearing year. As well as chapters explaining role of the key muscles (abdominal and pelvic floor) during pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum, there are chapters on the principles of exercise, posture, comfort, bed rest, and Cesarean rehabilitation. Hands-on techniques for relieving some of the common joint discomforts are listed in the appendix and there are summary tear-sheets at the back of the bookfor the prenatal, postpartum and Cesarean recovery programs.
Baby Pygmy Elephant
Asian elephants differ in several ways from their African relatives. They have smaller ears, which are straight at the bottom, unlike the large fan-shape ears of the African species. The Asian elephant is also much smaller. Due to habitat loss, fragmentation, poaching and culling for their ivory, and other body parts, it is now endangered and numbers between 38,000 to 51,000 wild individuals compared to more than 600,000 African elephants.
Elephants, being wide-ranging species, need large areas of natural habitat to live and breed. A crucial factor in their survival is, among other things, the availability of large enough areas that are managed sustainably to meet the needs of both human and animal populations. With elephants being squeezed into increasingly smaller habitats only a fraction of its former extensive range, much needed solutions are necessary.
Physical and species description: Genetically distinct sub-species of conservation importance
DNA analysis shows that Asian elephants in Borneo are genetically distinct and may have separated from those in mainland Asia about 300,000 years ago. This discovery highlights the conservation importance of Borneo’s elephants. Due to their small size, gentle nature and relatively large ears, they have been dubbed “pygmy” elephants. Less than 1,500 Borneo Pygmy elephants (Elephas maximus borneensis) are found, mostly in the Malaysian state of Sabah. This makes Sabah home to the world's smallest known sub-species of elephants.
Smaller than other Asian elephants, the Borneo Pygmy has a longer tail that reaches almost to the ground and straighter tusks. Their babyish faces and more rotund shape lend them appeal.
Males grow to a height of less than 2.5 meters compared to other Asian elephants that grow to 3 meters.
Asian elephants have dark grey to brown skin. Borneo Pygmys are no different.
Interesting Facts
These placid pachyderms can be greedy at times. They love durian and will roll the entire fruit - spikes and all - in mud, then swallow it whole!
Ecology and Habitat
Elephant routes and habitats lost due to forest conversion
Borneo Pygmy elephants are shy and generally avoid people. Because their natural route and former range have been converted, they have to pass near populated areas and plantations. Herds are sometimes seen moving along the banks of the Kinabatangan River in Sabah, making the area ideal for wildlife watching.
Elephants live at greater densities in lowland forests below 300 meters. They move mostly in secondary forests with an annual home range of about 300 sq km. Adult males disperse over relatively small, widely overlapping home ranges.
Social Structure
Elephant societies are matriarchal, led by a female in small groups of around eight individuals, although larger groups can be seen gathering in open feeding grounds, particularly on riverbanks. Family groups consist of mothers, daughters, sisters and immature males. Sometimes an adult male can be associated with a herd. When not in a herd, adult males usually remain solitary. They sometimes gather in small but temporary bull herds. Contact with other family groups at such gatherings is valuable to maintain genetic diversity for their evolution and survival.
Life Cycle
These pachyderms live for up to 60 years in the wild and more than 80 years in captivity.
One calf is born at a time and female Asian elephants have about 7 calves in a lifetime. They give birth about every 4 - 6 years, although this period may be extended when conditions are unfavourable for survival, such as during drought. The gestation period is between 19-22 months, almost 2 years! Calves suckle for 3 - 4 years.
Borneo Pygmy elephants are forest herbivores. One adult can eat up to 150 kg of vegetation per day, feeding mostly on species of palms, grasses and wild bananas. They also appear to require supplementary minerals, which they obtain from salt licks
Baby White Rhino
(2010 DW Photography)
Both black and white rhinoceroses are actually gray. They are different not in color but in lip shape. The black rhino has a pointed upper lip, while its white relative has a squared lip. The difference in lip shape is related to the animals' diets. Black rhinos are browsers that get most of their sustenance from eating trees and bushes. They use their lips to pluck leaves and fruit from the branches. White rhinos graze on grasses, walking with their enormous heads and squared lips lowered to the ground.
White rhinos live on Africa's grassy plains, where they sometimes gather in groups of as many as a dozen individuals. Females reproduce only every two and a half to five years. Their single calf does not live on its own until it is about three years old.
Under the hot African sun, white rhinos they take cover by lying in the shade. Rhinos are also wallowers. They find a suitable water hole and roll in its mud, coating their skin with a natural bug repellent and sun block.
Rhinos have sharp hearing and a keen sense of smell. They may find one another by following the trail of scent each enormous animal leaves behind it on the landscape.
White rhinos have two horns, the foremost more prominent than the other. Rhino horns grow as much as three inches (eight centimeters) a year, and have been known to grow up to 5 feet (1.5 meters) long. Females use their horns to protect their young, while males use them to battle attackers.
The prominent horn for which rhinos are so well known has been their downfall. Many animals have been killed for this hard, hair-like growth, which is revered for medicinal use in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. The horn is also valued in North Africa and the Middle East as an ornamental dagger handle.
The white rhino once roamed much of sub-Saharan Africa, but today is on the verge of extinction due to poaching fueled by these commercial uses. Only about 11,000 white rhinos survive in the wild, and many organizations are working to protect this much loved animal.
----National Geographic
1 year baby diet
Yoga calms the mind, bringing a sense of peace, relaxation, and well-being as well as optimizing physical health, agility, adn strength. Step-by-Step Yoga for Pregnancy is an essential guide to the best exercises for each stage of pregnancy and the resources you need for a harmonious pregnancy, birth, and recovery. Step-by-Step Yoga for Pregnancy is:
a beautifully illustrated yoga handbook for all three trimesters and the weeks following delivery
the perfect resource for newcomers to yoga and invaluable for experienced students
a complete collection of safe, carefully selected postures
written in consultation with top yoga instructors, midwives, and doctors
approved by leading pregnancy experts Wendy Teasdill is an experienced yoga teacher and the mother of three children. She began teaching yoga in Hong Kong, where she adapted her teaching to meet the needs of pregnant students. She lives in Glastonbury, England.
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3 D Baby Pictures - How To Get A Baby To Sleep At Night.
3 D Baby Pictures
- Form a mental image of
- (pictural) pictorial: pertaining to or consisting of pictures; "pictorial perspective"; "pictorial records"
- (picture) a visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface; "they showed us the pictures of their wedding"; "a movie is a series of images projected so rapidly that the eye integrates them"
- (picture) visualize: imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind; "I can't see him on horseback!"; "I can see what will happen"; "I can see a risk in this strategy"
- Represent (someone or something) in a photograph or picture
- Describe (someone or something) in a certain way
- A young or newly born animal
- a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk; "the baby began to cry again"; "she held the baby in her arms"; "it sounds simple, but when you have your own baby it is all so different"
- pamper: treat with excessive indulgence; "grandparents often pamper the children"; "Let's not mollycoddle our students!"
- The youngest member of a family or group
- the youngest member of a group (not necessarily young); "the baby of the family"; "the baby of the Supreme Court"
- A very young child, esp. one newly or recently born
- three-D: a movie with images having three dimensional form or appearance
- 3-D was a short-lived American rock band of the early 1980s, best known for the hit singles All Night Television,Telephone Number, and the New Wave classic X-ray eyes.
- 3-D is the debut album from the band I See Stars. The album debuted at number 176 on the Billboard 200, number 5 on Top Heatseekers, and number 22 on Top Independent Albums.
A simple, soothing bedtime rhyming tale for 0-3 year olds. The pictures are simple black and white line drawings for optimal viewing on small hand-held devices, in particular for the black and white kindle. The book comprises 10 pages of simple text, and each page is illustrated by a picture of teddy carrying out his bedtime routines. The text is as follows:- Teddy's had a busy day, With lots of fun and games to play / - Now it's time to tidy away, So Teddy can play another day! / - It's bedtime now for teddy bears, And so it's time to go upstairs. / - Up the stairs goes our good Teddy, Up to get the bathtub ready. / - Into the bath we gently go, It's time for Teddy's wash, you know! / - Brush your teeth and brush your hair, What a clever teddy bear! / - Now it's Teddy's story time, Time to choose a bedtime rhyme! / - Tuck Teddy in now our story's read, And give a kiss to a very special ted! / - The stars and the moon are shining bright, Let's turn out the light and whisper "goodnight". / - GOODNIGHT
Particularly suited for 0-3 year olds, older children will enjoy tucking in their own teddy or other bedtime companion as their caregiver reads the story. And of course, it can be a wonderful ritual for the bedtime story teller to kiss their little one while reading "And give a kiss to a very special ted!".
