..Morfo Didius..

nedjelja, 10.12.2006.

elov elov

evo nema me, ne stignem više upalit komp i mogu vam reć da mi skroz odgovara...
javila bi se svakome i ostavila komentar,ali još mi uvijek ne radi ovo komentiranje...
škola je na mistu koliko može bit, malo zezaju matiša i kemija, valjda će se sredit...
sad sam pisala psihologiju i razvoj djece od 4.-6. godine i svi ćete imat na papirima tako da ne morate prepisivat, mislim vi iz razreda... ufff..
i tako šta se dogodilo zadnje vrime?
bili smo na kreševu, družili se i smijali i bilo je lijepo, malo san upala u neku krizu, sad mi je super jer san skontala neke crusial stvari...
i zaljubljena san preko ušiju i imam najboljeg dragog na svijetu e....
ovo ostalo ide, ali sporo, fali mi crtanje jer nisan stizala ovaj tjedan..
triba otić negdi i malo se odmorit...posložit si vrijednosti u glavi...
nadam se skoroj probi sa zelenom i fali nam bas žena pa ako ima zainteresiranih...samo javite e!
30 godina panka u kocki je dobro prošlo, bilo mi je skroz fino...
mravin rođendan je bia ludnica i želim ti da budeš pametniji nego prošle godine ;)
ajte ljudi idem još malo naučit i slušat muziku pa vani! pozdravljam vas! :D

no pikčr tudej! :)

- 18:42 - Komentari (7) - Isprintaj - #

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sva prava pridržana :) i linkovi..

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    Imagines-and-words obavezno otić i registrirat se

Plavi Leptir- Hesse

  • Leprša leptirić plavi,
    Ljulja ga lahora dah.
    Čas u snu javi, čas na javi
    Srebrno bljesne mu prah.

    I sreća tako sine
    Za trenut, za kratki mah.
    Ko leptir na lahoru mine,
    Nestane kao prah.

oni su..bez određenog redoslijeda..

..meni drage pjesme..citati..il šta već..

  • Vincent Malloy is seven years old
    He's polite and always does as he's told
    For a boy his age, he's considerate and nice
    But he wants to be just like Vincent Price

    He doesn't mind living with his sister, dog, and cats
    Though he'd rather share a home with spiders and bats
    There he could reflect on the horrors he has invented and wander dark hallways alone and tormented

    Vincent is nice when his aunt comes to see him
    But imagines dipping her in wax for his wax museum
    He likes to experiment on his dog Abocrombie
    In the hopes of creating a horrible zombie
    So that he and his horrible zombie dog
    could go searching for victims in the London fog

    His thoughts aren't only of ghoulish crime
    He likes to paint and read to pass some of the time
    While other kids read books like "Go Jane Go"
    Vincent's favorite author is Edgar Allen Poe.

    One night while reading a gruesome tale
    he read a passage that made him turn pale
    Such horrible news he could not survive
    For his beautiful wife had been buried alive

    He dug out her grave to make sure she was dead
    Unaware that her grave was his mother's flower bed
    His mother sent Vincent off to his room
    He knew he'd been banished to the tower of doom
    where he was sentenced to spend the rest of his life
    alone with the portrait of his beautiful wife.

    While alone and insane incased in his doom
    Vincent's mother burst suddenly into the room
    She said, "If you want, you can go out and play
    It's sunny outside and a beautiful day."

    Vincent tried to talk but he just couldn't speak
    the years of isolation had made him quite weak
    So he took out some paper and scrawled with a pen:
    "I'm possessed by this house and can never leave it again."

    His mother said, "You are NOT possessed and you are NOT almost dead
    These games you play are all in your head
    You are NOT Vincent Price, you're Vincent Malloy
    You're not tormented or insane, you're just a young boy
    You're seven years old, and you are my son
    I want you to get outside and have some real fun."

    Her anger now spent, she walked out through the hall
    While Vincent backed slowly against the wall
    The room started to sway, to shiver and creak
    His horrored insanity had reached its peak
    He saw Abocrombie, his zombie slave
    and heard his wife call from beyond the grave

    She spoke through her coffin and made ghoulish demands
    While through cracking walls reached skeleton hands
    Every horror in his life that had crept through his dreams
    swept his mad laughter to terrified screams

    To escape the badness, he reached for the door
    but fell limp and lifeless down on the floor
    His voice was soft and very slow
    As he quoted "The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe:
    "And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
    Shall be lifted...Nevermore."

