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ja san......AnA
volin......HAJDUKA!!!, sport, pRijATElJe, jEdnoG djEčakAcerekcerek..
nevolin.......dinamo, bbb, armadu, NEkE lJuDe, OgOVArAnje, UmiŠljeNE lJudE......
slušan.....HiM, RhcP, liNkin pARk, nE-Yo, jUStina timBerLakea, tIMbaLanda, uSHera, marOon 5...NEKE narodnjake...pjeva
najbolja frendica mi je.....JeleNA
iden u razred.....8.A
u osnovnoj školi....iVANa MAžuRAniĆA
u.......NoVOM vinoDOLskoom
treniran.....rukOMet i SKIjanJe...i snoWboARD...
naj sportaši ssu mi.....nIkO KOvaČ...na prvon mistu, LEGENDA...nema ga svit.. jaNIca koSTElić, IvAno balIĆ, bODE miLler....

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a ja sam......JeLeNA
volim......RIjeku, prIjAteLJE, JEdnoG deČka, mOJu dragu ObIteLJ, SkIJanJe....!!!!...
ne volim.....DroGu i CiGAreTE (fujjjjjjj), laŽi, oGOvaRanJE, i UGlavNoM SvE OsiM onOGa šTo voLIm.......!!..
slušam......ssssssVE i SSSSSSvašTA.....oD NArodNjaKA Do..........(naravno osim onih opera i zavijanja...)
najbolja frendica mi je .....aNA
idem u razred......8.a
u osnovnoj školi....iVANa MAžuRAniĆA
u.......NoVOM vinoDOLskoom
treniram.....rukOMet, SKIjanJe
naj sportaši ssu mi.......jaNica KOSteliĆ, miRzA DŽomBa, iVAno BAliĆ, DadO PRšo, dARio SrnA.....

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anin blog...a, mislin, ljudi, ovo morate vidit....p.s.samo za Hajdukovce...


Tifani......luda cura iz Dubrovnika...

Tope i Deni............bolesnici........

neda....cura iz razreda....pogledajte


jedna luda cura iz Dubrovnika, a zove se Iva

Stella, isto iz Dbk........cura je ful luda...

Nava, iz Bribira..party

Mia.....cura, zaljubljena....jako....nema baš vremena za blog.....ali, pogledajte...

Anđelo......ah, jedan dečko koji navija za dinamo.....bljak.....ali, blog nije loš.....pogledajte...

kety i mare...dvije totalno opičene cure...fora blog....

Mauro....jedan dečko.......fora blog.......pogledajte....

Sandro.....fora dečko....Maurov brat....


aKO naM žELitE piSaT moŽeTE nA:
aNA - freaky_heart@net.hr

JEenA (ovo su dva nova,a na one više nemojte slat mailove!!!)- luda__mala__@net.hr

Give It To Me Lyrics

Never Took The Time Lyrics

Say It Right Lyrics

This Love Lyrics

Somewhere I Belong Lyrics

Numb Lyrics

Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

My music:



narodno:(samo da vam kažem inače ne slušam narodanjake, al ovaj i luče moje su mi jedino dobri......)


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"Zamisli nebo puno zvijezda. Jesi? Pa sad obriši sve zvijezde. Vidiš li kako je prazno? Eto, takav bi moj život bio bez TEBE!!"

"Voljela bih da sam najnježnija misao u tvojoj noći, drhtaj tvoga srca u samoći...ŽELIM TE!!"

"Volim te, žašto bih krila, s tvojih usana i otrov bih pila!!!"

"Daj mi pet minuta i skrenut ćeš sa mnom s puta. Kad osjetiš ljubav pravu, izgubit ćeš za mnom glavu, a ono što te mami, dobit ćeš kad ostanemo sami!!"

"Jednom kad mi srce zamre, zaboravit ću ljubav, život i sebe,ali nikad neću zaboravit' jedne oči, glas i TEBE!"

"Zbroji sve zvijezde na nebu! Jesi? Dobro. Sad ih pomnoži s 10. Jesi? Dobro. Sad znaš koliko te volim!!"

