small dictionary...croatian/polish :P with NEW WORDS :-D
sviđaš mi se=lubie cie
nedostaješ mi=brakuje mi ciebie
volim te=kocham cie (sounds even better when u hear it)
koristim pivo za opit se=uživam piwo za opić sie :D
draga=kochanie :-)
kako?=jak? rofl
bog=ćeść! thumbup
desno=pravo! nut
ja sam julije cezar=jestem julije cezarheadbang
možda=może (strasno!)
čelo=ćowo (ovaj mi je najbolji)headbang
kokoš=kurćak mah
vrata=dżwi (prebolesna ric, dvostruki prijelom jezika)
najbolji=najlepśi lud
volim pivo=kocham pivoparty
studeni (mjesec)=listopad (svasta covik vidi dok je živ!)
tastatura=klawiatura smijeh
sat=godzina bang
godina=rok cool
godine=lat lud
(i moja omiljena)
daj mi pivo=daj mi piwo party
mamurluk=kac burninmad
sranje!=kurde! rofl ili cholera
ne znam nista=nie wiem nicsmijeh
odjebi od mene=spjerdalaj!!! (pogadate.moja omiljena) yes
kako se osječaš?=jak se czujesz?zujo
(neman vise komentara na ove rici..nema smisla :0 )headbang
koji kurac oces?-=czego kurwa hceś?
jebač policije=jebać policje :P
promaja=pśećonk (najdraza mi je ova)

nima Splita do Kielcea do Kielcea

30.06.2006., petak

dobro jutro i tebi pjotr...

ovo jednostavno moran podilit s vama i to na rvatsckom....dosa jutros na posa...ono pospan, jedva gledan na oci...palin komp....izbacujen uobicajeno cześć svima u facu plus rukovanje...kad kaze meni pjotr (faca koja ono malo bekeće na rvatski): kako si ti, kurac, dobro? rofl

skoro san ispa iz stolice od smija...jos se smijen.....smijeh

kakav dan brate ne mogu da ti opisen thumbup

- 08:46 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

28.06.2006., srijeda

been around Poland :P

i m getting so lazy wave so many things happened since i wrote my last post...been to Krakow 2 weeks ago and writting my impressions just now...oh roomate from romania Alin, and I went for 2 really crazy days....for me of course...he didn't went out but that's his problem smijeh i used my aiesec abilities to contact aiesecers in krakow who helped us stay at trainees place...and met lots of them rofl Linda from china was our host as well as Nash from india and joe from america...i guess they have never heard about a mop or verb "to clean" coz their place really looked like hurricane went through it....twice! and once again lud

first night was perfect...4 guys going out(livio-italy, john-germany and nash) and trashing the place up!!!went to some really really fantastic places....crowd of crazy and mad people just having fun and dancing all around...bloody amazing...yes on the way back to our flat in krakow i was a little bit too trustfull in the hands of indian guy so we manged to get complety wrong bus that took us almoust 2 hours away on foot from our flat...and it was 3h in the morning..Kurdeeeeeee!!! so i used my special ability...i spoke polishrofl and get us firstly a car that took us for couple of kilometres and than stroll around the city stoping drank people and asking them for direction...crazy night...add to that nash hitting him self in the head and saying it's all his falult zujoi manage to impress german guy...he was talking about me all day tmrw so when i met other trainees in krakow the next day...they were shaking my hand and simply, U r the croatian guy!!! god dammit i m really ambasador of ma country..hehehhe

the next day we went around beautifull city of krakow (thanks Ania for amzing tour in the morning considering she speaks only french and polish)...eddy if u are reading...i was speaking french...hihih...i know u don't belive me wink krakow is famous for it's dragon...that suppousedly lived there and was really bad dragon smokin so they killed him and made a tourist attraction of him...poor creature...hihihi..what was funny about the statue of the dragon near the castle in krakow is that u can acctually send him an SMS after which he through up fire...ah today technolgy njami i must get those damn pictures from krakow so u can finnaly see what urs truly can see...

and to add one more thing...polish girls are beautifull...reminds me a little bit of riva in Split, sunny day and all that stuff....just gotta see it with ur own eyes...

while i was in krakow i got a sms from natalia from LC Poznan asking me to join them on local conference as a chair!!!! CHAIR? yeah! mother f******* chair!!! of course i asked my boss to let me go for 2 days and took the first train to poznan...where natalia's dad picked me up and take me to small place called Kiekrz(rz u read like ż)...fantastic place next to a nice lake with boats, windsurfers and breathtaking landscape...but more about it next time....keep it real with me and stay in touchthumbup

- 15:18 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

16.06.2006., petak

i m getting so bad at writting my friends :)

