nedjelja, 08.01.2006.


Danas smo malo bezveze surfale internetom i naletjele na fantastičnu web stranicu -
Ljudi nude izradu besplatnog natalnog horoskopa, i znate što-istinit je (barem nama)! Inače ne vjerujemo u one stvari tipa dnevnog horoskopa, ali mislimo kako u ovom natalnom i ima neke istine, pa ako vas zanima kako je ispao naš horoskop, pogledajte...

Stranica je, naravno, na engleskom, ali mislim da nitko neće imati većih problema u razumijevanju jer je stvarno jednostavno.

Pa, krenimo...


Your sun sign is Gemini. This is the sign in which the Sun is in your birth chart. Your Ascendant is in Scorpio, and your Moon is in Capricorn.

...a humane, intellectual, and kind disposition. Your whole life will be inwardly centered through education and intellectual pursuit. People regard you as clever.

Under stress you hesitate to take a course that must be hastily determined. However, what you lack in this respect is completely compensated for by your fine intellect. You like to dwell on concepts, and you have a broad humanistic view of life. You abhor violence, finding it incomprehensible. If you could do whatever you wanted in life, you would definitely concern yourself exclusively with intellectual activities.

Externally, your personality does not completely agree with your feelings. Because of education and other environmental influences, your personality has been centered on achieving material goals, and you have somehow identified with them completely. Your inner self, however, does not coincide with these matters.

You are a person of extremes, very sensitive and desirous of attachment. There is some attraction to the occult or to psychic phenomena. You are active in the sense that there is a psychological struggle going on inside you between the positive and negative poles-those of affirming and satisfying or rejecting and repressing. You are very intense in your feelings and remain passionately attached to the person you love. Similarly, when you dislike someone you are very fixed in that feeling.

You have a strong inclination to be involved in medicine, perhaps even surgery. You are attracted by research and investigation in general.

Occupationally, you are going to be inclined to pursue money through popular activities.

the general attitude is reserved, serious, and lacking in dynamism, warmth and flexibility. You are a thinker and a slow, but determined planner.

The struggle to realize your life plans might be difficult, and you will receive little assistance from persons close to you.

You tend to worry needlessly or give excessive attention to plans which will yield very little in relation to the effort invested. We advise you to plan things carefully and realistically without overdoing it.

Your mind appears as very adaptable, gentle, peace-loving and tactful. This position indicates that the secret for your ability to reach a state of harmony and emotional balance may come through the use of your higher mental powers. You have been born with an exquisitely refined, artistic mind which has a very subtle appreciation of all that has to do with culture. Your disposition is kind, congenial, gentle and sympathetic and you have a natural ability to assist other individuals......


Your sun sign is Aries. This is the sign in which the Sun is in your birth chart. Your Ascendant is in Gemini, and your Moon is in Aquarius.

You were born with the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Aquarius. There is no better combination, for you are a person of charm, originality, and spontaneity. You are fascinated by eccentric and unorthodox subjects.

You make friends easily and willingly embrace ideas that appear progressive. You are a humanist by nature and you seem to have an old-world gift for prophecy and the miraculous.

A positive and clear-thinking person, you matter-of-factly assume command of any enterprise. Your powers of persuasion defy opposition. You add just the right inflection of humor, so that you are rarely caught in a serious mood. This is one of your most attractive characteristics.

Your individuality comes under the influence of the Sun in Aries, which will eventually put you in a position of authority. But the position of the Moon inclines you toward the unusual. The aspects of your personality assure you success and popularity in life. However, you should avoid attempting to force your views on other people for their own good.

People whose ascending sign is Gemini usually appear as elegant, slender, expressive, and with very humane facial expressions. They are individuals with some literary inclination, dexterous with manual labors and crafts, apt, able, witty, inventive and very curious and subtle.

A Gemini in the ascendant will always distinguish herself by her rather eloquent speech and writing, her much occupied daily life, and her perpetual lack of an ability to effect swift and determined decisions. As a Gemini, you should try to compensate your hesitancy with fast thinking.

Your disposition to life-events will be kind and generous (within bounds) but not always fortunate, because of too much vacillation in decision-making circumstances. You possess the capability of rising in life because of your own intellectual assets.

Your mind is open and generous, and your intellect self-sufficient; yet on many occasions, judgment will appear as "twisted". You should restrain useless discussion, strife, and unprofitable argument as they're your worst enemies.

To achieve success, you should stress your literary and scientific studies, give free hand to your brilliant intellect in warranted circumstances, and apply your diligent nature to writing, traveling, communications, and human analysis. In all these activities you are at your best.

Imagination, a tenacious disposition and ability to relate to the public are among your attributes. Outwardly, you will appear as one who reacts to emotions rather than to reason, yet you attempt a logical rationalization of your impulsive notions.