    Ima li mjesta u prividnom svijetu realnosti
    za vilenjake,feniksa,leptire.......bajke.....
    za lutalicu između jave i sna
    poput mene
    Jednog svjedoka uzaludnih nadanja
    koji se smije vlastitoj tragediji.................?
    In my thoughts and in my dreams
    They're always in my mind
    These songs of hobbits, dwarves and men
    And elves
    Come close Your eyes
    You can see them, too
    Something cold is forced inside her
    A tear spills down her cheek
    Stillborn songs of a dead dreamer
    Hymns of the needle freak
    With sunlight in her hair she smiles like she don't care
    Her dreams are liquid blue
    I cut myself again and again to remind myself of you

    She smiles like a child with flowers in her hair
    With blood on her hands into the sun she stares
    She feels it die, I heard her cry (verse x2)
    Shall be lifted...Nevermore."
    Know it sounds funny but I just can’t stand the pain
    Girl I’m leaving you tomorrow
    Seems to me girl you know I’ve done all I can
    You see I begged, stole and I borrowed
    That’s why I’m easy
    I’m easy like sunday morning
    That’s why I’m easy
    I’m easy like sunday morning
    I wanna be high
    Soo high
    I wanna be free to know the things I do are right
    I wanna be free
    Just me
    Oh baby
    That’s why I’m easy
    I’m easy like sunday morning
    That’s why I’m easy
    I’m easy like sunday morning
    .njemu je ta muzika nešto značila,muzika je bila jedini prijatelj kojega je želio imati pored sebe u njegovoj dobrovoljnoj osamljenosti....ponekad je glazba stvarala neke osječaje za koje nije znao da postoje,muzika mu je značila nešto više nego što je značila drugima...njemu muzika nije bila običan soundtracka za opijanje.... by: Acrobat
    Ti si premlada, a ja sam prestar za čekanje, miris u zraku mekan je, otkada tvoje sreo sam oči, san ove noći počinje...
    Apokalipso sviraju, crni i znojni anđeli, s cvjetom u kosi, ritam te nosi, dobit ću sve što zaželim...
    Sad uzmi mi ruku i vodi me, pred nama nisu godine, al mogu biti najdulji sati, rado te pratim, vodi me...
    Anđeli nek se odmore, a u nebeske ponore mi ćemo skupa padati znati, otvori širom prozore...
    Ti si ta koju sanjam, ja sam taj kojeg oduvijek znaš, više nemamo želja, jer sad plovimo do beskraja...
    Oni su ka brat i sestra skupa prošli vjetrove i kiše
    Samo su prijatelji al tu je bilo nešto više
    Nekad to je bilo glasno, sad nikad nije bilo tiše
    On je sad od nje daleko a ne da mu da dođe bliže
    Nekad čvrsto tlo sad mu se pod nogama kliže
    Pa sidi sam i tužan u mraku i pismu joj piše
    Jer on je voli još uvik al ne smi ispast stoka
    I ne želi joj priznat jer ona ima momka
    Momak ništa ne zna, nije bilo svjedoka
    Ona je rekla "nikad više" jer ima tipa svoga
    Sad dolazi test bi li on bez nje živit moga
    Ali brzo je skužia da mu ona triba ka droga
    Na površini je sve okej, mir, ljubav i sloga
    Jer su prijatelji ostali čak i nakon onoga
    Ona ne zna da je još voli on glumi da je sve u redu
    Da joj je iz prijateljstva poklonia plišanog medu
    I možda za njega cure čekaju u redu
    Ali za njega postoji samo jedna na planetu

    Nekim stvarima nije suđeno bit
    Hepi endovi i sretne priče u stvarnosti su mit
    Možeš patit cili život, ali propuštaš bit
    Ako nije suđeno bit onda nije suđeno bit

    Sad su masu bliski, provode skupa dane
    Ponekad im bude super, a ponekad im je sranje
    Kad je vidi s momkom mrak mu na oči padne
    Izvanka im se smije al unutra se otvore rane
    I kad ga pita šta ti je on kaže nije mi ništa
    Baci smješak i pravi se da mu je savjest čista
    I da otvori karte bila bi mu stvar ista
    Ona ima momka kojeg voli za njega tu nema mista
    Bolno je svjestan toga i pari da će se razbolit
    Rijetki znaju koliko takve stvari mogu bolit
    Alo držiš sve u sebi prije ili posli ćeš se slomit
    Vidi ga sad, samouništavanje mu je postalo hobi
    Leži skvrčen na podu u hladnoj mračnoj sobi
    Suze moče parket jer zna da je neće dobit
    Zna da je triba zaboravit al ne moš prestat volit
    Ljubav ti može srce, dušu i život zarobit
    Najbolji savjet za njega stari dalje idi
    Nikad ne znaš možda ti se neka druga svidi
    Al za njega nijedna druga ne vridi
    To shvati svaki put kad je ponovo vidi