A simple, soothing bedtime rhyming tale for 0-3 year olds. The pictures are simple black and white line drawings for optimal viewing on small hand-held devices, in particular for the black and white kindle. The book comprises 10 pages of simple text, and each page is illustrated by a picture of teddy carrying out his bedtime routines. The text is as follows:- Teddy's had a busy day, With lots of fun and games to play / - Now it's time to tidy away, So Teddy can play another day! / - It's bedtime now for teddy bears, And so it's time to go upstairs. / - Up the stairs goes our good Teddy, Up to get the bathtub ready. / - Into the bath we gently go, It's time for Teddy's wash, you know! / - Brush your teeth and brush your hair, What a clever teddy bear! / - Now it's Teddy's story time, Time to choose a bedtime rhyme! / - Tuck Teddy in now our story's read, And give a kiss to a very special ted! / - The stars and the moon are shining bright, Let's turn out the light and whisper "goodnight". / - GOODNIGHT
Particularly suited for 0-3 year olds, older children will enjoy tucking in their own teddy or other bedtime companion as their caregiver reads the story. And of course, it can be a wonderful ritual for the bedtime story teller to kiss their little one while reading "And give a kiss to a very special ted!".
Baby Bunnies - Day 16
This one has the most amazing colors that the picture doesn't even do justice to!
Born on 5/8/2006 to a mama bunny I'm fostering
Selena 3 years old
:D awwwww isnt she sooooooo cute!
3 d baby pictures
Tumble down the rabbit hole with Alice and see all your favorite characters leap off the screen and into your living room with this ultimate Combo Pack. It's the only way to experience the fantastical new adventure from Walt Disney Pictures and Tim Burton in full topsy-turvy 1080p Blu-ray 3D.
Inviting and magical, Alice In Wonderland is an imaginative new twist on one of the most beloved stories of all time. Alice (Mia Wasikowska), now 19 years old, returns to the whimsical world she first entered as a child and embarks on a journey to discover her true destiny. It's a Wonderland beyond your imagination, where the extraordinary characters you've loved come to life richer and more colorful than ever. There's the Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp), the White Queen (Anne Hathaway), the Red Queen (Helena Bonham Carter), the White Rabbit (Michael Sheen) and more. A triumphant cinematic experience - Alice In Wonderland is an incredible feast for your eyes, ears and heart that will captivate audiences of all sizes, especially in Disney 3D - Magic In A New Dimension.
Stills from Alice in Wonderland

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Baby food jar crafts. Traveling with a newborn baby
Baby Food Jar Crafts
- Baby food is any food, other than breastmilk or infant formula, that is made specifically for infants, roughly between the ages of four months to two years.
- (Baby foods) Rice has highly digestible energy, net protein utilization, and low crude fiber content. Therefore, it is suitable for baby food. Although baby foods can be in the form of rice flour or granulated rice, precooked infant rice cereal is the most common use of rice for baby food.
- Exercise skill in making (something)
- (craft) make by hand and with much skill; "The artisan crafted a complicated tool"
- (craft) trade: the skilled practice of a practical occupation; "he learned his trade as an apprentice"
- (craft) a vehicle designed for navigation in or on water or air or through outer space
- Discord; disagreement
- a vessel (usually cylindrical) with a wide mouth and without handles
- clash: be incompatible; be or come into conflict; "These colors clash"
- A physical shock or jolt
- jolt: move or cause to move with a sudden jerky motion
Sure Lid Lock-Seal Containers are unique - you don't have anything like them. They have an attached hinged lid with a lock tab to secure the lid to the base. These lids can't get lost. They also have graduated ounce and mL markings right on the side of the container - great for dieting portion control. Their convenient small size makes them the perfect choice for people on the go: lunchbox, diaper bag, breifcase, craft & sewing bins, tackle & tool boxes, camping gear, tailgating, coolers, backpacks and more. Pack the Perfect Lunch and save money- wide mouth, leakproof, waterproof, perfect for: yogurt, applesauce, baby food, gelatin, pudding, cottage cheese, condiments, dressings. Also great storage for craft & sewing supplies, toolbox, camping gear and fishing suppplies. Save time and money - don't waste time looking for lids or buying other containers because the lid is lost. Sure Lid Lock-Seal Containers are your One-Piece Storage Solution. Get Organized - Stay Organized.
Glass Jar Christmas Tree
We saw this at a party at the home of our realtor, Mario Romero. It was made by his partner Lewis's father out of glass baby food jars filled with tinsel and colored lights. I just had to get a photo of it and just happened to have a little camera with me.
Coincidentally, tonight is our four-year anniversary of moving to Phoenix into the house that we bought through Mario. Fancy that.
Hope you're having a happy holiday season!
snowman side
This guy is ready for a night on the town.
baby food jar crafts
This 2 ounce jar is useful in the kitchen, workshop or business and can be used for storage of a variety of items from liquids to solids and from foods to paints. It is made of sturdy, chemical and impact resistant plastic and the screw-on white metal cap has a leakproof liner. The jar measures 1-3/4 in diameter and is 2-3/8 high. It is inexpensive and ready to solve your storage problems. Please Note: These may be transparent, translucent or opaque depending on the factory run. This offer includes 20 new storage jars. Be sure to visit our National Artcraft Storefront to see more related items AND hundreds more products that fit all your craft, art and hobby needs!!! We have the creative component you need!!!
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Baby Can Read
- The youngest member of a family or group
- a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk; "the baby began to cry again"; "she held the baby in her arms"; "it sounds simple, but when you have your own baby it is all so different"
- the youngest member of a group (not necessarily young); "the baby of the family"; "the baby of the Supreme Court"
- A very young child, esp. one newly or recently born
- pamper: treat with excessive indulgence; "grandparents often pamper the children"; "Let's not mollycoddle our students!"
- A young or newly born animal
- Speak (the written or printed matter that one is reading) aloud, typically to another person
- interpret something that is written or printed; "read the advertisement"; "Have you read Salman Rushdie?"
- Look at and comprehend the meaning of (written or printed matter) by mentally interpreting the characters or symbols of which it is composed
- something that is read; "the article was a very good read"
- have or contain a certain wording or form; "The passage reads as follows"; "What does the law say?"
- Have the ability to look at and comprehend the meaning of written or printed matter
Getting started is as easy as ABC! The award winning Your Baby Can Read! Early Language Development System incorporates multi-sensory learning techniques popular with families all around the world! What Makes Your Baby Can Read!® So Special? A baby's brain thrives on stimulation and develops at a phenomenal pace...nearly 90% during the first five years of life! The best and easiest time to learn a language is during the infant and toddler years...when the brain is creating thousands of synapses, or connections, allowing a child to learn both the written word and spoken word simultaneously. Seize this window of opportunity to enhance your child's learning ability with the Your Baby Can Read! Early Language Development System. The Your Baby Can Read! Deluxe TV Kit provides you with the tools to unlock your child's reading potential. The Deluxe TV Kit includes: ? Your Baby Can Read! 5-Level DVD Reading System - These fun, interactive videos will keep your baby learning and entertained! ? 5 Sets of Sliding Words Cards - The read & play cards accompany each level and reinforce what your child has learned. ? 5 Lift-a-Flap Books - The word and picture books accompany each level and introduce familiar words from the DVDs in a new format. ? Baby's First Teacher Pack - Contains everything you need to help your child succeed! ? Parent's Guide - Provides easy step-by-step instructions to the Your Baby Can Read! Program. ? Early Learning Workshop DVD - Dr. Titzer shares his secrets for a fun, multi-sensory approach to early language development. ? Teaching Cards - 15 Fun Games with 166 Interactive Cards to play with your child! ? BONUS Your Child Can Read 5-DVD Set FREE with purchase! - The companion series that unlocks the next level of your child's reading potential!
your baby can read a3 $500
Your Baby Can Read Full Set
??: ???
5 DVD (Starter, Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Review )
??DVD??, ????????, ?????????, 5????25??, ?50?????
Starter - Includes the first 22 key words.
Volume 1 - Reviews the Starter DVD words and introdues approximately 30 new words.
Volume 2 - 50new key words.
Volume 3 - Review and the other new 50 words. Also includes 3-word phrase that teach your child to read the left to right.
Review - Around 160 key words, plus over a hundred others.
Your Baby Can Read!
I hate those rediculous commercials claiming that babies can read. I can't believe that people out there have money just to throw away!
baby can read
Start your baby reading today! The brain develops 90% during the first five years of life. Studies show that the easiest time to learn a language -both verbal and written - is in the infant years. So what are you waiting for? Unlock your child's learning potential by giving your little one the tools for effective communication that will last a lifetime. This fun, easy-to-use, early language development system is color-coded for each level.
Set Includes:
Four Lift-a-Flap Word and Picture Books
20 Word and Picture Sliding Cards
Four Interactive and Multisensory DVDs
Decorative Library Box with Nontoxic Erasable Pen
Developed by Robert Titzer, Ph.D., a recognized expert in infant development.
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Babies in the uterus. Infant babys. Dutch baby clothes.
Babies In The Uterus
- Overview (total time = 00:29:39), I cover some definitions of lean, its roots in the Toyota Production System, and how resource planning and lean work together.
- “steady state” thermal values obtained from laboratory testing, it is assumed that temperatures at both sides of a wall are constant and remain constant for a period of time, unlike what actually occurs in normal conditions.
- (in this) therein: (formal) in or into that thing or place; "they can read therein what our plans are"
- The youngest member of a family or group
- (baby) pamper: treat with excessive indulgence; "grandparents often pamper the children"; "Let's not mollycoddle our students!"