So what did urs truly did 2 weekends ago...In a beautiful place called smth like bianska kataćanjska…teambuilding of whole company just couldn’t went any better…on the way to this place we stopped I don’t know how many times to refill our stock supplies (read bottles of votka), and to empty our tanks…two guys from my office were just buzzing up and down through the bus and filling in empty glasses…and what’s really important…they use 2 glasses…in one is votka and in the other one is juice…and real, true polish guy never drinks votka and juice from the same glass....BUT that won’t stop him from drinking from juice glass afterwards….coz that’s ok :D ah whatever..i just used one glass and continue breaking cultural ice between Croatia and Poland…J party

So when we arrived to wanted destination most of the people (not including urs truly…I was representing croatia so I just had to be careful what I m doing :P) were drunk…which is really nice to see when u r more less solber..hihih…oh…did I mention that all drinks in our little resort were free….food also…yes…they found out that I can eat a lot :D I probably got 2,3 kilos back on ma skinny ass….oh yeah…partying first night was marked by one sentence that I heard like at least a dozen times…VEDRAN!!!U MUST DRINK VOTKA!!! :D true author was Dominik-probably the soul of parties :P first couple of times I was following his lead, but my god he was just puring votka like water and I just didn’t want to go that way…sum up is that dominik didn’t felt quite well at end of the party :P heeheh thumbup

The best part of whole weekend was teambildiziranje…10 teams with 6 people each were going around from one game to another…and my god that was fun…I used to do those games in aiesec but never with director of my company who is like 40 years old but cool and crazy as any @er…hihihi…there was one huge plastic ball in which one team member had to enter (me of course) and others were turning the ball around :D I drove crazy bike without seat downhill, slide down like special ops from tall pillar (twice naturally), drove 4 wheel buggy, shoot from paintball gun and with proffy slingshot to distant targets ( we are talking about huge 6 meters :D) BUT the funniest thing was seeing some silly outfit on others (ok and on me as well) with those big frog shoes and trying to hit a ball on the floor…. smijehi would strongly suggest everybody before playing such game to warm up their cheeks coz laughter is guaranteed…crying also :D I ll try to put some pictures soon somewhere so u could just see small part of this very good weekend :P wave

Some newer news :D things that are happening to me here I would definitely never experience back in Split…this morning I saw Slovakian girl using her tooth brush to clean inner part of her shoes :D she said that she doesn’t use that toothbrush for anything else…however u never know…another thing is that people that work at dormitories (as most of polish pipl) are so scared when I start speaking English so they just smile and let me in usually whenever I want..which is really strange coz they are really tough nuts to crack for polish students. BUT not for urs truly…And of course even though I know how to say where I want to go on polish I just choose not to :P democracy is a bitch J sue me!! :P

I managed to infect everybody here with our most popular combination of YEAH+BUT J people here especially like the word BUT…u know how Evi put extra accent on it :D and they love it :D rofl

I got ma revenge against Łukas, BUT only on table tennis :P OSVETAAAA!!! and big part in the match played the better racquet…so when he played with it he won and when I played I won…I was smart enough to play second with it and kick his ass :D sorry vuuuuukas :P today he’s gonna try to destroy me on big tennis…wish me luck…I m gonna need it :D mah
Do zobaczenja

- 12:07 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

14.06.2006., srijeda

eh eh...

yeah we lost, but fuck it...we were close...wink i m receiving all morning handshakes of congratulations for a very good game....i mean....i didn't play but my people were and i think we did just good :D it's really nice to see this football making good promotion of Croatia in the world...just like kacha said in her mail rofl and especially when u live in foreign country and get the reactions from 1st hand...

unfortunately i still didn't manage to write anything about last weekend which was really amazing...but it's coming up real real sooon...back to the trenches for me and stay in touchkiss
Jestem Vedranhrvatska

- 08:42 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

08.06.2006., četvrtak

Sink is sometimes yellow and sometime grey…

Every 4 rooms in my dorm (akademik) have 2 sinks in one small corridor which everybody uses…and they are usually yellow or grey…which depends of the day or their independent will…But yesterday they were completely clean and white…we had a mysterious visitor from outer space that cleaned our sinks…nobody took credits for it so I guess it’s Super Muscolo’s employee that goes around and clean sinks…or I just have such a wild imagination :P probably the latter one :D rofl

it’s so much fun to amaze polish people with my knowledge of polish language because they think I learn it all from the beginning….BUT it is so easy to speak it when there are lots of word that are completely the same and mean the same thing….people at work think I m god damn smart and I for now prefer not to tell them anything that should make them change they mind…nono

I went to church here in Kielce, and maybe the most interesting thing is that people during myse (mise)when u have to give peace to everybody instead of shaking hands they started to nod with their heads in all imagine 200 people turning around themselves and noding couple of times with light smile on their faces...smijeh i barely managed not to laugh out loud...i love cultural differences yes

I want to show u a little bit who I m spending most of my time here: so with no intended order here it is :P

