small dictionary...croatian/polish :P with NEW WORDS :-D
sviđaš mi se=lubie cie
nedostaješ mi=brakuje mi ciebie
volim te=kocham cie (sounds even better when u hear it)
koristim pivo za opit se=uživam piwo za opić sie :D
draga=kochanie :-)
kako?=jak? rofl
bog=ćeść! thumbup
desno=pravo! nut
ja sam julije cezar=jestem julije cezarheadbang
možda=może (strasno!)
čelo=ćowo (ovaj mi je najbolji)headbang
kokoš=kurćak mah
vrata=dżwi (prebolesna ric, dvostruki prijelom jezika)
najbolji=najlepśi lud
volim pivo=kocham pivoparty
studeni (mjesec)=listopad (svasta covik vidi dok je živ!)
tastatura=klawiatura smijeh
sat=godzina bang
godina=rok cool
godine=lat lud
(i moja omiljena)
daj mi pivo=daj mi piwo party
mamurluk=kac burninmad
sranje!=kurde! rofl ili cholera
ne znam nista=nie wiem nicsmijeh
odjebi od mene=spjerdalaj!!! (pogadate.moja omiljena) yes
kako se osječaš?=jak se czujesz?zujo
(neman vise komentara na ove rici..nema smisla :0 )headbang
koji kurac oces?-=czego kurwa hceś?
jebač policije=jebać policje :P
promaja=pśećonk (najdraza mi je ova)

nima Splita do Kielcea do Kielcea

28.06.2006., srijeda

been around Poland :P

i m getting so lazy wave so many things happened since i wrote my last post...been to Krakow 2 weeks ago and writting my impressions just now...oh roomate from romania Alin, and I went for 2 really crazy days....for me of course...he didn't went out but that's his problem smijeh i used my aiesec abilities to contact aiesecers in krakow who helped us stay at trainees place...and met lots of them rofl Linda from china was our host as well as Nash from india and joe from america...i guess they have never heard about a mop or verb "to clean" coz their place really looked like hurricane went through it....twice! and once again lud

first night was perfect...4 guys going out(livio-italy, john-germany and nash) and trashing the place up!!!went to some really really fantastic places....crowd of crazy and mad people just having fun and dancing all around...bloody amazing...yes on the way back to our flat in krakow i was a little bit too trustfull in the hands of indian guy so we manged to get complety wrong bus that took us almoust 2 hours away on foot from our flat...and it was 3h in the morning..Kurdeeeeeee!!! so i used my special ability...i spoke polishrofl and get us firstly a car that took us for couple of kilometres and than stroll around the city stoping drank people and asking them for direction...crazy night...add to that nash hitting him self in the head and saying it's all his falult zujoi manage to impress german guy...he was talking about me all day tmrw so when i met other trainees in krakow the next day...they were shaking my hand and simply, U r the croatian guy!!! god dammit i m really ambasador of ma country..hehehhe

the next day we went around beautifull city of krakow (thanks Ania for amzing tour in the morning considering she speaks only french and polish)...eddy if u are reading...i was speaking french...hihih...i know u don't belive me wink krakow is famous for it's dragon...that suppousedly lived there and was really bad dragon smokin so they killed him and made a tourist attraction of him...poor creature...hihihi..what was funny about the statue of the dragon near the castle in krakow is that u can acctually send him an SMS after which he through up fire...ah today technolgy njami i must get those damn pictures from krakow so u can finnaly see what urs truly can see...

and to add one more thing...polish girls are beautifull...reminds me a little bit of riva in Split, sunny day and all that stuff....just gotta see it with ur own eyes...

while i was in krakow i got a sms from natalia from LC Poznan asking me to join them on local conference as a chair!!!! CHAIR? yeah! mother f******* chair!!! of course i asked my boss to let me go for 2 days and took the first train to poznan...where natalia's dad picked me up and take me to small place called Kiekrz(rz u read like ż)...fantastic place next to a nice lake with boats, windsurfers and breathtaking landscape...but more about it next time....keep it real with me and stay in touchthumbup

- 15:18 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

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O čemenzi je ovaj de tu blog...
sta mi se zbiva i pricinja :) sta radin i kako se salim...s kim se salim i kako to...eto sto!
izjave za pamćenje
"Ne brinite o mogućem smaku svijeta danas. U Australiji je već ionako sutra!" (Charles Schultz)

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars." (Les Brown)

"Samo glupi i mrtvi nikad ne mijenjaju svoje mišljenje." (tko li je?)

"Today (2.5. 2006.) is really the first day of the rest of ma life" (ja)

"Jeben ti mater" (slucajni prolaznik)