- A young or newly born animal
- (baby) a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk; "the baby began to cry again"; "she held the baby in her arms"; "it sounds simple, but when you have your own baby it is all so different"
- (baby) the youngest member of a group (not necessarily young); "the baby of the family"; "the baby of the Supreme Court"
- A very young child, esp. one newly or recently born
- a hollow muscular organ in the pelvic cavity of females; contains the developing fetus
- The uterus (from Latin "uterus" (womb, belly), plural uteruses or uteri) or womb is a major female hormone-responsive reproductive sex organ of most mammals including humans.
- The organ in the lower body of a woman or female mammal where offspring are conceived and in which they gestate before birth; the womb
- An organ of the female reproductive system in which the young are conceived and develop until birth; the womb
Uterus, Gravid, Professional Training Model w Set of 5 Fetus Models LFA # 2807: Add a dimension to your child birth education program that conventional materials do nor provide. These five flexible lifelike uterus with fetus models illustrate fetal development and the changes in the uterus at 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 15 weeks, 20 weeks, and 40 weeks. Made of a bio-like material. Brand new. In original factory packaging. Made of a durable, plastic material accurately designed and colored to represent the major structures and, in certain instances, lesions or other abnormalities as described above. Will combine shipping on multiple unit purchases for added savings. Suitable for Obstetrical/Gyn, Midwifery, Women's Health and Maternal Care, general anatomical study, or for patient education/demonstration of the child-bearing and birth procedure. Quantity discounts available. Note: Check out our other OB/GYN and Medical Anatomical Model listings of the Female Pelvic Bone, Female Breast (Cross-section), Female Breast with Nodules, Uterus/Ovary, Gravid Pelvis with Baby, 5 Stages of Pregnancy Set, and other female and maternal care models.
26 wks + 5 days baby diagram
NOTE: Locations are not exact. :o)
Fact: Ewan prefers the right side of the uterus. As far as I can tell, he's never ventured to the other side.
Fact: My ribs make a great footrest if you're a baby in my belly.
Fact: My bladder makes a nice, soft pillow for his head (apparently).
Fact: This is a very pregnant belly. My innie has not yet popped out, but it sure is trying. I've got a lopsided linea negra that also does a ring-around-the-belly-button and goes all the way up to my sternum.
I can't wait to meet this stubborn little guy. Love him so much already!!
Bubble-Yum Uterus
This image is not as successful as I would have liked it to have been as far as the technical aspects of it go, but I think that my concept is clear.
This image is about my contemplation about giving birth and having a child someday. I think about this as I get older and the people around me are popping out babies. These thoughts come and go in my mind like bubbles, then they pop, and reappear sometime later.
babies in the uterus
Pregnancy weakens the ligaments that keep the pelvic bones together. If those weakened ligaments become overloaded or injured, it results in pelvic instability ? pain around the joints that can be brief or last for years after the birth. In 1996, Cecile Rost, who suffered from this condition herself, devised a treatment program that is simple, home based, and proven to work. Her book, with over 100 illustrations and detailed testimonials, is divided into two parts. The first part shows simple exercises for symmetry and stabilization, and the proper way to lie, sit, and get out of a car in order to prevent pelvic instability during pregnancy. Patients can practice these exercises and positions with or without a care provider’s help. Part two, aimed at care providers, shows the results of a survey carried out among 200 women suffering from pelvic complaints. Here the author also presents a theoretical treatise of pelvic pain, the protocol of the first consult, and the contents of the therapy, including a sports program.
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Baby jogger city mini child tray. Baby names that are uncommon. Play yards baby.
Baby Jogger City Mini Child Tray
- someone who runs a steady slow pace (usually for exercise)
- Running is a means of terrestrial locomotion allowing a human or an animal to move rapidly on foot. It is defined in human sporting terms as a gait in which at some point all feet are off the ground at the same time.
- The Joggers, formerly known as Stateside, are a four-piece band from Portland, Oregon. They play complex songs with elements of math rock which retain a pop sensibility.
- an immature childish person; "he remained a child in practical matters as long as he lived"; "stop being a baby!"
- A son or daughter of any age
- a young person of either sex; "she writes books for children"; "they're just kids"; "`tiddler' is a British term for youngster"
- a human offspring (son or daughter) of any age; "they had three children"; "they were able to send their kids to college"
- A young human being below the age of full physical development or below the legal age of majority
- An immature or irresponsible person
- A very young child, esp. one newly or recently born
- A young or newly born animal
- the youngest member of a group (not necessarily young); "the baby of the family"; "the baby of the Supreme Court"
- The youngest member of a family or group
- a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk; "the baby began to cry again"; "she held the baby in her arms"; "it sounds simple, but when you have your own baby it is all so different"
- pamper: treat with excessive indulgence; "grandparents often pamper the children"; "Let's not mollycoddle our students!"
- an incorporated administrative district established by state charter; "the city raised the tax rate"
- people living in a large densely populated municipality; "the city voted for Republicans in 1994"
- A large town
- An incorporated municipal center
- a large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts; "Ancient Troy was a great city"
- A place or situation characterized by a specified attribute
- miniskirt: a very short skirt
- Denoting a miniature version of something
- used of women's clothing; very short with hemline above the knee; "a mini dress"; "miniskirts"
- (minus) subtraction: an arithmetic operation in which the difference between two numbers is calculated; "the subtraction of three from four leaves one"; "four minus three equals one"
- A flat, shallow container with a raised rim, typically used for carrying food and drink, or for holding small items
- (Trays) Traying or "doing trays" refers to a driving technique that is similar to drifting. Trays are performed when a fast-food tray is placed under the rear tires and then engaging the handbrake.
- A tray is a shallow platform designed for carrying things. It is larger than a salver, a diminutive version commonly used for lighter and smaller servings, and it can be fashioned from numerous materials, including silver, brass, sheet iron, wood, melamine, and papier-mache.
- an open receptacle for holding or displaying or serving articles or food
FEATURES of the Child Tray by Baby Jogger Attaches to City and Summit Baby Jogger stroller models Provides a convenient cup holder and tray for your child's drink and snacks Keeps items within a child's reach while strapped into their stroller Smooth, easy to clean surface Double size tray attaches with Velcro onto a double belly bar, which is sold separately The child tray is compatible with the City Mini, City Classic, City Elite and Summit 360 strollers Baby Jogger stroller accessory is a great addition for long days of activity This product can only be shipped within the United States. Please don't hate us.
City of Lost Souls
Taken on an English excursion trip to the city to take pictures of graffiti that relates to images used in Macbeth. I'd already decided to use "this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red". And thus, I just went blah and decided to take pictures of random stuff instead.
It's been a while since I've uploaded stuff. Mainly due to overwhelming busy-ness; assessment tasks, tests, homework and the musical, My Fair Lady.
Added quite a lot post-editing colour and stuff. Not sure if I like it, but eh. Looks a little too busy in my opinion, but needed to update Flickr. Hehe.
Taken 15/7/11
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children got shoes for the coming winter
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Baby Trend Double Jogging Stroller - America's Funniest Home Videos Babies
Baby Trend Double Jogging Stroller
- Jogging strollers have three big, bicycle-type wheels. Some have suspension that makes bumpy jaunts more comfortable for your little one. The front wheel may swivel or be stationary.
- Made typically for the active parent who enjoys outdoor walks or jogs. A seat for the baby on a frame with three pneumatic tires for the ourdoor terrain.
- downward and forward; "he was bent double with pain"
- Consisting of two equal, identical, or similar parts or things
- a base hit on which the batter stops safely at second base; "he hit a double to deep centerfield"
- having more than one decidedly dissimilar aspects or qualities; "a double (or dual) role for an actor"; "the office of a clergyman is twofold; public preaching and private influence"- R.W.Emerson; "every episode has its double and treble meaning"-Frederick Harrison
- Having twice the usual size, quantity, or strength
- Designed to be used by two people
- tendency: a general direction in which something tends to move; "the shoreward tendency of the current"; "the trend of the stock market"
- course: general line of orientation; "the river takes a southern course"; "the northeastern trend of the coast"
- A general direction in which something is developing or changing
- swerve: turn sharply; change direction abruptly; "The car cut to the left at the intersection"; "The motorbike veered to the right"
- A fashion
- a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk; "the baby began to cry again"; "she held the baby in her arms"; "it sounds simple, but when you have your own baby it is all so different"
- pamper: treat with excessive indulgence; "grandparents often pamper the children"; "Let's not mollycoddle our students!"
- A very young child, esp. one newly or recently born
- the youngest member of a group (not necessarily young); "the baby of the family"; "the baby of the Supreme Court"
- A young or newly born animal
- The youngest member of a family or group
jogstrollerstorage - SOLD
Baby trend expedition double jog stroller EUC with minor sun fading (dark areas on front are not stains - just wet from where I started to clean before taking pictures. Mud on footrests also washed off)
this is view of back of kid seats and storage below.
Nearly $300 new, asking $75
Double Cluster
Double Cluster in Cassiopiea region. Direct DSLR.
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Baby names meaning beautiful - Stencil for baby room - Baby outfits.