You strive for peace and harmony and if it were left up to you the whole world would be more humane, kind, and considerate.Internally, you are quite different from the way you present yourself externally. You possess a vast reservoir of energy that may be partially hidden even from your own awareness.

Your internal disposition is strong, commanding, open, and of a rare generosity.

Pa, ljudi, ako je itko uspio doći do ovog dijela, a da nije zaspao, čestitamo i nadamo se da nismo bile previše dosadne...

- 16:48 -

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*Besplatna izrada horoskopa...
*Koliko koštate :)

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The Flapper Girl
mala bebica
Fotke... i ne samo to
The Genijalni Rapttor :)

'Bout us

Ishi relativno normalna 15-godišnjakinja koja misli da je jako dosadna. Život joj od rođenja zagorčava stariji brat za kojeg bi voljela da ispari. Voli duuge telefonske razgovore iako joj to mnogi zamjeraju. Živi za čokoladu s lješnjacima, sladoledom, a mrzi povrće. Dan joj je nezamisliv bez cappuccina. Ne voli čitati, pogotovo ne lektire. Jedina koju je pročitala je 'Mali princ'. Vrhunac njenog čitalačkog umijeća je Stine kojeg obožava. Najgori predmeti su joj povijest i hrvatski, a najdraži-veliki odmor, ali podnosi i sat matke. Ne voli jezike, poeziju, opere, Mozarta..., a zanima je matka, životinje, fizika...
Osobito je ponosna na svoj kreativni nered u sobi iako mnogi ne dijele njeno mišljenje. Uvijek će radije izabrati filmsku večer s prijateljima ili pidžama party nego izlazak u disco. Nikako ne razumije zašto se neki zgražavaju nad cigarama i alkoholom jer to njoj uopće ne smeta.
Voli gledati dobre filmove i pogledala je sve nastavke Harrya Pottera i Gospodara prstenova, ali istoimene knjige nikada nije ni takla, nad čim se Khloe zgraža. Voli romantične komedije, a mrzi horore, a ni akcije joj nisu loše. Stalno se čudi što se to dogodilo s dečkima?! Svaki drugi depilira noge, sluša Britney, lakira nokte i na dijeti je...
Ishi može slušati sve osim narodnjaka koji su joj užasni. Ne voli pričati o budućnosti jer nema pojma što želi od života. To je stvarno živcira, ali ne može protiv sebe...


... polazi prvi razred škole čije ime ne želi spominjati zbog nedavne blog afere koja se u njoj zbila. Uskoro će imati 16 godina. Žali zbog toga što nije krenula u školu godinu dana ranije. Ima veliko društvo te ogroman broj prijatelja i poznanika. Ipak, broj onih koji su joj najbolji ne prelazi deset. Misli da je to sasvim dovoljno. Dobro se slaže sa mlađom sestrom. Voli plesati. Sretna je što su svi dečki u njenu društvu dobri plesači i nije ih sram plesati(pljesak, molim). Ne voli zimu, jedino voli snijeg zbog toga što je nekako idiličan. Inače, živi za ljeto. Ne bi mogla živjeti u gradu bez mora. Ekstremnom brzinom troši bon na mobitelu. Ima smeđu, valovitu kosu koju nikada ne češlja. Voli čitati iako u posljednje vrijeme za čitanje ima sve manje vremena. Algoritam joj je definitivno najdraža hrvatska izdavačka kuća. Nema najbolju knjigu zbog toga što smatra da je napisano previše dobrih knjiga, pa je stoga nemoguće izdvojiti samo jednu. Općenito, voli sve umjetnosti. Voli kazalište zbog nekog čudnog osjećaja koji obuzme svakog kada uđe u njega, voli zvuk klavira i violine, voli velike i prelijepe zgrade koje ističu ljepotu gradova... Najdraža pjevačica joj je Alicia Keys. Najviše uživa u R'n'B-ju, jazzu, bluesu, soulu, ali voli i sve ostale vrste glazbe, jedino je se ne može nazvati ljubiteljicom narodnjaka. Promjenjiva je raspoloženja, posebno navečer. Jednu večer želi izaći van, drugu čitati, a treću se jednostavno sklupčati pred TV-om gledajući dobar film. Ovisnica je o kavi, kao i o svemu slatkome osim o lizalicama i bombonima. Najdraže čokolade su joj Milka s keksom i Kraševa sa 60% kakaa. Svaki dan započinje nescafeom, a završava čokolinom. Njena mama radi najbolji tiramisu na svijetu, a ni palačinke s nutellom ne zaostaju. Ne puši, a može je odbiti pušač koji joj ispuhuje dim u lice, arogancija, oholost i laži. Nepravda je ono što najviše mrzi. Još nije odlučila što želi studirati, 'suzila' je izbor na arhitekturu, marketing, psihologiju, novinarstvo, te turistički menadžment. Želi putovati, a između ostalog želi posjetiti SAD, Kinu, Indiju, Južnoafričku Republiku, Brazil, UK, Indoneziju... Voli miris šume, trave, drva, mora, kreme za sunčanje, pečenih kolača i svog parfema. Najbolji predmet joj je engleski, a voli i latinski te hrvatski, kao i geografiju, povijest, dok mrzi matematiku i fiziku. Željela bi studirati u SAD-u, ali zna da je ta želja neostvariva. Nakon što proputuje svijet otvoriti će savršeno uređenu, veliku slastičarnicu u svome rodnom gradu...

