Sama protiv svih !!

12.07.2007., četvrtak

Ja i Wolf idemo u grad busom i vozač odjednom zakoči tako naglo da je Wolf skliznula sa stolice i odletjela pet metara unaprijed i razbila si koljeno na stolici ispred sebe... Ja sam razbila lakat u svoju stolicu... I mi sve krvave izađemo iz busa a smijemo se histerično i otišle u ljekarnu kupit flastere...

Odvela sam Wolf u robnu kuću i u neki dućan s robom da gubimo vrijeme i razgledavamo pa sam ju natjerala da isproba neku gotičarsku bluzu, i super joj stoji pa će sutra ić po nju jer ju je rezervirala. Ja volim kad ona nešto isprobava jer joj sve super stoji... Model.

Našle smo se s frendicom Tarom, i naišle na Korzu na neku hrpu Japanaca koji propovijedaju o Isusu Kristu na engleskom. I dođu nama dvije Japanke i pitaju: "Do you speak English?" "Yes." "Do you believe in God?" - Wolf i Tara nisu ništa rekle a ja - "No, not really." - a žena pita "Why not?" - "Well... I don't know, I just... don't." - žena se nasmiješi i ode ća pričat s drugima a Wolf me gleda kao da sam rekla nešto zlo.

Sutra idem u Trst, nikad prije nisam bila (zapravo... nikad nisam bila nigdje izvan Hrvatske). Baš me zanima kako je tamo. Kažu da je sve prepuno China Shopova.
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Opće informacije

Ja sam Tea, zvana Sotona i Vrana/Crow... Teroriziram zemlju još od 15.10.1990. Slušam metal... Dimmu Borgir, Children of Bodom, Satyricon, Kataklysm, Amon Amarth, Cannibal Corpse, Behemoth... Nosim bodlje, lance... Jedem šišmiše i malu djecu... I sva ta ostala sranja.

Volim tetovaže, strašit ljude, pivu, motore, crtat grafite, oružje, oluje, električne gitare, mačke.

Ne volim lažove, romantiku, cvijeće, rasizam, glupost, dramatiziranje, školu, cajke, plesat, buseve.

Ma dosta toga evo gledajte u Mjesec.


Words of Wisdom

Life is like a battlefield, only the strong survive.

Being my own god is all I was meant to be.

What I can not fulfill, my destiny completes.

Kolko vas ima

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Children of Bodom - Hate Me

I was born in ashes of molten hatred
Raised by the demons in abodes of the dead
The Reaper's scythe I fall upon to light my path
Wrecked by mangled wounds of life
I have become the resurrection of the evil one
'Y know that I don't fucking care If I live or die

I need a bishop preaching fire
to get away with my sins
I despise everything I see
so I don't give a fuck if you hate me!

Ain't got respect for humanity
Never lived or wanted immortality
The reaper's shadow I fall upon
to obscure my path
Every day I'm being battered up until I bleed
You mother-fuckers just leave me be
Ya' could never give me cure
for the pain I feel inside

I need a bishop preaching fire
to get away with my sins
I despise everything I see
so I dont give a fuck if you hate Me!

Led by the Reaper I walk in the night
Show me the way to your kingdom come!

I believe in armageddon,
I've been baptised in alcohol
I'm embodiment of antichrist
I'm living for my own demise