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Avril Lavigne-Sk8er Boy

He was a boy she
was a girl can I make
it anymore obvious!
He was a punk, she
did ballet
What more can I say?
He wanted her, she'd
never tell secretly she
wanted him as well
But all of her friends,
stuck up their nose
They had a problem
with his baggy clothes...

He was a skater boy
She said
"See'ya later boy"
He wasn't
good enough for her
She had a pretty face
But her head was u
p in space
She needed to come
back down to earth

Five years from now,
she sits at home
Feeding the baby,
she's all alone
She turns on T.V.,
guess who she sees
Skater boy rocking
up MTV
She calls up her friends,
they already know
And they've all got tickets
to see his show
she tags along, stands in
the crowd
Looks up at the man that
she turned down

He was a sk8er boi
She said "See'ya later boi"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a superstar
Slamming on his guitar
Does your pretty face
see what he's worth?

He was a sk8er boi
She said "See'ya later boi"
He wasn't good enough f
or her
Now he's a superstar
Slamming on his guitar
Does your pretty face see
what he's worth?

Sorry girl, but you
missed out
Well tough luck that
boy's mine now
We are more than just
good friends
This is how the story
Too bad that you
couldn't see
See the man that boy
could be
There is more than
meets the eye
I see the soul that is inside

He's just a boy and
I'm just a girl
Can I make it anymore
We are in love, haven't
you heard
How we rock each
others world!

I'm with the sk8er boi
I said "See'ya later boi"
I'll be backstage
after the show
I'll be at a studio
Singing the song
we wrote
About a girl he used
to know.

I'm with the sk8er boi
I said "See ya' later boi"
I'll be backstage after
the show
I'll be at a studio
Singing the song
we wrote
About a girl you
used to know.

četvrtak, 21.02.2008.

aleluja novi post!!!!!!!

bok ljudi!!!!!!!wave.Meni je komp bio pokvaren pa nisam pisala postove.Danas u školi nije bilo ništa posebno samo što je nastavnica iz engleskog ispitivala pravilne i nepravilne glagole a nitko nije štrebobang.mene sva sreća nije pitala ,ali da je okrenula stranicu natrag bi me pitala jer je poslije mene biloa sastrična a ona je dobila 1.sada moram ići spavati jer moram u školu.vidimo se sutra pozzzzzzzz.
P.S.možda stavim spot od avril "hot ".

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