Baby Names Meaning Beautiful
- The most popular given names vary nationally, regionally, and culturally. Lists of widely used given names can consist of those most often bestowed upon infants born within the last year, thus reflecting the current naming trends, or else be composed of the personal names occurring most within
- Pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically
- delighting the senses or exciting intellectual or emotional admiration; "a beautiful child"; "beautiful country"; "a beautiful painting"; "a beautiful theory"; "a beautiful party"
- (of weather) highly enjoyable; "what a beautiful day"
- beautiful. is the third album from Fantastic Plastic Machine. It is the follow-up to Luxury, as well as the first album after moving from Readymade Records to avex trax. beautiful.
- Of a very high standard; excellent
- meaning(a): rich in significance or implication; "a meaning look"
- the message that is intended or expressed or signified; "what is the meaning of this sentence"; "the significance of a red traffic light"; "the signification of Chinese characters"; "the import of his announcement was ambiguous"
- (means) how a result is obtained or an end is achieved; "a means of control"; "an example is the best agency of instruction"; "the true way to success"
- Intended to communicate something that is not directly expressed
Although America's first great songwriter, Stephen Collins Foster, died 140 years ago, his legacy lives on in the hundreds of songs he left behind. Beautiful Dreamer: The Songs of Stephen Foster was recorded to celebrate his enormous gift to American culture. Foster's compositions (including "Oh! Susanna," "My Old Kentucky Home," "Camptown Races," "Jeanie With The Light Brown Hair" and "Hard Times Come Again No More") are woven into the fabric of our national identity, yet most music fans today know little about him. Foster has been unjustifiably overlooked in recent decades. No collection of his music recorded by contemporary artists has existed until now. Although tribute albums have become much too common, this project's historical significance distingusihes it from a crowded field.
Beautiful Dreamer: The Songs Of Stephen Foster is a collection of Foster's most beloved compositions – and lesser-known exquisite parlor songs of his day – sung by some of today's most respected musical artists. The album includes songs by: Raul Malo, Alison Krauss with Yo Yo Ma, Edgar Meyer and Mark O'Connor, BR549, Alvin Youngblood Hart, Judith Edelman, The Duhks, John Prine, Henry Kaiser, Beth Nielsen Chapman, David Ball, Michelle Shocked & Pete Anderson, Grey De Lisle, Mavis Staples, Ollabelle, Roger McGuinn, Suzy Bogguss, Will Barrow and Ron Sexsmith.
All of the proceeds from Beautiful Dreamer: The Songs of Stephen Foster will benefit American Roots Publishing, a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving American regional culture through literature and art. Goals are accomplished by supporting artists who honor regional culture through their work and by linking them with communities in focused educational programs.
Stephen Collins Foster is sometimes called America's first great songwriter, but you could make the case that he was also the country's first real pop star. Writing songs such as "Camptown Races" and "Oh! Susanna," Foster, a college dropout, was self-destructive, couldn't keep a marriage together, and ended tragically. Living on the Bowery, he gashed his throat in a fatal fall in 1864 at age 37, dying with only 38 cents in his pocket. The idea of a Foster tribute record may seem staid and archaic, particularly as his lesser known tunes are parlor and stylized minstrel songs. But minstrelsy was a lot like rock & roll, and the Pittsburgh native left behind an impressive body of work that draws upon the diverse branches of music brought to America by settlers and slaves from Europe and Africa. Beautiful Dreamer, on which 22 artists celebrate 18 of his compositions, surprises with its breadth of subject matter, tempo, and interpretation, including the use of the glass armonica and santour. Most of all, the album is uncommonly soulful--Mavis Staples's dignified but heartbreaking performance of "Hard Times Come Again No More," David Ball's elegiac "Old Folks at Home (Swanee River)," and the feathery rendition of "Slumber, My Darling" by Alison Krauss, Yo-Yo Ma, Edgar Meyer, and Mark O'Connor resonate in both the heart and the head. If Foster, the pop star, were alive today, he'd likely sit at the piano in shades and gelled-up hair. But he'd be playing these same songs, timeless and achingly poignant. --Alanna Nash
Thu?i and Ti? Hon
These two girls are cousins living in the Bu?i Vie?n neighborhood. The girl on the left is called 'Ti? Hon,' which means tiny in English. The girl on the right's name is Thu?y, which means beautiful in English, but everyone calls her 'Thu?i,' which means stinky or smelly. She is now stuck with that name.
Thu?y's mother is imprisoned for selling illegal substances and Thu?y's father has abandoned her in pursuits of other mistresses. Thu?y now lives with Ti? Hon's family and an aging grandmother.
Lonely and without a fatherly figure, Thu?y has adopted me as her older brother. Yes, I got it right. I didn't adopt her; she adopted me. Despite being only 5 years old, she calls me 'anh Long' and refused to call me uncle.
What am I to do but fulfill the role of an older brother. When I am in the Bu?i Vie?n area, I take Thu?y's pictures, take her shopping, and take her to the neighborhood parks...
My Baby Kitty
Sundae :D
This is my most favorite picture ive taken of her. :)
Her nickname, or should i say second name? Is "baby kitty" because shes short and small. Shes a year old and still looks like shes 6 months old. She is a beautiful little girl, and means a lot to me. Shes spoiled, thats for sure, and she plays fetch :D i should upload a video of her doing so. Shes a smart kitty and a good hunter. :o haa, i love me some sundae.
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Brad pitt baby pictures - Sample baby shower invitation - Baby toys clearance
Brad Pitt Baby Pictures
- William Bradley "Brad" Pitt (born December 18, 1963) is an American actor and film producer. Pitt has received two Academy Award nominations and four Golden Globe Award nominations, winning one.
- Bradley Michael "Hollywood" Pitt (born 8 November 1981 in Blairgowrie, Victoria) is an Australian amateur boxer best known for winning the Heavyweight (199 lbs.) Gold at the 2006 Commonwealth Games and to qualifing for the 2008 Olympics.
- (picture) visualize: imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind; "I can't see him on horseback!"; "I can see what will happen"; "I can see a risk in this strategy"
- Form a mental image of
- (picture) a visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface; "they showed us the pictures of their wedding"; "a movie is a series of images projected so rapidly that the eye integrates them"
- Represent (someone or something) in a photograph or picture
- Describe (someone or something) in a certain way
- (pictural) pictorial: pertaining to or consisting of pictures; "pictorial perspective"; "pictorial records"
- pamper: treat with excessive indulgence; "grandparents often pamper the children"; "Let's not mollycoddle our students!"
- A very young child, esp. one newly or recently born
- The youngest member of a family or group
- a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk; "the baby began to cry again"; "she held the baby in her arms"; "it sounds simple, but when you have your own baby it is all so different"
- A young or newly born animal
- the youngest member of a group (not necessarily young); "the baby of the family"; "the baby of the Supreme Court"
“I was born under unusual circumstances.” And so begins The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, adapted from the 1920s story by F. Scott Fitzgerald about a man who is born in his eighties and ages backwards: a man, like any of us, who is unable to stop time. We follow his story, set in New Orleans, from the end of World War I in 1918 into the 21st century, following his journey that is as unusual as any man’s life can be. Directed by David Fincher and starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett with Taraji P. Henson, Tilda Swinton, Jason Flemyng, Elias Koteas and Julia Ormond, “Benjamin Button,” is a grand tale of a not-so-ordinary man and the people and places he discovers along the way, the loves he finds, the joys of life and the sadness of death, and what lasts beyond time.
The technical dazzle of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a truly astonishing thing to behold: this story of a man who ages backwards requires Brad Pitt to begin life as a tiny elderly man, then blossom into middle age, and finally, wisely, become young. How director David Fincher--with makeup artists, special-effects wizards, and body doubles--achieves this is one of the main sources of fascination in the early reels of the movie. The premise is loosely borrowed from an F. Scott Fitzgerald story (and bears an even stronger resemblance to Andrew Sean Greer's novel The Confessions of Max Tivoli), with young/old Benjamin growing up in New Orleans, meeting the girl of his dreams (Cate Blanchett), and sharing a few blissful years with her until their different aging agendas send them in opposite directions. The love story takes over the second half of the picture, as Eric Roth's script begins to resemble his work on Forrest Gump. This is too bad, because Benjamin's early life is a wonderfully picaresque journey, especially a set of midnight liaisons with a Russian lady (Tilda Swinton) in an atmospheric hotel. Fincher observes all this with an entomologist's eye, cool and exacting, which keeps the material from getting all gooey. Still, the Hurricane Katrina framing story feels put-on, and the movie lets Benjamin slide offscreen during its later stages--curious indeed.--Robert Horton
Stills from The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (Click for larger image)

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Angelina and Brad trying to convince Greta to join their brood!
Took these pictures at the grand opening of Madame Tussauds Wax Museum on Hollywood Blvd...enjoy!
brad pitt baby pictures
Brad Pitt takes no prisoners in Quentin Tarantino’s high-octane WWII revenge fantasy Inglourious Basterds. As war rages in Europe, a Nazi-scalping squad of American soldiers, known to their enemy as “The Basterds,” is on a daring mission to take down the leaders of the Third Reich. Bursting with “action, hair-trigger suspense and a machine-gun spray of killer dialogue” (Peter Travers, Rolling Stone), Inglourious Basterds is “another Tarantino masterpiece” (Jake Hamilton, CBS-TV)!
