small dictionary...croatian/polish :P with NEW WORDS :-D
sviđaš mi se=lubie cie
nedostaješ mi=brakuje mi ciebie
volim te=kocham cie (sounds even better when u hear it)
koristim pivo za opit se=uživam piwo za opić sie :D
draga=kochanie :-)
kako?=jak? rofl
bog=ćeść! thumbup
desno=pravo! nut
ja sam julije cezar=jestem julije cezarheadbang
možda=może (strasno!)
čelo=ćowo (ovaj mi je najbolji)headbang
kokoš=kurćak mah
vrata=dżwi (prebolesna ric, dvostruki prijelom jezika)
najbolji=najlepśi lud
volim pivo=kocham pivoparty
studeni (mjesec)=listopad (svasta covik vidi dok je živ!)
tastatura=klawiatura smijeh
sat=godzina bang
godina=rok cool
godine=lat lud
(i moja omiljena)
daj mi pivo=daj mi piwo party
mamurluk=kac burninmad
sranje!=kurde! rofl ili cholera
ne znam nista=nie wiem nicsmijeh
odjebi od mene=spjerdalaj!!! (pogadate.moja omiljena) yes
kako se osječaš?=jak se czujesz?zujo
(neman vise komentara na ove rici..nema smisla :0 )headbang
koji kurac oces?-=czego kurwa hceś?
jebač policije=jebać policje :P
promaja=pśećonk (najdraza mi je ova)

nima Splita do Kielcea do Kielcea

28.05.2006., nedjelja

sta ne volin u poljskoj?

prat svoju robu-jebene carape, i glupe gace se sporkaju brzinom svjetolosti i nekim cudom se ne pojavljuju ciste i mirisne u ormaru ka doma u splitu
kuhat-uvjerljivo san najlosiji kuhar na planeti; nema mi premca. da postoji natjecanje u losom kuhanju pobra bi sve nagrade; ma sta pobra, odma bi mi urucili pehar bez natjecanja (fascinantno koliko san losmad)
buljit u monitor-nakon 8 sati na poslu od svakog pogleda na monitor me prode jeza ( jedan moj prika bi reka: TRPI, SNAGA!) puknucu nikad nije definirano sto je tocno zelia rec smijeh
cjepidlacenje u ducanima- ako je nesto 17,59 piti cete upitani od strane prodavacice/ca imate li 59 grosa? novcanik mi ima 3 kila glupih kovanica a u njima 3 zlote
ljudi se doslovno boje pricat engleski -neki dan na poslu, zvoni mi telefon i ja se javit.velim: dzien dobry! dobijen nazad: dzien dobry! ja velim Vedran speaking here, how may i help u?! a s druge strane cujem a-h-mm-e-mm-ggg-hhh...i click! spusti slusalicu! burninmadzena je ocito bila prestravljena sto joj se netko, zamisli cuda, obraca na engleskom. fantasticno je to da ljudi koji recimo rade u bankama, postama, TELE fucking KOMUNIKACIJAMA ne govore apsolutno nista engleski..e zivote! mad

ali dobra stvar je da poljski jezik je podosta slican hrvatskom pa se nekako snalazin...ja mówię po polski bardzo dobże (ako uzmemo u obzir koliko dugo san tu party)

uskoro ce utakimca Hrvatska-Poljska 3.6.(pripremna prije Svjetskog nogometnog prvenstva) pa ce biti vrlo zanimljivo vidit kako ce to proc...ocu li na poslu gledat u pod ili se kitit tudim perjem ako hrvatska dobije rofl vec se planira ekipa okupit uz hladno pivce za zivceparty sta nogomet radi a?
a je zivin brale....

ovaj post se malcice oduzia a da nisan ni trepnia...stay tuned njami

do widzenia!

