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Ovdje ce te sve naci sto vas zanima u vezi mene i mog zivota!!! POZZZ!!!

Malo o meni!!!!!


PREZIME: ********

DATUM ROĐENJA: 17.10.1992.






MSN: mala_kovrcava_st@hotmail.com

MaLo SlIkIcA


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Jedna pjesma od BON JOVIA!!!!!!

Blame It On The Love Of Rock & Roll

First time I heard the music
I thought it was my own
I could feel it in my heartbeat
I could feel it in my bones
My momma thinks I'm crazy
Dad says I'm insane
I got this boogie woogie fever
That's burning in my vains

They tried to take me to a doctor
But it's too late for me
Then they took me to a preacher
That they saw on their TV
Who said that „for a small donation
My lost soul would be saved“
I said I don't think so preacher
I'll come back another day

All that I want, is to be a Rolling Stone
They don't understand, we all know...

It feels so good that thought to be illegal
I got my voccination from a photograph needle
I'll never grow up, I never grow old
Blame it on the love of rock & roll

That's the story goes, listen up

My theacher didn't like me
They tried to put me down
'Cause I wore my hear too long
I played my music way too loud
Every little boy wants to learn to play guitar
So he can pick up all the chicks
And be a rock-n-roll star
They said it won't last, but they misunderstood
If people think it's bad then I'll be bad for good

It feels so good that thought to be illegal
I got my voccination from a photograph needle
I'll never grow up, I never grow old
Blame it on the love of rock & roll...

Blame it on the, blame it on the love
Dad don't understand what the little girls know
Blame it on the love...of rock-n-roll...

Solo Richie

All that I wanted (×2), all that I ever needed (×2)
My guitar gave to me

Every song I've sung...blame it on the love...
Every war I've won...blame it on the love...
Everything I've done...blame it on the love...
Blame it on the love of rock-n-roll

It feels so good that thought to be illegal
I got my voccination from a photograph needle
I'll never grow up, I never grow old
Blame it on the love of rock & roll...

Blame it on the, b, b, b, blame it on the love
Dad don't understand what the little girls know
Blame it on the love...of rock-n-roll...


I want you

The last time that I saw her
Was the night said goodbye
She said that love's a stranger
And it's sure to pass you by (yes,she did)
As she packed up her belongings
Baby, wouldn't look me in the eye
But I could see a tear roll off her face
As we both tried so hard
Not to cry, she said

I never wanted the stars
Never shot for the moon
I like them right where they are
All i wanted was you
So baby just turn away
'Cause I can't face the truth
All I'm tying to say
Is all I wanted is YOU

I tried so hard to rember
Where, when, how, why love went away
I tried to down myself in pity
But the memory kept calling my name (yes,it did)
I bought you fancy cars and diamond rings
Baby,all things that money brings
And the servants to paint the sky blue
And I worked so hard 7 days a week
And built a fortress for your heart to keep
If I could I'd wrap these words up for you, yeah

I never wanted the stars
Never shot for the moon
I like them right where they are
All i wanted was you
So baby just turn away
'Cause I can't face the truth
All I'm tying to say
Is all I wanted is YOU
I want you (×2)
Baby, I want you...

But never thought you were alone
I filled the party up with company
But never made our house a home...
Solo Richie
All I got is my guitar, these chords and the truth
All I got is my guitar...but all i want, baby, all i want...

I never wanted the stars
Never shot for the moon
I like them right where they are
All i wanted was you
So baby just turn away
'Cause I can't face the truth
All I'm tying to say
Is all I wanted is YOU

I want you (×2)
Baby, I want you......

Odlična pisma od RICHIE-a Sambore!!