Although Quentin Tarantino has cherished Enzo G. Castellari's 1978 "macaroni" war flick The Inglorious Bastards for most of his film-geek life, his own Inglourious Basterds is no remake. Instead, as hinted by the Tarantino-esque misspelling, this is a lunatic fantasia of WWII, a brazen re-imagining of both history and the behind-enemy-lines war film subgenre. There's a Dirty Not-Quite-Dozen of mostly Jewish commandos, led by a Tennessee good ol' boy named Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt) who reckons each warrior owes him one hundred Nazi scalps--and he means that literally. Even as Raine's band strikes terror into the Nazi occupiers of France, a diabolically smart and self-assured German officer named Landa (Christoph Waltz) is busy validating his own legend as "The Jew Hunter." Along the way, he wipes out the rural family of a grave young girl (Melanie Laurent) who will reappear years later in Paris, dreaming of vengeance on an epic scale.
Now, this isn't one more big-screen comic book. As the masterly opening sequence reaffirms, Tarantino is a true filmmaker, with a deep respect for the integrity of screen space and the tension that can accumulate in contemplating two men seated at a table having a polite conversation. IB reunites QT with cinematographer Robert Richardson (who shot Kill Bill), and the colors and textures they serve up can be riveting, from the eerie red-hot glow of a tabletop in Adolf Hitler's den, to the creamy swirl of a Parisian pastry in which Landa parks his cigarette. The action has been divided, Pulp Fiction-like, into five chapters, each featuring at least one spellbinding set-piece. It's testimony to the integrity we mentioned that Tarantino can lock in the ferocious suspense of a scene for minutes on end, then explode the situation almost faster than the eye and ear can register, and then take the rest of the sequence to a new, wholly unanticipated level within seconds.
Again, be warned: This is not your "Greatest Generation," Saving Private Ryan WWII. The sadism of Raine and his boys can be as unsavory as the Nazi variety; Tarantino's latest cinematic protege, Eli (director of Hostel) Roth, is aptly cast as a self-styled "golem" fond of pulping Nazis with a baseball bat. But get past that, and the sometimes disconcerting shifts to another location and another set of characters, and the movie should gather you up like a growing floodtide. Tarantino told the Cannes Film Festival audience that he wanted to show "Adolf Hitler defeated by cinema." Cinema wins. --Richard T. Jameson
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Chinese Baby Gender Predictors
- (predictor) information that supports a probabilistic estimate of future events; "the weekly bulletin contains several predictors of mutual fund performance"
- (predictor) a computer for controlling antiaircraft fire that computes the position of an aircraft at the instant of a shell's arrival
- (predictor) forecaster: someone who makes predictions of the future (usually on the basis of special knowledge)
- any of the Sino-Tibetan languages spoken in China; regarded as dialects of a single language (even though they are mutually unintelligible) because they share an ideographic writing system
- of or pertaining to China or its peoples or cultures; "Chinese food"
- Taiwanese: of or relating to or characteristic of the island republic on Taiwan or its residents or their language; "the Taiwanese capital is Taipeh"
- Of or relating to China or its language, culture, or people
- Belonging to or relating to the people forming the dominant ethnic group of China and widely dispersed elsewhere
- sex: the properties that distinguish organisms on the basis of their reproductive roles; "she didn't want to know the sex of the foetus"
- The state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones)
- (in languages such as Latin, Greek, Russian, and German) Each of the classes (typically masculine, feminine, common, neuter) of nouns and pronouns distinguished by the different inflections that they have and require in words syntactically associated with them. Grammatical gender is only very loosely associated with natural distinctions of sex
- The property (in nouns and related words) of belonging to such a class
- a grammatical category in inflected languages governing the agreement between nouns and pronouns and adjectives; in some languages it is quite arbitrary but in Indo-European languages it is usually based on sex or animateness
- Gender is the wide set of characteristics that are seen to distinguish between male and female. It can extend from sex to social role or gender identity. As a word, "gender" has more than one valid definition.
- A very young child, esp. one newly or recently born
- a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk; "the baby began to cry again"; "she held the baby in her arms"; "it sounds simple, but when you have your own baby it is all so different"
- the youngest member of a group (not necessarily young); "the baby of the family"; "the baby of the Supreme Court"
- The youngest member of a family or group
- A young or newly born animal
- pamper: treat with excessive indulgence; "grandparents often pamper the children"; "Let's not mollycoddle our students!"
OV-Watch is a clinically proven, patented fertility predictor that is cleared by the FDA. It is a wrist-mounted, bio-sensing medical device that tracks a woman's individual body chemistry to find the 4 crucial days before ovulation-her most fertile days of the month. OV-Watch has a special processor and biosensor that takes readings from your skin every 30 minutes while you sleep. This advanced technology works differently from other ovulation prediction devices in that it tracks chloride ion levels as opposed to LH or estrogen surges. It allows you to be able to fully utilize all 6 days of fertility- the four most crucial fertile days of a woman's cycle before ovulation and the time during ovulation. With OV-Watch, there are no messy, urine strips and no complicated charts. Just wear the watch at night while you sleep knowing that you will be alerted 4 days before ovulation, giving you plenty of time to plan mutiple romantic interludes if desired. If women use a LH urine kit that only detects hours before ovulation, they may miss their most fertile time since by the time ovulation occurs, the egg, which only has a life span of approximately 12-17 hours, is already beginning to die. Sandra Ann Carson, President of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine states, "Although LH peaks accurately detect ovulation, they do not identify the pre-ovulatory fertile period. Up to two thirds of pregnancies are conceived at or prior to ovulation." Nothing can provide you with your entire fertility window like OV-Watch. The Starter Kit comes with the OV-Watch wrist computer, English language Reference Manual and Quick Start Guide, Plastic storage case and 1-3-month supply of sensors. One sensor will last one full cycle. OV-Watch has a 30 day money back guarantee (any reason) and a full 6 month warranty. OV-Watch is there for its customers. OV-Watch's Customer Care line is 1.866.OVWATCH for service or free medical education through our customer newsletter.
Good Morning!
We have snow!!! Roxy has had the last 2 days of school off because of it! I'm not the biggest fan of snow when it sticks around very long, but this is just a few inches and we can still get around, so it's not so bad.
I have HUGE news! We went Wednesday for an elective ultrasound to find out the gender of our baby! So drum roll please!
IT"S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I knew he was a boy from the time I saw those 2 pink lines. I just knew it! There were several people around me that kept saying that they were positive it was another girl. All the gender predictor things, like the Chinese thing and the Red Cabbage Test all said girl, but nope! I'm getting my baby boy! So at the end of July beginning of August we will be welcoming the last edition to our family, Galen!
(I was trying to go for that twilightesque look in this one...I guess, lol. MOstly I just liked the awesome catchlights in my eyes)
Original predictor stick design
Very simple interaction: pee over the stick, plug it in and wait. The first easy pregnancy test. The design of the product was very refined, yet there were problems in reading out the results
chinese baby gender predictors
The most long-lasting and enduring relationship an individual can develop is with a sibling. Considering their closeness in age and early association, siblings can bond for a lifetime. Psychologists are beginning to appreciate the sibling link and its dynamic role in a child's social development. Beyond the mother-child dyad, sibling associations are now seen to determine cognitive faculties, emotional balance, self-sufficiency, and peer interaction.
Clarifying the complex processes of these relationships and the benefits of parental involvement, Avidan Milevsky provides a foundational text for a growing area of study. Through personal narrative, theoretical examinations, and empirical data, he unravels the intricacies of sibling exchange and their function in overall family structure. He identifies the factors that make such bonds successful (or harmful) and the influence of parents in shaping these outcomes. He also evaluates the compensation of siblings in the absence of parent or friend support. Variables such as age, birth order, gender, and family size are tremendous considerations, and parents hoping to enhance the sibling bond gain immensely from understanding these predictors. Milevsky shows practitioners how to educate parents and help them apply their knowledge in practice. Particularly, he supplies crucial perspective on "deidentification" or conscious differentiation, in which parents can encourage different life paths to minimize sibling comparison and competition. A major tool for clinicians, social service providers, and educators, this book maps the next frontier in child development research.
The most long-lasting and enduring relationship an individual can develop is with a sibling. Considering their closeness in age and early association, siblings can bond for a lifetime. Psychologists are beginning to appreciate the sibling link and its dynamic role in a child's social development. Beyond the mother-child dyad, sibling associations are now seen to determine cognitive faculties, emotional balance, self-sufficiency, and peer interaction.