- 14:43 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #

22.05.2006., ponedjeljak

some pipl told me...

that i m not writting that often zujo haven't realized that time just past next to me...not that i m saying every second in ma stay here i have smth to do...but i got around...first of wok is doing quite nicely thank u for asking...lot's of funny stories from work...there's a polish guy who speaks just a little bit croatian but the most important words of course like: "u picku kurac!!!" i "bit će bolje!" are his favorites :P he likes gibboni and knows only..." divno je..." etc...he's very crazy and it's great to have pipl like that around at work smijeh

i had great saturday night evening...trainees here were not so in a mood to party...except me of courseparty so i decide to join some people who were in a mood :P thank u very much agnjeska&gosia...not so sure about how to write ur names so don't mind!wave

but that's not all...they had power to take me around kielce the next day...we went to rezervat of kadzielna where u can see so many different kind of rock mah which is of course not so interesting but when u add to that Gosia's first ever conditional sentence(i know it sounds weird)rofl and the joy on her face when she guessed the right word to say on english made the day just full of tears of laughter smijeh

we spoke english, italian, russian and who knows how many languages with no obvious reason...reason probably lies in the night beforeparty

i m getting quite tired after this staring at the monitor

boli mnie głowa (glava)

urs truly

p.s. mah

dobra noc (laku noć)

- 20:11 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

17.05.2006., srijeda

Vedran je velika guzica jer:

a) ima srice da je upa u jednu od najboljih kompanija u poljskoj
b) jer je dosa u najbolje vrime u Kielce kad su zaredom bila 4 dana koncerata samo za studente-kad se pije i zdere na tone njamiparty
c) jer je inace guzica u svemu mah
d) sve navedenothumbup
Svoje odgovore slobodno saljite uz komentare...

kao sto gore pomenuh od cetvrtka pa dalje koncert za koncertom...imam vec i omiljenu pismu a pogadate....zove se "kocham pivo" party

kad kazen koncert mislim na ogromnu livadu(nazovimo je takvom) koja se nalazi izmedu 3-4 doma na kojoj oko tisucu studenata i onih malo starijih....ponesu rostilj te zderu kosasice (kobaskare) i piju svima im omiljeno pivo.. te masu glavama na svako drugu pismu....a kad si u poljskoj onda se ponasaj ka poljaci rofl

drago mi je cut da se i vi dobro zabavljate...jer u tom grmu lezi patka...
pozdrav snjezi iz Osijeka...mojoj dalekoj rodici...

najzanimljivije stvari u poljskoj:
1. kad je crveno na semaforu za pjesake....nema mrdanja headbang ko pride cestu dobije pregrst prijekih pogleda thumbup
2. ne se cuditi kada konj sa zapregom ide cestom izmedu auta i staje na semaforusmijeh
3. koncerti pocinju oko 18 pa dokle stignu party
4. vodu ne piti iz spine ako ti je bol u zelucu mrska zujo
5. gledati kad kupujes kruv koji je...jer mos kupit neki glupi koji ne mos jest s nutelonnjami
6. mjesec listopad (10.)na hrvatskom je 11. misec u poljskoj
7. umisto msn-a koriste gadu gadu(bastard bastard) nono
8. jebeno kino je preeeeskupo (15-20 zlota) za neki jadni film...sto ce reci...sta si gleda gleda cool

ćeść wave

- 16:15 - Komentari (11) - Isprintaj - #

11.05.2006., četvrtak

Living in Kielce....

just that u know.not everything is that good in Kielce wink on tuesday night i woke up around midnight with really bad pain in ma stomach with no obvious reason, and it lasted for about 15 minutes and left me the same way as it came to me. my god! not a pleasant thing to happen.burninmad

as i said living in kielce is quite cheap, what makes my living around much much easier. water (woda) here is not drinkable so i gotta always buy it, but what the hell...who drinks water anymore? naughty my life got a little bit slower these days, which is good coz i finnaly settled down and bought myself lots of things i need for living here and put all things in ma room where i wanted's not that big of a mess my mother told me (vedrane, zivot je tezak!)...loundry washing is quite i found out sonner then i wanted i decided not to wash stuff by stuff but all together thumbup u can imagine a pile of stuff easily growing in one corner of ma room...smijeh don't's not that bad...yet!rofl

i went the other day to the city with Vika and Lesya from ukraine to get a drink...and went to Vesela Kawka (vesela kokos) rofl when i stopped laughing after hearing the translation...we got some dirnks ordered...and i said why not lets grab some typically drink from this thing i know, glass with hot wine was coming to ma table...then i remebered Vice and his smile when he's talking about hot wine...cheers Vice!!!party

vesela kokos is very relaxed place where u can sit and with some really easy music chat with has nice little chairs and tables..and light is coming from some old looking lamps in differnet colours...definitly i ll pay her a visit again during my stay heresmijeh

last night i got ma first polish lessons organised by aiesecers from kielce wave was very interesting and the bottom result is my room full of post its on every place u can imagine...with polish words written on room indeed thumbup sometimes at least naughty

i bought the last cd player that was on the sale kacho :P but i ll think i ll manage smth with it smokin