"Kad ideš preko mosta,ti pogledaj u rijeku, to su moje suze što zbog tebe teku!"

"Reći ću sjajnoj zvijezdi što iznad tebe sja da te pogleda bezbroj puta, kad već ne mogu ja!"

"Stojiš pred ogledalom i držiš 12 ruža, a u ogledalu vidiš 13 najljepših stvari na svijetu!"



"Ako je grijeh sto te volim neka mi se to nikada ne oprosti....;)"

"Ako je ljubav droga, onda sam ja najveci narkoman!"

"Ako me ikada budes izgubio, potrazi me u vrtlogu vremena, jer sam se vjerojatno tamo izgubila - trazeci tebe!!!"

"Ako me ikada budes napustio...... smijem li onda poci sa tobom??

"Ako me ikada budes ostavio, ostavi me na kisi da ne placem sama.

"Ako me volis, ne pricaj nikome. Ako me zelis, ne daj me nikome. Ako me ljubis, ljubi me njezno. Ako ni jedno od toga nije, vrati mi srce, oprosteno ti je!!!!"

"Ako negdje postoji sjaj onda je on u tvojim ocima. Ako negdje postoji bol onda je to zivot bez tebe. Ako je itko na ovom svijetu voljen onda si, vjeruj mi, to ti!"

"Ako nekog iskreno volis, nemoj ga zeznut, znaj da to boli!!!!"

"Ako netko uspije na suncu kockom leda ispisati tvoje ime, onda cu mu priznati da te voli vise od mene!!!"



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I ovo sam na šla na internetu, pa pročitajte...

Homer: Sine, kada sudjeluješ u sportu, nije važno da li si pobjedio ili izgubio, već koliko se napiješ poslije svega.

Homer: Nije lako nositi se sa trudnom ženom i problematičnim sinom, ali nekako sam uspio u taj raspored ugurati i osam sati TV-a dnevno.

Homer: Djeco, pokušali ste sve što je u vašoj moći i niste uspeli. Lekcija koju trebate naučiti je "nikada ne pokušavaj".

Marge: Homere, zvao je g-din Burns i rekao ako ne dođes sutra na posao da se ne moraš truditi da dođes na posao u ponedjeljak.
Homer: JUHUUU! Četverodnevni vikend!!!

Lisa: Tata učinili smo nešto veoma loše.
Homer: Jeste li slupali auto?
Bart: Ne.
Homer: Da li ste probudili mrtve?
Lisa: Da.
Homer: Ali auto je uredu?
Bart & Lisa: Aha.
Homer: Onda je uredu

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I got my first real six string
Bought it at the five and dime
Played it till my fingers bled
Was the summer of '69

Me and some guys from school
Had a band and we tried real hard
Jimmy quit and Jody got married
I shoulda known we'd never get far

But when I look back now
That summer seemed to last forever
And if I had the choice
Ya - I'd always wanna be there
Those were the best days of my life

Ain't no use in complainin'
When you got a job to do
Spent my evenin's down at the drive-in
And that's when I met you - ya

Standin' on your mama's porch
You told me that you'd wait forever
Oh and when you held my hand
I knew that it was now or never
Those were the best days of my life

Back in the summer of '69

Man we were killin' time
We were young and restless
We needed to unwind
I guess nothin' can last forever - forever, no...

And now the times are changin'
Look at everything that's come and gone
Sometimes when I play that old six string
I think about ya'n wonder what went wrong

Standin' on your mama's porch
You told me it would last forever
Oh the way you held my hand
I knew that it was now or never
Those were the best days of my life
Back in the summer of '69

"Under The Rose" HIM

I dream of the winter in my heart turning to spring
While the ice gives way under my feet
And so I drown with the sun

I've been burning in water and drowning in flame
To prove you wrong and scare you away
I admit my defeat and want back home
In your heart under the rose

I open my eyes with a sigh of relief
As the warmth of summer's sunlight dances around me
And I see you with dead leaves in your hands

I've been burning in water and drowning in flame
To prove you wrong and scare you away
I admit my defeat and want back home
In your heart under the rose

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Vampire Heart: HIM

You can't escape the wrath of my heart,
beating to your funeral song(just sing it),
All faith is lost for Hell regain.
In the dust in the hands of shame(just be brave),

Let me bleed you this song of my heart deformed,
bleed you along this path in the dark,
where I belong till I feel your warmth

Hold me like you held onto life,
when all fears come alive and entombed me.
Love me like you loved the sun,
scorching the blood in my Vampire Heart.