Clarifying the complex processes of these relationships and the benefits of parental involvement, Avidan Milevsky provides a foundational text for a growing area of study. Through personal narrative, theoretical examinations, and empirical data, he unravels the intricacies of sibling exchange and their function in overall family structure. He identifies the factors that make such bonds successful (or harmful) and the influence of parents in shaping these outcomes. He also evaluates the compensation of siblings in the absence of parent or friend support. Variables such as age, birth order, gender, and family size are tremendous considerations, and parents hoping to enhance the sibling bond gain immensely from understanding these predictors. Milevsky shows practitioners how to educate parents and help them apply their knowledge in practice. Particularly, he supplies crucial perspective on "deidentification" or conscious differentiation, in which parents can encourage different life paths to minimize sibling comparison and competition. A major tool for clinicians, social service providers, and educators, this book maps the next frontier in child development research.
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Classic Names For Babies - Family Guy Baby Not On Board Episode - Baby Showers Gift Ideas.
Classic Names For Babies
- (For Baby (For Bobbie)) John Denver (December 31, 1943 - October 12, 1997), born Henry John Deutschendorf, Jr., was an American singer-songwriter, actor, activist, and poet.
- a creation of the highest excellence
- (of a garment or design) Of a simple elegant style not greatly subject to changes in fashion
- Remarkably and instructively typical
- an artist who has created classic works
- Judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind
- authoritative: of recognized authority or excellence; "the definitive work on Greece"; "classical methods of navigation"
- Give a name to
- Give a particular title or epithet to
- Identify by name; give the correct name for
- (name) a language unit by which a person or thing is known; "his name really is George Washington"; "those are two names for the same thing"
- name calling: verbal abuse; a crude substitute for argument; "sticks and stones may break my bones but names can never hurt me"
- (name) assign a specified (usually proper) proper name to; "They named their son David"; "The new school was named after the famous Civil Rights leader"
A name is for life! It may be sad, but it is certainly true that you don't meet too many high-flying, successful guys called Wayne or Elvis. What you hope for your baby to become, is as much a consideration as the names you like. The decisions you make will create an image or style that your baby will have to grow up with - and grow into. You owe it to this experience to consider a wide choice of names. You should browse and extract names from this book. The issues are many. From trendy to traditional, and from the popular to the sophisticated. You have to strike the balance that you feel is right for your baby. I have been studying names for many years and I have come to believe that names choose themselves - if you will allow. Mum knows her infant well, through the subliminal relationship she has built carrying her child. Intuitively she will understand whether her baby is a Nigel or a Tom, a Claire or a Holly. This book introduces you to the many ways to name your baby with style and suitability. Meaningful names, musical names, mystical names...Enjoy the sounds and meanings of these richly varied names. Note their exotic backgrounds and consider the numerous variations we provide on so many of them.
Personalised Wooden Name Puzzle
At Mooo we make premium, quality, classic, educational wooden puzzles, including personalised jigsaws and wooden numbers puzzles. We aim to combine education with good times - help your baby learn his or her name with our personalised jigsaws, or use our numbers puzzle to teach them numbers! The colours and personalised touch to our puzzles make them fun, interesting and wonderful for all kids!
Our personalised jigsaws feature unique solid wood storage boxes (the integrated slide-in lid becomes the puzzle base) and a zoo-full of colourful animals printed on the back. All puzzles, including our personalised jigsaws and wooden alphabet puzzle pieces, are painted with 3 coats of child-safe paint on all sides and the solid-wood pegs are securely glued in by hand.
Check out our puzzles and find that perfect gift or educational tool for your kids today!
Classic like Betty - 069/365
This Girl has a pretty classic look, very betty from the archie comics. she had some really nice style too. i saw her coming across the street and tried to snap a shot of her.
She almost seemed pissed and confused as to why i was shooting her first. i told her that i wasnt publishing the image other than either on my blog or flickr. she gave me her real name but i am absolutely awefull with names, so i promptly forgot it.
She let me snap a few shots of her and was pretty patient while i fiddled with tylers camera.
I took tylers Sony A850 out for a spin thisevening, it was odd and i dont think it suited my shooting style. a very nice camera by any stretch. my muscle memory is just tuned to my baby 5D :P
classic names for babies
Expectant parents poring over baby name books—usually tomes as large and as interesting as phone books—are looking for that special name with special meaning, a name with a legacy, a name for the ages. What better place for book-loving parents to look for the right name than in literature?
Elegantly written, easy to use, and delightful to read, The Penguin Classic Baby Name Book is divided into sections of boys’ and girls’ names. Entries include information on origin, meaning, variations, and, most important, literary namesakes. Throughout the book are sidebars with mini essays about literary characters and naming trends, as well as quotations from the books themselves.
From The Penguin Classic Baby Name Book:
Chloe (Greek, “young green shoot”) A traditional name in pastoral poetry. The source is Longus’s fourth-century poem “Daphnis and Chloe,” which concerns the romance between the offspring of a goatherd and a shepherd. In Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Aunt Chloe is the wife of Uncle Tom. A wonderful cook, warm and loving, she is saving money to buy his freedom. When he dies, she is heartbroken.
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How To Congratulate New Baby
- pride: be proud of; "He prides himself on making it into law school"
- compliment: say something to someone that expresses praise; "He complimented her on her last physics paper"
- Praise (someone) for a particular achievement
- Feel pride or satisfaction
- express congratulations
- Give (someone) one's good wishes when something special or pleasant has happened to them
- A how-to or a how to is an informal, often short, description of how to accomplish some specific task. A how-to is usually meant to help non-experts, may leave out details that are only important to experts, and may also be greatly simplified from an overall discussion of the topic.
- Providing detailed and practical advice
- Practical advice on a particular subject; that gives advice or instruction on a particular topic
- (How To’s) Multi-Speed Animations
- A young or newly born animal
- the youngest member of a group (not necessarily young); "the baby of the family"; "the baby of the Supreme Court"
- a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk; "the baby began to cry again"; "she held the baby in her arms"; "it sounds simple, but when you have your own baby it is all so different"
- pamper: treat with excessive indulgence; "grandparents often pamper the children"; "Let's not mollycoddle our students!"
- The youngest member of a family or group
- A very young child, esp. one newly or recently born
Mescal had always had its routes into the world, as this novel's complex relationships show: Starling knows a chemist named Roper, who knows a painter named Jourbert, who knows a man in Mexico who works for the government. There has been a new shipment of mescal, but it is not quite what anyone expected. This is a new drug that opens the doors of perception for a man such as Roper, hiding away in his north London laboratory. He can make people work for him and turn his friends into fools or murderers—if only he could control his own mind.
Congratulate you
Said you had a double tongue
Balancing cake and bread
Say goodbye to a glitter girl
Talula, Talula
You don't want to lose her
She must be worth losing
If it is worth something
Talula, Talula
She's brand new now to you
Wrapped in your papoose
Your little Fig Newton
So goodbye now my baby, gotta go
Say goodbye my baby to the old world
Ran into the Henchman who severed Anne Boleyn
He did it right quickly
A merciful man
She said that one plus one is two
But Henry said
That it was three
So it was
Here I am
Talula, Talula
I don't want to lose it
It must be worth losing
If it is worth something
Talula, Talula
She's brand new now to you
Wrapped in your papoose
Your little Fig Newton
And Jamaica
Do you know what I have done
Mary M weaving on
Said what you want is in the blood of Senators
I got a Big Bird on the fishing line
With a bit of a shout, a bit of a shout
A bit of an angry snout
He's my favourite hooker of the whole bunch
And I know about his only bride
And how the Russians die on the ice
I got my rape hat on
Honey but I always could accessorise
And I never cared too much for the money
But I know right now
That it's in God's hands
But I don't know who the Father is
Talula, Talula
I don't want to lose him
He must be worth losing
If it is worth something
Talula, Talula
He's brand new now to you
Wrapped in your papoose
Your little Fig Newton
Talula - Tori Amos
As someone who speaks French, my hands are constantly moving.
I'm a touchy feely person. My hands are typing these words. They love to write. They seek pages of books to turn. They hold my camera as I capture the world around me. They cuddle... babies and kittens as often as they can. I learned to walk by holding on to my parents' hands. 1,2,3 tickle family! They know how to drive standard. They have rewinded and fast forwarded a million songs. They are my favorite body part to have photographed. They help heal boo boos. They feed me. Wash me. Clothe me. They have held new born fingers. They have touched death. They tease. They caress. Reassure. They've hugged sadness. Congratulated.
Medium is often used as an adjective. Medium height. Medium weight. All of which can be shown by moving our hands side ways or upwards. I giggled when I saw the word Medium. For so long it was the way I answered most questions. How are you? Medium Your day? Medium. Now I answer as big as my hands can stretch. Great. Unbelievable.
My hands are my medium to explore the world and a way for it to get to know me.
how to congratulate new baby
Webster's bibliographic and event-based timelines are comprehensive in scope, covering virtually all topics, geographic locations and people. They do so from a linguistic point of view, and in the case of this book, the focus is on "Congratulates," including when used in literature (e.g. all authors that might have Congratulates in their name). As such, this book represents the largest compilation of timeline events associated with Congratulates when it is used in proper noun form. Webster's timelines cover bibliographic citations, patented inventions, as well as non-conventional and alternative meanings which capture ambiguities in usage. These furthermore cover all parts of speech (possessive, institutional usage, geographic usage) and contexts, including pop culture, the arts, social sciences (linguistics, history, geography, economics, sociology, political science), business, computer science, literature, law, medicine, psychology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology and other physical sciences. This "data dump" results in a comprehensive set of entries for a bibliographic and/or event-based timeline on the proper name Congratulates, since editorial decisions to include or exclude events is purely a linguistic process. The resulting entries are used under license or with permission, used under "fair use" conditions, used in agreement with the original authors, or are in the public domain.