    Nekim stvarima nije suđeno bit
    Hepi endovi i sretne priče u stvarnosti su mit
    Možeš patit cili život, ali propuštaš bit
    Ako nije suđeno bit onda nije suđeno bit

    Oči su mu se sklopile ima već pet godina
    Nikad nije sazna jel ga ona volila
    Uostalom, sad je i tako kasno, boli ga
    Dva metra ispod ljubav ne postoji, jebiga
    Na sprovodu su bili ona i njen dečko
    Utvrdit uzok smrti stvarno nije bilo teško
    Obdukciju je doktor izdiktira suhoparno, tečno
    Urezano njeno ime, ispod toga "vječno"
    Umra je tiho, nije pustia ni krik
    Njegova poruka je u krvi bila napisana uz zid
    Cili život možeš samo jednoj stvari posvetit
    Al se neće ostvarit ako joj nije suđeno bit

    Nekim stvarima nije suđeno bit
    Hepi endovi i sretne priče u stvarnosti su mit
    Možeš patit cili život, ali propuštaš bit
    Ako nije suđeno bit onda nije suđeno bit

    You can tell by the way
    She walks that she's my girl
    You can tell by the way she talks she rules the world
    You can see in her eyes that no one is her Chi
    She's my girl my Super girl

    And then she'd say it's OK I got lost on the way
    But I'm a Super girl and Super girls don't cry
    And then she'd say its all right I got home late last night
    But I'm a Super girl and Super girls just fly

    And then she'd say that nothing can go wrong
    When you're in love what can go wrong
    And then she'd laugh the nighttime into the day
    Pushing her fears further along

    And then she'd say it's OK I got lost on the way
    But I'm a Super girl and Super girls don't cry
    And she'd say it's all right I got home late last night
    But I'm a Super girl and Super girls just fly

    Then she'd shout down the line tell me she's got no more time
    Cause she's a Super girl and Super girls don't cry
    Then she'd scream in my face tell me to leave, leave this place
    Cause she's a Super girl and Super girls just fly
    She's a Super girl a Super girl

    She's sewing seed she's burning tree
    She's sewing seed she's burning tree
    She's a Super girl a Super girl
    A Super girl my Super girl
    Know it sounds funny but I just can’t stand the pain
    Girl I’m leaving you tomorrow
    Seems to me girl you know I’ve done all I can
    You see I begged, stole and I borrowed
    That’s why I’m easy
    I’m easy like sunday morning
    That’s why I’m easy
    I’m easy like sunday morning
    I wanna be high
    Soo high
    I wanna be free to know the things I do are right
    I wanna be free
    Just me
    Oh baby
    That’s why I’m easy
    I’m easy like sunday morning
    That’s why I’m easy
    I’m easy like sunday morning

    Njezin život nije bajka
    njezin život nije film
    njezin život nema smisla
    ona nema ništa s tim

    U njenim žilama teče
    šampanjac, a ne krv
    u njenim plavim očima
    ja sam mali bijedni crv

    Sexy magazin, sexy magazin

    Ona voli porno pričice
    i nosi čipka gačice
    sve njene prijateljice
    glupe su i dosadne

    Život nije bajka
    život nije film
    njezin život nema smisla
    ona nema ništa s tim

    Njezin život je, život je
    život je sexy magazin
    njezin život je, život je
    život je sexy magazin

    Ona voli porno pričice
    i nosi tanke gačice
    sve njene prijateljice
    glupe su i dosadne

    It's been a while
    Since I could hold my head up high
    and it's been a while
    Since I first saw you
    It's been a while
    since i could stand on my own two feet again
    and it's been a while
    since i could call you
    But everything I can't remember as fucked up as it may seem
    the consequences that I've rendered
    I've stretched myself beyond my means

    It's been a while
    since i could say that i wasn't addicted and
    It's been a while
    Since I could say I love myself as well and
    It's been a while
    Since I've gone and fucked things up just like i always do
    It's been a while
    But all that shit seems to disappear when i'm with you
    But everything I can't remember as fucked up as it may seem
    the consequences that I've rendered
    I've gone and fucked things up again