ćeść mah

- 11:58 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

09.05.2006., utorak

Kielce party and lots of other stuff...

did i said i started drinking with kielce alumnies....yep! that was it party barbicue was excellent and plus all new faces of aiesecers from kielce just made that night amazing...this conference was just next to the lake with sandy beach and big forrest around it...reminded me of Split and marjan forest...njami

i must be honest and say that there is a part of the night i really don't remeber quite clearly but sure it was fun party....polish people welcomed me as i was their own and i really appretiate it rofl all i m sure of it is that i like their way of giving suger cubes...each times u get one u get a hug also...and i did get a lot of them.....guess i made some kind of a impresion on them wave on the way back to Kielce, coz conference was a bit outside of the city somehow (niko nije siguran kako smo svi stali...mislim da je bilo par iscasenih zglobova) 4 of us manged to get inside pegla (malu) and exactually drive back to kielce smijeh

since then i manged to get around dorm quite easily (s obaveznim zaustavljanjem ljudi na ulici i pitanja di je sta=co?) managed to buy myself a cd player , speakers, and betteries for about 150 kn...which made me really happy and confident in ma budget :P

i was almoust overrun by tractor (s prikolicomlud)near the faculty near dorm...coz the bloody driver was speeding like 50km/h next to all the studnets who were just (non salantno) jumping aside...guess it's quite boring event for them...ah, almoust forget....kielce traffic lights are so funny...they also got some sounds for deaf people, but it sounds more like some dicso pop song on which u can acctually dance and have a party around when the light is green thumbup

for now i would just like to thatnk god that i was matched to kielce and not katowice coz this is so much nicer city to live in...kielce is green with lots of grass, trees and playgrounds and katowice is grey street next to the other grey street (ima boga!) mah

i m going to do some work and keep in touch for more action from urs truly

bacite jednu na picigin i za menezujo

- 09:53 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

08.05.2006., ponedjeljak

idemo dalje....

heya there!every day lots of stories...i ll be just good and try to put most interesting to u...i m barely keeping my eyes open and its 18.26...what happened? well....lets see...after big city of London and its very smelly subway stations full of all sorts of people (like man who grows hair just beind his right ear and put those 5-6 hairs across his bald head) but also some reallz foto models walking like like on fashion shows smijeh next destination was city of Katowice...i was welcomed on the airport by michal, mmichal and sergej...very crazy aiesecers who droved me to big city ...i stayed at trainees flat, with marcus from germany, sergej (ukraine) and mark (new zeland)...crazy bunch of people i must say nut during my stay i managed to play a football match with Sergej and some polish pipl was excallent to see how sport connects people...i was doing my usually set of dribblings and managed to get couple of aplouses...rofl (jednoga san bacia na guzicu s driblinomyes) at the end the score is not important party ok my team lost but two posts from urs truly could just as easy end in the goal and push the game in our turn hrvatska partying in Katowice was goooood...had a few beers and played some pool...was fun. just before i left i won another point for hrvatska and beat Marcus in chess (it took me like 4 moves, coz he was greedy to eat my bishop and fell in the next move....however rematch was much tougher and unfortunately without ending coz i had to catch a train to Kielce...yeah! thumbup

... and thanks to sergej who helped me to the train station with ma bags...i bought a sendwich at the station and that was ma first mistake...i turned to say smth to sergej and when i looked back...lady was putting like half of 1 litter mustard bottle into my sendwich...before i could say shit! ketchup was on his way as well....bloody hell!mad i managed to eat like 1/4 of it throw the rest in the trash....fuj senf!