Ballad Of Youth
R.Sambora, Morolda

Growing up today
There's many mountains you must climb
You're not the only one
'Cause everybody's on that line
Hey mister know it all
What do you recommend
You think you know the answers
But the questions never end

Young hearts better hold on
Beyond the innocence
Your youth is gone
So look in your mirror
You got nothing to lose
Don't waste your time away
Thinkin' 'bout yesterday's blues

Born outta passion
To a world gone cold
Ya wear it on your shoulders
It's a heavy, heavy load I know
Love and its emotions
Come knocking at your door
Young hearts will be broken
And time's the only cure

Young hearts better hold on
Beyond the innocence
Your youth is gone
So look in your mirror
You got nothing to lose
Don't waste your time away
Thinkin' 'bout yesterday's blues

Temptation makes us fall from grace
But the angels were sinners
And the sinners saints
Forgive yourself cause we're all the same
Everybody rides on the karma train

Young hearts
Better hold on
Beyond the innocence
Your youth is gone
Look in your mirror
It'll tell you the truth
Don't waste your time away
Don't waste your life away, no, no
Live today
There's no time to lose
Cause when tomorrow comes
It's all just yesterday's news

All just yesterday news


Love is like war,
Easy to begin but hard to end...

True love doesn't have a happy ending:
True love doesn't have an ending.

You may only be one person to the world
But you may also be the world to one person.

If I go away
What would still remain of me?
The ghost within your eyes?
The whisper in your sighs?
You see...Believe
And I'm always there.



1.Barem dvoje ljudi na svijetu te voli toliko da bi život dali za tebe

2.Barem 15-tero ljudi na svijetu te voli na neki način

3.Ako te netko mrzi onda je to samo zato sto zeli biti poput tebe

4.Tvoj osmijeh svima donosi srecu,cak i onima koji te ne vole

5.Svake veceri netko misli na tebe prije nego sto zaspi

6.Nekome si citav svijet

7.Da nema tebe netko sad ne bi zivio

8.Ti si poseban/na i jedinstven/a

9.Voli te netko za koga ne znas da postoji

10.Kada napravis i najvecu gresku,nesto dobro izađe iz toga

11.Kada pomislis da se citav svijet svalio na tvoja leđa,gledaj bolje,vjerojatno si ti svoja leđa noslonio/la na cijeli svijet

12.Kada mislis kako nema sanse da dobijes ono sto zelis,vjerojatno ni neces dobiti,ali ako vjerujes prije ili kasnije ces dobiti ono sto zelis

13.Uvijek pamti komplimente koje dobivas,a zaboravljaj ruzne primjedbe

14.Uvijek reci nekome sto osjecas za njega,ljepse ces se osjecati kada ta osoba sazna

15.Ako imas dobrog prijatelja,imaj vremena da mu das do znanja koliko ti je dobar
I kad poželiš plakati,
ti se nasmij...
I kad osjecas da se lomis,
ti pogledaj visoko...
I kad vidis da ti sreca odlazi,
ti stavi zivot na kocku...
I kad vidis da gaze po tebi,
ti se digni s poda...
I kad vidis da ljubav polako odlazi,
ti je pusti da ide...
Zivot te nikad nece maziti,
ne dopusti da budes lutka,
ne dopusti da ljudi kazu da si bila kukavica
jer to bi bilo kao da se nisi rodila...
Digni glavu visoko,nasmij se tuzi,
suzama prkosno pogledaj gore,
i sto te u zivotu ceka...
ti budi svoj,
samo tako ces postati covjek...


Ako imaš minutu vremena za jednu, ka gatalicu, uzmi digitron u ruke...I započmi...

1. Koliko puta tjedno pojedeš komad čokolade? (broj veči od 0 i manji od 10)

2. Pomnoži taj broj sa dva

3. Dodaj 5

4. Pomnoži sa 50

5. Ako si već proslavio/la svoj rođendan u 2007., dodaj 1757. Ako nisi, dodaj 1756.

6. Oduzmi od tog broja godinu rođenja (npr. 1989., 1993...)

Broj koji dobiješ je troznamenkast. Prva znamenka označuje koliko puta tjedno pojedeš čokoladu. Ostala dva broja pokazuju tvoje godine.
Zamisli!!!!!!!! BAZA!!!!!!


