Sama protiv svih !!

08.07.2007., nedjelja



I to je to ok bye rofl

Ma ne, šalim se...

Kad god idem sa starim u dućan on me pita "šta ćeš?" a ja "ništa." "ma daj da ti nešto kupim!" "ma ne, ništa." onda odem sa starom u WTC i pita me "šta ti treba od robe za ljeto?" a ja "ništa." "a za zimu?" "ništa." i dođemo mi doma i stara kaže starom "mi imamo tako dobro dijete."

Na kraju mi je ipak kupila crnu majicu s kratkim rukavima smijeh dobro će mi doć...

Mislim, da sam odgovorila "narukvicu s bodljama" rekli bi "imaš već jednu" a "majicu od Dimmu Borgira" "imaš već dvije" "kožnu jaknu" "to sranje je skupo"

I šta da na kraju kažem..... Ma ništa meni ne treba samo da me puste na koncert... Stara je skužila koliko mi to znači i mislim da će me pustit... Ić ćemo ja i Wolf, vozit će nas njen stari, možda bude i Kat išla s nama, i Lance (moj dečko).......

By the way, imam neku bolest na očima. nut Izgledam napušeno i ne mogu gledat kad je jako sunce.... imam neke kapi i mast i onda moram s time masakrirat oči... bed...

Al bit će bolje...

Skinula sam cijeli album iz prošlog posta sa Shareaze i najbolja pjesma je The Serpentine Offering.... Genijalna kompozicija... Kontrast vokala... Pa evo vam barem riječi

My descent is the story of everyman
I am hatred, darkness and despair

Evoked and entertained through centuries
Wrathful and sullen--dormant still
The ferocity pervades everywhere
Waiting to be released at last

Hear my offering
Ye bastard sons and daughters
Share my sacrifice
Share my sacrifice

My descent is the story of everyman
I am hatred, darkness and despair

Reconcile not with the fear of the snake
But embrace it as your own
Inject it's venom into your veins
And replant the seed that gives growth
Still shrouded in mystery
Until you arise above perception
A veil of ignorance is in motion
Continuing throughout generations

A veil of ignorance is in motion
Continuing throughout multiple generations
let me be the one that deliver you from the deceit
And back into perfect accordance with the laws of nature

The snake is notoriously tempting
But the snake is fair
What is worse than not knowing?
To live or disappear?

The ferocity pervades everywhere
Waiting to be released at last

Hear my offering
Ye bastard sons and daughters
Share my sacrifice
Share my sacrifice

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Opće informacije

Ja sam Tea, zvana Sotona i Vrana/Crow... Teroriziram zemlju još od 15.10.1990. Slušam metal... Dimmu Borgir, Children of Bodom, Satyricon, Kataklysm, Amon Amarth, Cannibal Corpse, Behemoth... Nosim bodlje, lance... Jedem šišmiše i malu djecu... I sva ta ostala sranja.

Volim tetovaže, strašit ljude, pivu, motore, crtat grafite, oružje, oluje, električne gitare, mačke.

Ne volim lažove, romantiku, cvijeće, rasizam, glupost, dramatiziranje, školu, cajke, plesat, buseve.

Ma dosta toga evo gledajte u Mjesec.


Words of Wisdom

Life is like a battlefield, only the strong survive.

Being my own god is all I was meant to be.

What I can not fulfill, my destiny completes.

Kolko vas ima

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Children of Bodom - Hate Me

I was born in ashes of molten hatred
Raised by the demons in abodes of the dead
The Reaper's scythe I fall upon to light my path
Wrecked by mangled wounds of life
I have become the resurrection of the evil one
'Y know that I don't fucking care If I live or die

I need a bishop preaching fire
to get away with my sins
I despise everything I see
so I don't give a fuck if you hate me!

Ain't got respect for humanity
Never lived or wanted immortality
The reaper's shadow I fall upon
to obscure my path
Every day I'm being battered up until I bleed
You mother-fuckers just leave me be
Ya' could never give me cure
for the pain I feel inside

I need a bishop preaching fire
to get away with my sins
I despise everything I see
so I dont give a fuck if you hate Me!

Led by the Reaper I walk in the night
Show me the way to your kingdom come!

I believe in armageddon,
I've been baptised in alcohol
I'm embodiment of antichrist
I'm living for my own demise