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Congrats New Baby Card
- Congratulations
- A short form of congratulations
- a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk; "the baby began to cry again"; "she held the baby in her arms"; "it sounds simple, but when you have your own baby it is all so different"
- pamper: treat with excessive indulgence; "grandparents often pamper the children"; "Let's not mollycoddle our students!"
- A young or newly born animal
- the youngest member of a group (not necessarily young); "the baby of the family"; "the baby of the Supreme Court"
- A very young child, esp. one newly or recently born
- The youngest member of a family or group
- Check the identity card of (someone), in particular as evidence of legal drinking age
- Write (something) on a card, esp. for indexing
- a card certifying the identity of the bearer; "he had to show his card to get in"
- (in golf and other sports) Score (a certain number of points on a scorecard)
- one of a set of small pieces of stiff paper marked in various ways and used for playing games or for telling fortunes; "he collected cards and traded them with the other boys"
- tease: separate the fibers of; "tease wool"
Nayeeli baby card
Here’s a design I made for friends who had a baby girl recently. They ended up, sort of, using it for a baby card.
It’s a spin-off of a character that I’m working on for myself.
Anyway, congrats again guys :) Almost a month now! WOOT, WOOT! :D
What's New...my fine feathered friends front
front of greeting card reads: What's New...My Fine-feathered Friends?
baby congrats card
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Music baby bedding : Baby boy room decorating.
Music Baby Bedding
- A base or bottom layer
- bedclothes: coverings that are used on a bed
- bedding material: material used to provide a bed for animals
- (bed) a piece of furniture that provides a place to sleep; "he sat on the edge of the bed"; "the room had only a bed and chair"
- Coverings for a bed, such as sheets and blankets
- Straw or similar material for animals to sleep on
- any agreeable (pleasing and harmonious) sounds; "he fell asleep to the music of the wind chimes"
- musical activity (singing or whistling etc.); "his music was his central interest"
- A sound perceived as pleasingly harmonious
- an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner
- The art or science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion
- The vocal or instrumental sound produced in this way
- The youngest member of a family or group
- A young or newly born animal
- a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk; "the baby began to cry again"; "she held the baby in her arms"; "it sounds simple, but when you have your own baby it is all so different"
- pamper: treat with excessive indulgence; "grandparents often pamper the children"; "Let's not mollycoddle our students!"
- A very young child, esp. one newly or recently born
- the youngest member of a group (not necessarily young); "the baby of the family"; "the baby of the Supreme Court"
Pink Bear and Moon by Sisi Baby Baby Designs brings nighttime theme into your baby's nursery room . The Moon, Stars and Teddy Bear create a sweet nursery atmosphere on micro-suede fabrics. The color of pink, camel and chocolate enhance the sweet theme that you will absolutely love! The whole set comes with 15 pcs set. This set is made to fit all standard crib beds. Suggested Retail price $229.99
15 Piece set comes with :
* 1 Crib Quilt (37 x 46")
* 1 Crib Bumper (10 x 160")
* 1 Fitted Crib Sheet (28 x 52")
* 1 Crib Skirt ( 28 x 52")
* 2 Window Valances (16 x 58")
* 1 Toy Bag (14 x 20")
* 1 Diaper Stacker(12x22")
* 1 Lamp shade
* 1 music Mobil
* 3 Wall Art Hangings ( 8 x 8")
* 1 Decorative Accent Pillow (10 x 10")
* 1 Custom Decorative Pillow
Attention:We can embroidery baby's name on the pillow case. Please email name after pay for this item. The handling time is 4 to 7 days if you need this service.
The cut off time for the name is 12 p.m ( central time) at next business day after the payment.
On Bed. ?????*
We were pleasantly surprised when we discovered that Caleb will quietly lie down on the bed during day-time if we play him soft music or children songs. He seems to enjoy it very much.
Nikon F3/T
Nikon NIKKOR 50mm f/1.4 Ai-S
Chicco Musical Lamp- 5E
Hard plastic half-moon with mini peluche bear glows softly with optional classical music song. Pink strap to attach to crib/cot side. Never used.
Your Price: 5 euro
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One Month Baby Weight - How Much Water To Give Baby.
One Month Baby Weight
- Birth mass is the mass of a baby at its birth. It has direct links with the gestational age at which the child was born and can be estimated during the pregnancy by measuring fundal height.
- Each of the twelve named periods into which a year is divided
- A period of 28 days or four weeks
- (monthly) of or occurring or payable every month; "monthly payments"; "the monthly newsletter"
- A period of time between the same dates in successive calendar months
- calendar month: one of the twelve divisions of the calendar year; "he paid the bill last month"
- a time unit of approximately 30 days; "he was given a month to pay the bill"
Ultrasound is the method used to obtain images of the baby inside uterus via high frequency sound waves, no ionizing radiation involved in this procedure unlike x-ray.
In short it can determine the position of your baby, sex, age of pregnancy, weight, due date, abnormalities (if any) etc
Recent advances in imaging have resulted in the introduction of three-dimensional (3D) and four-dimensional (4D) ultrasound in which the baby is seen more detail in “real” time, so your baby can be seen moving around.
5-7 months is the best time for these picture, at this stage we will clearly be able to see your baby’s face, hands, fingers, feet and toes as well as any facial movements or gestures it may be making.
This is a picture of a 6 months baby taken from the screen few days back, we do take videos as well, the real pictures are much clearer than this and you get them on a CD.
If you want to have one, please contact Image Centre ,on 3302051
info via medicalimaging.com
One Month On and Smiles around!
Well it has been quite a month! I have been deadly busy during this period with work and baby, so apologies if i haven't commented on your photostreams as often as i like!
Anyways Sophia is putting on weight, in one week, 220g was added, so all her tiny baby clothes looks like they will need replacing!
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Persian Baby Names - Adoption Baby Memory Book.
Persian Baby Names
- The most popular given names vary nationally, regionally, and culturally. Lists of widely used given names can consist of those most often bestowed upon infants born within the last year, thus reflecting the current naming trends, or else be composed of the personal names occurring most within
- Of or relating to ancient Persia or modern Iran or its people or language
- Iranian: of or relating to Iran or its people or language or culture; "Iranian mountains"; "Iranian security police"
- the language of Persia (Iran) in any of its ancient forms
- Irani: a native or inhabitant of Iran; "the majority of Irani are Persian Shiite Muslims"
Fisher Cat Family includes Father Schroeder, Mother Isabel, Brother Linus and Sister Lauren. Mother Isabel Fisher can often be seen and heard tending to her luscious garden as she engages in her favorite things, gardening and opera. Father Schroeder is know for his fine house building skills while brother Linus and sister Lauren work hard at keeping their parents on their paws. The Fisher Cat Family is a part of the Calico Critters Collection by International Playthings. Fisher Cat Family is for use with Calico Critters doll houses and furniture, other similarly sized doll houses, or just for creative play!
WeLcome To Our Family - BADEMU
I bought this baby for my mother... it is a mother day gift :)
she a persian.. and PLS FIND a NAME FOR ME. I will call to evening a name..
and my other animals :
1 parrot (jako - pasamu)
2 hamster (gonzales- tosun and zeytin)
5 fish (selocan's)
and me :P (human - Ali )
eveeeet evimize son uyemizde kat?ld? eve bak anas?n? satay?m :)))
suan evdeki ben dahil evcil hayvanlar?n tum listesini adlar?nla beraber listeliyorum
once 1 akvaryum (selocanlar)
sonra 2 hamster (tosun ve zeytin kardesler)
sonra bir Jako cinsi papagan (pasamu)
simdi bir kediii iran chincila :) (henuz ad? yok sizlerden yard?m bekliyorum o bir hanfendi )
veeeeeeeeeeee ben :P ( ali )
kesinlikle en sevimlisi benim :P
bu ev art?k bildiginiz hayvanat bahcesi gibi....
ve yeni kedim sayesinde fotolar?ma yeni bi tad gelecek emin olun :)))
bogun siir neyim yoh :)
Ariana - My little Jujeh
I dont have a sister....and Lyla (my rent a sis and very very close family friend) goes and has this....the most beautiful child in the world. Her name is Ariana. My little Jujeh (which means chicken in farsi - old persian).
View Large
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Pregnancy and baby books : Southern boy baby names
Pregnancy And Baby Books
- (baby book) A book containing photographs and written records of a child's development
- (pregnant) carrying developing offspring within the body or being about to produce new life
- The condition or period of being pregnant
- the state of being pregnant; the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus
- A case or situation of being pregnant
- (pregnant) meaning(a): rich in significance or implication; "a meaning look"
For more than a century, the health care professionals at Mayo Clinic have dedicated themselves to the well-being of the family. And in the life of the family, what more significant event can there be than the birth of a baby?