J is for the Joy his singing brings to others
O is for the Outstanding perfomances
N is for his Never-ending love he shows his fans

B is for his Beautiful smile
O is for his Out going attitute
N is for his Nice body

J is for the Joy he brings to all his fans
O is for the Originality of his music
V is for his Volunteering to help others in need
I is for what an Incredible person he is!!!



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utorak, 20.11.2007.


Evo slike od prošlog puta....POZZZ

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- komentiraj - komentari 29 - printaj - osvježi - dizajner -

četvrtak, 15.11.2007.

Evo dosla sam se samo javit jer san prilađena ko......
Necu danas ic u skolu...FALA BOGU!!!!

Sad cu vam nesto napisat......ko oce citat nek cita ko nece.....sta cu mu ja...

Someone Out There...

was meant to be the love of your life the
one you can tell your dre ams to and he'll smile at
you when you tell him, but h e'll never laugh he'll brush
the hair out of your face, and he'll stare at you during a
movie even though he paid $11 to see it. he'll call you to
tell you how he couldn't stop thinking about you. and
most importantly, he'll look right in your eyes and
tell you that you are the most beautiful girl
he's ever seen and for the first time
in your life.. you'll believe it
that is what they
mean by true


Every night , someone thinks about you before
they go to sleep,
At least fifteen people in this world love you.
The only reason someone would ever hate you is
because they want to be
just like you
There are at least two people in this world that
would die for you
You mean the world to someone
Someone that you don't
even know exists loves you.
When you make the biggest mistake ever,
something good comes from it.
When you think the world has turned its back on
you, take a look.
Always remember the compliments you've received.
Forget the rude remarks

You know you live in 2007 when...

1. You go to a party, sit down and take MySpace pics.

2. You havent played solitaire with real cards in years.

3. The reason for not staying in touch with your friends is that they don't have MSN.

4. You'd father look all over the house for the remote instead of just pushing the button on the TV.

6. Your evening activity is sitting at the computer.

7. You read this list, and keep nodding and smiling.

8. You think about how stupid you are for reading this.

9. You were too busy to notice number five.

10. You actually scrolled back up to check if there was a number five.

11. And now you're laughing at your stupidity.

12. If you fell for this then repost it and see how many people actually belong in this year

Neda mi se sad stavljat slike pa......drugi put...............POZZZZZZ thumbupthumbupwavewavewavemahmahmahpartyparty

- komentiraj - komentari 30 - printaj - osvježi - dizajner -

nedjelja, 11.11.2007.


Evo me..... Dosla sam se malo javit pa............
Nista se nije novo dogodilo...............

JUcer mi je staroj bia rodendan!!!!!!! Ovim putem joj jos jedan put cestitam rodendan.....SRETAN RODENDAN!!!! partypartypartypartypartysretansretansretansretan

Danas mi je prijatelju iz bivseg razreda rodendan pa evo i njemu cestitam....SRITAN ROĐO!!!!! thumbupthumbuppartypartypartysmokinsmokinsmokinfinofinofinopjevapjevapjeva

Prominila san dizajn jer mi se oni bas i nije svida....nadan se da je ovi bolji!!!!!

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nedjelja, 04.11.2007.


Evo dosla sam se samo javit...... Toliko me nije bilo da....... Jucer sam bila u efa i nije bilo nicega zanimljivog osim...... To ce ostati tajna!!!!!......
Ako sre primjetili, prominila san dizajn...... Meni se bas i nesvida, al' je bar bolji od onog prije......
Sad vam idem ca jer moran nesto napravit......
POZZZ svima koji me znaju, a pogotovo mom bivšem razredu 8.C sa SUĆIDRA!!!!!
CHAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mahmahmah CHAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thumbupthumbupthumbup CHAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nutnutnut

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