Łukas-tenis master in Kielce; I suffered hard defeat but u know i won’t let that stop me…hoping for a rematch…no…counting on it :D btw. He hates when I call him vukaś..u must say UUUkas :D
Kaśia-or other version would be Katarina; I have never met so cheerful, happy, and most of the time laughing girl…truly brings the laughter into the room….favorite words for her are: sleeping and eating (she said it), BUT I would also add laughing and dancing before everything thumbup
Mirek-ma buddy; simple guy that wants to ride horses :D and as far I heard he’s doing quite well…even when the horse without his will start to gallop…hhhheheh…mah
Agnjeska-main translator in Kielce…at least as far I saw :P she has nightmares from translating :D always in the move, doesn’t like spiders (pajonk) and told me that she’s gonna get me a guitar…we ll see smijeh
Gosia-the wonder girl. Or the better way to explain it. The “conditional sentence” girl :D each time I hear VEDRAN!!! I know another one is coming up J she speaks Russian, Italian and I forgot which other languages BUT only after having 1 or 2 beers :D amazing!!! party

i gotta go now for impreza "integracijona" or party of integration
thank god for that...(jos jedan dokaz velicine moje guzice :wink)

do zobaćenja=vidimo se :P

- 10:56 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #

02.06.2006., petak

dragi moji... :P

mozda da isprican neke vama zanimljive dogadaje? kao prvo poljske zene su stvarno prekrasne naughty znam kako smo mi splicani ponosni na nase ljepotice ali ove iz kielcea nisu in cak cu ici u krajnost i reci da su u foto finisu nos uz nos :P jesu li razlog tome prirodni nasljedni slavenski geni ili cista slucajnot ne bih radije ulaziogreedy

ekipa ode vrlo vrlo malo jede, sta vas najdrazi prozdrljivac nije najbolje podnia...pogotovo kod rucka u firmi. tako da san uvjerljivo vodeci na listi najvecih zderonja party ekipa najcesce samo pojede nekakvu jadnu salaticu ako i to. zene su jednostavno premrsave, a mislim da je s takvon spizon i tesko se udebljat.vidit debelog poljaka ili poljakinju je nesto slicno tome ka da si vidia papu ili predsjednika u najmanju ruku

kad smo kod predsjednika, poljski predsjednik ima brat blizanca (mislim) koji je ni manje ni vise no premijer (bogati) iliti predsjenik vlade. tko je kome rjesia job ostavljam inteligentnom auditoriju da sam zakljuci (sanse su 50 %) rofl

piwo (kocham piwo) je jeftino cak i u kaficima. za nekih 9 kn mos dobit po litre piwa koje se simpaticno zove Warka. nije poznato ko koga vara. party ali nije previse ni vazno kad je jeftino wink ekipa ode lubli (voli) techno sheme sta mi i nije bas po gustu, ali uvik se moze nac misto di se moze nac dobar rock ili neka druga shema. pocea san vrlo dobro (bardzdo dobro) razumit poljski. cak su me ljudi dok san ceka na stanici bus priupitali nesto (razlog tomu su vjerojatno metro novine koje se besplanto dijele na ulici smijeh a ja ih svako jutro uziman. ako nista drugo vidit novosti, a ponekad cak i razumin vic za taj dan mah)
a ja nonsalantno odgovoria tak(da) ili (lup) nie...srica bozja pitanja su bila takva da je odovor od jedne rici bia i vise nego dovoljan. hehhewave

di san ono sta? ah da, zene :) vani moze biti jebeno ladno ali to nece sprijecitit poljske ljepotice da nas sve ugriju pogledom na njihove bubrege koji se cini mi se nikad i ne pokrivaju...valjda je to neka interna shema...o ukusima se ne raspravlja rekli su mi moji pa se ja drzin toga ka pijan plota (plot se kaze isto na poljski) hrvatska

rukovanje im je obavezno. yes svako jutro na poslu se dobrano rastresen od silnog drmanja ruku sa vecinom kolega...vidia san lika koji je prisa jednoj grupi od 3 covika i bez ijedne jedine rici pruzia ruku jednom po jednom i poton zadovoljno produzia ka da su pricali sta je sinoc radia s onon plavon pokraj sanka party

vikend je preda mnom i stvarno jedva cekan izvalit se i spavat dokad ocu i ic lec kad ocu....mili moze (isto po poljskom :P) opet petak!

pijontek bang


- 16:17 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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O čemenzi je ovaj de tu blog...
sta mi se zbiva i pricinja :) sta radin i kako se salim...s kim se salim i kako to...eto sto!
izjave za pamćenje
"Ne brinite o mogućem smaku svijeta danas. U Australiji je već ionako sutra!" (Charles Schultz)

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars." (Les Brown)

"Samo glupi i mrtvi nikad ne mijenjaju svoje mišljenje." (tko li je?)

"Today (2.5. 2006.) is really the first day of the rest of ma life" (ja)

"Jeben ti mater" (slucajni prolaznik)