    Why must i feel this way?
    just make this go away
    just one more peaceful day

    Its been awhile
    Since I could lok at myself straight
    and it's been awhile
    since i said i'm sorry
    It's been awhile
    Since I've seen the way the candles light your face
    It's been awhile
    But I can still remember just the way you taste
    But everything I can't remember as fucked up as it may seem
    I know it's me i cannot blame this on my father
    he did the best he could for me

    It's been a while
    Since I could hold my head up high
    and it's been a while since i said i'm sorry

    SULTANS OF SWING- Dire Straits
    You get a shiver in the dark
    It’s been raining in the park but meantime
    South of the river you stop and you hold everything
    A band is blowing dixie double four time
    You feel all right when you hear that music ring

    You step inside but you don’t see too many faces
    Coming in out of the rain to hear the jazz go down
    Too much competition too many other places
    But not too many horns can make that sound
    Way on downsouth way on downsouth london town

    You check out guitar george he knows all the chords
    Mind he’s strictly rhythm he doesn’t want to make it cry or sing
    And an old guitar is all he can afford
    When he gets up under the lights to play his thing

    And harry doesn’t mind if he doesn’t make the scene
    He’s got a daytime job he’s doing alright
    He can play honky tonk just like anything
    Saving it up for friday night
    With the sultans with the sultans of swing

    And a crowd of young boys they’re fooling around in the corner
    Drunk and dressed in their best brown baggies and their platform soles
    They don’t give a damn about any trumpet playing band
    It ain’t what they call rock and roll
    And the sultans played creole

    And then the man he steps right up to the microphone
    And says at last just as the time bell rings
    ’thank you goodnight now it’s time to go home’
    And he makes it fast with one more thing
    ’we are the sultans of swing’

    One Day I'll Fly Away- After Forever
    I may get along, when love is gone
    Still, you made your mark, here in my heart

    One day I'll fly away
    Leave your love to yesterday
    What more can your love do for me?
    When will love be through with me?

    I follow the night
    Can't stand the light
    When will will I begin
    My life again?

    One day I'll fly away
    Leave your love to yesterday
    What more can your love do fot me?
    When will love be through with me?
    Why live life from dream to dream
    And dread the day when dreaming ends

    Child In Time- Deep Purple
    The story of a loser - it could be you.

    Sweet child in time you’ll see the line
    The line that’s drawn between the good and the bad
    See the blind man shooting at the world
    Bullets flying taking toll
    If you’ve been bad, lord I bet you have
    And you’ve been hit by flying lead
    You’d better close your eyes and bow your head
    And wait for the ricochet

    Fool For Your Loving- Whitesnake
    I was born under a bad sign,
    Left out in the cold,
    I'm a lonely man who knows
    Just what it means
    To lose control.
    But, I took all the heartache
    And turned it into shame,
    Now I'm moving, moving on
    And I ain't taking the blame.

    Don't come running to me
    I know I've done all I can,
    A hard loving woman like you
    Just makes a hard loving man.

    So I can say it to you, babe,
    I'll be a fool for your loving no more,
    A fool for your loving no more.
    I'm so tired of trying,
    I always end up crying,
    A fool for your loving no more,
    I'll be a fool for your loving no more.

    I'm tired of hiding my feelings,
    You left me lonely too long.
    I gave my heart, and you tore it apart,
    Oh, baby, you done me wrong.

    Don't come running to me
    I know I've done all I can,
    A hard loving woman like you
    Just makes a hard loving man.

    So I can say it to you baby,
    I'll be a fool for your loving no more,
    Fool for your loving no more.
    I'm so tired of trying,
    I always end up crying,
    A fool for your loving no more
    I'll be a fool for your loving no more.
    I'll be a fool for your loving no more, no more, no more.

    So I can say it to you baby,
    I'll be a fool for your loving no more,
    Fool for your loving no more.
    I'm so tired of trying,
    I always end up crying,
    Fool for your loving no more.
    A fool for your loving no more,
    No more, no more.

    Fool for your loving no more...