in the train i managed to pick the best group of people ever...polish family with their daughter (she was 11 u perverts) (Jan. Karoline, and Elsa)...just imagine 2 hours of laughing coz we spoke eng-cro-polish about everything...i took a pic of them on ma mobile...and gave them gideon croatia postcard which are excellent as a gift to people that helped me like they helped me...was a little bit sad when i saw i had to get out in Kielce...but every good thing has stop

Mariusz was waiting me at the station and in a sec i was sitting in the best car in Poland (pegla rofl) they call it "malu"...left the things in student dorm where i m for now alone in the room...and after small refreshment went to aiesec kielce conference for newies in a near by place with lake next to it smokin it was brilliant place i must say so...and what were they doing when i came? making a barbicue njami i immidiately start saying hi to everybody (ćeść in polish) there...and got very funny replies...there were lots of aiesec alumnies sitting around a table and drinking and i said...why the hell not wave

i m getting tired of typing now so if u ll excuse me, my friends...going to grab smth to eat in ma company njami

i ll continue next time...

p.s. thanks for all ur mails of support about my blog...hope to hear more from u also...u can leave comments on the blog now (which i would prefer kiss )without having ur username

biljeyim se sa stovanjem, srdacno vas

- 11:51 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

05.05.2006., petak

been to London!

Hello all! Finnally I m catching some time to write smth more about what was happening to me the last few crayz days :) First i would like to thanks Wright brothers (iliti braći Wright) who invented plane travelling coz i get to bloody london faster then took a bus from Split to Zagreb without mentioning how long does it took from Split to istanbul by train :))) Flight was really amazing coz we flew over the kornati islands, which are ridiculosly fantastic...most of the the passengers ran from one side of the plane to other to see surrounding beuty (a stvarno je prekrasno vidit Goli otok, na kojem nema nicega:))) anyway...I manage to get to london without any big mistakes and met Ben who helped me around...and i must say very much thank u to Ben who really helped me around and gave me a place to crash :P

there is so much to say what was going on around those 2 days but giving u all would be verz boring for u i belive so i ll try just to point out best things...met ojdana on wednesday and go around the famous London eye thing..was really smth to see somebody from croatia and to speak when nobody could understand u but the person next to you (mos jebat mater svakome sa smjeskom na licu i proc ces liso)....from london eye u can see really big part of london including, big ben, buckingham palace, big part of Themes with bridges...amazing bloody picture...

btw. these polish keyboards has switched y and damn z so u ll see in ma writtings a lot of mistakes which i reallz don't do on purpose.... headbang

visited national gallery in which u can see great work of artists from all time (L. de Vinci, Michelangelo...) however from De Vinci there was onlz :( 2 pics and 2 half finished from Michelangelo)...but lots of other great painters (not that i know shit about values of those paintings) but whatever...
trafalgar square was huge and great thing too see, but not far from that was green parts of london (soho, st. james park...) in which u can see so many people that there's barely a square meter to see free (nakrcani su ka srdele na rostilju. svi se izvale i zderu sendvice..a kad si u londonu ponasaj se ka oni) :)))))))) partynjami

everything is very expensive but if u manage to get a london student card like me and ben did :))) don't ask can be reallz cheap party :P w e were going from bar to bar...fucking excellent if u ask me and finally finished in australian bar (where else smijeh) where next thing we saw on the screen on the big tv was comercial for croatia cost and visit croatia :))) yep! i felt proud :) mah

this post itself get real big so before u start to call me Mario Malcak (no hard feelings smokin) i m getting away....stay tuned for more...

urs truly thumbup

- 16:56 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

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O čemenzi je ovaj de tu blog...
sta mi se zbiva i pricinja :) sta radin i kako se salim...s kim se salim i kako to...eto sto!
izjave za pamćenje
"Ne brinite o mogućem smaku svijeta danas. U Australiji je već ionako sutra!" (Charles Schultz)

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars." (Les Brown)

"Samo glupi i mrtvi nikad ne mijenjaju svoje mišljenje." (tko li je?)

"Today (2.5. 2006.) is really the first day of the rest of ma life" (ja)

"Jeben ti mater" (slucajni prolaznik)