Fleur trinaestogodišnjakinja koja se povremeno 'prikrpa' na Ishin i Khloein blog. Od početka života živi sa starijom sestrom koju baš i ne voli. Mrzi sve ljude koji su glupi,misle samo na sebe,
ovisničare,a najviše od svih njh takozvane fufice. Ima svoje faze u kojima je opsjednuta nečim. Od jela obožava paštu, a mrzi povrće. Najbolji provod joj je tulum ili odlazak u kino s najbolim prijateljima. Nikada ne oblači šarenu odjeću, a voli crne majice i traperice. Najdraži predmeti u školi su joj matematika i tjelesni, a najgori hrvatski i tehnički. Mrzi čitati lektiru, ali je na kraju uvijek pročita. Vrhunac zanimljivosti knjiga joj je Harry Potter. Vjerna je skupljačica naušnica svih veličina, a dan joj uljepšavaju dvije preslatke mačkice,za kojima je luda. Voli putovanja,a osobito ona u inozemstvo. Po ljeti odlazi na otok Pag,a po zimi u Gorski kotar. Obožava kompjutorske igrice, od kojih najviše Simse, Warcraft i Diablo. Mrzi čistiti, ali joj je soba uvijek uredna. Voli slušati The Black Eyed Peas i A. Keys. Najdraži filmovi su joj svi dijelovi Gospodara prstenova i Harry Pottera. Uvijek joj dan prođe zabavno,a kada nema što raditi odlazi na blog. Vjeruje u magiju i postojanje magičnih bića, a obožava misliti o budućnosti te o onome što je tek očekuje.Voljela bi biti arhitektica i projektirati odnosno dizajnirati kuće. Najradije bi se preselila u inozemstvo i tamo radila. Htjela bi otići u Englesku,točnije u London. Naravno ako joj svi planovi propadnu otvorila bi trgovinu kozmetikom u svom rodnom gradu...

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§ Za nas posebno:

Garfield! Naš apsolutno najdraži lik iz crtića. Najljeniji mačak, strastveni lazanjoljubac...Jednostavno presladak :)

Čokolada! Treba li uopće obješnjenje zašto?!

Lush-naša najdraža kozmetika

Trapke!!! Iz kojih ne izlazimo. Dobro,osim kad se peru. Ili kada smo u pidžami.

Mačkica! Toliko smo ih ishvalile da više nije potrebno reći ništa o njima...


Nothing is better than a warm, big bed.

Najljepši stihovi:

~ So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters

~ Cause nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain

~ It takes love over gold
and mind over matter
to do what you do that you must
when the things that you hold
can fall and be shattered
or run through your fingers
[Dire Straits]

~ People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then
So are you

~ When you're sad and when you're lonely and you haven't got a friend
Just remember that death is not the end
And all that you've held sacred, falls down and does not mend
Just remember that death is not the end
[Bob Dylan]

~ Everybody needs a human touch
I can’t live without it
It means too much to me
Everybody needs one true friend
Someone who’ll be there ‘til the very end
[Vanessa Amorosi]

~ Riječi su isto kao i gomile ljudi
nije nužno znati za sve
odaberi za sebe samo one prave

~ Volio bih da me voliš
da budem cvijet u tvojoj kosi.
Ako si noć, ja ću biti zora
i blijesak svjetlosti u rosi
[Jure Kaštelan]

~She tears you down darlin
Says you're nothing at all
But I'll pick you up darlin
When she lets you fall cause
You're like a diamond
But she treats you like glass
Yet you beg her to love you
But me you won't ask
[Alicia Keys]

~I've got a right to be wrong
My mistakes will make me strong
I'm stepping out into the great unknown
I'm feeling wings though I've never flown
I've got a mind of my own
I'm flesh and blood to the bone
I'm not made of stone
Got a right to be wrong
So just leave me alone
[Joss Stone]

~Come away with me in the night
Come away with me
And I will write you a song...

[Norah Jones]

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