I'll be the thorns in every rose,
you've been sent by hope.
I am the nightmare waking you up,
from the dream of a dream of love(just let me go).

Let me weep you this poem as heavens gates close.
Paint you my soul scarred and alone,
waiting for your kiss to take me back home.

Hold me like you held onto life,
when all fears come alive and entombed me.
Love me like you loved the sun,
scorching the blood in my Vampire Heart.

Hold me like you held onto life,
when all fears come alive and entombed me.
Love me like you loved the sun,
scorching the blood in my Vampire Heart.

Hold me (like you held onto life)
like you held onto life
(when all fears came alive and entombed me)
My Vampire Heart

(Love me) Love Me
(like you loved the sun) like you loved the sun
(scorching the blood in my)
My Vampire Heart

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"Wings Of A Butterfly" HIM

Heaven ablaze in our eyes
We're standing still in time
The blood on our hands is the wine
We offer as sacrifice

Come on, and show them your love
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
For your soul, my love
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
For your soul

This endless mercy mile
We're crawling side by side
With hell freezing over in our eyes
Gods kneel before our crime

Come on lets show, them your love
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
For your soul, my love
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
For your soul
(Rip out the wings of a butterfly)
Don’t let go
(Rip out the wings of a butterfly)
For your soul

Come on, and show them your love
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
For your soul, my love
Rip out the wings of a butterfly
For your soul
(Rip out the wings of a butterfly)
Don’t let go
(Rip out the wings of a butterfly) [x2]

For your soul

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Wake up, The house is on fire
And the cat's caught in the dryer
Philosophy's a liar when
Your home is your headstone
"Icon" is the last chance for hope
When there's no such thing as heroes
Your faith lies in the ditch that
You dug yourself in

Last chance to piss it all away
Nothing but hell to pay
When the lights are going down

Deadbeat Holiday - celebrate your own decay
There's a vacant sign that's hanging high
On a noose over your home

Deadbeat Holiday - get on your knees and pray
There's a vacant sign that's hanging high
But at least you're not alone
Christmas lights in the middle of August
Grudges come back to haunt us
Your oldest allies are your long lost enemies
Grounded in a duplex to find that
You're living on a landmine
Vacation hotspots is a cemetery drive

Last chance to piss it all away
Nothing but hell to pay
When the lights are going down

Deadbeat Holiday - celebrate your own decay
There's a vacant sign that's hanging high
On a noose over your home

Deadbeat Holiday - get on your knees and pray
There's a vacant sign that's hanging high
But at least you're not alone

Last chance to piss it all away
Nothing but hell to pay when all you
Want to do is...not to....give up.....

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srijeda, 20.02.2008.



dada...napisat ću post...

Ovako...hm...žive smo...dada...
Bile smo na skijanju....o my good....bilo je dobro...jako dobro...čak smo i bordat probale...to je bilo jeeebeeeenooooo....i onda smo se vratile doma...i bajka je završila...ali druge godine ja 100% iden u školu bordanja....skijanje je isto super, ali bordanje je...čini mi se maalo zanimljivije...

I sad je sve po staron...škola, miučenje iz dana u dan....

I da, što se tiče rukometa...školskog...imamo 4 utakmice i 4 pobjede....al sad kreće ono napetoooooo...mislin, one jače školee...jooooj...

e, na informatici san...tako da nemogu više pisat...čujemo se ljudi....a s nekima nadan se i vidimo....pussa

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