Beginning with the decision to start a family, this comprehensive book guides parents through each phase of pregnancy, birth, and baby's all-important first year. Every page offers compassionate, clear answers to the many questions and decisions that accompany conceiving, giving birth, and caring for a treasured new life.
Part One0--Pregnancy
Expectant parents learn how to choose a medical caregiver; what prenatal tests are done and why; what you can do about some of the common discomforts of pregnancy; sensible nutrition and safe exercise routines during pregnancy; balancing work and pregnancy; plus an easy-to-understand, trimester-by-trimester breakdown of what to expect as your pregnancy progresses. A special eight-page section features color photographs of how the baby develops during pregnancy.
Part Two--Childbirth
Today's many birthing options are explained in full, and a detailed description of labor and birth helps parents anticipate this powerful experience. A thorough discussion of baby's first hours addresses every parent's question: "Is my baby OK?" Premature birth, cesarean birth, complications, and adoption are discussed, and an important chapter focuses on the new mother's health after childbirth.
Part Three--Living with and Understanding Your Baby
The first months of parenthood can be a jumble ofjoy and worry. Here you'll find clear explanationsof baby-care essentials, including feeding, soothing and playing with your baby, and how to handle common illnesses and emergencies. Text and photographs detail baby's development during the crucial first year.
Part Four--From Partners to Parents: A Family Is Born
A new baby profoundly changes family roles and relationships. This section helps mothers, fathers, grandparents, and siblings strengthen their bonds asthey welcome a tiny new member into their home.
With more than 130 contributors from Mayo's distinguished staff of obstetricians, family physicians, pediatricians, parent educators, nurses, dietitians, social workers, and other medical specialists-plus contributions from dozens of parents-this extraordinary book is a valuable resource for all expectant parents and young families.
Widely regarded as one of the world's foremost medical centers, Mayo evolved from the nation's first group medical practice, established by Drs. William and Charles Mayo more than 100 years ago. Mayo provides family-oriented health care to pregnant women and their babies for both normal and high-risk pregnancies and births. Nearly 2,000 babies are born at Mayo each year. Consistently rated one of the best providers of health care in the world, Mayo is also the world's largest medical center--a full-service diagnostic and treatment institution embracing state-of-the-art medical care. There are Mayo Clinics in Rochester, Minnesota; Jacksonville, Florida; and Scottsdale, Arizona, as well as a broad system of affiliate practices and managed-care networks in other regions.
The 9 months preceding and the 12 months following child birth are exciting, trying, confusing times; they are the months of many questions. You wonder about your itchy palms, morning sickness, fetus development, home midwife or hospital doctor choices, what to eat, amniocentesis, miscarriages, labor painkillers, maintaining your physical and emotional health after childbirth, and, not least, how to care for your growing, developing baby. A live-in pediatrician would be nice; a 750-page comprehensive reference guide is the next best solution. It won't eliminate anxiety, but it's a reassuring presence, and a soothing source of answers and explanations.
baby book
A few pages from the baby book i'm making for little Rufus. I think this is much better than buying one already laid out and Im getting extra practise with my photoshop skills in the process! I know im not gonna have the time when he arrives though!
Journal of Memories.
Amelia found my pregnancy journal in the spare room this evening, so when James took her to bed, I spent some time reading through it.
I'm so glad I have it, hopefully Amelia will enjoy reading it when she's older.
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Pooh baby accessories. Baby friendly travel. Four month old baby sleep.
Pooh Baby Accessories
- A small article or item of clothing carried or worn to complement a garment or outfit
- (accessory) accessary: aiding and abetting in a crime; "he was charged with being accessory to the crime"
- A thing that can be added to something else in order to make it more useful, versatile, or attractive
- (accessory) clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of your main clothing
- Someone who gives assistance to the perpetrator of a crime, without directly committing it, sometimes without being present
- (accessory) a supplementary component that improves capability
- During the Second World War, cross-Channel guns were long-range coastal artillery pieces placed on the English Channel coasts of Kent, England and the Pas-de-Calais, France, at the point at which England was closest to continental Europe, with which to bombard enemy shipping in the Channel and
- Defecate
- Winnie-the-Pooh is a fictional bear created by A. A. Milne. The first collection of stories about the character was the book Winnie-the-Pooh (1926), and this was followed by The House at Pooh Corner (1928).
- Pooh is an Italian rock band formed in 1966. By 2008, it had become one of the world's longest lasting bands.
- the youngest member of a group (not necessarily young); "the baby of the family"; "the baby of the Supreme Court"
- The youngest member of a family or group
- pamper: treat with excessive indulgence; "grandparents often pamper the children"; "Let's not mollycoddle our students!"
- A very young child, esp. one newly or recently born
- a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk; "the baby began to cry again"; "she held the baby in her arms"; "it sounds simple, but when you have your own baby it is all so different"
- A young or newly born animal
sending packages home to Canada
too much time on my hands? meh, it was fun & had a purpose (now I can remember what I've sent this time!)
Diaper Bag & Accessories
Skip Hop Dash Duo diaper bag with accessories. Doesn't look all that diaper-bag-y does it? It's adorable!
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Wholesale Baby Stuff
- From prams, pushchairs and buggies to travel cots, baby changing bags, high chairs and baby bouncers:
- Sell (goods) in large quantities at low prices to be retailed by others
- the selling of goods to merchants; usually in large quantities for resale to consumers
- at a price; "I can sell it to you "
- sweeping: ignoring distinctions; "sweeping generalizations"; " destruction"
Clothes Loot from Lai Chi Kok, HongKong
Forget about Mongkok. Forget about "Woman Street". Go straight to the source baby!
Take subway to Lai Chi Kok station, follow the direction to "Hong Kong Textile Industrial Building". There you will find all kinds of trendy japanese/korean style clothings. CHEAP. The lined wool jacket in the middle is only $100 HKD. Approximately $15USD. This is just part of the loot. The others are in the basket waiting for the next laundry round. Most of the stuff there are around $5US. But some of them only accept request, so ask before you grab them. Most of the time when you see a price tag, it means they are ok for retail. If you don't see a price tag so you have to ask, chances are they are for inquiries only.
Tips: Bring a wheeled suitcase. It will make your life much easier. Otherwise you will have to drag 2 huge plastic bags full of clothings back like me. T-T In fact it doesn't look weird if you are pulling a suitcase around there. Lots of people are doing that.
Also, bring cash.
Coming home.
First, one must acquire the plants, and devise a way to stuff them into one's car. These big babies came from a nursery in the valley. They're double the size and half the price for the same plants I can buy in my local nursery.
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Premature Babies Long Term Effects
- (premature baby) ertg5 tuwgan, zaman? c5tginci tuwgan, zamans?zlay tuwgan
- In humans, preterm birth refers to the birth of a baby of less than 37 weeks gestational age. The cause for preterm birth is in many situations elusive and unknown; many factors appear to be associated with the development of preterm birth, making the reduction of preterm birth a challenging
- (premature baby) an infant that is born prior to 37 weeks of gestation
- long-run: relating to or extending over a relatively long time; "the long-run significance of the elections"; "the long-term reconstruction of countries damaged by the war"; "a long-term investment"
- A term is a period of duration, time or , in relation to an event. To differentiate an interval or duration, common phrases are used to distinguish the observance of length are short-term, medium-term and long-term.
- Long-Term Capital Management L.P. (LTCM) was a hedge fund management firm based in Greenwich, Connecticut that utilized absolute-return trading strategies (such as fixed-income arbitrage, statistical arbitrage, and pairs trading) combined with high leverage.
- Occurring over or relating to a long period of time
- Cause (something) to happen; bring about
- property of a personal character that is portable but not used in business; "she left some of her personal effects in the house"; "I watched over their effects until they returned"
- (effect) consequence: a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon; "the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise"; "his decision had depressing consequences for business"; "he acted very wise after the event"
- (effect) produce; "The scientists set up a shock wave"
Canned Hamburger is PERFECT for your Food Storage Plan, Family Preparedness and Emergency Readiness. Made by Yoder's in Ohio, an Amish family tradition for more than 40 years, this product will protect your family and yourself in times of uncertainty. The taste tells the difference. This Canned Meat is non-perishable, requires no refrigeration and is ideal for camping, travel, and long-term food storage. This product may be stored for 10 years or more in airtight sealed cans. Produced exclusively from US farm raised, USDA inspected choice cuts of meat and commercially canned in the United States under the strictest quality standards for optimal taste, quality and safety. 28oz. cans (1LB. 12 oz.) Convenient Fully Cooked - Low fat content 10+ Year non-refrigerated shelf life 100% US Raised and US Canned! Refrigerate after opening U.S. inspected and passed by Department of Agriculture
Completed crochet projects for premature baby unit
Pile of completed items ready to be delivered to the local premature baby unit at Bolton Hospital. There is also a pile of hats not pictured here. Total so far is 5 blankets, 11 jackets and 10 hats. I have another blanket and jacket on the hook that may be completed before D day on Sunday.
Crochet premature baby blanket for Bliss
Baby blanket crocheted for Bliss chairty for premature babies. It isn't a funny shape it's just the way that I photographed it.
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