    For Those About To Rock (We Salute You)- AC/DC

    We roll tonight to the guitar bite

    Stand up and be counted for what you are about to receive
    We are the dealers
    We'll give you everything you need
    Hail hail to the good times
    Cos rock has got the right of way
    We ain't no legends ain't no cause
    We're just livin' for today
    For those about to rock, we salute you
    For those about to rock, we salute you

    We rock at dawn on the front line
    Like a bolt right outta the blue
    The skies alight with a guitar bite
    Heads will roll and rock tonight
    For those about to rock, we salute you
    For those about to rock, we salute you
    For those about to rock, we salute you, yes we do
    For those about to rock, we salute you

    We're just a battery for hire with the guitar fire
    Ready and aimed at you
    Pick up your balls and load up your cannon
    For a twenty one gun salute
    For those about to rock
    We salute you

    Gipsy- Uriah Heep
    When I was only seventeen
    I fell in love with a gypsy queen
    She told me to hold on
    Her father was the leadin' man
    He said you're not welcome on our land
    Then, as a foe, he told me to go
    He took me to a little shack
    And put a whip across my back
    And told her leave me
    I was out for quite a time
    Came back with her on my mind
    That sweet little girl
    she means all the world
    Ya know I want my gypsy queen
    Will she still be torn between
    Her father and lover
    One day I will go to him
    Strong enough to fight and win
    The kind of man
    That he'll understand

    Fall Back Down-RAncid
    Don’t worry about me I’m gonna make it alright
    Got my enemies cross haired and in my sight
    I take a bad situation gonna make it right
    In the shadows of darkness I stand in the light
    Ya see it’s my style and I’ll keep true
    I had a bad year but I got through
    I’ve been knocked out, beat down, black and blue
    She’s not the one coming back for you
    She’s not the one coming back for you

    If I fall back down
    You’re gonna help me back up again
    If I fall back down
    You’re gonna be my friend

    If I fall back down
    You’re gonna help me back up again
    If I fall back down
    You’re gonna be my friend

    It takes disaster to learn a lesson
    We’re gonna make it through the darkest nights
    Some people pretend to make a reason
    But that one make everything alright

    Well the rest of times they don’t face me
    Ever if I’m looking like pretty crazy
    On my way down she betrayed me
    Now my vision is no longer hazy
    See I’m very lucky to have my crew
    Testify me when she’s through
    I’ve been knocked out, beat down, black and blue
    She’s not the one coming back for you
    She’s not the one coming back for you

    If I fall back down
    You’re gonna help me back up again
    If I fall back down
    You’re gonna be my friend

    Divlje jagode-Divlje Jagode

    U malom vrtu raste divlji plod
    U tom plodu sjeme čudesno
    Neka ruka sjeme posija
    I jagode sunce obasja

    Lalalala laj lalalala laj
    lalalala laj laj laj

    Tiho rastu divlje jagode
    Tek nešto vode prati njihov put
    Sve prolazi a mi ne bi htjeli
    Još divljeg' dok ima u nama

    Divlje jagode, divlje jagode ...
    Divlje jagode, divlje jagode ...

    Nauči me letjeti i bit ću
    skladateljica tvojih snova,
    bit ćeš moj ljubljeni,
    vjerni suputniče,
    zauvijek do kraja,
    dok ne shvatiš da
    ne možemo pobijediti
    i da u stvarnosti
    nema ni prividnog raja.

    Ne dopusti da te kiše unište
    vrati se tiho u zoru,
    ne donosi konačne odluke
    još uvijek imaš izbora.
    Uključi se i padaj u visine
    dopusti srcu da živi
    dok ga ne obuzme tuga.
    Suzbij sve munje u sebi
    operi svoje lice kišom
    još kratko si tu.

    Želio si ostaviti trag i ostao zaključan
    ,postao okovan, izgubio put.
    Sada imaš zadatak
    nauči me letjeti
    i poleti samnom..
    šapni mi očima
    one govore najiskrenijim riječima.
    Vidim ono što skrivaš,
    Otvori se, pruži mi ruku.

    Ostavi staro lice
    postani nova osoba.
    Osjeti žar, ugriz ljubavi
    unutarnji mir
    oslobodi se i poleti
    nemoj klečati i moliti
    pobijedi demona u sebi
    prestani se gušiti
    Iskašlji misli i pusti da se otope.

    I dok razmišljaš o dalekim cestama
    pokazujem ti osvježenje jutra
    novi dan nosi osmjeh.
    Dođi i razori zidove tame
    podigni nebo na svoja leđa
    daruj mi krila.
    Svijet je okrutan suparnik
    nemoguće je tražena istina,
    pobijedi i voli.

    Umrjet ćemo u čarobni čas
    gore visoko iznad oblaka i vatre
    bez gorkih uspomena
    s čistim sjajem u očima.
    Neće nam trebati ni prozori ni vrata
    imat ćemo jedno drugo..