KoMeNtArI dA/nE

By: LuCiJa


nedamise pisat boxeve. jer mi dosade. i jadni su. i tako to.
neda mise.

samo nesh malo o meni...i sl.

ime - Mara
god - 12
from - Opatia
school - oš r k jeretov


ostalo vas se ne tiČe.

zbog stalnog kontroliranja owog bloga...
bolje da izbrisem provale i sl.

× poruka za one koji su ovdje doshli samo zbog trachewa o meni...



פjOsh jEdAn pOst... dEbiLizAm mOj... a sHa sAd.÷×°°

fuL sAm hEpi. =)) kO i uwjEk lol.
aL dAnAs pOsEbNo. sTaRci sU mi oTisHLi u ZG nA 3 dANAaa x)) jA sAm sAmA doMa, tj. niSAm, i dAlje jE sisTer tu, aL koO njU jEbE. pO ciELi dAN jE u ShKoOLi... nEznA uOpcHe sHaA rAdim... i nEmOzhE mE cinKat sTaRcimA... wiii.
bwAaaAa. nEbi biLo ljEpO dA sAznAju šA mi rAdimO u "sk8pArKu", jelda K@T€, M@Y@, Iv@, T€@, kO gOd dA jOsh tAmO dOLAzi... bWwAa.
i sAaD... shA jA znAm... sUtrA iAmO mAtiš tEsT.. dead. BiT chU fUuL hEpi akO dObim 3... aHh LoL.
i tAkO. dAnAs ciELi dAN wiSim nA em-guzica-enU rofl i biLa sAm mALo dOLe u sK8pArKu aL niE biLoO niOk pOsEbNoOg pA nisMoO igRaLi... BoCuu. xD ajoOj.
aL sUtrAaAa =DD... cE sIguRnO dOc pUuNoO njiH... u biTi nZm, aL zwAt chEmO ih. i tAkO. jA sAm fuL pRehLađEnA, kAšLjEm KoO dEbiL i boLi mE gRLo. aL nEa tO vEzE.
fuL sAM hEPi i niSh mi nEmozHe pOkwArit rAsPoLozhEnjE. ajdEe LjuDi..idEm... bYe..pUsEe!

P.S. ne, ja ne skejtam, ja samo volim gleat odredjene osobe [khm] kako skejtaju. zato mi u nicku pise "luv rock n' sk8"
paa... fakof svi seratori. bwaa.


prekul pjesma

lyrics ~
It feels so good
I knew that it would
Nothing's gonna take this day away
Cos it feels so nice
Oh so right
Nothing's gonna take this day away

Was only yesterday
I tried to get away
And now this feeling makes you turn around
I was so very sure
What I was wishing for
And now my feet can hardly touch the ground

Cos the sun is shining
Holiday timing
I needed something to rescue me
Feeling ordinary
Now I'm ready
So come on with me

It feels so good
I knew that it would
Nothing's gonna take this day away
Cos it feels so nice
Oh so right
Nothing's gonna take this day away

I'm where I wanna be
Life in so bottle me
I took my cares
And left them all behind
I had to get away
Deal with them another day
They're outta sight and out of mind

Cos the sun's still shining
No denying
Something came along to rescue me
Feeling ordinary
Now I'm ready
So come on with me

It feels so good
I knew that it would
Nothing's gonna take this day away
Cos it feels so nice
Oh so right
Nothing's gonna take this day away

It's just what I needed
It's an emotional healing
It's a wonderful feeling
Nothing left to lose

Cos it feels so good
I knew that it would
Nothing's gonna take this day away
Cos it feels so nice
Oh so right
Nothing's gonna take this day away

Cos it feels so good
I knew that it would
Nothing's gonna take this day away
Cos it feels so nice
Oh so right
Nothing's gonna take this day away

Cos it feels so good
I knew that it would
Nothing's gonna take this day away
Cos it feels so nice
Oh so right
Nothing's gonna take this day away

03.10.2007. u 19:08 ♥

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